I recall drilling one fool about the insane anomaly of the dancing nurses and her response was, "Well, they're celebrating the few people they've been able to save from Covid." Beyond pathetic. There is truly no hope for these brain-dead, spineless sheeple. I think the Oligarchs, scumbags though the are, have hit the mark. These featherless bipeds deserve death. If the System's sycophants were to issue a decree stipulating that for health and safety reasons, anyone entering a store or any public place had to first drop their drawers, bend over, and get cornholed where the sun don't shine, I've no doubt that the majority of Scumericans would happily comply with a smile on their insouciant faces. Another great job, Don, thanks.
Again and again I point out the same thing. Americans should stop thinking of this as an American affliction. Exactly the same things have happened in most other nations. We have the same social mixture the same political forces and the same social engineering at work. The same statistics and the same bovine mentality, dullards incapable of independent thought or curiosity about anything, least of all related to their own health. The problem is global. The USA is not even leading it, although many people and entities involved are based there. Fauci was fucking his own nation, and calling the shots by default for all of us, not as an American but a Globalist puppet.
I agree a subspecies is arising among us. I define them as Homosapiens Sapiens, and Homosapiens Servus. It is not uncommon for a species to split into two or more subspecies and maybe with a little help from genetic engineering, we are doing exactly this now. I doubt we can devolve backwards towards more primitive primates, and are instead having different aspects of our brains activated and developed. An obedient, unquestioning slavish type and the traditional intelligent and creative one we here seemingly still belong to. A great presentation of this exact concept is central to HG Wells, Time Machine. Except I think we will also be the pretty ones and are unlikely to employ the others as workers, or food.
Since the ambulance was unmarked and apparently empty inside, it looks like this whole Damar Hamlin event was a charade. Perhaps it was designed to mock and ridicule anyone who thinks people are "dying suddenly" from the jabs? Once again, I am left confused beyond belief. So many elements of this psy-op appear designed to do just that. We are being mocked, ridiculed and confused while our loved ones are being culled and the world is being destroyed.
I somehow lost the most important, beautiful person in my life to the Plandemic and I doubt I will ever understand how or why it happened. My heart is broken, my soul is crushed and I will never be happy again. Whatever "it" was that killed my loved one, it was NOT the flu. At least not any type of flu I've ever encountered. In around 10 days my loved one went from healthy to gone from this world. We thought she was recovering the last few days (because the "flu-like" symptoms had subsided) until we discovered her oxygen was dangerously low. I believe that somehow "it" destroys the blood in some people, preventing oxygen from being delivered. In fact, "it" may be more similar to Malaria than the flu.
"While malaria and COVID-19 can have similar presentation, common symptoms they share include but not limited to: fever, breathing difficulties, tiredness and acute onset headache, which may lead to misdiagnosis of malaria for COVID-19 and vice versa, particularly when clinician relies mainly on symptoms." (https://malariajournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12936-020-03541-w) You will find a lot more info if you research. Perhaps this is why HCQ...? This similarity to Malaria, which destroys red blood cells, only just occurred to me last week and I have barely started to research it. We have seen many images of red blood cell destruction in the blood of the jabbed. My loved one was unjabbed, but I believe shedding may have been the cause of her illness. It was August of 2021, and I've never known anyone to get the flu in August.
I strongly recommend anyone with a vulnerable loved one to find an enlightened doctor who can help them before they are needed. No matter what you believe "it" is, if your loved one gets ill you will need help, and if you wait too long he or she may end up being hospitalized, and from what happened to Mr. Jeffries' brother, we know how that is likely to end. Whatever else any of us thinks, it's obvious THEY are trying to eliminate US. Being prepared and not hesitating when and if the time comes is far better than the alternative.
Sorry to hear about your loss, Swan. Sounds very familiar to my brother's death. Unjabbed, went from healthy (no symptoms at all) to dead in two weeks. But he died from hospital COVID "protocol." Was your loved one in a hospital? My brother's oxygen too was low, and they used that as further excuse to kill him with Remdesivir, BPap machine, etc. Thanks for sharing your sad story.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Yeah, I assume athletes are really "athletic actors" and I have for a very very long time. It doesn't mean I can't still enjoy it like a child enjoys pro wrestling. Therefore, if you look at each NFL game like its a LIVE movie or LIVE Tv Series happening on screen it won't confuse you. I contend the majority of these multi-millionaires did not get vaccinated. So, this idea that this happened from a shot is bullshit. Last time I checked, multi-millionaires have access to better and more important information than some broke dikk working a regular job (Just Over Broke) out there.
I see you did a comparison to malaria. I said at the beginning of Co-Conspirators 19 that the symptoms are almost identical to radiation sickness. Whether that is the roll-out of 5G as Dr. Tom Cowan at one point suggested, or its some other radiation or weapon (there is a book called Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - I think that's the title). I contend to this day its radiation sickness. Hence, many people that got the shots and boosters are 100% healthy and fine. I don't know. I keep an open mind and don't shut doors. They, the detractors that want their agenda only - heard; can shut the door behind their asses on the way out. Didn't Donald's wife get the shot(s) and I assume he still lives with her? Perhaps, if he reads this he can tell us if he's been sick from being around her?
I keep on with my own perceptions. As that's all I can trust. I still don't know anyone that has died from the jabs, but I do know a few people that supposedly died from CC19. So, this idea from some that the jabs are this enormous weapon of death - its not yet. For, we would hear about some of the 80k people at these football games dropping dead in the stands. Word would get out. Oh yeah, soccer players are great athletic actors too by the way (The best athletic actors mind you). Do you know how many times you'd think the persons bone would be out of their leg by their screaming on the soccer field only to jump up and be fine? Yeah. More bullshit. I'll just keep checking my perceptions to see if these jabbers are dying. So far, all I HEAR is they are, but I don't SEE it.
I have seen 9 people die soon after their jabs. All but one younger than my 60 years. Everyone I know who got them, is sick right now and has been sick over and over ever since. Even they have all begun to realise their immune system is shot to bits. entirely understood mechanism by which this happens and unfortunately, it is not reversible. It is in fact exactly what is termed as AIDS. The effects of this spike protein weapon are myriad. The ways it can maim and kill number more than 1200 officially acknowledged. It is not designed to create a great pile of bodies at any time. Instead it will cause a significant rise in excess deaths and of course severe health problems. Not coincidentally requiring expensive (read profitable) medical treatments.
The official statistics of excess deaths are being somewhat manipulated in cases I am looking at. Yet the acknowledged rates are actually at a historical high. There is a direct relationship to the rapidly sinking average lifespan of people in countries like the USA and Australia etc. Insurance companies have as Donald mentions definitely noticed a dramatic upswing in deaths of people of working age. There is already talk of not insuring people who got it. The obvious implications of doing so are making them hesitate but it is inevitable they will have to do this, because they will rapidly be bankrupted otherwise. Waiting for it to stop, is absolutely a losing strategy. The best experts, world renowned figures in the field, believe the deaths will continue for many years. It is a common refrain among them also, that literally everyone who got these, is going to become ill and die eventually. By eventually, in less than ten years. In fact six years is usually talked about. The peak as such is not yet upon us either. This does not make pleasant reading. It does not offer any hope even and all I can offer is this. By acknowledging the situation, horrific as it seems, one is finally free to start looking for a solution. As somebody who was blessed by circumstances to be at the forefront of the experience, and having the right background and insatiable curiosity about most everything which catches my attention I was given a great opportunity to stay ahead of this and I have managed to do so remarkably well. There are some inroads towards treatment of the afflicted being made by medical professionals, and alternative health practitioners. I keep abreast of their results. I however have been able to find an alternative solution which seems to be a miraculous cure for the long Covid sufferers, cures the victims of shedding spike proteins, including pets, and I am hoping to reverse the severe effects of the jab afflicted. This one is ongoing, I mention it in more detail in a long comments I made at the start.
I hope to save my oldest son and oldest best mate. Both of whom are suffering debilitating effects from their poor choice to take this filth. The ONLY reason I am so far ahead in this is that I was very much ahead of the curve in recognising the truth of this monstrous assault on humanity. Those who persist in trying to maintain the illusion of normalcy and who yet cling to any faith in their leaders, medical establishments or society are at this point doomed. By the time denial is no longer possible it is going to be too late. As always early intervention is the best solution for anything. The damage to the organs and cardio vascular, nervous system is irrevocable and inevitable. The solution can only lie in ridding the body of an insidiously persistent weaponised spike protein. The term is bandied about like candy as if it is just some ailment, some sort of poison. Every time I hear it or say it I wince. Because what we are saying is a FOREIGN PROTEIN in your blood and brain. This is the worst possible thing which can happen toa body and is the primary reason our immune systems exist. Our immune system is a stupendous evolutionary thing which almost dwarfs all other aspects of our evolution in its astonishing function. The most insane and cavalier thing humanity ever did was to allow a fairly stupid man with a privileged background a manufactured image to cancel this never fully understood human feature for a version he made up. I realise people lack the education to see this with the right eyes but on its own, this stupidity actually makes the deaths of so many people seem justified. NO species so stupid has any place in the fairly hostile environment we inhabit. I don't care if people did not know. They SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. I am not a doctor and I am not even a practicing scientist but I certainly was aware of it. Talking about God is immaterial. He gave us these miracles and He told us to trust his works. Letting Billy boy Gates assume the mantle of leadership in such things was nothing less than putting faith in man, over faith in God.
Look wise guy; I'm 33 steps ahead of you. I knew in the very beginning it was a con. I never wore a mask, I got a little sick for about a week. I didn't social distance like the other morons, and I didn't take the shots. Nobody locked me down either and I was in a lock-down state. I knew everything they were going to do before they did it. I don't have any connections either. It was my gut instinct. So, tell me all you want about the shots; I already predicted when Covid started that the real plans would be the vaccine (to make people sick). I'm telling you I have not seen it yet. Not around here, and not anyone I know. So, I'm not denying its possible; I'm telling you I haven't seen it. So, my perceptions aren't, OMG, hundreds of millions are dying from this super-weapon vaccine. It hasn't happened.........yet! We shall see if it does.
What's your problem? Nothing I said related to you if you have not had it. I have seen plenty, and I have seen reports by health departments, insurance companies and funeral home workers, all confirming similar figures. I have been watching the phenomenal rates of celebrities, athletes and more who have been dropping dead. Including an amazing number doing so live on TV and events where it is caught on video. By no means is it piles of bodies and probably never will be. Not meant to kill off billions rapidly but to lower the total, reduce fertility etc. The precise mechanisms and numbers etc are in official documents for more than twenty years. It is no secret, it is not hard to establish and if you actually wanted to know the truth it is certainly not hard to find. That you refuse to believe it till you see yourself, is your problem but not how a rational person needs to act. It just means you'll not be among the first to notice.
