Disney stock peaked at around 200 in the spring of 2021. Disney stock is now 93.

I've known several white women who were raped. They were all raped by Black men.

I've competed against Black men in sports. They always won (except once). I was a good athlete.

I was an aircraft mechanic for 25 years. ALL the mechanics I knew and worked with were White. So were the pilots. Physics and chemistry (and especially gravity) don't listen to Woke bullshit.

As for the destruction of the nuclear family, I blame that mostly on economics. On August 15th, 1971 President Nixon took the dollar off of the gold standard. The Vietnam War and LBJ's social programs were breaking the budget.

On August 21st, 1971 was the Military Draft Lottery for us boys born in 1952.

That week in August of 1971 doomed my generation. I've hated Nixon, Kissinger, LBJ, etc. ever since.

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There are plenty of great Black athletes, Timmy. Disproportionately so. But they are not held to the same standards as their White competitors. They are given every advantage, just like in every other aspect of life. Well, except for being hired to run television networks and movie studios. Things like that. I saw this favoritism even at the very young youth sports level. I mean, even in the 8 year old girls' basketball league. Thanks.

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DJ: I never played organized sports. I'm not a team player. I'd meet black players at the tennis and basketball courts in pickup games.

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It's racist woke to acknowledge Blacks might have an advantage in sports.

It's crazy, but woke says it's racist to notice.

But the thing is,beyond being catered to, statistically, Blacks have significantly longer limbs and larger lungs, both with strong influence on athletic prowess.

It just shows the absurdity of the whole woke racism shtick.

Why anyone should be surprised that after thousands of years of cerebral pursuits, white people gained relevant attributes and after thousands of years of physical pursuits, black people gained relevant attributes?

And before anyone counters with Black Scientists it is important to note that fully 30 percent of American Blacks carry white Y DNA, and I am citing statistical averages, not claiming it is impossible for a black to be intelligent.

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Timmy Taes your generation was doomed by WW2. After the "Peace" was signed the whole world paid tribute to the USA for the privilege of using the Global Reserve Currency. Suburbia was the result.

Nixon was only responding to the fact that millions around the world were awakening to the scam. So Nixon took us off a gold standard and introduced the petrodollar. That staved off the inevitable for about a decade. Then came the inflation of the late '70's and the Volker solution. That lasted another decade. Then came the internet boom of the '90's. That gave us another decade. Then came the housing bubble of the '00's. That gave us another decade. Then came the "bailouts". That gave us another decade. And now, they are out of options.

Time to pull the plug.

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Nixon epitomized the emerging White male cuck figure. He obviously held "racist" views behind the scenes, as his private tapes showed. And yet he governed in the opposite manner, like today's RINOs. He capped off his disgraceful career by turning his back on Pat Buchanan, who got his start as his young speechwriter and was still inexplicably loyal to him, and declared that Jesse Jackson was the best of the Democratic presidential candidates. Thanks, WW.

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Quite frankly I think Nixon was a complete act. Like Hillary Clinton in our time, he took advantage of the vacuum created by the JFK assassination. I think Watergate was theatre. The perfect distraction while Nixon presided over the creation of a Fiat Dollar and the Petrodollar hegemony.

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Yeah he mentioned the jews jeffries.

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White Wolf: I suppose the beginning of the end of my generation was Abraham's War on the Southern States. The Republic was dead after that.

You are right about all the bandaids used by the State to keep the scam/Ponzi Scheme going so long.

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The Declaration of Independence refers to God four times. The articles of confederation did too. The constitution doesn't. Not once. "The constitution is casket in which they buried the declaration." ~Bill Buppert

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I’m one of the boys born in 1952. My lottery number was 361 (12-26-1952). I’m White, an only son, and enlisted in the Army. I saw action (First Cavalry Division) in Vietnam. I would’ve died for our country. That country no longer exists.

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"I would’ve died for our country."

The Vietnam War was not to save our country; it was to make the rich and powerful more so, just like now.

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Yes, that’s true. But in the eyes of this then eighteen year old idealist, that was not the case.

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I understand.

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PS: Almost happy birthday to you!

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Bookoodinkydow: How did you come up with that moniker? That's a good one. My lottery number was 279 or 297, one or the other. All I cared about was that it was over 100.

Why did you enlist in the Army? When I was a teenager I read James Jones' trilogy about WWII (From Here to Eternity, The Thin Red Line, and Some Can Whistle). They convinced me never to join the military. I don't like people telling me what to do or running my life. Fighting and or dying for country had nothing to do with my attitude. I just don't like being ordered around. I'm not a team player. LOL.

I'm glad you survived the war. Did you fly in the Hueys? I've always loved those choppers. My boss in Brazil, the stunt pilot David Jones, was the pilot and aerial coordinator for the helicopter scenes in "Apocalypse Now". That was supposedly about your outfit.

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While the spelling is incorrect, “Bookoodinkydow” in Vietnamese, roughly means “very crazy”. I enlisted in the Army for several reasons; My father (an Irish immigrant) was in the American army during WWII. He was very patriotic. He was an American and never an Irish-American. He inspired me to serve. Going against-the-grain has been a lifelong trait and joining the military during an unpopular war is just one example. I suffered from too much testosterone and needed the extreme adventure that the Army provided (this is no longer a problem). My family had no money for college.

I spent a lot of quality time with my brothers traveling in a Huey. My time in Vietnam was the scariest and yet the most memorable part in my life. What I did was strictly out of service to our country. I’m sad that that country no longer exists. What a waste. Merry Christmas!

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Bookoodinkydow: Thanks for the explanations. The Vietnamese "very crazy" is hilarious. My Dad's two younger brothers joined the US Navy. One served on the carrier USS Constellation (an unlucky ship) and the other on a small destroyer escort. Neither saw war. They were in the the Navy during the lull between Korea and Vietnam.

My Dad's friends were drafted and went to Korea. Some didn't come back. Dad was given a deferment because Mom was pregnant with me.

Dad had two friends in high school. These two friends joined the military reserves so that they could drink cheap beer at Ft. Snelling in Minneapolis even though they were underage.

The Korean War started and the two youngsters were called up and sent into the war. One was killed and the other had his leg blown off.

"A high price to pay for cheap beer." My Dad said.

Testosterone is strong. We've both had our adventures and thrills. Mine was in the Amazon working for six months on a movie as the aircraft mechanic. The dirt runway built by the movie company was a joke. It was a real sphincter tightener. Two planes crashed but not on the airstrip. Thrills of aviation like yours in the Hueys.

It does all seem like a waste. The country we knew is gone.

Merry Christmas!

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Fighting and dying for country is not a noble thing. It's really dumb! The government has no right to ask that of anyone, either. Wars are never about anything but money and power and no one should sacrifice his life for that.

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Frans Duncan: I would have been willing to fight with the militias or Continental Army in the Revolutionary War. I also would have fought for the Confederacy when Lincoln's armies invaded the South.

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Wasn't it Patton that said that no one ever won a war by dying for their country?

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Hey Booky, We have the same birthday. True story (I know, I'm kind of a weirdo): I was very concerned about the Lottery in August 1971. Being of a very slight build and not physically adept or athletic I didn't think I'd do well in the military in Vietnam. But I didn't want to shirk my duty. So I made it a serious matter of prayer. In fact, I fasted completely for 24 hours before the lottery drawing. I told the Lord that though I didn't think of myself as "military material" that I just wanted his will to occur and I knew if I was doing his will I'd be ok. It was probably the only time I tried to "make a deal" with God. I prayed that if it was his will that I go into the military that my lottery number would be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. But that if he agreed with me that I shouldn't go into the military that my number would be 361 or higher. Side note: I prayed in faith. I told the Lord that I was certain I'd be the only weirdo prayer such a highly specific prayer and so the chance of my prayer conflicting with other young men born in 1952 was essentially zero...and that I therefore fully expected my number to be less than 6 or higher than 360.

