Damar Hamlin’s remarkable recovery continues. Was it the “warp speed” marketing campaign that did the trick? Within four days, shirts were appearing everywhere, with Hamlin’s jersey #3 on them, and/or “Did We Win?” or “We Love You Damar” or “Pray for Damar” or “Damar Strong” or “Hamlin Strong.” Capitalism at its finest.
“Did we win?” refers to Damar’s purported first words when he regained consciousness. Nothing about his condition, which seemed pretty dire. But ever the team player, instead just a selfless curiosity about the outcome of the game he collapsed in. And to think they made fun of the Gipper over something similar. The “Strong” on the shirts is the latest incarnation of the “Boston Strong” flag-waving diversion. Bestowing a complimentary adjective onto the place where a tragedy allegedly occurred, or onto the person an alleged tragedy happened to.
In Demar’s case, it’s a celebration of his near death, and stunning rehabilitation. It is also mixed in with mindless worship of the “First Responders” who will be given credit for saving his life. In a curious style, to be certain, what with that lack of lighting in the ambulance, and the incredibly methodical manner in which they treated Demar and then finally transported him to a hospital. After waiting for his mother. Would they have waited for other relatives? Uninquiring minds want to know. The “First Responders,” if they don’t have them already, will undoubtedly be given their own shirts. But “First Responders Strong” doesn’t have much of a ring to it.
In last weekend’s games, the Hamlin #3 jerseys and other Hamlin-centric shirts were on display everywhere, on the sidelines and in the stands. How do you get such merchandise made, shipped to outlets, and presumably on store shelves that quickly? Or get it online, and have it shipped to customers that quickly? Perhaps I should rethink my lack of faith in our rigged marketplace. A formerly obscure defensive back, by not dying like thousands have on the playing fields of Europe, has somehow become a George Floyd-like icon. And it all really triggers my Spidey Sense.
The response to Damar Hamlin’s collapse and subsequent miraculous recovery is far more problematic than the questions surrounding exactly what happened on that Monday Night Football playing field. Simply put, the overkill is unprecedented. I have seen many tweets long the lines of “You changed the world, Damar!” Damar was assured that the entire world had prayed for him. Did this include the increasing number of people who not only don’t believe in God, but scoff at the mere notion? Exactly who were they praying to? Mother Nature- the atheist’s replacement for God? “Science,” the deity worshiped by millions of Americans?
If they did all this for a football player who didn’t die, and may very well play in the NFL again, what would they do for someone who didn’t survive? Like all those soccer players around the world. Does anyone even know their names? Was there a marketing campaign in their honor? How about all the American children, who’ve died suddenly while playing sports (or not playing sports?) Like Laura Palma, the 10 year old girl who collapsed and died on a soccer field during a summer camp? Did anyone pray for her? Where is her marketing campaign?
I’m glad that Damar Hamlin is seemingly going to be fine. It would be tragic for any twenty four year old to die, even if he wasn’t a player in the National Football League. What bout the 18 year old MMA fighter, or the shocking number of small children who have “died suddenly” from heart ailments? Why no national prayers for them? And why no investigation into what is causing all these sudden deaths of children? Doctors are “baffled.” What could it be? Wouldn’t a marketing campaign built around a “Children Strong” theme be pretty powerful?
Damar Hamlin’s transformation from unknown football player to national icon is just the latest in an endless series of dubious events. All serving the same purpose, to paraphrase Thomas Jefferson. I am putting the finishing touches on my next book, Masking the Truth: How COVID-19 Destroyed our Civil Liberties and Shut Down the World. I will detail the entire sordid story of this monstrous psyop, from beginning until whenever I stop writing. There is no way to end a book like this, because the story appears never-ending. By intention.
No one ever really looked for “Patient Zero” in this COVID Plandemic. They certainly can’t find him or her now. They admit that they have never isolated the COVID-19 strain of the coronavirus. “Conspiracy theorists” don’t say that, they do. In other words, they have never proved that “COVID-19” even exists. Those of us who argued, from the very beginning, that it was “just a bad flu” have been proven undeniably right. This was demonstrated beyond any doubt when the flu was said to have literally disappeared in the fall of 2020. That was an odd thing for the yearly flu to do. But it only took a year off, returning as usual in 2021. Everyone needs a vacation.