Meantime, I do not think it is all fake. I have seen a very marked increase in deaths by stroke and the various better known cardio issues are mentioned a lot. I have people every day reporting people they know, often family sick or dead. Cancers are returning, a 7 year old child has a massive relapse of an autoimmune disease she had cured as a child, but worse after one jab. Her mother has woken up, but her child is covered in boils and rashes. I could go on and on with what I have indeed seen. MY oldest son hasn't had more than a few days between getting sick lately and my oldest mate too. I am treating them with something I think might do it and living in fear, I don't want to attend either of their funerals.
I don't think that makes me special, still no idea what the hell you're on. It makes me same as many others, noticing something is wrong. Maybe you're in some special place. Maybe your area ducked it, they certainly sent different batches . Maybe you just don't meet a lot of people in any given week. I meet a hundred of more new and know tens of thousands within two contacts at more. Despite protestations of being informed, or whatever you're saying, you are remarkably uninformed. I really can't say more, not least because I don't give a fuck. Believe what you like. I stick to what I know, the sources I have been following and I rely as much on official data, which speaks for itself and does not support your impressions from your own experience and my comparable experiences. I do have contact with a lot of people daily through my work maybe. However it just matches what is being reported everywhere.
There are signs from rapidly dropping average age in countries like the USA, Canada and Australia. The MSM is studiously silent, they lie outright. If you're waiting for them, you're pretty dumb. So much for your gut. I have my intuition from the start but also a good science background and a lot of research from the start. Here's a great confirmation, Japanese are getting restless. By all means just assume you can't trust it. I am showing how rational people with genuine curiosity are keeping abreast of it. You can sit by your front gate and wait till the dead are paraded past your door, for your approval or whatever you expect. It is about survival and being ahead of the game as much as possible is a no-brainer.. From here, you seem as dumb as a paper bag full of hammers. Your whole attitude is strange to be honest. It certainly doesn't change anything anybody knows or does not. Just sets your own personal benchmark. Fine, lots of people feel that way about UFOs. If I have had close encounters, it doesn't help convince you. I get that. But UFOs aren't probably all that concerning if you happened to be missing their presence either. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/japan-launches-official-investigation-into-millions-of-covid-vaccine-deaths
By the way. I find your post frustrating stupid. You place trust in your own perceptions yet self-evidently have made no attempt to inform yourself. You presume it seems that what you think will be seen, will be reported by the same media which has lied all along. Exactly what you say has not been seen yet, is indeed being seen in astonishing numbers. There are people collapsing and dying from heart complaints at many sports events, both the sports people and spectators. There are sites collating these reports and they are mind numbingly common. They are hampered by an active campaign to censor details and to deny any connections but it has long since become a farce and impossible to take seriously. There are hundreds of reports of deaths of American sports people including a shocking number of children and teenagers. The stats on the known examples are thousands of times higher than has ever been seen. I see reports every single day, in mainstream publications of deaths and collapses all over the world. I am not exaggerating even a little bit. EVERY DAY for the past three months at least, there has been a report of a new death or collapse of a celebrity or athlete. Western Journal alone hasn't had a day without new reports mainly from the USA in this regard. You seem like someone who found their way here by accident and really don't have any reason to remain Since nothing you read will be so profoundly obvious to you as it is to the rest of us and you're just wasting your time. I assume you got yours. In which case I sincerely suggest, in the absence of enough intelligence or even curiosity to help yourself, that you get out and enjoy what life you have left. This is not being facetious. I am being truly compassionate and would wish you to get the best out of whatever you have left.
Its perception........stupid! So, where does all your information come from of all these deaths? Some news source? Oh, I see, some news source that YOU trust. I don't give a rats ass where you get your news, but unless you are seeing people drop dead and can confirm it in public or in the real world (NOT ON TELL-LIES-VISION, and not on the laughable internet, and not in some newspaper......then you aren't using your own perceptions.
Guess what? If you have seen 9; I have seen 0. That's right. Zero. You tell me 9, so I should trust you. I mean you're a stranger pal. Why the fuck should I believe you? What are you to me?
I told you and have posted countless times; I don't believe anything I hear, and only half of what I see. That half of what I see, like 300 soccer players collapsing on the field? Yeah, I'm sure. Those guys average about 50 million a year; and they got the shots? Soccer players are the biggest sports actors I've ever seen. If you want to believe everything you hear and everything you see; have at it!
I don't have to believe 1, not 1, thing anyone says. I'll make my own confirmations.
Guess what? I know a guy that is in his 90's that's all jabbed up and had all the boosters. He's still alive and doing fine. In fact, my whole block is old people and there hasn't been 1 ambulance on this block and nobody has died. I mean, fuck pal, I must be living in a different dimension than you huh? Yes, the majority of those old folks got the shots too. I've talked to them. I would think some of them in the last 3 years would've even died from natural causes, but not even that. I tell you what; I bet you they are aliens then. I mean how else could they still be kicking like this otherwise? Now, you're post sounds frustratingly stupid to me!
Like I said , perception is everything. Maybe they said, hey, let's not kill the old people on Ryan's street. Give them a saline solution! Listen pal, not 1 ambulance around her within a few blocks. Like I said, I think all of us are friggin' Superman you wise guy. What else could it be? Maybe God stepped in and intervened for all the people nearby me. Whatever it is; I gotta tell you it sure is shocking. Not 1 ambulance during Co-Conspirators 19, and not 1 ambulance since the shots rolled out.
Thanks. It is just how life goes. If you love someone, the inevitable day of loss is set in motion. It's the tragedy of a mortal life. Everyone probably gets there at some point. I'm sixty, probably at least 3/4 finished my run and it is a sort of peace where I have come from fear of death, to welcoming it. If I have time to see it coming, I will die the happiest man who ever died, shouting out her name because it is now my single minded purpose. I know there will never be another like her but I can still love and I do. With whatever is left of my heart. Love also sows more where the soil is barren. But it's main keeper took with her all I had and I promised her I'd be along as soon as I was allowed. That I will never let her go and if she's gone to oblivion I will be requesting the next ride there too. It is my final contractual condition from a lifelong covenant which is now defined as Jihad. The same master either way and He has been very, very merciful. My sweetheart knew she was going and she left a gift of inestimable value to my hearts agony. I have an answer which leaves my fear that we can truly lose anybody as nothing. I know from almost two months of almost nightly visits that she was still there, out of sight but not gone and not forgotten me. I only wish I had known like she did it was the end. I wish I could give what I know to others but alas, it is a very personal thing and I only have my story. I am certain it is the same for everybody. At least who doesn't squander the gift of self-awareness which is the Gift of Life. It's what draws us out from a cosmic soup of sentience to become our own person and ego. I am no less sure we can let it go dim until we don't have any self-awareness to carry us over the threshold and we go out like a candle. A lot of that going on right now I feel intuitively.
By the way, in truth I am glad I did not know. It would have tainted our last time instead she had time to lay the foundation for me to cope afterwards and she had long enough to look around the world she'd loved one more time and to show me the greatest love and gratitude for our life together I could have asked for. I did not have to grieve alone, somehow she was able to reach me for a remarkably long time. I would love to recommend a book by Richard Bach. The author of "Jonathon Livingstone Seagull". Itself a must read at least twice in a life. "Bridge Across Forever." I sincerely offer this beautiful and unearthly, true love story to anybody who has ever found their true love. You will be grateful I promise.
Sorry but a lot of what you assume about malaria and COVID are wrong. Malaria is a parasite. Not a virus. I have not checked the action of Quinine on malaria, can't say if it is the same mechanism. Nor does it need to be. People think of medications in terms of their action. I think of them as chemicals and all chemicals have different reactions they can undergo. It is also used for a couple of rare diseases and they do not seem to have any similarity to either malaria or corona-viruses. To this day the crucial element of Zinc is rarely mentioned by people touting Quinine. Hydroxychloroquine is just a salt of quinine and there are others. Just as Amphetamine is a drug but usually found in a salt form, since as a base it isn't as practical to dose. You hear amphetamine hydrochloride, amphetamine sulphate and less commonly, but if the idiots want to smoke it, they should use something like amphetamine carbonate. It vaporises rather than burns. The salt is chosen according to its intended use. They are not three different drugs though, they are all amphetamine the same. So I prefer to refer to quinine, since it is the same no matter what salt it has been converted to. Extracted from the bark of the quinoa tree, it is found in nature in its basic form.
Quinine, Ivermectin and Quercetin are all ionophores. They do not cure the infection by a corona-virus on their own. Their role is as a carrier of Zinc ions into the cells. Zinc destroys all corona-viruses, but is unable to pass the cell membrane alone if infected.. If people include ZINC supplements with any of these, they will be cured in 4 to 6 days, with 100% efficacy. This was the secret they never told us. I got a tipoff from a Chinese lab report in January 2020 which led me to discover this well-kept secret, which is yet reported in many studies, has been tested and includes human trials. It's been published for years, and in peer reviewed journals. Not just some, but ALL corona viruses. I was able to buy a good supply of it just before as I guessed it would, quinine was removed from supply. It was so easy to buy before this, I ordered it by mail from India. Given I have never heard of anyone else who did this, and that nobody yet has detailed this science unless I have told them about this, I submit I should be given some credibility too. Nothing genius, I'm just methodical and good at noticing patterns across disparate subjects. A byproduct of being somewhere on the autism scale.
I know there's nothing I can say which offers any condolences for your loss. I have lost the love of my life due to entirely unnecessary accident and two years later I know as I did then, I will never know true happiness again and I have been alive too long. I'm tired and waiting for the time I can leave here, and find her. I am sure eternal life is not a goal, but a reality and have more than faith, but real observed phenomena which convince me our love is never lost. Eternal life would have no purpose and only be eternal loneliness otherwise. Presumably your beloved was not vaccinated. Because if she were, then you need look no further for the cause.
However, Sars Cov 2 had the deadly weaponised spike proteins on its back at the start. Since the jabbery with the fake vaccines there has ben ample evidence the jabbed are shedding these to those around them. If one is in enough contact with the jabbed. they can get these in their bodies and that includes companion animals too. These can affect fertility and even kill. Having had the dreaded lurgy early on, I find I am hypersensitive to them and like others have reported, I can actually smell them. Nothing can bring her back. Yet understanding what happened does matter, I believe. it offers no consolation, can even deepen despair if it turns out there may have been something to be done after all, but it does seem to relieve the confusion and offer some solace.
Interestingly Bret Weinstein mentioned malaria similarities to c19 on his podcast Dark Horse last week or the week before. Which is why he thinks IVM has worked for early treatment as well.