On the day of the drawing (you say it was August 21 so I'll take your word for it) I went, still fasting, to the one place on my college campus where the announcement would be made: the radio office of KBYU. There were a few other young men there as well as we waited for the announcement. I once wrote up this true account for posterity's sake. I titled it, "Why I didn't die in Vietnam". Since we share a birthday, December 26, 1952, you know that my number was 361.

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Only a fool would bet against the power of prayer.

After completing Basic Training I went to A.I.T. (Advanced Individual Training) where every soldier learns their particular job or M.O.S. (Military Occupational Specialty). Mine was radio operator. Upon completion of that training, my entire class was scheduled for Vietnam. Besides having a lottery number that most young men would’ve killed for (poor phrasing), I was/am an only son. Once again, I didn’t have to go. I signed the requisite paperwork and off I went with my class. Ignorance is bliss. At first I thought that I was somehow special and wouldn’t die. That thought left during the first week. God had other plans for me and he no doubt acquiesced to my mother’s prayers. I’m glad that we’ve both made it this far. I hope you have a happy birthday and hopefully your gifts aren’t wrapped in Christmas paper.

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Same to you. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. And somewhere in the midst of all that Happy Birthday, too.

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Then you are no longer under any obligation to die for it.

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It used to be the traditional family, now I hear the bemoaning of the nuclear family, what's after that the abyss?

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Sunny: AI robots and test tube DNA manipulated infants raised by the State come next. Check out the Kurt Russell movie "Soldier".

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you got it.

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As a boy growing up in the 60s in the NW, fatalism was everywhere with growing anticipation of your turn to be drafted to fight. They took up to #120 in the last draft in 72…my number was 125. Lost, broke, and white I worked my ass off and survived.

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George Solverson: (Now that is a NW name for sure.) My draft year was '71 back in Nebraska. My number was around 280. My best friend had a very low number and went on the lam.

I spent 1975-2000 on Puget Sound. The changes that Seattle went through in those 25 years were staggering. I can't imagine living there now.

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America didn't have a gold standard after 1913. Nixon stopped selling America's gold, "closing the gold window."

Modern blacks are descendant from those who never had ponies to carry their messages long distances that they carried themselves.

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Vonu: FDR took away the gold in 1933 and made it illegal for Americans to own gold. But inflation didn't take off until Nixon closed the gold window. LBJ ended the silver in coins in the sixties. All of this is Unconstitutional. The Constitution says that only gold and silver can be used as money.

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Inflation is a necessarily intrinsic part of the Federal Reserve Board's system.

Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution makes it clear that "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title ..."

Currency is not money.

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Vonu: The three branches of government no longer follow the Constitution.

Of course, currency isn't money unless it is backed up by something of value.

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Money is what backs up currency and the Federal Reserve Note is backed by debt, not money, since 1913. Gold and silver are the only things considered to be money by any serious consideration. Look them up in the bible.

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Vonu; Until August of 1971, foreigners could exchange their dollars for gold. DeGaulle sent over a French cruiser to New York City to pick up France's gold. That's one of the reasons Nixon closed the gold window.

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It's an important discussion. The entire objective is to destroy America. The purpose of diversity hires is not to bring in talented people who have swarthy complexions, its purpose is to force the acceptance of extremely mediocre people who are incompetent and incapable. The purpose is to replace competence and merit with stupidity and indolence.

I believe that good, capable, decent, hard working Americans of various shades and ethnicities are being sidelined by the slavery preferring "human resources" departments because they are all Marxists who hate humanity and want to enslave mankind. Of course on average the idiot diversity token is more likely to replace a competent white person, but look closely and you'll see lots of competent non-whites also passed over. Look at the woman who had her research work stolen by the crazy Jew hating president of Harvard. Harvard's president is notable for feeble mindedness and bigotry, and she would be appalling no matter her gender or complexion.

There was a large and growing population in New York City of persons from Puerto Rico in the 1960s. It's certainly a more widespread phenomenon today. These are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Yes, Google is evil. Larry Page and Eric Schmidt are demon worshippers. They promote what used to be called miscegenation. They want to destroy America because Americans are for individual liberty and advancement by merit. And that's what really matters in this mess.

It's why people are leaving the coastal cities where Marxism, freemasonry, and demon worship are epidemic. It's why we should form local mutual defence teams. Winter is coming.

Eternal Father please help us free the slaves, stop the wars, and end tyranny. Please help with guidance, resources, ingenuity, endurance, fortitude, and patience. Please show us the little fires so we may pass by them. Please bring love into our lives so we remember what we have to live for. Amen.

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Well put, Jim. Thanks!

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Harvard's President is "Jew Hating"? That is certainly news to me. I think you have been blindsided by one of countless dog-and-pony shows.

The berating for allowing "Pro-Hamas Demonstrations" was laughable. This is the whole paradigm finally self destructing.

The liberals never were about freedom of choice, any more than the liberal Catholics were about freedom of Worship. They always were Communists doing the long march through the institutions so they might introduce tyranny.

Mission accomplished.

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Are you sure? I was assured the president of Harvard is Gay and wants to exterminate the Jewish students of Harvard. Are you saying there are news sources on the interwebz of doubtful veracity?! I am shocked. lmao

It's all very simple, friend. "Commie is as commie does, Lt Dan." Even Forrest Gump could tell.

Ceterum censeo daemones cultores delenda est.

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Just about everything in the media is Fake and Ghey these days. A comedy of Dog-And-Pony Shows.

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That's very disappointing. Walter Cronkite, in between visits to the Bohemian Grove to be the voice of Molech, was the most trusted news anchor on television. Really, if you can't trust baby murdering child raping demon worshippers in the hoax stream media, who can you trust?!

The question answers itself. I put my faith in God. God provides. Praise God. Amen.

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Cronkike? I am at the stage of not being too polite with my labels these days (perhaps that is part of the plan too) .

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Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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Our Lady of Fatima is "our only hope"?!

I thought there was a powerful Son-of-God named Jesus Christ (or, Christ Yeshua) Who promised to return and separate the goats from His sheep and save the world. [Matthew 25:32 & 33] Are you telling me now that my Holy Bibles (I have multiple translations) are wrong and that it's really Our Lady of Fatima whom I should be praying to and looking forward to saving mankind?!

~ D-FensDogG

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In who else could you have been assumed to have placed your faith?

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Harvard's President's mouth on video convinced me.

I guess it could be AI, but I doubt it.

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I'd be careful grouping entire nationalities or races into the "brothers and sisters in Christ" category. I'm a disabled veteran and was sent to a VA-funded homeless shelter. I was working full-time. I couldn't get a night of sleep or shower without Puerto Ricans smoking meth and looking at me like they wanted to harm me when I was just trying to clean up so I could go to work the next day. The other Puerto Ricans hated white people and America and would wake me up on purpose every time they walked by my rack. The VA is run by foreigners now who don't care either. They kicked ME out of the shelter at midnight on a work night without ever helping me get a more permanent housing situation, and I immediately lost my job and became homeless again.