The “social distancing” nonsense was, again according to them, based on no “science,” and was simply a figure picked at random. Every box of those precious masks that millions clung to fiercely has a disclaimer warning that they don’t protect you from viruses. Not even one that hasn’t been proven to exist, like COVID-19. Americans obeyed “mandates” that are akin to royal decrees from the Dark Ages. They have no basis in law. And yet the majority of our brilliant population went along with figurative voodooism. They would wear giant pointy purple hats if they were advised to. They would have gone naked if the authorities told them it would protect them.
And they lined up like lemmings to get a “warp speed” vaccine, which went through none of the normal trials other vaccines had. When they kept getting “COVID” anyhow, they didn’t bat an eye when the corrupt authorities who insisted the vaccine was their salvation admitted that it didn’t actually stop you from getting “COVID.” But you must get it anyhow, repeatedly, to “minimize the symptoms.” And, if you get it enough times, you’ll be qualified to join the “Long COVID” club. It’s quite an honor. All the celebrities will envy you.
My book will cover now mostly forgotten elements of what I call The Greatest Psyop in the History of the World. All those empty hospital videos, for instance. I interviewed Jason Goodman on my show a few times. Jason filmed a bunch of them and posted them to YouTube, back when YouTube would allow such things. I will be having “Citizen Richard” back on my show this coming Friday. Richard relentlessly chronicles the empty hospitals, and confronts those working there in a very entertaining manner. No professional “journalist” does that kind of reporting.
We’ll talk about the doctor whose specialty is “medical simulation,” who filmed an allegedly “overwhelmed” hospital ICU unit, when the same New York hospital was filmed from outside on the same day, by citizen journalists, and exposed as a veritable ghost town. Much of what I write about comes from mining these memory holes, and extracting interesting information that has been thrown down them. And my sources, whenever possible (which is most of the time), are entirely mainstream. The lies and corruption are out there, hiding in plain sight. Although Google and all the other search engines certainly make it much harder now to search for those sources.
And we can’t forget the dancing nurses. Like the “magic” bullet in JFK’s assassination, or the “hijacker” passport being discovered intact on top of all the World Trade Center’s rubble, or Damar Hamlin’s “warp speed” marketing campaign, they represented a huge red flag, or as I refer to them, a “calling card.” Do we really believe that actual nurses would be permitted to stage elaborate, obviously well- rehearsed and choreographed dance routines, right in the midst of a deadly pandemic? It was something right out of the Three Stooges. And in some videos, one could see the patients there, like props, as they merrily danced around them.
Most jobs get irate if they catch you surfing the internet on “their” time. Or reading a book, to go old school. Or socializing too much with a fellow worker. But we’re to believe that nurses- part of the sacrosanct “Fellow Responders” pantheon- could abandon their beloved patients, many of them struggling against a new Bubonic Plague- and take the time to devise dance numbers? And their supervisors didn’t care? They thought that was a good look for a “pandemic?” The media celebrated them, predictably, and the public didn’t seem to object. If that was your family member, being used as a prop in a dance routine, wouldn’t you object?
In a real pandemic, where everyone’s life was truly at risk, you’d obviously not see nurses dancing around at their work places, with huge incongruent smiles on their faces. But then in a real pandemic, our perpetually open southern border would have been sealed tight from the very start. Trump never closed it, and you knew Biden wasn’t going to. Strangers of unknown vaccination or “COVID” status wandering into our country would surely represent a deadly medical risk. But while many workers were mandated to get vaccines, illegal immigrants never were.
And, of course, there are all those “gotcha” videos of everyone from Nancy Pelosi, to Gavin Newsom, to Lori Lightfoot, to John Kerry, being caught without their masks in public. If the leaders selling us this incredible lemon of a Plandemic believed that “COVID” was dangerous, they’d keep their masks on, even when the cameras weren’t around. But instead, they’ve been caught repeatedly violating their own nonsensical protocols. Several pictures appeared online of masked reporters, being filmed by unmasked camera operators. Again, where was their fear of “COVID?”
All the frightening statistics will be in the book. The 40 percent increase in deaths of those aged 18-64 in 2021. That’s a cataclysmic number, but it’s being largely ignored by those in charge. The recent peer reviewed study out of Italy that found “abnormal” blood which contained man-made and metallic objects, in 94 percent of those vaccinated. All the official, mainstream reports that the vaccinated are far more likely to die of “COVID” than the unvaccinated. And all the terrifying maladies, like serious heart disease in children, which exclusively afflict the vaccinated.