I eagerly awaited this follow-up, because no one else pointed out the anomalous happening with Hamlin. And there are so many now. It's rediculous not to think this was a hoax, writ large.
Do you know where "Jason Goodman" and "Citizen Richard" uploaded their empty hospital videos to? Rumble, BitChute, personal websites (probably not YouTube). I really would love to watch them.
I am not inclined to go this route yet. I am on the fence but tilting slightly towards a suspicion Hamlin is actually dead. Until we see real and unfakable footage of him in public, alive and well, I am not buying that he even survived. What I read into the antics on field, was a guy dying, hence the slow ambulance and lack of lighting and a very scared bunch of players realising what just happened and thinking about themselves. They fell to their knees and prayed, but instead of staring at him, I saw some eyes turned inwards. Reflective fear I could have sworn. This does introduce the problem of having to dispose of him at some time to answer why he does not appear in public but making up a car accident or a right wing racist, transphobic anti-vaxxer assassination plot is well within their repertoire. As an entirely planned and produced fake, it would only serve a limited purpose, since there are more than enough others and who did not wake up again and this is not going to end soon. Trying to hold back the tide of public consciousness is only able to buy them time, it will never stop the realisation among most people, and already there are signs it has crossed the half way mark of awakened people. The aware comments now easily outnumber the stupid people's responses on any media I see, from mainstream. left or right and in all countries I notice.
I will not commit myself, since that's irrational without more information and I keep telling some who assert confidently that he is dead, that they are foolish and even if they turn out to be right, it was no smarter than winning the lottery. It simply cannot be known yet. The second most likely explanation is however that a complete fake and no doubt that is on the cards. However that requires collusion, with a bunch of young men not typically known for their mental discipline or reliability in confidential matters.
It is entirely possible that Hamlin died on the field, and what has followed is a virtue signaling psyop for the always gullible public. But then you have to go down to the bottom of the rabbit hole, if Hamlin ever reemerges in public, especially if he plays again. Now, they could fool almost everyone, because how many people would recognize him? But that gets into hired actors and the like, and then people start wanting to sue you. So, I'm certainly not saying that happened. But because we are being lied to about everything, it's only natural to speculate. Thanks.
I tried sending people the court ordered Pfizer documents release showing the hundreds of adverse effects possible from the shots and was told "I don't believe it" which is technically an insane response.
Anyone "believing" the covid response was entirely above board and about health are mentally and imo pyscho-spiritually ill. I try and treat people w/ empathy and much as I would a sick person b/c functionally that's what they are and it's no small matter considering western civilization itself may be at stake, hyperbolic as that may sound.
We individuals of the human species can look among us and see a vast chasm separating the 'awake' folk from the 'sheeple' folk involving almost any topic; we seem to be at a speciation event where, if we quit breeding with the other group, our human species will bifurcate and resolve into two separate species - as we did when we separated from the apes. (On the other hand, one might conclude that half of us are rejoining the apes.)
Regardless, it seems the big lesson is this: if the culling agenda fails this time, we need to increase our population and thus our chances of thwarting the next culling attempt before it goes active.
Given that the neo-apes embrace the jab and we don't, one might conclude that the jab is a gift to us 'aware' folk: the vaccine might be working to select against the neo-apes to help us humans clean out our gene pool.....right? ..... a chance for optimism?
We need to look anywhere we can for optimism, BobbyR. I don't know if there are numbers to suggest that the unvaccinated are more likely to procreate than the vaccinated, but that would make sense. Thanks.
Being a nurse who in spring of 2020, didn’t even work on a COVID unit, and was so busy that I couldn’t understand those Tikky Tokky Tavi Dancing nurse videos or how they had time during their shifts to film, or how they got oxygen with those stupid masks on exerting themselves like that, I will tell you that was plain BS.
I enjoy listening to Dr. Tom Cowan (the originator that people were getting sick from 5g roll-out) who has a Bitchute channel now. In his recent video, he talks about the coming "smart" toilet. Yes, a toilet that will literally measure our urine and feces to detect whatever it is meant to detect. I added to what he stated and subtracted to come up with this: The toilet yells out at you: Your samples tell us that you are not vaccinated against Co-Conspirators 19! You do not have any of the Co-Conspirators 19 boosters! Authorities have been contacted through our 6G 1984 Network. Stay in your house! We also have detected low glyphosate in your urine. We suggest you drink your daily Round-Up immediately! You think Co-Conspirators 19 was bad; wait for those items and others to roll out. Its all about compliance. If people continue to be cowards then the human condition will never change and only get worse. This is no joke about the smart toilet they're already here for the most part. That and the rumor they are now injecting bumblebees with the vaccines.
As long as all of those "Boston strong", "Vegas strong", this strong and that strong campaigns are running then we will all be fine putting our heads down. Floyd strong. etc. But who cares about some channels on Bitchute that show blacks continually gaining up on whites and beating them, raping, them, robbing them, stealing from them, etc. There are so many videos there is no way to keep count. "Floyd Strong" man. That's all we need.
I still maintain the possibility or rather a good probability the whole NFL incident was staged. Again, glad the guy is alright either way. The moment we never question what we hear or half of what we SEE; myes well go 6 feet under because that person is a useless zombie. That's why I always continue on in life with an open mind and not the blinders on. Nor, will I automatically throw others ideas in the trash because it doesn't fit my agenda. Many alt-news persons do exactly that, and of course, the MSM would do the same.
Nice write-up Donald. Very good points especially about how fast they rolled out those Grand Masonic #3 clothing items and the like. That would lead one to think even more the whole event was staged.
Well, back to my gardening show. I never realized how much there is to LEARN about gardening as I continue to prepare as if I'm Noah from long ago. I really like gardening shows. Very interesting topic. But, who the hell should learn anything except for vaccine shedding? Well, at the very least if my toilet tells me I'm not shot-up and the consequence is no food at the grocery store - I think I'm on the right track.
Quick NOTE: Incorrect grammar first sentence last paragraph; I assume you meant "getting"
Bye DON! BYE! Biden West World Robot for POTUS 2040! I will start my tees company next week and have those on the store shelves within days. Oh wait, I don't have connections like that. No chance!
Dr. Paul Elias Alexander looks for "Patient Zero", or at least low-numbered patients in this COVID Plandemic, but suspects it may have been as early as December 2015.
Going by official data, I was patient zero in Perth, Western Australia. July/August 2019. I could believe it was as long ago as 2015. Those so-called "popcorn lung" deaths attributed to vapes, in 2019 in the USA were this thing I am sure. That story vanished in June I think the last mention and that included the interesting detail they'd noticed a cluster, meaning....virus. Within a month Fort Dietrich was shut down, for several instances of releases of pandemic producing viruses, I kid you not. If that isn't interesting enough. Guess who was training right next door at the time? The US team for the Wuhan Games!!! This is what I personally found, I am not repeating some story I read. There's more too related to Wuhan and the US team. It is all a remarkably nice jigsaw when these things are factored in. Still amazes me it isn't much known about.
I agree this could have been dangerously real, mildly manipulated or just plain hoaxed -
Thankfully, however there are a (few) of us who are able to see the elements of this manufactured matrix. They remind us that we are a part of a generational psy-op. Not a week seems to pass that we become subject to a mind controlling narrative that intends to numb the masses and titillate the truthers. By now we know (or should know by now) that these Luciferians have an element in their wicked oaths that require them to confess or divulge either their future objectives (2012 opening Olympic ceremony) or (past) wicked deeds, thus seemingly absolving them of any responsibility.
I continue to cling to my Christian beliefs in knowing that "the dead [will be] judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." Revelation 20:12.
We watched a video of the commonwealth 2022 celebration explained by biblical scholar Tim Cohen (new to us) that eerily connects all these inexplicable globally controlled horrifying dots… I was shook to my core… https://youtu.be/
Excellent article. You hit all the nails in the fake covid pandemic coffin. I am so sick of hearing about what his name. It's the same inane nonsense we saw from the Minnesota affair. As I have said elsewhere, we will never get the 100% truth of what happened during that event and afterwards. We will never get the 100% truth about much of anything related to the last 3 years.
As you have said, what about the others who have suffered and died from mRNA gene altering injections? They get no respect. People are just pathetic and sheep to be lead by the nose.
Speaking of production values and mythical heroes, see this detailed photo analysis of the Boston Marathon 'bombing' a decade ago: centerforaninformedamerica.com/boston-1/
My late friend Dave McGowan did the best work on the Boston Bombing, and his "Wagging the Moondoggie" is essential reading for all of those still on the fence about our space program. Thanks.
To be clear, and you need to be because it is an easy point for the scumbags to make, there was never said to be a COVID-19 virus. This is the name given the condition of being infected with the Sars-COV-2 virus. I am of the opinion that this claim, namely that it never existed, is the least safe topic to get into. Not least because the mechanism of infection, even the one they claim and which is challenged by an alternative theory, is so very poorly understood among the public. The information about Flu is sketchy and can be pulled apart easily. It may not be an answer to the real question but in showing one up to be completely confused about these things it does invite derision from the stupid people. They have even less idea of the "science" behind these things but they'll gladly smirk and snicker about the basic misunderstandings they will see at work.
The virus allegedly causing an illness is not named after the illness or vice versa. Influenza is a set of symptoms. Flu is caused by influenza virus of Class A, B, and C. We're not referring to other than humans, or there's more. The actual viruses involved are constantly changing. This is due to evolution of strains and is entirely in accordance with the science as it is presented. Mutations of such things are endless and constantly leading to new types. Type A is said to be the only type which causes pandemics. The severity of the symptoms is the main denominator as far as I can see. The actual symptoms are a mixed bag and aren't in themselves the definitive identification. Unsurprisingly, everyone presents with a different mix and severity because every organism is unique and particularly in respect to bacterial and viral populations already present. The common factor for flu is respiratory infection. In fact SARS-COV-2 was entirely within the definition of a flu virus. The corona-virus claim was never that special, since the truth is they do not always identify a virus, the illness is identified and a name given to it, but the precise genetic makeup of the virus causing it, seldom needs to be known. In any normal time, this thing would have been just the latest version of flu. The season's flu. This is why fly statistics were stopped being reported mid 2020. I was following these myself for comparison and saw them stop in April here in Perth, Western Australia. Notable then was that we had over 2000 cases recorded by April, not unusual as our flu season was barely starting. AT this time only 137 cases of COVID were being claimed. I concluded soon after that they were just substituting the name COVID for flu cases. These numbers are absolutely useless. In fact we have far more cases of flu which are never reported. Including severe cases, because not everyone seeks medical assistance, The same obviously goes for COVID.