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I'm so sorry to hear that, TG. But it's unfortunately par for the course in this collapsing country. Thanks.

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Jim, you've bought in to the phony news media lie about the "jew hating" president of Harvard. She's obviously bigoted toward white people, but she made the mistake of criticizing (or maybe just allowing the criticism of) the zionist apartheid state of Israel. "Woke" culture demands the hating of white people while ignoring the obvious fact that nearly all jews are white.

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jewish exceptionalism, white jews are not white.

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Jews are most definitely not white.

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I was being facetious forgot to put my / sarcasm tag in.

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Sarcasm is for the weak of spirit.

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some people have no sense of humor or can read in context or between the lines. not that I want to start up the crap I have seen on bitchute commentland.

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Jim, you could have avoided misunderstanding by placing "crazy Jew hating" in quotes. To you the sarcasm may have seemed self evident. But others like me missed it and took reflexive umbrage.

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The government during census classifies many of mixed race as white. Therefore their stats are meaningless. I think the actual white population in the U.S. is well under the alleged 57%. In any large eastern U.S. city, there are far more non-white youths than the total number of whites in western states like Wyoming or Montana. The great 20th century philosopher, Julius Evola, said that one is a man or a woman in spirit before they become that gender in the flesh. Ergo it stands to reason that one's race is also established in the realm of spirit prior to descent into the realm of base matter. That alone is more than sufficient for pride in one's race and the culture it spawns. Blacks whining about slavery is a joke. Tens of thousands of impoverished whites were brought to the New World as slaves to toil and die in the sugar cane plantations of Barbados and the tobacco farms of the deep south. Most of them preceded the arrival of black slaves in North America, who were initially enslaved by other blacks in Africa then sold to Jews who financed their transport to America and made a fortune selling them there. The whites were euphemistically called "Indentured Servants" and treated much more harshly than their black counterparts. The whites came here in lieu of being hung for stealing to keep their families from starving so they did not cost good gold and silver coin, that was used to pay for the blacks. What do you value more? That which you pay for or what you get for free? The black slaves would sing songs about those few times they were worked especially hard, with lines like: "Massa, he be workin' us like the Irish now!" Years ago two white liberals researched and wrote a book for their doctorate degrees titled, "Time on the Cross ... " It compared the working, living, and health conditions of black slaves in the South vs. white industrial workers in the North during that era. The blacks had it better hands down. Better living quarters, better food, easier, safer work, better medical care (for the whites this was non existent), much better everything. The word slave itself is etymologically derived from Slav, the peoples of eastern Europe enslaved by the Mongol hordes from the steppes of Asia centuries ago. Finally, slavery is still rampant all over the earth. Somewhere in my archives is a thin book I purchased from a small, independent publisher many years ago. It is titled, "Great Achievements of the Negro Race." On the cover is a comical image of an black men dressed in the garb of a Centurion of ancient Roman. Inside the book, all of the pages are blank. This is a powerhouse, Don, thank you.

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Astute as always, Hereticdrummer. As you know, they also classify Hispanics as "White" when compiling crime statistics. It's easy to figure out why. Thanks!

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Thank you, Don. Sorry about the typo in my initial commentary. It should have been singular, " ... a black man." Morons bray like jackasses in a pepper patch, " ... but we are a nation of immigrants", overlooking the salient fact that formerly immigrants were carefully vetted. They had to be disease free, pass an intelligence test, learn to speak English, pass a test on the U.S. Constitution, and most importantly, be of Caucasian ancestry from a European or white nation. What has been transpiring is a whole different matter. It is the consummation of the long planned racial destruction of the U.S. by the usual suspects, a true, "Camp of the Saints." Thanks again and be well. Happy Yule to you and yours.

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Same to you, my friend!

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"most importantly, be of Caucasian ancestry from a European or white nation. "

And that is part of the proof that most jews are white. That round of immigration flooded the cities, especially New York City, with jews.

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They're not white though many of them have copious amounts of white blood. Foolish and misguided people think that race is just a matter of skin color when pigmentation is the least important racial difference. That is why so many mistakenly believe Jews are of the White race.

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Statistics notwithstanding, what matters is that the white cultures were pulverized and sissified by both church and state starting especially after WW2. The first part of the process was the white suburbs where ethnicity was subsumed into the crass, materialism cultivated by Madison Avenue, so well epitomized in that Monkee's Song "Pleasant Valley Sunday".

The second part of the process was the reaction against this nihilism- the liberal hippie movement, an exact anagram to that in Germany in the 1920's during the Wiemar Republic.

The third part of the process was the flooding of the popular sports by Negroes, giving the Whites their Black demigods.

The fourth part of the process was the introduction of pornography. One thing I give the Nazis credit for- the realization that pornography contributes to the decay of civilization and thus totally banning it while promoting marital fidelity.

Finally, they introduced the normalization of sodomy. The rest is academic.

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Those were the books the National Socialists burnt for which they are so severely condemned by the chozen pipple and brain dead, asinine whites. Books showing fagots in every unnatural act imaginable, including bestiality. They should have burnt the authors and publishers of those disgusting books as well.

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And now we see "Woke" authoritarians bemoaning the banning of books, but only the ones that depict males having sex with underage boys and the like. They are the loudest cheerleaders for banning political and cultural books they don't like. Thanks!

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Yes, the Auto De Fe could use a comeback.

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and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonfire_of_the_Vanities 1498 . everything we thought we knew was wrong.

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The "Bonfire of the Vanities" was sort of a Puritanical comedy, and the fact that the perpetrator of this ritual was himself hanged by Pope Alexander is the height of irony.

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Why Jeremy Irons (hence the Irony?) played the Pope Alexander VI (filth netflix series , I boycott them now) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Borgias_(2011_TV_series)#References . I

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Again right on point

Interestingly I was listening to that Monkees song the other day and how it reflected the street I lived in back then

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I no longer listen to songs. But my head does, America Hollywood (1972?) for almost a week now. I can handle it. "Drinks are free on me. "

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That song absolutely nailed the nihilism of the Post WW2 generation in both America and England.

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good post

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Sorry to say it, but it's too late to change anything.

The country went off the rails over 50 years ago. The education system needed to focus on

job skills, home economics, reality-based history, and we needed to stick with the old savings and investment system over the ponzi schemes.

As far as I know there are next to zero black mechanics, black carpenters, or other tradesmen.

On the other hand my wife had to go for a background check with the FBI.

There was a young black man doing the interviews, and he actually told my wife, "you wouldn't believe how much they pay me." He was a kook, she said and never made any sense. Of course what sense is

there to doing background checks on nursing home workers? She has been there thirty fricken years.

But this is all planned out.

The great replacement is about creating violent social unrest.

You can't have a great migration into someone's country without creating hatred and complete mistrust. And this is a WIN WIN for the power elite; if any white starts to get violent, then the PTB

are ready to crack down on "white supremacists" big time, and if the whites continue to roll over, then

well that's just what the elites want. So, as far as I can tell it's already game over. Most people, and especially blacks, have no food stored, real survival skills, and are utterly dependent on the grocery stores, the power grid, their checks, and having gas for a car that runs. (parts can suddenly become

real scarce.)

It's already completely cooked; considering the injections and the lost health, vitality, and connections

to our past.

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Hard to argue with anything you said, Scott. Thanks!

