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Our Lady of Fatima is "our only hope"?!

I thought there was a powerful Son-of-God named Jesus Christ (or, Christ Yeshua) Who promised to return and separate the goats from His sheep and save the world. [Matthew 25:32 & 33] Are you telling me now that my Holy Bibles (I have multiple translations) are wrong and that it's really Our Lady of Fatima whom I should be praying to and looking forward to saving mankind?!

~ D-FensDogG

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Mother Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ. Mother Mary appeared in Fatima Portugal and God showed the miracle of the sun to tens of thousands there in Anno Domini 1917. Jesus is the truth, the life, and the way. Amen.

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Don't believe anything written in this Hebrew book. It is the grand deception.

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NOPE! To begin with, you are addressing a person with many first-hand experiences. Your words can have no effect against real life Spiritual experiences with God & Christ Yeshua. Secondly, there is just too much authentic research that cannot be overcome by this person's or that person's *opinion*. A person in possession of genuine intellectual honesty could begin with publications like 'Ancient Prophecies Revealed: 500 Prophecies Listed In Order Of When They Were Fulfilled' (Ken Johnson) and 'Divine Contact - Discovery Of The Original New Testament' (David Bauscher), to name just two.

Best Wishes Always,

~ D-FensDogG

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Our Lady of Fatima is the herald of the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Morning Star that precedes the rising of the Sun of Justice.

No, nothing wrong with your Bible.

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Why would any sane person believe anything written in a Hebrew book?

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The Hebrews, like everybody else, had their truthers and their shills. The acid test, so to speak, is conformity with empirical reality. The Old Testament is the work of God and men, specifically, the Holy Ghost and the scribes. Yes, the scribes had their politics, and that comes into play. But beyond the politics is the mystery of God.

The New Testament transcends politics in the sense Our Lord Jesus Christ preached a Kingdom not Of this world, and disinterested in any material gain whatsoever.

The Establishment has yet to successfully spin Our Lord Jesus Christ as anybody else than the Lover of Men, the Father of Charity, and the Philosopher of the Transcendent. Yes, they can distort the message, but they cannot fundamentally negate it.

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Lol. The Tribe certainly has you and the evangelicals conned. The Creator has nothing to do with the bible. The god of the bible is a blood thirsty lunatic who tells Hebrews to steal land, and kill men, women, children, babies, and live stock. Christianity is a bad joke. First the Hebrews forced the Romans to kill Jesus. Then the Romans killed the followers, Then the Romans created a state religion called "Christianity." It is all one big con. The Tribe has convinced evangelicals that their book is the work of the Creator, and they are the Choseites. Jews have been thrown out of so many countries that one loses count. They invented Marxism which is sweeping the West and helping to bring about Klaus Schwab's great reset.

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I know the Roman Catholic Church is One Big Con. We have the Shroud of Turin, which they say is a forgery but cannot be reproduced by any artistic or engineering method. Also the Tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe made of fabric which should have disintegrated long before the year 1600 but is still going strong in 2023. Then there was the Miracle of Fatima, where the Sun danced for 70,000 people. And all those dang miracles at Lourdes- truly fake and ghey. There is the Miracle of Luciano, the Blood of Januarius... I could go on, but I don't want to bore you.

And the fact that thousands of people would face the lions of the colosseum and sacrifice all their worldly goods when all they had to do was offer a pinch of incense to Caesar... Yep, nothing to see here... move along.

Now, yes, we do have our peccadillos and foibles, and our demented aunts in the attic. But do you really propose tossing the proverbial baby out with the bathwater?

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I said Christianity is one big con, and that includes Catholicism. I am willing to exclude the Orthodox faith in Russia. Probably the only remaining vestige of what was once Christianity. Here in the US, Christianity is zionist, and worships the Tribe, the very group that leads the great replacement of whites. Yes, whites are really that stupid.

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I agree with you the "Evangelical Christians" have completely lost the plot. For years, they have been useful idiots of the Zionists, and cheer for the recreation of Israel, thinking it will usher in the Second Coming for the benefit of the jews. They are going to get way more than what they ever bargained for.

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Excellent! We agree.

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Amen and amen!

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