Even if being a coronavirus was unusual, doesn't really mean much. Since the viruses respoinsible are constantly changing and the types of virus involved has not been static. The symptoms are the illness. The virus is the trigger. I would add to this my evolving understanding of Exosomes, and suggest that the virus triggers these, resulting in an immune response and depending on the exact action of the viruses course in our bodies, of its method of replication, our immune system creates the symptoms by its action on the affected elements of our biology. So if it involves hijacking part of our respiratory system, or other organs, part of our blood or whatever, the immune system can damage those organs in its rush to stop and evict the foreign invader. The Spike Proteins are taking that problem to the next level. Persistent and targeting critical components of our biology, they are specifically 'designed' to cause maximum damage to us, a mere side effect of a normal viral infection. In this weaponised version, this ancillary effect is the prime denominator. I am not satisfied with the strident assertions about it never having been isolated. There are a couple of reasons. Firstly, most people saying this, are self-evidently very poorly versed in the theory and science involved. I often hear the claim there is no way to isolate and identify a virus, which is utterly wrong. The PCR test is cheap, fast and absolutely useless for doing such a thing. It is not diagnostic and it was the height of fraud to pretend it was. The misuse of the test, by winding up and down the cycle rate was used to produce whatever results were desired. It could not ever have diagnosed the actual virus or have given a useful measure of infection, from anything. However, there are slightly less practical on a mass scale ways to isolate and identify viruses. These were indeed cited a number of times in some circumstances as having been employed and there is no reason to be skeptical of the possibility.
It would seem that the vaccine makers have dishonestly claimed themselves that this isolation and identification isn't possible, but they are lying. They simply stopped doing this early on when the results were not helping their narrative being built around viral infection and vaccination. They always could have done it, but they did not. All part of the deception. I read Chinese lab reports about their progress from early January. I saw the reports of its sequencing, and was immediately struck by the obvious signs it had been synthetically produced. My reasoning was confirmed almost word for word by Professor Luc Montagnier six months later and he said as I did in January that it was just not debatable that it was edited in a lab. It's evolution from SARS in a mere ten years was statistically impossible. The precise and incredibly targeted mutation incorporating two separate pieces from two entirely different viruses was unlikely to ever have occurred in the billions of years of Earth's history. Far longer than life has even existed on this planet! To assert it occurred in ten years, is so preposterous, it immediately struck me that this was surely the reason for the hundreds of mysterious deaths of world ranked microbiologists and other professions related to the field of virology which had attracted attention for years and was a very clear sign to those observing it, that something very dangerous was afoot. Today it is more obvious than ever, that the people most capable of blowing the whistle on the appearance of this thing and of pointing to the obvious man made, bioweapon nature of the whole matter. I am not a microbiologist. Indeed I am not even a qualified chemist. I studied chemistry at Uni but was particularly interested in a career in the mining industry and had little interest in biological sciences. It is however a fact that I was a gifted biology student. With no effort at all I was awarded the high school dux in the subject at the end of my schooling and had been selected for and attended an enrichment course for the top selected biology students in the state, at Murdoch university while in my second last year of high school. I have taken an increasingly active interest in organic chemistry as I have grown older and it has become clearer to me that I made a bad decision perhaps in career choice and have in fact got a lot of interest and an intuitive grasp of things which are seemingly hardest for others to grasp within the field. I am rather surprised by this, because I don't see the problem at all. I find it astonishing that such simple concepts as are involved in many cases are so hard for people who actually have a profound interest in the subject. I'm just a weekend warrior.
.... The primary reason however, that I cannot buy into the quite silly assertion there was never any virus at all, is my own direct and undeniable experience. I have said before how I fell ill in August 2019 with a severe respiratory infection. It was the first time in 38 years I had any noticeable viral infection. The symptoms were strange, the struggle to breathe was very real and terrifying and over the course of the next two weeks I spiraled downwards until I ended up with a nearly deadly case of pneumonia. It took a monumental effort of will and physical exertion to get myself up, lock my place behind me and to drive the 2 km to the doctors surgery where I was treated for pneumonia and was actually more or less fine the next day. Pneumonia is very easily treatable, if reached in time. The doctor was puzzled after a series of tests though, about the cause. Clearly a respiratory virus, it yet did not present like typical flu and he was concerned by a shadow on my lungs which showed up in X-rays. I wasn't and didn't continue with his testing regime, frankly I was busy with work and had to get moving as the season was starting. We're a strictly summer business. The symptoms were exactly aligned with the distinctive list of symptoms we were informed were COVID the next year when the Plandemic broke. I only realised this when around April I read a report of Sars Cov 2 being identified in sewerage samples from Spain from March, 2019. It all fell neatly into place. Around the same time we read of the distinctive "Shadow on the lungs" which those with severe illness were showing. That's a lot of correlation which isn't explainable as coincidence, and there's one more.
About 18 months after I had this, I had begun to develop some very obvious issues. I was getting thrombosis in my left leg. It developed rapidly and was causing me a lot of pain in short order. Clots cramping me up constantly. More worrying to me was the clear degradation of my brain. I was having word blackouts several times a day. With a verbose talking style not much different to my written syntax, and an English Literature student's love of English and a measurably exceptional vocabulary, I have an excellent memory also. If I want a specific word, sometimes rather obscure yet perfect for my purpose, I am obsessive about finding the right one. If I struggle once a week, it has most to do with this precise requirement and most people wouldn't falter and just use some crude synonym or mashup of words to say what they wanted to say. Not me and that once a week was never more than a thirty second pause while I dredge my memory for the target. However I was unable to make inroads over and over in the same day. My mind seemed lumpen and dark. Given the value I put on my most precious tool, the only part of me which would elicit suicide if I was losing it, this was terrifying. I was however well enough versed in what was known to have no doubt that this was what was being called "Long Covid" and I was convinced then, before the science had even reached this understanding, assuming they have even now, that the "long Covid" was in fact the spike proteins remaining and doing their damage long after the infection on which they rode in on had passed. It answered a question I had, namely if this was the case. By then we knew enough about them to know these were the problem with the fake vaccines. I was able to treat this soon after using a blood purifier I discovered when I had heart disease and by which use I was able to reverse my own cardio problems and thus avoid the Stents and Bypass surgery I was scheduled for. The Indians are doing trials with it for Leukemia and are having remarkable success. I humbly confess to being the one who tipped them off about this possibility and to their immense credit they listened and acted on it. Our own health system was profoundly uninterested even for the cardio cure it very clearly is. I am still doing my feeble best to get this information out to the community and am frustrated by the difficulties this entails. If I was so inclined I could probably get rich with the information I have about it. I didn't invent anything, or discover it whole. Just due to memory and an eye for patterns, a good mix of knowledge and Aries intuition (I am Aspergers and the combination is sort of what it is for me) I was able to come to a simple and to me obvious deduction. The herb, which I have mentioned before, is a blood purifier so seemed ideal candidate for dealing with a foreign protein in the blood. It certainly was. Its use cured my symptoms, dramatic and rising in severity that they were, in a matter of days. I have used it to cure the effects of spike proteins in pets affected by their owners fake vaccines, which I have seen with my own eyes are real and deadly. I am currently trying to get my oldest and best mate to use it and my son. Both of whom have serious and rising problems after they got their fake vaccines. They are both idiots who will not take things seriously enough to use it the way I tell them and the random way they are doing so is just not satisfactory. So I am unable at this point to speak to its efficacy for the victims of the fake vaccines. Intuitively I believe it will. As my son is becoming more alarmed and my mate too, I expect I will soon have them at least doing as they are told. I am moving to my mate's place after summer also and given I have no wish to attend his funeral I am going to make the bastard punch me I will be so on his case about it unless he grows enough brains to trust in mine. Of all the people who know me, Mick is the one who tops the list. it leaves me flabbergasted that even after everything I warned him about has come to pass, that he even now is not committed to trusting me on this. Death is a thing which it seems not even 60 year old men seem capable of confronting as a reality.
These correlative points make a very strong case in my mind that there was indeed a virus conforming to the description we have been given. There are others even which contribute to the same conclusion, but I have included the most important. No matter what arguments are made against it, I cannot displace the conclusion based on my own direct experience.
As for the lack of a sample being shown to be the case for all health systems, I have always had a very simply hypothesis about this. It came about from the rapid sequencing the Chinese achieved at the start. So rapid in fact that many experts were questioning how they did it. I presumed then as I have since, knowing that it was from a lab and evidently was also even patented some years prior, that they bought rights to the patent. Nobody needed to isolate the virus to identify it or to develop vaccines. (which was and still is a pipe dream) They already had it, because it was on the patent.
Sorry this is long, but I very much want to nip this narrative of NO COVID existed in the bud, because it is a minefield for the people repeating it. Even if the overall point being made is correct, it is too easy for the "Fact Fuckers" to point to and debunk. They can destroy the credibility of the person falling into the trap of talking about things beyond their understanding. Also I am just speaking of the theory, I am not saying I know that infections and viruses are related the way we are told. If a theory can accurately predict results however, and this one does, then it remains viable.
Thanks for sharing your own experience, Rabbitnexus. Sounds like you were fortunate to survive something very nasty. I don't claim to know anything for certain. I just ask questions.
What else happened? What event(s) in the world were happening such that a huge emotional distraction served the results?
What are the medical test results on the mysteriously collapsing "angel" who weeks before was ejected from a game for excess violence?
Did he have myocarditis or other heart damage he could not have had when he had his football medical examinations? Does he plan to return to football? Will the team/league let him return to football?
Too much hoopla and totally insufficient news on the cause of the event and it surely seems nearly impossible that it was from a hit from padded shoulders on the well padded sternum of a professional athlete.
Great questions, Glass Gun One. We are usually being distracted away from something more significant, in the same way magicians fool their audience. Thanks!
I recall drilling one fool about the insane anomaly of the dancing nurses and her response was, "Well, they're celebrating the few people they've been able to save from Covid." Beyond pathetic. There is truly no hope for these brain-dead, spineless sheeple. I think the Oligarchs, scumbags though the are, have hit the mark. These featherless bipeds deserve death. If the System's sycophants were to issue a decree stipulating that for health and safety reasons, anyone entering a store or any public place had to first drop their drawers, bend over, and get cornholed where the sun don't shine, I've no doubt that the majority of Scumericans would happily comply with a smile on their insouciant faces. Another great job, Don, thanks.
Thanks for the laugh. I needed it.
Any time, Lisa. Laughter is indeed the best medicine. However, the real laugh is that I was drop dead serious. Be well.
Unfortunately, your analysis, same as Mr. Jeffries, appears quite correct.
Hard to comprehend what people believe these days
Some podgy, masked lady of leisure at the dog park told me the hospital workers in these choreographed dance videos were merely destressing.
Nothing will wake these people up. Nothing.
If God did not want them shorn, He would not have made them sheep.
