Let's see.... dust off the old 911 play book.....get media on the line....get politicians on the tube...line up the suckers. (Man, don't you wish you could line suckers up like that selling pet rocks again? It is truly amazing, the level of imbecility. The level of child like thought processes)
Let's see.... dust off the old 911 play book.....get media on the line....get politicians on the tube...line up the suckers. (Man, don't you wish you could line suckers up like that selling pet rocks again? It is truly amazing, the level of imbecility. The level of child like thought processes)
Let's see.... dust off the old 911 play book.....get media on the line....get politicians on the tube...line up the suckers. (Man, don't you wish you could line suckers up like that selling pet rocks again? It is truly amazing, the level of imbecility. The level of child like thought processes)
A century of Hellywood and Pop Music- Mission accomplished.