Khalkhin Gol has always been an enigma to me. If the Japs were in for the proverbial penny, why not go in for the pound? Their naval air force at the time could have blown the Russians out of the sky and pounded the Russian infantry into the dust. To limit the campaign to a series of tank and infantry battles seemed to be galactically st…
Khalkhin Gol has always been an enigma to me. If the Japs were in for the proverbial penny, why not go in for the pound? Their naval air force at the time could have blown the Russians out of the sky and pounded the Russian infantry into the dust. To limit the campaign to a series of tank and infantry battles seemed to be galactically stupid on the part of the Japanese.
At that time, Japan could have rapidly resupplied their forces using air transports and the Manchurian railroads only a short distance from ocean ports. Meanwhile, the Russians had two choices- the vulnerable Trans-Siberian railroad... or dogsleds. In a prolonged conflict, nobody can doubt the outcome would have been the same as the Sino-Russian war of 1905.
But the Japanese did not commit enough forces to the campaign, and they were ultimately bested by Zuchov.
I think communist spying/infiltration was extensive and first rate. Jews certainly had centuries of practice. Richard Tedor tells how the 3rd Reich was undermined by different groups of dissidents, not all Jews either. Christian generals were critical of neo-paganism. Just look at E Michael Jones, a redoubtable warrior but has no time for the "White Boys".
If we have a flaw as a race, it's being gullible, possessing the goyische kopf, assuming fellow Americans have the same sense of honor to common cause. But over time indoctrination into "respectable" ideology - woke left or cucked right - overrides truth as an ultimate value.
You are right over the target. As for E Michael Jones, my jury is still out on whether he is a deep shill working for Octopus Dei, or just somewhat of an ignoramus. (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.)
The 3rd Reich was not exactly undermined. The top echelons of the Third Reich were-drumroll please- a Jewish Bankster operation. Just like Donald Trump went from being a Pro-Abort Democrat to "The Greatest Pro-Life President" with virtually no repentance, Adolf Hitler went from being practically a Bolshevik to the Great Anti-Communist, all the while leading the "National Socialists".
The Catholics and Old Guard Protestants of Europe held their collective noses and saw Hitler as the "lesser of two evils" and cast their lots with him. And he proceeded to undermine Operation Barbarossa even as the German tanks were rolling across the Ukraine.
You are absolutely correct- indoctrination and "hopium" spring eternal, and the Sheeple never learn.
Wolfie, "Octopus Dei" is hilarious. It reminds me of an ex conspiracy friend, traditional, practicing Catholic who dumped me (a gnostic) unceremoniously. The lack of closure still hurts 2 years later. Anyway, he showed me the brief on Jones as Opus D. Interesting but not condemning in my eyes. He also pushed the anti-Hitler line that you've accepted. Yet Jones subscribes to it also.
I totally agree about Trump being hopium but he never had any integrity. Hitler was working for army intelligence after the war. His job was to spy on commies and fascists. He liked what the latter were saying. The reading of him as practically a Bolshie is in error.
I do agree that Hitler demonstrated courage during WW1- if the official archives are true. It would be amazing if Hitler was manufactured the same way JFK and Guiseppe Sarto were. But what has me skeptical about Hitler is his lack of lineage. Just where did his parents come from? Even Eugenio Pacelli can be traced back to his Rothschild-connected paternal grandfather, Marcantonio. But Hitler?
Yeah, I too, am a Traditional, practicing Catholic, and have been for years. Last week I was listening to Jeff Berwick while the fireworks for Our Lady of Guadalupe were going off in the background, and he had no idea who Our Lady of Guadalupe was, or the background story.
Do some basic research, Jeff. My religion is not a bunch of mumbo jumbo, though I must agree the last 15 or so popes have done a magnificent job of speaking like a Medieval shills while supporting the revolution, which makes my religion look like all the heroes of salvation history were dumbasses.