Again and again I point out the same thing. Americans should stop thinking of this as an American affliction. Exactly the same things have happened in most other nations. We have the same social mixture the same political forces and the same social engineering at work. The same statistics and the same bovine mentality, dullards incapable of independent thought or curiosity about anything, least of all related to their own health. The problem is global. The USA is not even leading it, although many people and entities involved are based there. Fauci was fucking his own nation, and calling the shots by default for all of us, not as an American but a Globalist puppet.
I agree a subspecies is arising among us. I define them as Homosapiens Sapiens, and Homosapiens Servus. It is not uncommon for a species to split into two or more subspecies and maybe with a little help from genetic engineering, we are doing exactly this now. I doubt we can devolve backwards towards more primitive primates, and are instead having different aspects of our brains activated and developed. An obedient, unquestioning slavish type and the traditional intelligent and creative one we here seemingly still belong to. A great presentation of this exact concept is central to HG Wells, Time Machine. Except I think we will also be the pretty ones and are unlikely to employ the others as workers, or food.
On the mark as usual, Hereticdrummer. Thanks!
Since the ambulance was unmarked and apparently empty inside, it looks like this whole Damar Hamlin event was a charade. Perhaps it was designed to mock and ridicule anyone who thinks people are "dying suddenly" from the jabs? Once again, I am left confused beyond belief. So many elements of this psy-op appear designed to do just that. We are being mocked, ridiculed and confused while our loved ones are being culled and the world is being destroyed.
I somehow lost the most important, beautiful person in my life to the Plandemic and I doubt I will ever understand how or why it happened. My heart is broken, my soul is crushed and I will never be happy again. Whatever "it" was that killed my loved one, it was NOT the flu. At least not any type of flu I've ever encountered. In around 10 days my loved one went from healthy to gone from this world. We thought she was recovering the last few days (because the "flu-like" symptoms had subsided) until we discovered her oxygen was dangerously low. I believe that somehow "it" destroys the blood in some people, preventing oxygen from being delivered. In fact, "it" may be more similar to Malaria than the flu.
"While malaria and COVID-19 can have similar presentation, common symptoms they share include but not limited to: fever, breathing difficulties, tiredness and acute onset headache, which may lead to misdiagnosis of malaria for COVID-19 and vice versa, particularly when clinician relies mainly on symptoms." (https://malariajournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12936-020-03541-w) You will find a lot more info if you research. Perhaps this is why HCQ...? This similarity to Malaria, which destroys red blood cells, only just occurred to me last week and I have barely started to research it. We have seen many images of red blood cell destruction in the blood of the jabbed. My loved one was unjabbed, but I believe shedding may have been the cause of her illness. It was August of 2021, and I've never known anyone to get the flu in August.
I strongly recommend anyone with a vulnerable loved one to find an enlightened doctor who can help them before they are needed. No matter what you believe "it" is, if your loved one gets ill you will need help, and if you wait too long he or she may end up being hospitalized, and from what happened to Mr. Jeffries' brother, we know how that is likely to end. Whatever else any of us thinks, it's obvious THEY are trying to eliminate US. Being prepared and not hesitating when and if the time comes is far better than the alternative.
Sorry to hear about your loss, Swan. Sounds very familiar to my brother's death. Unjabbed, went from healthy (no symptoms at all) to dead in two weeks. But he died from hospital COVID "protocol." Was your loved one in a hospital? My brother's oxygen too was low, and they used that as further excuse to kill him with Remdesivir, BPap machine, etc. Thanks for sharing your sad story.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Yeah, I assume athletes are really "athletic actors" and I have for a very very long time. It doesn't mean I can't still enjoy it like a child enjoys pro wrestling. Therefore, if you look at each NFL game like its a LIVE movie or LIVE Tv Series happening on screen it won't confuse you. I contend the majority of these multi-millionaires did not get vaccinated. So, this idea that this happened from a shot is bullshit. Last time I checked, multi-millionaires have access to better and more important information than some broke dikk working a regular job (Just Over Broke) out there.
I see you did a comparison to malaria. I said at the beginning of Co-Conspirators 19 that the symptoms are almost identical to radiation sickness. Whether that is the roll-out of 5G as Dr. Tom Cowan at one point suggested, or its some other radiation or weapon (there is a book called Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - I think that's the title). I contend to this day its radiation sickness. Hence, many people that got the shots and boosters are 100% healthy and fine. I don't know. I keep an open mind and don't shut doors. They, the detractors that want their agenda only - heard; can shut the door behind their asses on the way out. Didn't Donald's wife get the shot(s) and I assume he still lives with her? Perhaps, if he reads this he can tell us if he's been sick from being around her?
I keep on with my own perceptions. As that's all I can trust. I still don't know anyone that has died from the jabs, but I do know a few people that supposedly died from CC19. So, this idea from some that the jabs are this enormous weapon of death - its not yet. For, we would hear about some of the 80k people at these football games dropping dead in the stands. Word would get out. Oh yeah, soccer players are great athletic actors too by the way (The best athletic actors mind you). Do you know how many times you'd think the persons bone would be out of their leg by their screaming on the soccer field only to jump up and be fine? Yeah. More bullshit. I'll just keep checking my perceptions to see if these jabbers are dying. So far, all I HEAR is they are, but I don't SEE it.
I have seen 9 people die soon after their jabs. All but one younger than my 60 years. Everyone I know who got them, is sick right now and has been sick over and over ever since. Even they have all begun to realise their immune system is shot to bits. entirely understood mechanism by which this happens and unfortunately, it is not reversible. It is in fact exactly what is termed as AIDS. The effects of this spike protein weapon are myriad. The ways it can maim and kill number more than 1200 officially acknowledged. It is not designed to create a great pile of bodies at any time. Instead it will cause a significant rise in excess deaths and of course severe health problems. Not coincidentally requiring expensive (read profitable) medical treatments.
The official statistics of excess deaths are being somewhat manipulated in cases I am looking at. Yet the acknowledged rates are actually at a historical high. There is a direct relationship to the rapidly sinking average lifespan of people in countries like the USA and Australia etc. Insurance companies have as Donald mentions definitely noticed a dramatic upswing in deaths of people of working age. There is already talk of not insuring people who got it. The obvious implications of doing so are making them hesitate but it is inevitable they will have to do this, because they will rapidly be bankrupted otherwise. Waiting for it to stop, is absolutely a losing strategy. The best experts, world renowned figures in the field, believe the deaths will continue for many years. It is a common refrain among them also, that literally everyone who got these, is going to become ill and die eventually. By eventually, in less than ten years. In fact six years is usually talked about. The peak as such is not yet upon us either. This does not make pleasant reading. It does not offer any hope even and all I can offer is this. By acknowledging the situation, horrific as it seems, one is finally free to start looking for a solution. As somebody who was blessed by circumstances to be at the forefront of the experience, and having the right background and insatiable curiosity about most everything which catches my attention I was given a great opportunity to stay ahead of this and I have managed to do so remarkably well. There are some inroads towards treatment of the afflicted being made by medical professionals, and alternative health practitioners. I keep abreast of their results. I however have been able to find an alternative solution which seems to be a miraculous cure for the long Covid sufferers, cures the victims of shedding spike proteins, including pets, and I am hoping to reverse the severe effects of the jab afflicted. This one is ongoing, I mention it in more detail in a long comments I made at the start.
I hope to save my oldest son and oldest best mate. Both of whom are suffering debilitating effects from their poor choice to take this filth. The ONLY reason I am so far ahead in this is that I was very much ahead of the curve in recognising the truth of this monstrous assault on humanity. Those who persist in trying to maintain the illusion of normalcy and who yet cling to any faith in their leaders, medical establishments or society are at this point doomed. By the time denial is no longer possible it is going to be too late. As always early intervention is the best solution for anything. The damage to the organs and cardio vascular, nervous system is irrevocable and inevitable. The solution can only lie in ridding the body of an insidiously persistent weaponised spike protein. The term is bandied about like candy as if it is just some ailment, some sort of poison. Every time I hear it or say it I wince. Because what we are saying is a FOREIGN PROTEIN in your blood and brain. This is the worst possible thing which can happen toa body and is the primary reason our immune systems exist. Our immune system is a stupendous evolutionary thing which almost dwarfs all other aspects of our evolution in its astonishing function. The most insane and cavalier thing humanity ever did was to allow a fairly stupid man with a privileged background a manufactured image to cancel this never fully understood human feature for a version he made up. I realise people lack the education to see this with the right eyes but on its own, this stupidity actually makes the deaths of so many people seem justified. NO species so stupid has any place in the fairly hostile environment we inhabit. I don't care if people did not know. They SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. I am not a doctor and I am not even a practicing scientist but I certainly was aware of it. Talking about God is immaterial. He gave us these miracles and He told us to trust his works. Letting Billy boy Gates assume the mantle of leadership in such things was nothing less than putting faith in man, over faith in God.
There's a reason I call these shots a cure for stupid people. Because it does cure the human population of stupid people.
Look wise guy; I'm 33 steps ahead of you. I knew in the very beginning it was a con. I never wore a mask, I got a little sick for about a week. I didn't social distance like the other morons, and I didn't take the shots. Nobody locked me down either and I was in a lock-down state. I knew everything they were going to do before they did it. I don't have any connections either. It was my gut instinct. So, tell me all you want about the shots; I already predicted when Covid started that the real plans would be the vaccine (to make people sick). I'm telling you I have not seen it yet. Not around here, and not anyone I know. So, I'm not denying its possible; I'm telling you I haven't seen it. So, my perceptions aren't, OMG, hundreds of millions are dying from this super-weapon vaccine. It hasn't happened.........yet! We shall see if it does.
What's your problem? Nothing I said related to you if you have not had it. I have seen plenty, and I have seen reports by health departments, insurance companies and funeral home workers, all confirming similar figures. I have been watching the phenomenal rates of celebrities, athletes and more who have been dropping dead. Including an amazing number doing so live on TV and events where it is caught on video. By no means is it piles of bodies and probably never will be. Not meant to kill off billions rapidly but to lower the total, reduce fertility etc. The precise mechanisms and numbers etc are in official documents for more than twenty years. It is no secret, it is not hard to establish and if you actually wanted to know the truth it is certainly not hard to find. That you refuse to believe it till you see yourself, is your problem but not how a rational person needs to act. It just means you'll not be among the first to notice.
Meantime, I do not think it is all fake. I have seen a very marked increase in deaths by stroke and the various better known cardio issues are mentioned a lot. I have people every day reporting people they know, often family sick or dead. Cancers are returning, a 7 year old child has a massive relapse of an autoimmune disease she had cured as a child, but worse after one jab. Her mother has woken up, but her child is covered in boils and rashes. I could go on and on with what I have indeed seen. MY oldest son hasn't had more than a few days between getting sick lately and my oldest mate too. I am treating them with something I think might do it and living in fear, I don't want to attend either of their funerals.
