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Obviously LBJ appointed the commission and put Allen Dulles in charge of the interface with cia. LBJ also ended the silver certificates and began removing silver from the coins. He was in on it. Also a vicious thug from his days in Houston procuring for the men in the Shamrock Hilton.

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I agree that LBJ was in on it in the sense he knew about the upcoming assassination- maybe not the exact date- and definitely was prepared to implement the anti-Kennedy program once the deed was done. I just don't believe he was one of the masterminds behind it.

The JFK assassination was the culmination of the JFK presidency, which had been planned in advance for years- starting with PT-109. The Conspirators were going to give the American Sheeple a hero, and then cut him down in a massive campaign of psychological shock and awe.

Mission accomplished.

To this day especially Conservative Catholics regard JFK as one of their boys, and the McCarthyites also see in him the potential Messiah of the American Dream, just like many Eastern Europeans still lionize Adolf Hitler as the one who could have saved them from the Bolsheviks. You have to admire how these guys can read the popular psyche and create heros.

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