And yet we keep hearing cries of “surges,” and the “worst” new COVID “variant” yet. The fear porn is continuous, and the public doesn’t seem to have reached a saturation point. They even trotted out the totally discredited and somehow still living fraud Paul Ehrlich, to tell us once again how human beings are doomed, and really don’t deserve to survive anyhow. This entire production is built around eugenics. All of our leaders, especially Bill “Frankenstein” Gates, are fanatical eugenicists. They want millions of people to die, and they can’t stop themselves from saying it publicly.
The eugenicists are finally get their wish. The culling of the herd is here. There wasn’t any bioweapon in the Wuhan lab. Gain-of-function research is ugly stuff, and certainly nothing good is coming out of any of those biolabs, in Ukraine or elsewhere. But “COVID” isn’t a bioweapon. It’s the coronavirus, and includes what appears to be a pretty nasty version of the flu (which we’ve seen many times before). “COVID” isn’t culling the herd, even using their laughably inflated numbers. The “warp speed” vaccine is the culprit here. The vaccine is the bioweapon.
CORRECTION: I don’t ever intentionally spread misinformation, but the example I cited, of Laura Palma, the little girl who collapsed, actually happened prior to COVID (and, of course, the vaccine). There were lots of other very similar tragedies involving young children, which I could have cited. I just happened to pick the wrong one. I apologize for not “fact-checking” adequately. Just wanted to mention this, in the interests of full disclosure.
I recall drilling one fool about the insane anomaly of the dancing nurses and her response was, "Well, they're celebrating the few people they've been able to save from Covid." Beyond pathetic. There is truly no hope for these brain-dead, spineless sheeple. I think the Oligarchs, scumbags though the are, have hit the mark. These featherless bipeds deserve death. If the System's sycophants were to issue a decree stipulating that for health and safety reasons, anyone entering a store or any public place had to first drop their drawers, bend over, and get cornholed where the sun don't shine, I've no doubt that the majority of Scumericans would happily comply with a smile on their insouciant faces. Another great job, Don, thanks.
Since the ambulance was unmarked and apparently empty inside, it looks like this whole Damar Hamlin event was a charade. Perhaps it was designed to mock and ridicule anyone who thinks people are "dying suddenly" from the jabs? Once again, I am left confused beyond belief. So many elements of this psy-op appear designed to do just that. We are being mocked, ridiculed and confused while our loved ones are being culled and the world is being destroyed.
I somehow lost the most important, beautiful person in my life to the Plandemic and I doubt I will ever understand how or why it happened. My heart is broken, my soul is crushed and I will never be happy again. Whatever "it" was that killed my loved one, it was NOT the flu. At least not any type of flu I've ever encountered. In around 10 days my loved one went from healthy to gone from this world. We thought she was recovering the last few days (because the "flu-like" symptoms had subsided) until we discovered her oxygen was dangerously low. I believe that somehow "it" destroys the blood in some people, preventing oxygen from being delivered. In fact, "it" may be more similar to Malaria than the flu.
"While malaria and COVID-19 can have similar presentation, common symptoms they share include but not limited to: fever, breathing difficulties, tiredness and acute onset headache, which may lead to misdiagnosis of malaria for COVID-19 and vice versa, particularly when clinician relies mainly on symptoms." (https://malariajournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12936-020-03541-w) You will find a lot more info if you research. Perhaps this is why HCQ...? This similarity to Malaria, which destroys red blood cells, only just occurred to me last week and I have barely started to research it. We have seen many images of red blood cell destruction in the blood of the jabbed. My loved one was unjabbed, but I believe shedding may have been the cause of her illness. It was August of 2021, and I've never known anyone to get the flu in August.
I strongly recommend anyone with a vulnerable loved one to find an enlightened doctor who can help them before they are needed. No matter what you believe "it" is, if your loved one gets ill you will need help, and if you wait too long he or she may end up being hospitalized, and from what happened to Mr. Jeffries' brother, we know how that is likely to end. Whatever else any of us thinks, it's obvious THEY are trying to eliminate US. Being prepared and not hesitating when and if the time comes is far better than the alternative.