I don't think that makes me special, still no idea what the hell you're on. It makes me same as many others, noticing something is wrong. Maybe you're in some special place. Maybe your area ducked it, they certainly sent different batches . Maybe you just don't meet a lot of people in any given week. I meet a hundred of more new and know tens of thousands within two contacts at more. Despite protestations of being informed, or whatever you're saying, you are remarkably uninformed. I really can't say more, not least because I don't give a fuck. Believe what you like. I stick to what I know, the sources I have been following and I rely as much on official data, which speaks for itself and does not support your impressions from your own experience and my comparable experiences. I do have contact with a lot of people daily through my work maybe. However it just matches what is being reported everywhere.
There are signs from rapidly dropping average age in countries like the USA, Canada and Australia. The MSM is studiously silent, they lie outright. If you're waiting for them, you're pretty dumb. So much for your gut. I have my intuition from the start but also a good science background and a lot of research from the start. Here's a great confirmation, Japanese are getting restless. By all means just assume you can't trust it. I am showing how rational people with genuine curiosity are keeping abreast of it. You can sit by your front gate and wait till the dead are paraded past your door, for your approval or whatever you expect. It is about survival and being ahead of the game as much as possible is a no-brainer.. From here, you seem as dumb as a paper bag full of hammers. Your whole attitude is strange to be honest. It certainly doesn't change anything anybody knows or does not. Just sets your own personal benchmark. Fine, lots of people feel that way about UFOs. If I have had close encounters, it doesn't help convince you. I get that. But UFOs aren't probably all that concerning if you happened to be missing their presence either. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/japan-launches-official-investigation-into-millions-of-covid-vaccine-deaths
By the way. I find your post frustrating stupid. You place trust in your own perceptions yet self-evidently have made no attempt to inform yourself. You presume it seems that what you think will be seen, will be reported by the same media which has lied all along. Exactly what you say has not been seen yet, is indeed being seen in astonishing numbers. There are people collapsing and dying from heart complaints at many sports events, both the sports people and spectators. There are sites collating these reports and they are mind numbingly common. They are hampered by an active campaign to censor details and to deny any connections but it has long since become a farce and impossible to take seriously. There are hundreds of reports of deaths of American sports people including a shocking number of children and teenagers. The stats on the known examples are thousands of times higher than has ever been seen. I see reports every single day, in mainstream publications of deaths and collapses all over the world. I am not exaggerating even a little bit. EVERY DAY for the past three months at least, there has been a report of a new death or collapse of a celebrity or athlete. Western Journal alone hasn't had a day without new reports mainly from the USA in this regard. You seem like someone who found their way here by accident and really don't have any reason to remain Since nothing you read will be so profoundly obvious to you as it is to the rest of us and you're just wasting your time. I assume you got yours. In which case I sincerely suggest, in the absence of enough intelligence or even curiosity to help yourself, that you get out and enjoy what life you have left. This is not being facetious. I am being truly compassionate and would wish you to get the best out of whatever you have left.
Its perception........stupid! So, where does all your information come from of all these deaths? Some news source? Oh, I see, some news source that YOU trust. I don't give a rats ass where you get your news, but unless you are seeing people drop dead and can confirm it in public or in the real world (NOT ON TELL-LIES-VISION, and not on the laughable internet, and not in some newspaper......then you aren't using your own perceptions.
Guess what? If you have seen 9; I have seen 0. That's right. Zero. You tell me 9, so I should trust you. I mean you're a stranger pal. Why the fuck should I believe you? What are you to me?
I told you and have posted countless times; I don't believe anything I hear, and only half of what I see. That half of what I see, like 300 soccer players collapsing on the field? Yeah, I'm sure. Those guys average about 50 million a year; and they got the shots? Soccer players are the biggest sports actors I've ever seen. If you want to believe everything you hear and everything you see; have at it!
I don't have to believe 1, not 1, thing anyone says. I'll make my own confirmations.
Guess what? I know a guy that is in his 90's that's all jabbed up and had all the boosters. He's still alive and doing fine. In fact, my whole block is old people and there hasn't been 1 ambulance on this block and nobody has died. I mean, fuck pal, I must be living in a different dimension than you huh? Yes, the majority of those old folks got the shots too. I've talked to them. I would think some of them in the last 3 years would've even died from natural causes, but not even that. I tell you what; I bet you they are aliens then. I mean how else could they still be kicking like this otherwise? Now, you're post sounds frustratingly stupid to me!
Like I said , perception is everything. Maybe they said, hey, let's not kill the old people on Ryan's street. Give them a saline solution! Listen pal, not 1 ambulance around her within a few blocks. Like I said, I think all of us are friggin' Superman you wise guy. What else could it be? Maybe God stepped in and intervened for all the people nearby me. Whatever it is; I gotta tell you it sure is shocking. Not 1 ambulance during Co-Conspirators 19, and not 1 ambulance since the shots rolled out.
Suck on that for a while!
I'm very sorry for your terrible loss.
Thanks. It is just how life goes. If you love someone, the inevitable day of loss is set in motion. It's the tragedy of a mortal life. Everyone probably gets there at some point. I'm sixty, probably at least 3/4 finished my run and it is a sort of peace where I have come from fear of death, to welcoming it. If I have time to see it coming, I will die the happiest man who ever died, shouting out her name because it is now my single minded purpose. I know there will never be another like her but I can still love and I do. With whatever is left of my heart. Love also sows more where the soil is barren. But it's main keeper took with her all I had and I promised her I'd be along as soon as I was allowed. That I will never let her go and if she's gone to oblivion I will be requesting the next ride there too. It is my final contractual condition from a lifelong covenant which is now defined as Jihad. The same master either way and He has been very, very merciful. My sweetheart knew she was going and she left a gift of inestimable value to my hearts agony. I have an answer which leaves my fear that we can truly lose anybody as nothing. I know from almost two months of almost nightly visits that she was still there, out of sight but not gone and not forgotten me. I only wish I had known like she did it was the end. I wish I could give what I know to others but alas, it is a very personal thing and I only have my story. I am certain it is the same for everybody. At least who doesn't squander the gift of self-awareness which is the Gift of Life. It's what draws us out from a cosmic soup of sentience to become our own person and ego. I am no less sure we can let it go dim until we don't have any self-awareness to carry us over the threshold and we go out like a candle. A lot of that going on right now I feel intuitively.
By the way, in truth I am glad I did not know. It would have tainted our last time instead she had time to lay the foundation for me to cope afterwards and she had long enough to look around the world she'd loved one more time and to show me the greatest love and gratitude for our life together I could have asked for. I did not have to grieve alone, somehow she was able to reach me for a remarkably long time. I would love to recommend a book by Richard Bach. The author of "Jonathon Livingstone Seagull". Itself a must read at least twice in a life. "Bridge Across Forever." I sincerely offer this beautiful and unearthly, true love story to anybody who has ever found their true love. You will be grateful I promise.
Sorry but a lot of what you assume about malaria and COVID are wrong. Malaria is a parasite. Not a virus. I have not checked the action of Quinine on malaria, can't say if it is the same mechanism. Nor does it need to be. People think of medications in terms of their action. I think of them as chemicals and all chemicals have different reactions they can undergo. It is also used for a couple of rare diseases and they do not seem to have any similarity to either malaria or corona-viruses. To this day the crucial element of Zinc is rarely mentioned by people touting Quinine. Hydroxychloroquine is just a salt of quinine and there are others. Just as Amphetamine is a drug but usually found in a salt form, since as a base it isn't as practical to dose. You hear amphetamine hydrochloride, amphetamine sulphate and less commonly, but if the idiots want to smoke it, they should use something like amphetamine carbonate. It vaporises rather than burns. The salt is chosen according to its intended use. They are not three different drugs though, they are all amphetamine the same. So I prefer to refer to quinine, since it is the same no matter what salt it has been converted to. Extracted from the bark of the quinoa tree, it is found in nature in its basic form.
Quinine, Ivermectin and Quercetin are all ionophores. They do not cure the infection by a corona-virus on their own. Their role is as a carrier of Zinc ions into the cells. Zinc destroys all corona-viruses, but is unable to pass the cell membrane alone if infected.. If people include ZINC supplements with any of these, they will be cured in 4 to 6 days, with 100% efficacy. This was the secret they never told us. I got a tipoff from a Chinese lab report in January 2020 which led me to discover this well-kept secret, which is yet reported in many studies, has been tested and includes human trials. It's been published for years, and in peer reviewed journals. Not just some, but ALL corona viruses. I was able to buy a good supply of it just before as I guessed it would, quinine was removed from supply. It was so easy to buy before this, I ordered it by mail from India. Given I have never heard of anyone else who did this, and that nobody yet has detailed this science unless I have told them about this, I submit I should be given some credibility too. Nothing genius, I'm just methodical and good at noticing patterns across disparate subjects. A byproduct of being somewhere on the autism scale.
I know there's nothing I can say which offers any condolences for your loss. I have lost the love of my life due to entirely unnecessary accident and two years later I know as I did then, I will never know true happiness again and I have been alive too long. I'm tired and waiting for the time I can leave here, and find her. I am sure eternal life is not a goal, but a reality and have more than faith, but real observed phenomena which convince me our love is never lost. Eternal life would have no purpose and only be eternal loneliness otherwise. Presumably your beloved was not vaccinated. Because if she were, then you need look no further for the cause.
However, Sars Cov 2 had the deadly weaponised spike proteins on its back at the start. Since the jabbery with the fake vaccines there has ben ample evidence the jabbed are shedding these to those around them. If one is in enough contact with the jabbed. they can get these in their bodies and that includes companion animals too. These can affect fertility and even kill. Having had the dreaded lurgy early on, I find I am hypersensitive to them and like others have reported, I can actually smell them. Nothing can bring her back. Yet understanding what happened does matter, I believe. it offers no consolation, can even deepen despair if it turns out there may have been something to be done after all, but it does seem to relieve the confusion and offer some solace.
Interestingly Bret Weinstein mentioned malaria similarities to c19 on his podcast Dark Horse last week or the week before. Which is why he thinks IVM has worked for early treatment as well.
I eagerly awaited this follow-up, because no one else pointed out the anomalous happening with Hamlin. And there are so many now. It's rediculous not to think this was a hoax, writ large.
Do you know where "Jason Goodman" and "Citizen Richard" uploaded their empty hospital videos to? Rumble, BitChute, personal websites (probably not YouTube). I really would love to watch them.
Ah, Jason Goodman runs https://CrowdSourceTheTruth.Com. I momentarily forgot about him. Excellent work. Now I have to find "Citizen Richard". 🤗
I think it's Richard Citizen Journalist...
