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And what price is that health? The abolition of medicare would not abolish doctors, nor the procedures that helped you. In the end, the abolition of medicare would actually improve medicine, by eliminating doctors who just milking the system, and not genuinely helping people.

In the old days hospitals were financed by benefactors who looked ahead to when they or their loved ones would need care, and routinely staffed by nurses and other professionals who were not in it for the money, but actually cared about people.

Medicare has ruined health care, because there are no longer any consequences for a lack of integrity and bad management. What happens is that those with virtue and integrity get disgusted and quit, leaving only the incompetents and the maladjusted.

This has not only happened in health care, but law enforcement, the military, and even fire departments.

In the final analysis, only Christian Charity is going to restore any semblance of civilization, and I see very little prospect for that happening anytime soon. God Help America.

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As our knowledge has increased medicine has become much more technical. To reach a diagnosis doctors will utilize blood tests, x-rays, MRIs, Cat Scans, endoscopies, colonoscopies, ultrasounds, and so on. The medical system can provide far better treatment today than it could 50 years ago. While some diagnosis don't require these tests (shingles for example) generally these tests are considered part of the standard of care. This level of care requires a significant infrastructure. Unfortunately, as you have noted, there are entities that attempt to exploit the system. Some of these entities are the insurance companies approving or disapproving tests and procedures. The nice thing about Medicare is that these entities are not involved in the approval process. If a doctor orders an MRI there is no company denying the test. Now if you sign up for a Medicare Advantage programs these companies make their money by denying these tests. Finally, I agree the best way to ensure your health is by exercise and a good diet. All the best.

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All the best to Ye too.

In the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

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