I was friends with a monk some years back, helping build a community in 2010. (Turns out the priest was a flaming pederast- that's a story in itself...) He used to tell me horror stories about the people he knew in Octopus Dei.
Khalkhin Gol has always been an enigma to me. If the Japs were in for the proverbial penny, why not go in for the pound? Their naval air force at the time could have blown the Russians out of the sky and pounded the Russian infantry into the dust. To limit the campaign to a series of tank and infantry battles seemed to be galactically stupid on the part of the Japanese.
At that time, Japan could have rapidly resupplied their forces using air transports and the Manchurian railroads only a short distance from ocean ports. Meanwhile, the Russians had two choices- the vulnerable Trans-Siberian railroad... or dogsleds. In a prolonged conflict, nobody can doubt the outcome would have been the same as the Sino-Russian war of 1905.
But the Japanese did not commit enough forces to the campaign, and they were ultimately bested by Zuchov.
I think communist spying/infiltration was extensive and first rate. Jews certainly had centuries of practice. Richard Tedor tells how the 3rd Reich was undermined by different groups of dissidents, not all Jews either. Christian generals were critical of neo-paganism. Just look at E Michael Jones, a redoubtable warrior but has no time for the "White Boys".
If we have a flaw as a race, it's being gullible, possessing the goyische kopf, assuming fellow Americans have the same sense of honor to common cause. But over time indoctrination into "respectable" ideology - woke left or cucked right - overrides truth as an ultimate value.
You are right over the target. As for E Michael Jones, my jury is still out on whether he is a deep shill working for Octopus Dei, or just somewhat of an ignoramus. (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.)
The 3rd Reich was not exactly undermined. The top echelons of the Third Reich were-drumroll please- a Jewish Bankster operation. Just like Donald Trump went from being a Pro-Abort Democrat to "The Greatest Pro-Life President" with virtually no repentance, Adolf Hitler went from being practically a Bolshevik to the Great Anti-Communist, all the while leading the "National Socialists".
The Catholics and Old Guard Protestants of Europe held their collective noses and saw Hitler as the "lesser of two evils" and cast their lots with him. And he proceeded to undermine Operation Barbarossa even as the German tanks were rolling across the Ukraine.
You are absolutely correct- indoctrination and "hopium" spring eternal, and the Sheeple never learn.
Wolfie, "Octopus Dei" is hilarious. It reminds me of an ex conspiracy friend, traditional, practicing Catholic who dumped me (a gnostic) unceremoniously. The lack of closure still hurts 2 years later. Anyway, he showed me the brief on Jones as Opus D. Interesting but not condemning in my eyes. He also pushed the anti-Hitler line that you've accepted. Yet Jones subscribes to it also.
I totally agree about Trump being hopium but he never had any integrity. Hitler was working for army intelligence after the war. His job was to spy on commies and fascists. He liked what the latter were saying. The reading of him as practically a Bolshie is in error.
I do agree that Hitler demonstrated courage during WW1- if the official archives are true. It would be amazing if Hitler was manufactured the same way JFK and Guiseppe Sarto were. But what has me skeptical about Hitler is his lack of lineage. Just where did his parents come from? Even Eugenio Pacelli can be traced back to his Rothschild-connected paternal grandfather, Marcantonio. But Hitler?
Yeah, I too, am a Traditional, practicing Catholic, and have been for years. Last week I was listening to Jeff Berwick while the fireworks for Our Lady of Guadalupe were going off in the background, and he had no idea who Our Lady of Guadalupe was, or the background story.
Do some basic research, Jeff. My religion is not a bunch of mumbo jumbo, though I must agree the last 15 or so popes have done a magnificent job of speaking like a Medieval shills while supporting the revolution, which makes my religion look like all the heroes of salvation history were dumbasses.
I was friends with a monk some years back, helping build a community in 2010. (Turns out the priest was a flaming pederast- that's a story in itself...) He used to tell me horror stories about the people he knew in Octopus Dei.