Yes, that should be him. Thanks.
Thank you. 🤗 I'll go there.
I am not inclined to go this route yet. I am on the fence but tilting slightly towards a suspicion Hamlin is actually dead. Until we see real and unfakable footage of him in public, alive and well, I am not buying that he even survived. What I read into the antics on field, was a guy dying, hence the slow ambulance and lack of lighting and a very scared bunch of players realising what just happened and thinking about themselves. They fell to their knees and prayed, but instead of staring at him, I saw some eyes turned inwards. Reflective fear I could have sworn. This does introduce the problem of having to dispose of him at some time to answer why he does not appear in public but making up a car accident or a right wing racist, transphobic anti-vaxxer assassination plot is well within their repertoire. As an entirely planned and produced fake, it would only serve a limited purpose, since there are more than enough others and who did not wake up again and this is not going to end soon. Trying to hold back the tide of public consciousness is only able to buy them time, it will never stop the realisation among most people, and already there are signs it has crossed the half way mark of awakened people. The aware comments now easily outnumber the stupid people's responses on any media I see, from mainstream. left or right and in all countries I notice.
I will not commit myself, since that's irrational without more information and I keep telling some who assert confidently that he is dead, that they are foolish and even if they turn out to be right, it was no smarter than winning the lottery. It simply cannot be known yet. The second most likely explanation is however that a complete fake and no doubt that is on the cards. However that requires collusion, with a bunch of young men not typically known for their mental discipline or reliability in confidential matters.
It is entirely possible that Hamlin died on the field, and what has followed is a virtue signaling psyop for the always gullible public. But then you have to go down to the bottom of the rabbit hole, if Hamlin ever reemerges in public, especially if he plays again. Now, they could fool almost everyone, because how many people would recognize him? But that gets into hired actors and the like, and then people start wanting to sue you. So, I'm certainly not saying that happened. But because we are being lied to about everything, it's only natural to speculate. Thanks.
Thanks, NYCeyes!
I tried sending people the court ordered Pfizer documents release showing the hundreds of adverse effects possible from the shots and was told "I don't believe it" which is technically an insane response.
Anyone "believing" the covid response was entirely above board and about health are mentally and imo pyscho-spiritually ill. I try and treat people w/ empathy and much as I would a sick person b/c functionally that's what they are and it's no small matter considering western civilization itself may be at stake, hyperbolic as that may sound.
That's where we are at, Jon. The empty hospital videos prove that- who are you going to believe, our beloved authorities or your lying eyes? Thanks.
Dear Donald, I love your writings,I agree with everything you say. Thank you for being one of the free and one of the braves.
I very much appreciate your kind words, Kiran. Thanks!
We individuals of the human species can look among us and see a vast chasm separating the 'awake' folk from the 'sheeple' folk involving almost any topic; we seem to be at a speciation event where, if we quit breeding with the other group, our human species will bifurcate and resolve into two separate species - as we did when we separated from the apes. (On the other hand, one might conclude that half of us are rejoining the apes.)
Regardless, it seems the big lesson is this: if the culling agenda fails this time, we need to increase our population and thus our chances of thwarting the next culling attempt before it goes active.
Given that the neo-apes embrace the jab and we don't, one might conclude that the jab is a gift to us 'aware' folk: the vaccine might be working to select against the neo-apes to help us humans clean out our gene pool.....right? ..... a chance for optimism?
We need to look anywhere we can for optimism, BobbyR. I don't know if there are numbers to suggest that the unvaccinated are more likely to procreate than the vaccinated, but that would make sense. Thanks.
Being a nurse who in spring of 2020, didn’t even work on a COVID unit, and was so busy that I couldn’t understand those Tikky Tokky Tavi Dancing nurse videos or how they had time during their shifts to film, or how they got oxygen with those stupid masks on exerting themselves like that, I will tell you that was plain BS.
Thanks for your insider perspective, Tess!
I enjoy listening to Dr. Tom Cowan (the originator that people were getting sick from 5g roll-out) who has a Bitchute channel now. In his recent video, he talks about the coming "smart" toilet. Yes, a toilet that will literally measure our urine and feces to detect whatever it is meant to detect. I added to what he stated and subtracted to come up with this: The toilet yells out at you: Your samples tell us that you are not vaccinated against Co-Conspirators 19! You do not have any of the Co-Conspirators 19 boosters! Authorities have been contacted through our 6G 1984 Network. Stay in your house! We also have detected low glyphosate in your urine. We suggest you drink your daily Round-Up immediately! You think Co-Conspirators 19 was bad; wait for those items and others to roll out. Its all about compliance. If people continue to be cowards then the human condition will never change and only get worse. This is no joke about the smart toilet they're already here for the most part. That and the rumor they are now injecting bumblebees with the vaccines.
As long as all of those "Boston strong", "Vegas strong", this strong and that strong campaigns are running then we will all be fine putting our heads down. Floyd strong. etc. But who cares about some channels on Bitchute that show blacks continually gaining up on whites and beating them, raping, them, robbing them, stealing from them, etc. There are so many videos there is no way to keep count. "Floyd Strong" man. That's all we need.
I still maintain the possibility or rather a good probability the whole NFL incident was staged. Again, glad the guy is alright either way. The moment we never question what we hear or half of what we SEE; myes well go 6 feet under because that person is a useless zombie. That's why I always continue on in life with an open mind and not the blinders on. Nor, will I automatically throw others ideas in the trash because it doesn't fit my agenda. Many alt-news persons do exactly that, and of course, the MSM would do the same.
Nice write-up Donald. Very good points especially about how fast they rolled out those Grand Masonic #3 clothing items and the like. That would lead one to think even more the whole event was staged.
Well, back to my gardening show. I never realized how much there is to LEARN about gardening as I continue to prepare as if I'm Noah from long ago. I really like gardening shows. Very interesting topic. But, who the hell should learn anything except for vaccine shedding? Well, at the very least if my toilet tells me I'm not shot-up and the consequence is no food at the grocery store - I think I'm on the right track.
Quick NOTE: Incorrect grammar first sentence last paragraph; I assume you meant "getting"
Bye DON! BYE! Biden West World Robot for POTUS 2040! I will start my tees company next week and have those on the store shelves within days. Oh wait, I don't have connections like that. No chance!
Smart toilets? Only in America 2.0, to quote two time murderer Don King. Thanks, Ryan!
Dr. Paul Elias Alexander looks for "Patient Zero", or at least low-numbered patients in this COVID Plandemic, but suspects it may have been as early as December 2015.
I knew there was another even more pertinent! Bill Rice, Jr. too. See https://billricejr.substack.com/p/always-check-your-assumptions and "early spread" on that stack in general.
Going by official data, I was patient zero in Perth, Western Australia. July/August 2019. I could believe it was as long ago as 2015. Those so-called "popcorn lung" deaths attributed to vapes, in 2019 in the USA were this thing I am sure. That story vanished in June I think the last mention and that included the interesting detail they'd noticed a cluster, meaning....virus. Within a month Fort Dietrich was shut down, for several instances of releases of pandemic producing viruses, I kid you not. If that isn't interesting enough. Guess who was training right next door at the time? The US team for the Wuhan Games!!! This is what I personally found, I am not repeating some story I read. There's more too related to Wuhan and the US team. It is all a remarkably nice jigsaw when these things are factored in. Still amazes me it isn't much known about.
But if they chemtrailed diacetyl, I would have smelled it.
I agree this could have been dangerously real, mildly manipulated or just plain hoaxed -
Thankfully, however there are a (few) of us who are able to see the elements of this manufactured matrix. They remind us that we are a part of a generational psy-op. Not a week seems to pass that we become subject to a mind controlling narrative that intends to numb the masses and titillate the truthers. By now we know (or should know by now) that these Luciferians have an element in their wicked oaths that require them to confess or divulge either their future objectives (2012 opening Olympic ceremony) or (past) wicked deeds, thus seemingly absolving them of any responsibility.
I continue to cling to my Christian beliefs in knowing that "the dead [will be] judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." Revelation 20:12.
Our faith is all we have at this point, Hugger. The right will prevail. Thanks.
We watched a video of the commonwealth 2022 celebration explained by biblical scholar Tim Cohen (new to us) that eerily connects all these inexplicable globally controlled horrifying dots… I was shook to my core… https://youtu.be/
Did you read this Mark Huggins substack Donald? The video, though produced in sarcasm does point out some obvious slight of hands --- https://open.substack.com/pub/michaelhuggins50/p/the-vrr-29-lawmakers-assistants-cc?r=697d8&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
Yes, I'm becoming a big fan of Mike Huggins. He is asking the right questions, and doing so in a very witty way. Thanks.
Opps sorry, Mike Huggins
Excellent article. You hit all the nails in the fake covid pandemic coffin. I am so sick of hearing about what his name. It's the same inane nonsense we saw from the Minnesota affair. As I have said elsewhere, we will never get the 100% truth of what happened during that event and afterwards. We will never get the 100% truth about much of anything related to the last 3 years.
As you have said, what about the others who have suffered and died from mRNA gene altering injections? They get no respect. People are just pathetic and sheep to be lead by the nose.
I appreciate the kind words, Gorgo. Thanks!
Speaking of production values and mythical heroes, see this detailed photo analysis of the Boston Marathon 'bombing' a decade ago: centerforaninformedamerica.com/boston-1/
My late friend Dave McGowan did the best work on the Boston Bombing, and his "Wagging the Moondoggie" is essential reading for all of those still on the fence about our space program. Thanks.
To be clear, and you need to be because it is an easy point for the scumbags to make, there was never said to be a COVID-19 virus. This is the name given the condition of being infected with the Sars-COV-2 virus. I am of the opinion that this claim, namely that it never existed, is the least safe topic to get into. Not least because the mechanism of infection, even the one they claim and which is challenged by an alternative theory, is so very poorly understood among the public. The information about Flu is sketchy and can be pulled apart easily. It may not be an answer to the real question but in showing one up to be completely confused about these things it does invite derision from the stupid people. They have even less idea of the "science" behind these things but they'll gladly smirk and snicker about the basic misunderstandings they will see at work.