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Absolutely brilliant piece of writing Don. As a straight white male I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you expressing these sentiments. The anti white messaging in the media is so blatant now it's disgusting. I point it out to whoever I can but no one's interested (or I get called racist). Well I guess i am a racist these days, in the sense that I'm not about to apologize for being white and don’t give a shit how that makes me look to boneheaded twats. I could rant about this shit all day honestly. Anyway, thanks again 👍

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I always appreciate your kind words, Smoke. Thanks!

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The blatant anti White male propaganda in our films and ads is what got me to finally acknowledge what is happening in this country, in all Western nations. Whites are being blamed, subjugated, and replaced. I will not tolerate this.

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No, me neither. I'll call this shit out wherever I can. They're counting on us all rolling over. We gotta do what we can. Can't believe Whites are falling for it all so badly. Keep fighting the good fight my friend 👍

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Oh what I have missed for not going to the Mall these last 30 years... At any rate, the "Woke Culture" has taken over everything in Milktoast America. I'm glad I headed to the hills to keep my sanity and perspective.

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The malls actually used to have some positive aspects, WW. Great for girl watching, before "fat acceptance" shattered that so convincingly. There was a convenience in having all those different stores gathered together in one place. You could get a lot of steps in walking. Women loved it. But that was in the waning days of America 1.0. The last few times I set foot in a mall I was shell shocked. Very few Whites. Even fewer females that would turn anyone's head. Thanks!

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I was recently in a premier mall (Lenox Square) in Atlanta and there were security guards with gun-sniffing dogs at strategic points.

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The malls were a real estate scam to suck prosperous business from the downtown into suburban hellholes where rents skyrocketed and taxes soared. The businesses struggled just to break even and the merchants took huge hits on the bottom line. But it was either follow the herd to the mall or go bankrupt in the desolate downtown. Some choice.

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Donald you’re such a race traitor sticking up for us crackers 😂😂. (I’m kidding)

But seriously thank you for speaking up. Really appreciate it.

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Thanks, Vulkan!

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Donald excels at shaking the rubble of America 2.0

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Thanks, WW!

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"We're in deep barney."


"Rubble. Trouble!"

~ Oceans Eleven or more

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A few thoughts on this very true writing.

The erasing of white history and whiteness in general is directly linear with the erasing of traditional American families and culture. Some blame the Jews (media), some blame obammy, and some blame the cult ie. NWO. As Donald states, the biggest culprit is white women in that they have allowed the other processes to not only be successful, but have enabled the hyper-drive we have seen since obammy.

What’s done is done, it cannot be erased or undone. The % of people who recognize this is pretty firm, it is time to get out of the places where this permeates so well, there are places to redraw the lines, the cockroaches have already begun to ruin those places as well, go find them and make a difference in these communities, the nation is doomed and the return to tribes is upon us.

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This really started with the Scalawags and Carpet Baggers following the War Between the States. Complete Black incompetents were put in charge of the south, and the revulsion resulted in the "Jim Crow Laws". Then the Moral Superior North was able to coin the phrase "white supremacist" which eventually merged with "Nazi" to form the modern bogeyman, who essentially did not exist, except where created by the intelligence agencies. But the sissified Whites went along with the whole program, and I cannot say don't deserve what they have coming. The chickens from half a century of "not rocking the boat" are coming home to roost.

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If you believe this to be true, the great compromise was most assuredly a Rockefeller deal, cementing another 70 years of splintered race relations that led to the new deal, which was a tremendous nail in coffin of our already lost culture… Sure, it all makes sense, thanks white wolf. Have a wonderful weekend!

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Oh, this crisis is much deeper than that. It predates Pius VI and the American Masonic Experiment. It predates the battle of Lepanto. It might even predate St Francis of Assisi.

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The Normans of 1066 did a lot of terrible things.

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Washington, Madison, and Hamilton wrote a constitution for a plantation. Lincoln put everyone on the plantation. Wilson sold us to the banks. FDR stole some of the gold (most Americans never turned in their gold). LBJ had the president murdered so he could make bank with his shares in Bell helicopter. Nixon broke the last link to gold. Everyone since FDR has been in bed with the military industrial financial pharmaceutical complex.

God has better plans for us. Praise God. Amen.

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You are almost there. I don't think LBJ really had anything to do with the JFK Assassination. That was the work of the very, very high ups. Had a lot of purposes, not the least of which was to get all us conspiracy nuts chasing our tails. You have to give these guys credit. They manufactured enough rabbit holes with the JFK assassination to keep a million PI's employed for the next 70 years.

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Obviously LBJ appointed the commission and put Allen Dulles in charge of the interface with cia. LBJ also ended the silver certificates and began removing silver from the coins. He was in on it. Also a vicious thug from his days in Houston procuring for the men in the Shamrock Hilton.

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I agree that LBJ was in on it in the sense he knew about the upcoming assassination- maybe not the exact date- and definitely was prepared to implement the anti-Kennedy program once the deed was done. I just don't believe he was one of the masterminds behind it.

The JFK assassination was the culmination of the JFK presidency, which had been planned in advance for years- starting with PT-109. The Conspirators were going to give the American Sheeple a hero, and then cut him down in a massive campaign of psychological shock and awe.

Mission accomplished.

To this day especially Conservative Catholics regard JFK as one of their boys, and the McCarthyites also see in him the potential Messiah of the American Dream, just like many Eastern Europeans still lionize Adolf Hitler as the one who could have saved them from the Bolsheviks. You have to admire how these guys can read the popular psyche and create heros.

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I remember reading that LBJ's mistress at the time was with him at a meeting he had with some very high ups in Dallas, and he came out of that meeting and told her, "Well, after tonight, you won't have to worry about the goddamned Kennedys anymore."

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You're talking about Madeleine Brown, Kathy. She claimed LBJ said that after the infamous party held at H.L. Hunt's mansion. Thanks.

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Actually LBJ never had to worry about the Kennedy's. They were always very clever controlled opposition. They have 99% of America fooled.

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Well said, Eveohtse. Thanks!

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Donald, a great write up indeed. i wont engage you but agree 100% with you. I cant speak anymore.

Im so tired and frustrated with the state of the planet. We whites, Yes Im using these call signs now. Boy oh boy, the woke demons would have a field day with that intro. Donald, do you have the charisma to organize The Survival Party? Were done, so done. Where are our angry, concerned fellow whites? We should be setting up camps in Wyoming or Alberta by now. What more will it take to forego our old lives and start a new nation of Euro Christian values. Not whites only, but those who just dont subscribe to the "witchcraft" thats destroying human kind. Only mad liars believe the fake African achievements BS. So somethings seriously wrong with the energy levels around us. We just cant take the next step. Why is it that every social media broadcaster just informs us? Not one of them calls for us to organize and pull together. The ignorance of minorities is frightening. How can they be so blind to the false praise being afforded them. The media and those who own the media are and should be looking over their shoulders. Yet they aren't. Because we are a pitiful shadow of the crusaders who stood for whats right at one time. I am a crusader as well Donald. Fighting my own demons it seems. Im being forced to start a channel and recruit an army. A community. Whether were right or not, this world needs a new direction for European descendents to follow. This new world the

evil industrialists and chosenites have in store should be rejected by all whites involved. Its their playbook, not ours thats full of designs that dont favor us. Im not playing by their rules anymore. But, I stand alone it seems. Every disgruntled European Christian just bitches and complains. They love trading new stories, but thats it. ..... This is why I try not to say too much anymore. Unless were going to organize and push for a homeland, then why bother. We are going to perish. In time were just going to blend away. God didnt allow didnt tribes to fluorish so that these psychos could engineer us out of existence. To fight for my heritage and ancestry should not be labelled a hate crime by any. We have an enemy who is committed to making our lives a living hell. Why arent they afraid to start their cars some ask. Thanks again Donald. That was a great read and I wish you all the best. Im definitely not defeated. Im the most committed to resisting these men who feel this is their planet now. I will die

but not as a lone wolf. We should all be reaching out to each other and achieving whats only right. Thats what great men do. Thats what Crusaders do. Its in all of us. We better find it fast because I hear them coming. Peace and Love to y'all . Merry Christmas

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I appreciate the kind words, PCB. It's for others to decide how much charisma I have. I don't participate in marches or demonstrations, because I know they will be sparsely attended. We wouldn't have George Soros or others funding us. This is a spiritual battle. Our only weapon is our huge advantage in numbers, but more than half of us have been indoctrinated to go against their own self-interests. We have to keep our faith. In the unlikely event of a mass awakening, I'll be right there, wherever they want me. Until then, I'm doing what I can here, in my books, and on my podcasts. Thanks!

