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Not sure about the 'attempted assassination'. How do you suggest it was faked? For an attempted assassination the MSM sure did a wonderful job of memory holing it, or was that the real play, the 3D chess play, ignore it to really fire up the followers... A heads we win, tails they lose play. Trump may very well be a Trojan horse, or he's a pragmatist that's attempting to appease the most people, the jury is still out. Even if there really is a uni-party, one side seems to move at a slower rate of destruction then the other, and I shudder to think of what the next 4 years would be like with Incompetent Kamala at the helm .......

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"How do you suggest it was faked?"

Do you ever watch movies? Do you think the actors are really shot? Movie directors have been using fake blood for many decades. When Trump fell behind the podium, it would be no problem for one of the many men who fell on him to apply fake blood. Show me the proof his ear was nicked. Have you seen a close-up of Trump's ear showing a nick?

"For an attempted assassination the MSM sure did a wonderful job of memory holing it, or was that the real play, the 3D chess play, ignore it to really fire up the followers..."

The MSM was just staying in character.

"Trump may very well be a Trojan horse, or he's a pragmatist that's attempting to appease the most people, the jury is still out."

The jury is not out for those of rationality and logic.

"Even if there really is a uni-party, one side seems to move at a slower rate of destruction then the other, and I shudder to think of what the next 4 years would be like with Incompetent Kamala at the helm ......."

There was never a chance that Harris would win...that was the point.

I admit that sometimes, being rational does not paint the picture we want.

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Nailed it! There was NEVER a chance that Harris (or Biden) was going to win this election. Trump was the designated winner for this election since even before the 2020 election, and probably since even before the 2016 election.

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And where were the Soros funded BLM and Antifa riots and fires in the streets after the Trump win? Its all Kabuki theater designed to disarm and neutralize We The People while the gangsters and thieves who now own America continue to plunder what is left while enslaving all humanity. We are in an existential war for our survival as a free people and Trump is clearly on the other side.

“Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” — Matthew 7:15

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Good question. And I have the answer to that question, but it is too lengthy and nuanced to go into here. Read my 3-part series at TheBurningPlatform. The first two parts are linked to at the beginning of Part 3 linked to below. (I am ‘piearesquared’ at TheBurningPlatform.) After you read that you will either understand how this stuff works, or you will never understand it. I am sorry if that sounds arrogant, but I don’t know any other way to say it.


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I read your posts when they went up... interesting that you were the author. One question: Did Burning Platform contact you before they posted your content? My criticism of Burning Platform is that it seems to be a grifting site, using other folks work, just to get views and ad revenue. I think I've only seen original content once or twice.

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I contacted the Admin at TBP (Jim Quinn) and asked him to post those three articles. Originally, I only intended to write the first two parts, which were posted a few days apart in May of this year. But after the election I decided to write the third part. I will probably have at least a few future installments as the saga of Trump’s next term unfolds.

As far as others who post at TBP, I don’t know for sure how that operates, but I think there are at least a few who write specifically for TBP, and only post at TBP. There are also a few others who post at their own sites, and are also regularly featured at TBP, such as ICE-9 and GrungeVet. These people have their own posting privileges at TBP, as differentiated from the writers like Paul Craig Roberts, Jim Kunstler, etc., who “guest post” at TBP but don’t have any affiliation with TBP.

I’m not sure if that answers your question, but I wouldn’t consider TBP to be a grifting site. Jim Quinn genuinely wants to help solve problems, and I am grateful to him for posting my articles. But I have a question for you. Just out of curiosity, do you ever comment at TBP, and if so, what name do you use? If you prefer to remain anonymous I understand, but you are one of the better commenters here, so it would be interesting to know what name you use at TBP.

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Trump did a good job manipulating the conservatives into taking the death shots first time around. Now as more of the base have been questioning "the $cience", no better guy to rerun the scam.

He signed the PREP Act I believe, so there is no accountability for the pharma pigs. This time he doesn't have to pretend to be a conservative, valuing our freedom and bill of rights. He can just be a good old globalist defending the military medical complex in their world war on nature. He'll probably come out as a true believer in global warming too, since that 'green' scam is also a world war on nature (CO2) and dovetails with the war on microbes. All of it requires world governance, digital ID, vax passes, and social credit scores.

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The only benefit to pretending to be a conservative nationalist is to pacify those who might otherwise resist. By resist I am referring to building our own infrastructures and systems instead of waiting on our imploding and destructive remains of a government. Trump will still play the good guy while Musk can be blamed by MAGA. "Poor Trump. Doesn't he realize that Musk and Vivek are giving him bum advice? He needs to fire them and get better advisers. Why does he keep picking bad advisers. He's such a swell guy who wants to save America. he obviously loves this country but keeps getting taken advantage of by baddies. When he's not beating them at 4D chess. Don't worry though. Keep trusting the Plan."

Kind of a replay of the Trump and Fauci Show from 2020.

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