The virus allegedly causing an illness is not named after the illness or vice versa. Influenza is a set of symptoms. Flu is caused by influenza virus of Class A, B, and C. We're not referring to other than humans, or there's more. The actual viruses involved are constantly changing. This is due to evolution of strains and is entirely in accordance with the science as it is presented. Mutations of such things are endless and constantly leading to new types. Type A is said to be the only type which causes pandemics. The severity of the symptoms is the main denominator as far as I can see. The actual symptoms are a mixed bag and aren't in themselves the definitive identification. Unsurprisingly, everyone presents with a different mix and severity because every organism is unique and particularly in respect to bacterial and viral populations already present. The common factor for flu is respiratory infection. In fact SARS-COV-2 was entirely within the definition of a flu virus. The corona-virus claim was never that special, since the truth is they do not always identify a virus, the illness is identified and a name given to it, but the precise genetic makeup of the virus causing it, seldom needs to be known. In any normal time, this thing would have been just the latest version of flu. The season's flu. This is why fly statistics were stopped being reported mid 2020. I was following these myself for comparison and saw them stop in April here in Perth, Western Australia. Notable then was that we had over 2000 cases recorded by April, not unusual as our flu season was barely starting. AT this time only 137 cases of COVID were being claimed. I concluded soon after that they were just substituting the name COVID for flu cases. These numbers are absolutely useless. In fact we have far more cases of flu which are never reported. Including severe cases, because not everyone seeks medical assistance, The same obviously goes for COVID.
Even if being a coronavirus was unusual, doesn't really mean much. Since the viruses respoinsible are constantly changing and the types of virus involved has not been static. The symptoms are the illness. The virus is the trigger. I would add to this my evolving understanding of Exosomes, and suggest that the virus triggers these, resulting in an immune response and depending on the exact action of the viruses course in our bodies, of its method of replication, our immune system creates the symptoms by its action on the affected elements of our biology. So if it involves hijacking part of our respiratory system, or other organs, part of our blood or whatever, the immune system can damage those organs in its rush to stop and evict the foreign invader. The Spike Proteins are taking that problem to the next level. Persistent and targeting critical components of our biology, they are specifically 'designed' to cause maximum damage to us, a mere side effect of a normal viral infection. In this weaponised version, this ancillary effect is the prime denominator. I am not satisfied with the strident assertions about it never having been isolated. There are a couple of reasons. Firstly, most people saying this, are self-evidently very poorly versed in the theory and science involved. I often hear the claim there is no way to isolate and identify a virus, which is utterly wrong. The PCR test is cheap, fast and absolutely useless for doing such a thing. It is not diagnostic and it was the height of fraud to pretend it was. The misuse of the test, by winding up and down the cycle rate was used to produce whatever results were desired. It could not ever have diagnosed the actual virus or have given a useful measure of infection, from anything. However, there are slightly less practical on a mass scale ways to isolate and identify viruses. These were indeed cited a number of times in some circumstances as having been employed and there is no reason to be skeptical of the possibility.
It would seem that the vaccine makers have dishonestly claimed themselves that this isolation and identification isn't possible, but they are lying. They simply stopped doing this early on when the results were not helping their narrative being built around viral infection and vaccination. They always could have done it, but they did not. All part of the deception. I read Chinese lab reports about their progress from early January. I saw the reports of its sequencing, and was immediately struck by the obvious signs it had been synthetically produced. My reasoning was confirmed almost word for word by Professor Luc Montagnier six months later and he said as I did in January that it was just not debatable that it was edited in a lab. It's evolution from SARS in a mere ten years was statistically impossible. The precise and incredibly targeted mutation incorporating two separate pieces from two entirely different viruses was unlikely to ever have occurred in the billions of years of Earth's history. Far longer than life has even existed on this planet! To assert it occurred in ten years, is so preposterous, it immediately struck me that this was surely the reason for the hundreds of mysterious deaths of world ranked microbiologists and other professions related to the field of virology which had attracted attention for years and was a very clear sign to those observing it, that something very dangerous was afoot. Today it is more obvious than ever, that the people most capable of blowing the whistle on the appearance of this thing and of pointing to the obvious man made, bioweapon nature of the whole matter. I am not a microbiologist. Indeed I am not even a qualified chemist. I studied chemistry at Uni but was particularly interested in a career in the mining industry and had little interest in biological sciences. It is however a fact that I was a gifted biology student. With no effort at all I was awarded the high school dux in the subject at the end of my schooling and had been selected for and attended an enrichment course for the top selected biology students in the state, at Murdoch university while in my second last year of high school. I have taken an increasingly active interest in organic chemistry as I have grown older and it has become clearer to me that I made a bad decision perhaps in career choice and have in fact got a lot of interest and an intuitive grasp of things which are seemingly hardest for others to grasp within the field. I am rather surprised by this, because I don't see the problem at all. I find it astonishing that such simple concepts as are involved in many cases are so hard for people who actually have a profound interest in the subject. I'm just a weekend warrior.
.... The primary reason however, that I cannot buy into the quite silly assertion there was never any virus at all, is my own direct and undeniable experience. I have said before how I fell ill in August 2019 with a severe respiratory infection. It was the first time in 38 years I had any noticeable viral infection. The symptoms were strange, the struggle to breathe was very real and terrifying and over the course of the next two weeks I spiraled downwards until I ended up with a nearly deadly case of pneumonia. It took a monumental effort of will and physical exertion to get myself up, lock my place behind me and to drive the 2 km to the doctors surgery where I was treated for pneumonia and was actually more or less fine the next day. Pneumonia is very easily treatable, if reached in time. The doctor was puzzled after a series of tests though, about the cause. Clearly a respiratory virus, it yet did not present like typical flu and he was concerned by a shadow on my lungs which showed up in X-rays. I wasn't and didn't continue with his testing regime, frankly I was busy with work and had to get moving as the season was starting. We're a strictly summer business. The symptoms were exactly aligned with the distinctive list of symptoms we were informed were COVID the next year when the Plandemic broke. I only realised this when around April I read a report of Sars Cov 2 being identified in sewerage samples from Spain from March, 2019. It all fell neatly into place. Around the same time we read of the distinctive "Shadow on the lungs" which those with severe illness were showing. That's a lot of correlation which isn't explainable as coincidence, and there's one more.
About 18 months after I had this, I had begun to develop some very obvious issues. I was getting thrombosis in my left leg. It developed rapidly and was causing me a lot of pain in short order. Clots cramping me up constantly. More worrying to me was the clear degradation of my brain. I was having word blackouts several times a day. With a verbose talking style not much different to my written syntax, and an English Literature student's love of English and a measurably exceptional vocabulary, I have an excellent memory also. If I want a specific word, sometimes rather obscure yet perfect for my purpose, I am obsessive about finding the right one. If I struggle once a week, it has most to do with this precise requirement and most people wouldn't falter and just use some crude synonym or mashup of words to say what they wanted to say. Not me and that once a week was never more than a thirty second pause while I dredge my memory for the target. However I was unable to make inroads over and over in the same day. My mind seemed lumpen and dark. Given the value I put on my most precious tool, the only part of me which would elicit suicide if I was losing it, this was terrifying. I was however well enough versed in what was known to have no doubt that this was what was being called "Long Covid" and I was convinced then, before the science had even reached this understanding, assuming they have even now, that the "long Covid" was in fact the spike proteins remaining and doing their damage long after the infection on which they rode in on had passed. It answered a question I had, namely if this was the case. By then we knew enough about them to know these were the problem with the fake vaccines. I was able to treat this soon after using a blood purifier I discovered when I had heart disease and by which use I was able to reverse my own cardio problems and thus avoid the Stents and Bypass surgery I was scheduled for. The Indians are doing trials with it for Leukemia and are having remarkable success. I humbly confess to being the one who tipped them off about this possibility and to their immense credit they listened and acted on it. Our own health system was profoundly uninterested even for the cardio cure it very clearly is. I am still doing my feeble best to get this information out to the community and am frustrated by the difficulties this entails. If I was so inclined I could probably get rich with the information I have about it. I didn't invent anything, or discover it whole. Just due to memory and an eye for patterns, a good mix of knowledge and Aries intuition (I am Aspergers and the combination is sort of what it is for me) I was able to come to a simple and to me obvious deduction. The herb, which I have mentioned before, is a blood purifier so seemed ideal candidate for dealing with a foreign protein in the blood. It certainly was. Its use cured my symptoms, dramatic and rising in severity that they were, in a matter of days. I have used it to cure the effects of spike proteins in pets affected by their owners fake vaccines, which I have seen with my own eyes are real and deadly. I am currently trying to get my oldest and best mate to use it and my son. Both of whom have serious and rising problems after they got their fake vaccines. They are both idiots who will not take things seriously enough to use it the way I tell them and the random way they are doing so is just not satisfactory. So I am unable at this point to speak to its efficacy for the victims of the fake vaccines. Intuitively I believe it will. As my son is becoming more alarmed and my mate too, I expect I will soon have them at least doing as they are told. I am moving to my mate's place after summer also and given I have no wish to attend his funeral I am going to make the bastard punch me I will be so on his case about it unless he grows enough brains to trust in mine. Of all the people who know me, Mick is the one who tops the list. it leaves me flabbergasted that even after everything I warned him about has come to pass, that he even now is not committed to trusting me on this. Death is a thing which it seems not even 60 year old men seem capable of confronting as a reality.
These correlative points make a very strong case in my mind that there was indeed a virus conforming to the description we have been given. There are others even which contribute to the same conclusion, but I have included the most important. No matter what arguments are made against it, I cannot displace the conclusion based on my own direct experience.
As for the lack of a sample being shown to be the case for all health systems, I have always had a very simply hypothesis about this. It came about from the rapid sequencing the Chinese achieved at the start. So rapid in fact that many experts were questioning how they did it. I presumed then as I have since, knowing that it was from a lab and evidently was also even patented some years prior, that they bought rights to the patent. Nobody needed to isolate the virus to identify it or to develop vaccines. (which was and still is a pipe dream) They already had it, because it was on the patent.
Sorry this is long, but I very much want to nip this narrative of NO COVID existed in the bud, because it is a minefield for the people repeating it. Even if the overall point being made is correct, it is too easy for the "Fact Fuckers" to point to and debunk. They can destroy the credibility of the person falling into the trap of talking about things beyond their understanding. Also I am just speaking of the theory, I am not saying I know that infections and viruses are related the way we are told. If a theory can accurately predict results however, and this one does, then it remains viable.
Thanks for sharing your own experience, Rabbitnexus. Sounds like you were fortunate to survive something very nasty. I don't claim to know anything for certain. I just ask questions.
What else happened? What event(s) in the world were happening such that a huge emotional distraction served the results?
What are the medical test results on the mysteriously collapsing "angel" who weeks before was ejected from a game for excess violence?
Did he have myocarditis or other heart damage he could not have had when he had his football medical examinations? Does he plan to return to football? Will the team/league let him return to football?
Too much hoopla and totally insufficient news on the cause of the event and it surely seems nearly impossible that it was from a hit from padded shoulders on the well padded sternum of a professional athlete.
Great questions, Glass Gun One. We are usually being distracted away from something more significant, in the same way magicians fool their audience. Thanks!
Kabuki Theater Ghost of Kiev?