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I have been preaching your sermon for 40 years. I expect to die a Lone Wolf under a Pine Tree. See you in eternity.

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Any kind of organized white activity would be immediately crushed. Look at what they did to the Branch Davidians. Does anyone think they would have done to them what they did had the Branch Davidians been black? White people aren't allowed to have their own anythings in the land of the free and home of the brave. It's racist to do so. Blacks, on the other hand, and indeed, any other people group in the country are allowed to have their own everythings.

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Given that, we must practice disorganized resistance.

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Your comment is exactly how I feel about this. I stopped using social media along time ago because I believe social media by design culls the people and is a control valve for any potential action that we can take. All I do now is read articles by great men like Jeffries and comment once in a blue moon. Nonetheless I try to take in as much reality as I can and reduce the time I spend in this digital prison.

But I feel the same way, unless something real happens which seems unlikely I do not waste my energy on stating the obvious or talking to stupid people that believe in the anti-white propaganda or whatever new propaganda pops out like a mole. I try my hardest to meet women for example, yet what Jeffries says is unfortunately true. Many of the white women prefer to be married to corporations or money and hate the very idea of having children. The Hispanics do not have this problem at all.

I hope one day the white cucks who have supported this evil die off and the people like us survive and rebuild to teach our children of the horrors of self-hatred that we have witnessed.

Anyway, maybe if things get real bad whites will try to make a homeland like you said. If so hope to see you there one day! Merry Christmas!

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I certainly feel for you, Gio. I'm fortunate to have been married to a wonderful woman for 38 years. It's bad enough facing this collapsing, tyrannical world when you have family around you. I can't imagine how bad it is without somebody next to you. I appreciate the kind words, and in spite of it all, I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

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One of your best, Thank you for writing about the "unspeakable". In 2009 I met a widower with an eight-year-old son. I instantly bonded with this child, who lost his mom at the age of four. He was a precociously intelligent and sensitive child, but he was very lonely. From 2009-2011, almost every Saturday I would make the 100 mile trek (round trip) for "pizza night". I would bring pre-1970 movies on dvd. I tried to be a force for good in this child's life. I arranged outings for holidays and summer fun. I gave him a hamster, that he wanted so badly. One day he surprised me by spouting off something about "terrible" White people (he is Hispanic). He uttered "White people" the way someone would say "plague rat". When I asked him where he had heard all this bad stuff about Whites, he answered that his teachers taught him this. However, all of the "conspiracy " info he was getting from me, had a stronger effect. Eventually, his dad was called into the school. The school wanted to know who this "Kris" person was, who was putting dangerous ideas in the child's head. Apparently he talked about me quite a bit at school. That child is now 23-years-old, and I'm happy to report that Kris won out over his teachers, in the end.

I don't watch tv. so the only place I see advertising is online or in stores. Every time I see a Black person in an ad that just looks ridiculous, because in real life one would not see this, I feel a surge of rage...realizing it is meant to be a signal to Whites, that we are being replaced. Then I must remind myself, that we Whites, and every other race but one, are being manipulated to hate each other. The Jews and the White race of Europe (in particular, CHRISTIAN Europe) are ancient enemies. Beaten down White Europe still maintains a soul memory of this, but most Americans are clueless...because they are ignorant of history and are victims of the Scofield Bible psy-op. It is because of Kabbalistic teachings, that they rub it in our faces, like they are doing now. According to the Kabbalah, they are off the hook for any karma caused by the evil they do, as long as the victim willingly agrees to the abuse (freewill, this is why the Jonestown jabs were pushed every which way, accept holding people down and forcing the needle in). The stories of ritual Christian child sacrifice by Jews on Passover go back centuries. There are not a few Christian child saints who were sacrificed in this manner. There was the Beilis Trial in Kiev in 1913. One researcher has written a book (Philip de Vier, Blood Rituals-2001) on all the cases he found in historic documents, and he believes some were real incidences of ritual sacrifice.

They say the more one learns about a culture, the more the prejudices fade away. When I will be traveling to a place with scorpions and poisonous snakes, I educate myself about them, for self preservation. This is why I have studied about Jews for decades. The more I learn, the more repulsed I am by their culture (sucking the blood off a baby's penis during a bris, etc). The world's reaction to the genocide in Gaza, is the story of the Golem of Prague, playing out in real life. There are videos online of rabbis openly preaching that White Europeans are "Amalek" and they are commanded to wipe Amalek off the face of the earth... and not just wipe out the people, but ERASE all memory that Amalek ever existed. This is why we are seeing the erasure of White European culture...my childhood favorite books that have vanished from the libraries...

the old Disney favorites that will NEVER be released from "the vault", no matter how much we beg. Everything from America 1.0 is going down the memory hole...because the memory of Amalek must be erased. I appreciate that Donald's Substack is one of the few places online we can point out these things, without fear of censorship. I will note that Donald's articles generate more comments than any other Substack I read. I believe that this is due to his commitment to free speach.

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I appreciate your kind words as always, Kris. I'm sorry you went through that experience with the child, but I suppose that's standard nowadays. They encourage parents to have their children mutilated in the name of Identity Politics, but you better not have the "wrong" political views. Thanks!

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Yes, it was a painful episode because the child's school appointed counselor recommended that he not have contact with me. I didn't see him for three years. This was ridiculous, because I was the only stable, loving female presence in A.'s life. However, the dad called me up three years later and apologized. I give big brownie points to people who admit they were wrong, and apologize. It shows humility (extremely rare these days) a willingness to learn, and healthy self-confidence. Of course, all the events that have transpired since 2011 have proved me right on just about everything.

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I just wanted to add another subject that A. would prattle on about...York, the slave of William Clark. I grew up near the site that would later be known as Lewis and Clark National Historic Park. It was a favorite picnic spot for my family. I lived pretty much on the L&C Trail (walking distance to the Columbia River on which they paddled by). My childhood was saturated with Lewis and Clark...and even before the woke era, Sacagawea was almost a secular saint in my area. However, I had never even heard of York, until I did more in-depth research because I entered a magazine contest to write an article about a historic site in my area. I was flabbergasted that A. had even heard the name York, let alone knew so many details of his life. I recently read an article that comes to mind now, the writer saying something about how schools will spend days teaching about some obscure cowboy's Black cook, but won't teach the names of the Founding Fathers. Was that your line, Donald? I seem to remember it was.

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I don't remember saying that, Kris, but it sounds like me. I wrote in detail about the mysterious death of Meriwether Lewis in "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963." I communicated with his great-great-great-great grand nephew while researching. Thanks!

