Great read, thank you. And sadly you're right: they'd just walk past looking at their phones. And some: " oh, look BB, hehe". God knows, we're all different as individuals, but only now I resign myself to accept that so many have lost their self-preservation instinct.

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Great article-- as usual.

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The real genius is ignoring people like you and me. The crude tactics of the Nazis, Soviets, Khmer Rouge, etc. forced people to acknowledge the reality of the evil of the people in charge. Being able to write what you write without (much) fear of 4:00am poundings on the door blunts any urgency regarding the existence of the police state. People like us get marginalized as kooks. Much more effective and less costly than sending goons to terrorize the populace.

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Don, it’s like this..

Remember years ago when they started pushing all the homosexual stuff on TV (like Ellen’s lesbian kiss)? At the time people said, “who cares what consenting adults do? Mind your own business!” The problem is, when you open the door to homosexuality, you open the door to moral relativism.

So here we are a few decades later, and the rot of moral relativism has set in and we are facing trannies, pedos, corruption… when society abandons absolute moral values (especially Biblical values) and embraces moral relativism, what ensues is chaos. But society requires order. And people who are raised in a morally relativistic culture lose the ability to self-regulate their behavior - to behave in an orderly fashion (think of the 10 commandments here). The resultant disorder is incompatible with society and gives rise to authoritarianism as a means to contain the disorderly, amoral masses.

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How did George Orwell have such fore sight? Was he a study of Soviet Stalin ? I always wonder if FDR would have call out Stalin Gulag regime that history may have been much different. FDR should have removed as the Socialist that he was.An old timer told me "Franklin look at Eleanor and said, " You takes the Jiggs and I'll take the Jews and we will stay in the White House as long as we choose ".I thought, "the more things change, the more they stayed the same".

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This reminded me of the days at school, age 11-13, when some of the schoolmates, mostly the girls, created an environment in which everything outside of a narrow range of expressions was called "stupid" and "crazy" by their thought-policing chorus. That developed to a point that our mutual communication sank to the level of beasts imitating humans. Even when at 14 I became popular, out of some misunderstanding, my attempts at improving the conversation weren't influential, in fact the results were pretty dismal

Note well: This happened in an ordinary classroom, in an allegedly higher quality school, in a culturally conservative society of Europe.

Who knows what this means exactly. To me, it indicates that the basic ingredients for Orwellian dystopia are right there in the very basic patterns of modern life. And these ingredients can self-assemble. The trap has been planted deeply.

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Secret elections (after 1884) allow "them" to install or return any politicians "they" like to office, regardless how "voters" (vowers) mark their ballots or voting machines.

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Top notch, as usual. Actually, I was expecting the conditions we are now living under in 98/99, so I got an extra 21 years to prepare

I first heard you on Rense, but found your podcast last week, and I'm enjoying the old shows. The one with the guy who drove Oswald to work was like going back in time.

I enjoy your chats with Rense, even though I now believe he is controlled opposition. I am embarrassed to say in 2002 I was suckered into pissing away 400 bucks on a neuro-link device being peddled by Rense and his guest Patrick Flanagan. This was before I knew Flanagan had worked for the CIA in the area of mind control. The device was a bust, and may have done harm. Poorer but wiser, I guess.

Then there was Rense's extremely close friendship with Brad Steiger. Steiger was in on the early New Age psy-op clear back in the 1960s. He churned out book after book for decades...but they weren't very good. They contained so many errors even rudimentary fact checks failed the test. In the 1990s Steiger and his wife were soliciting true paranormal stories from their readers by mail. I finally sent one, and their response was extremely rude. So why solicit stories, only to insult and berate those who respond? I believe they were collecting data for some op...can't say which. The fact that Steiger's wife died shortly after he did, makes me wonder if they were told to get out of dodge, and are on an island somewhere.

The past week Rense has been on a tangent pushing masks. Sorry...no sale. I have not strayed from my routine since the plandemic began...not about to start now. I have not had a cold or the flu since I began keeping a permanent tan beginning in 2011.

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Well said, Don!

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I rather stay in the corner with other likeminded marginalised than being woke and/or ignorant out of not wanting to seek information from more sides than one.

To survive in this Armageddon is a tricky event but it will happen with efforts of courage and spiritual will. Your writing is light in the darkness faced.

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As I keep telling people this is much worse than 1984. Did the government in 1984 pay for women to kill their unborn child and have it ripped limb from limb for its parts?

No. Our times are far more dark and much more bleaker.

We are living in hell. Repent and you get out of here!

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