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Congratulations on Rescuing at least one child from the Pit of Hell. At any rate- the target has been, and always will be- Our Lord Jesus Christ. They failed to get Him on the Cross. They are trying to get Him in His Church. If they have their way, they would silence Pentecost.

The Prophet Daniel said they would prevail against the Perpetual Sacrifice of the Most Holy Mass.

But they will not prevail against Our Lady of Fatima and the most Holy Rosary.

Interesting, is it not, how last year the Lamestream Media tried to equate saying the rosary with being a gun-toting anarchist?

Interesting how recently people were arrested in Spain for saying the rosary?

Interesting how a woman was arrested in Britain for praying silently?

They are starting to show their true colors, in spades.

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not only that (I am new here) the comments are all intelligent and non abusive. .... like Cher's Greatest Hits... so far. though the email notifications for every 'like' is not doing my dopamine addiction any good.

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I too, have noticed the lack of trolls and abusive comments, that are so common on other sites. I chalk it up to the overall high vibrational level of Donald's Substack. Also, I think people are calmer when they know they will be able to have their say, without fear of censorship.

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"But the problem is this decision didn’t happen naturally, at least in the vast majority of cases. They were brainwashed, propagandized, into thinking this way. It’s an unnatural way to think. And no other race thinks this way. Of course, because so many Whites accepted the programming, White birth rates began to plummet. Which was the foundation for the Great Replacement."

I was one of those women. Now I have no children and look into the 50+ world all alone. And, like you also said, black females get all the (well-paying) government jobs. One reason I have decided to never work a "real" job again. It's a great joke actually because they don't hire me anyway - I guess if I reject them first I feel better about myself.

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I'm sorry to hear that, Cindy. I'm sure you would have made a great mother. Unfortunately, there are so many White women from my generation who fall into this category. Most, but not all of them, seem to have eventually regretted it like you. God bless you.

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Thank you, Donald. :)

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That's true about the government jobs, and in Maryland, now, they no longer even have to have a degree to get them. "Life experience" counts, now. Oh, well.... But I have a friend who worked in Social Security, and most of her coworkers were black.

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The faster you "get off the grid" the better off you will be. And you might not have any friends here below, but you can make friends in Heaven, among the Communion of Saints.

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Thank you, White Wolf :)

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Ever think of getting a foster child? These kids really need someone stable to love them and look after them, and act as a good example. You would be doing everyone including yourself a great favor.

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I'm not sure how adoption works for white people, now.

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That is a wonderful idea, BerryFarmer. I will look into it. God bless.

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Thank you for this article, it is very important. There is so much to say about it, hard to decide where to start. But you covered almost all the incidents from way back.

I am white which never seemed to be an issue way back in Europe of course. Working in England in the Fifties there were already a number of Pakistani and Indians but everyone seemed to get along just fine.

Back there I used to be a feminist but that stopped once in America. Came here legally in 1962 as domestic first , changed jobs after one year and became a citizen after 5 years. Anyway a friend and I went to a feminist meeting in the Sixties where a "very important" feminist was speaking. I waited afterwards until everyone was gone and confronted her. I told her if the nonsense and hatred she was spewing against men then I will no longer be a feminist and that was that. Divisions into special tribes i believe started way back then and slowly gotten to an insane level.

In California where I live now after having lived in New York for 10 years, Colorado 14 years and in California since 1986 whites are now in the minority. yet almost all our leaders are white or Asian spewing nonsense against whites on a daily bases. Those idiots promised Blacks millions of dollars and free houses for reparations and then could not deliver, making blacks mad at every white person walking.

Once it never occurred to me to question the color of a doctor in a clinic or hospital, but I have recently. All of a sudden I automatically did not trust the black doctor assigned to me. How did he get his license? Did they just rush him through on a color quota? This idiocy hurts Blacks, Whites, Browns, Asians everyone.

Anyhow, good article, you covered most of it.

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I appreciate you sharing your perspective, Inge. Thanks!

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In the community I live in, which was built by Whites, it is now inhabited mostly by nonwhites and becoming decimated. Its become invested with crime and lack of care for their homes. They only have THEMSELVES to blame! Just look at Detroit. Sure, the jobs left, but that doesn't mean one needs to go on a crime spree. Or burning down homes and businesses. Why attack fellow residents? From what I've witnessed, most nonwhites do not care to pick themselves up and dust themselves off to keep trying. If they want to rid the planet of Whites, then who'll support them with with Welfare via their tax dollars? As far as South Africa is concerned, John B. Wells' wife is South African and has spoken about the murder of white farmers. She ought to know as having lived there. I used to work for a municipality and they were forced by the Federal Gov. to hire a certain amount of racial types of peoples even if they were not qualified to do the job. So how can one rightfully support their communities with the proper knowledgeable and experienced staff that can actually help people? Our government needs to go. Most are crooked and worship the Devil.

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Whoever is ultimately to blame, you are describing an undeniable reality, Fran, which has been the case in many areas of this country. I would blame primarily Black leadership, especially the "cool" athletes and entertainers, for not calling out this self-destructive behavior. Instead, they enable and glamorize it. Thanks!

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Couldn't agree more as they promote the thug attitude (and so do the ones in charge that push this, mainly white people on the top). I wish Black people could see how easily they are being manipulated, but their hatred for Whites exudes any common sense. I do not mind any one race of peoples as long as they do the right thing and contribute to society to make it better. Government is to blame for creating the monster, but its all been designed that way while they live in their gated communities with tax payed protection.

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Unfortunately, black communities or neighborhoods all end up looking the same, don't they? I mean, yeah, you're poor, but that doesn't mean you have to live like a pig. I guess that's being "black," though, in America 2.0. Living like a pig because you're poor. And it doesn't matter where they live. In every state it's the same.

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Yes, they certainly do. I have witnessed the decimation here in Milwaukee County, which by the way, was built all by White people. Blacks want, and "expect" to be treated equally, or nowadays, like they are special somehow. They move into these once decent neighborhoods and turn them into slums, then blame Whites. I don't care who calls me racist, I will Never tell myself that my eyes are lying to me. I didn't create this nightmare, the Black community did themselves and they refuse to look at their lifestyles and readjust it. They don't want to supposedly live as Whites because its demeaning to them for some ungodly reason.

My renter next door is Black and does not take care of the lawn, which is part of the lease agreement (I spoke to the landlord about it). He is lazy. I find garbage, from him, in my front yard all the time. So I am done with asking for things to be handled. I am going to contact the municipality within a week and file a complaint.

As I have stated, I do NOT care who moves into the 'hood. Just take care of your stuff. Thats all I expect. You don't buy a home, you buy a community. I spent thousands fixing up my home to increase the value of this area. All it takes is a couple of slobs to turn it all into a slum. I will not put up with it! So I am waiting for him to go ballistic and call me names. I can't wait to hear how this will go down because I will not stop my attack. It has nothing to do with color, its all about being a pig.

You want to be treated like a human, then act like one. Be respectful towards others. You want to live in the ghetto, then move there. You do not belong in decent neighborhoods.

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Gee, there are still communities built by Whites out there? You must live in Northern Montana.

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The biden administration is implementing obummer's "your neighborhood is too white" program by getting neighborhoods to rezone their formerly single-family housing zones to allow multiuse housing, to allow the construction of low-income housing. All those "reconnecting previously disrupted thriving communities" infrastructure projects the DOT is starting is part of this, marrying up relatively affluent white communities with low-income crime-ridden black ones, all in the name of equity. Don't need to tell you how that's going to turn out.

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I live in one of those neighborhoods, Kathy. I am so grateful for having such a quiet and peaceful community. But places like this are being targeted. The only ones they want to have peace and tranquility are those who can afford gated mansions. And that will only last until the common riff raff finally start storming those gates. Thanks!

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Time to move to Front Royal and become a Sunbird.

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All they need to do is ask some of the former mayors of Detroit, Kansas City, Chicago, and Houston. In all those cities, I saw what were once upscale shopping malls- which were big cash cows for tax revenue- become surrounded by decaying neighborhoods so that consequently all the vendors moved out and the place became a glorified flea market while sales plummeted. Subsequently, everything was funded by Federal Subsidies- even the Greyhound Bus Station and the Airport, while the downtown became a hellhole. Then the ghetto "culture" moves in- hookers on every corner, drug pushers in every alley, and everything a target for drive by gunners.

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I did say "was built by Whites". But most communities here in Wisconsin, if not all of them, were built by white immigrants.

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I am blessed I don't go to the Mall or Supermarket anymore. Nor do I watch television or go to the movies, nor do I watch sports. As for the NFL, it is 100% rigged. Back in the '80's I used to idolize Randall Cunningham, the Eagle's Quarterback. Now I can see that his "career" was a creation, not the result of athletic prowess. Look at the wide angles of his plays. Freeze frame them on YouTube, and you can see all the non-tackles, the non-blocks, and the non-interceptions. Oops.

I suppose I could do the same for any of the creations in the NFL- Black and White.

Of course, as Don suggests, if we want to look for somebody to blame for this Hot Steaming Mess, most of us would do well to just look in the mirror. Whether we were a cop or a journalist or a priest, most of us played the game of if-I just-keep-my-head-down-and-don't-point-out-the-obvious and just hold out long enough, somebody will be voted in to fix this mess. And all the while, of course, the politics was all rigged.

So were the opinion polls, for a long time. And it all worked spectacularly so long as the main source of information was gov't statistics and the "news" networks working in tandem. But then, during the golden age of YouTube, somebody would document their outrageous run in with their town's finest, and 50,000 uncensored comments would scream "You are not alone". Oops.

The problem is is that the meme change from "vote the bums out" to "like, share, and subscribe". But the White Sheeple adamantly refuse to organize- at any level.

And the ultimate reason is that this goes deeper than politics, much deeper.

In 1970 the Catholic Church introduced the childish, sissified "Novus Ordo" liturgy. Instantly, every Parish became polarized between the "conservatives" who wanted to keep the organ to the "liberals" who wanted to introduce guitars. And that was just one among a plethora of issues: Statues or Banners? Kneel or Stand for Communion? Pray the rosary or sing Kum-By-Ya? Our Lady of Fatima or Jane Fonda? The German and Irish cultures that largely built post-"Civl-War" America were fractured into a thousand smithereens.

Mission Accomplished.

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Great rant, WW. Thanks!

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another Mission Accomplished, though the outfall is yet to be completely determined and worth bearing in mind, if the stats are true, 6 billion fully jabbed with SOMETHING. why I am thinking Aliens. if only the jews would wake up to the conspiracy. (and of course ask 'us' to save their asses too, like in Gaza now). OR it is 'only' a jewish big grab for global agendas. and hope that like the , Neil Young song Why Do I Keep F*king Up . too soon to tell . maybe just Satan stirring up the melting pot, drumming up anti semitism (rightfully responded to as so often in history), and one hope God gives a shit, or his Son still has his ear on our behalf.

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The Jews, for the most part, are useful idiots, helping to tear down the church. They will see the folly of their ways when Antichrist comes to town.

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its about time white people like you brought this genocide of our race up. And you are correct. most white men are cowards and won't even say anything, no less do anything and white women are brainwashed and would rather be accused of murder than being accused of being a racist. The only thing you and most all people who bring this up won't ask or admit is who is responsible and organized all this because as you said it is not an accident. The fact is that international Jews who own and run all white countries are the people doing this. This is not hated or antisemitic this is a fact from their own mouths and websites. All you have to do is reserch.until white people wake up to this reality and take back their governments "AND IF VOTING REALLY WORKED, THEY WOULD MAKE IT ILEAGLE" and put white men in power who will put their race FIRST, NOT LAST like our Jewish owners do it will get much worse for our people.

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Mr. White, there are plenty of posters here who agree with you. Thanks.

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thank you for letting truth be known.i do not know if links are allowed on your site but i have a few to prove from the horses mouth on who and what our problem is.

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I have no problem with links. I think it would be up to Substack to object to a link. Thanks!

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Doesn't anyone find it odd that all of this "racism" is fostered and encouraged by a small group of people who ostensibly "own" (actually, they only own the paper) a majority of the world's assets? No one seems to understand that they are being led around by the nose by a group of people who have hijacked the the monetary system of almost every country on Earth? Surprise, surprise, they are a group that were so despised by their neighbors that they were given the ultimatum of choosing one of the major religions of the west in order to avoid total annihilation by their neighbors who had had quite enough of their murder, name stealing and Babylonian money magic. They were from the area of the Caucasus, so, by definition, they are white.

Most know them as the Kazarians, the cabal, Ashkenazi (sp?) Jews who aren't even Jews (whatever that is) as they hijacked that faith, too. In other words, the white haters are a creation of a small group of, wait for it....whites! Now, why would the "elite"whites want to aim all that racial hatred at themselves? Because they firmly believe that by blending the true diversity (the four(?) races) of mankind (not human kind. Hu=of or belonging to= man) they can produce an inferior muddy brown hybrid race that can be more easily ruled. They are convinced they will be above the fray.

They will rule the remaining "humans" from their perches at the top of world government in a world of their own making. In other words, they aim to hijack Creation. The big snag for them is that natural law will not be mocked. Don't be fooled by this racism propaganda, they aim to rule YOU.

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could just be white suits on Lizards . ala David Icke. Akk will be revealed as the scales of justice move forth.

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the US is way beyond fixing. 80% of whites hate whites. I told that to a guy and his wife they didnt believe it. I said next time you at a barbecue with 30-40 white people and someone might bring up immigration just say if I had the power I would throw every non white out of the US then see what happens. a month later the couple said I was right but I wish I was wrong

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You are so correct. America "1'0" was just a very thin veneer over a country that was already morally bankrupt. Our behavior in WW2 was atrocious, as was the decadence and materialism of the 1950's. Most of us- including this wolf- were fooled by the Biggest Enemy Bankster Money Could Manufacture- The Bolsheviks.

Of course, neither the Vatican nor Washington was any help, and by the time most of woke up, the operation was a Fait Accompli.

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Insightful and accurate

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“Most of us- including this wolf- were fooled by the Biggest Enemy Bankster Money Could Manufacture- The Bolsheviks”. Please elaborate WW, I appreciate your Knowledge and candid flair on the comment boards very much! I have never been much into studying history until the last few years, I fell for most of what the history lesson in school sold to us, it’s never too late to wake the f up… I hope

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Most "Conspiracy Theorists" are aware that Trotsky was put on a boat and sponsored by Kuhn, Loeb, and Co out of New York, bound for Russia, with a goodly amount of Gold Bullion to finance the Bolsheviks in 1917. The boat was impounded by Canada, but a wave from the Wilson White House guaranteed smooth sailing. The Germans might have had a reason to assist the Russian Revolution by putting Lenin on a sealed train. The Allies????????

It is well known that for years American farmers were paid by the US gov't to send grain and other foodstuffs to Russia after WW2. This was ostensibly to help the starving masses...

During WW2, massive aid was sent to Russia via the Alaskan Highway and the Trans_Siberian Railroad, both of which were obviously built for this purpose. (The fact that the Trans-Siberian railroad was built by the Czars shows how far back this plan and conspiracy goes, and that the Czars were in on it.

Mysteriously, during WW2 the Japanese never tried to break this pipeline, which was part of the reason Russia was able to recover from Operation Barbarossa.

(Of course, I could discuss how the US and Japan were in cahoots, how Pearl Harbor was theatre, and how it was a massive gold heist so the Yamato Dynasty under Hirohito could transfer loot from Buddhist temples across the Pacific rim into the coffers of the soon-to-be-created CIA for their "black ops"...)

The Russians had MASSIVE factories on Sakhalin Island, right on Japan's doorstep, which were never molested during the war...

After WW2, we gave our technology to the Russians. A famous plane crash in Canada in the Yukon was chanced upon by a dogsled team that recovered a treasure trove of communiques. Of course, that is all a "conspiracy theory"...

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All of these things make perfect sense if all of the players are controlled by single group, I don’t t buy into all of these things were fate. I have been reading about the Khazarians…. Along with their banking clans all things can be paid for and manipulated. Everything we know about history is fabricated bullshit to take us into the nation-state games of the 20th century, I believe we are about to enter the new era of zero nation-states…. I don’t feel the need to study detailed history, probably because it is all fake, and I am not a writer. I believe you, I believe my intuition and gut that this has been going on since the end of the tribes.

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Yes, now that we are at the end it is easy to see things in retrospect.

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White Wolf I am reading and loving all of your comments. You got to give me a reference or book for that information on Trotsky, how the US paid farmers to feed Russians, how Pearl Harbor was theatre to commit massive gold heist.

This is fascinating information, I have to know more! Especially that I love that historical period.

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The US Congressional Record has the results of an investigation from the 1920's. If you just goggle Trotsky, Kuen Loeb Co, Paul Warburg some sources should come up.

The best book on "Yamashita's Gold" is "Gold Warriors" by Peggy Seagrave, which you can peruse at https://archive.org/details/goldwarriorsamer00seag ...

Just make sure you are sitting down.

While Peggy Seagrave does not get all the way to the bottom of the rabbit hole, she gives enough of an expose that one can connect the dots.

Also, if you have never watched "The Greatest Story Never Told" that will help connect the dots too, if you can get past the lionizing of Hitler. (He still has lots of big fans, but I think he was a Banksta puppet.)

"Day of Deceit" by Ron Stinnent (https://archive.org/details/dayofdeceit) is the best book on Pearl Harbor. Once again, Ron does not get to the bottom of the hole. But he has more than enough documentation that one must ask: Why the Hell did the Japanese not know the Americans knew they were coming? And the answer, of course, is the Japanese High Command darn well knew the Americans knew they were coming, but they were committed to the game.

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I've read Day of Deceit a while ago and have a hardcover copy in my collection, its been a while I don't remember the book saying how Japanese high command was involved with FDR but this is possible. I remember plenty of evidence that proved we didn't have to use the atom bomb in the book The Decision to use the Atom Bomb by Gar Alperovitz. I've watched The Greatest Story never told like 3-4 years ago now that was a long six hour video if I remember right. I will definitely check out Gold Warriors though thank you!!

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The passivity of the Japs toward the Russian commies is an area that I think needs examining. I read something about a super spy Sorge who was able to deflect the Rising Sun into seeking oil from the south rather than in neighboring Soviet territory. If anyone knows about this strategic failure which allowed the USSR to only have to fight a one front war, please comment and/or provide a link.

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Actually, the Japs were not passive, as witness the Katlin-Gol campaign. But even that seems to be theatre. Everybody knows the Japanese had the crummiest tanks during the war, while the Russians were second best. Where was the Japanese air force? (The same place the Luftwaffe was during the Battle of Stalingrad, apparrently.)

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I think the Russian tanks were the best in WWII.

Germans had a hard time killing them, while the Russian tanks could take a beating.

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Khalkhin Gol seems to have been a stand off. The peace treaty after was what stopped the Japs re USSR. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battles_of_Khalkhin_Gol If you look at the aftermath stats Japan seems to have a slight advantage in all depts. No mention of oil as a resource Japan needed. No mention of Sorge's intrigue. I'm wondering if he wasn't crucial in negotiating the peace treaty. He was a Soviet mole.

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everything is fake in Miles Mathis world. try out the 18 part (around 50 pages each ) of Lestrade's Pacific Theatre, emphasis on *Theatre*. and just head north of Japan from there. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=site%3Amileswmathis.com+pacific+theatre&t=ffab&ia=web

I will never watch a WWII Pacific Newsreel again without insisting on dead Japs, and lots of them. not some fishing village drill exercise .

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Everything is fake in MM world. Ain't that the truth. That's his m.o. in general. Every critical thinking conspiracy searcher upon encountering MM is wow'ed by his outrageous chops. Like amateur guitar players encountering a master shredder. After being blitzed by a few virtuoso displays (Charles Manson crime scene was my fave), I decided to tackle his JFK analysis. It was the subject I knew most about having studied it for 20 years and, instead of finding irrefutable fact at the bottom of his rabbit hole, I discovered that his theory was built on a laughable premise - JFK had taken an unscheduled piss break where he allowed a double to replace him in the limo and take the shots while Jack gets whisked off into some unknown sanctuary. Nobody else seems to have noticed the piss break, but why spoil a good yarn w/ small-minded, niggling details.

So Miles's take away is that JFK was just another fake politician playing the puppeteer's game. Cynics say the same about Hitler. We're not to be allowed actual heroes or true martyrs to an authentic cause. My advice to Peter and others who are prone to fall for complicated theories presented at breathtaking speed, piling one revelation on top of another - don't be dazzled by the technical sleight of hand. The shredding may be impressive but the song and its emotional feeling is what counts. If the amazing licks don't support the melody line, what good are they?

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15 years at it in ernest , and about that long Rusted On Rense, it at the very least meant I was in no way going to take the jab. so it saved my life, I hope.

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Be proud of your choice, we all will die someday, but why from fear? My beautiful wife is a nurse, a wonderful, kind and caring nurse, went through hell for nearly three years. We are thankful to be clean and free of the fake vaccine. Have a wonderful weekend Peter!

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A deadly bioweapon has been released that can make unjabbed very ill, to say the least. What is there about shedding that is not to fear? Fear not, said the jewish UFO wrecker in (original) Lost In Space , Have No Fear, Dr Smith is Here, with a jab for 6 billion people. 'jeff and erica' at rense.com FYI . Unvaxed AND unshedupon sperm is the new bitcoin. Data Mining 'em up here, Boss / Cool Hand Luke movie..

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Yes, that is what we're up against, SPQR70AD. Think of the final scene in the 1978 remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," with Donald Sutherland's character yelling and pointing his figure at the lone remaining human. Thanks!

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tell the that Israel has developed a new vaccine for whiteness, any babies born to 'vaccinated' mrna'd white women will be not white. then Tikum Olem , the world will be perfect.

and the jews can rule this perfect world from Jerusalem. (as per Schofield bible types). problem is they would probably just ask 'where can I get it'.

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