As I’ve mentioned many times, 1984 is my favorite book of all time. I’ve read it almost as many times as I’ve watched Oliver Stone’s JFK. The fact Orwell died just before it was published gives it extra dramatic impact, as if it needed any. It was a dying man’s vision of a bleak, dystopian future. It has been read by millions. And it all came true.
For decades, 1984 was on the required reading list for many, if not most, high schools across this country. The message it sends is obvious. And now, 30-60 years after reading it, clueless adults have allowed a veritable Oceana to be built in their midst. His references like Big Brother and memory hole have been incorporated into the national vernacular. We nod in appreciation when something is described as Orwellian. So exactly how did our current, very Orwellian situation develop, with only a small minority realizing that it is…Orwellian?
We have allowed ourselves to be bullied, controlled, and figuratively crushed by a tiny group of elitists, who meet every definition of absolute evil. We outnumber those who have destroyed our economy, our culture, and our history, by hundreds of millions. We could stomp on them like insects. And yet, we passively sit by in the face of unconstitutional lockdowns and mandates, curtailment of basic civil liberties, unbridled and unpunished corruption, and criminal neglect of our infrastructure.
Right now, our political “representatives” we supposedly elect, are falling all over themselves to be the biggest supporter of nondemocratic Ukraine and its penis piano playing former comedian leader. They are aggressively pushing for World War 3. Imagine talking to a random American even ten years ago, and telling them that in 2022, politicians and celebrities would be overtly cheering for nuclear war. And yet, despite promising the citizenry (well, and the illegals who will now be voting as well), austerity, draconian measures, and war, is there any doubt that virtually all of them will be reelected?
On average, about 96 percent of incumbent politicians are returned to office every election. Many run unopposed. Is there anything sadder than allegedly intelligent adults trudging to the polls to vote for someone who has no opposition? We regularly return a higher percentage of these clowns and psychopaths to office than the Politburo did at the height of the Soviet Union. While polls show that Congress has a lower approval rating that used car salesmen do. How do we explain that?
Orwell’s Oceana was a bleak place. Presumably, high school students were encouraged to read it as a warning. Don’t let this happen here. But even while those impressionable teenagers were absorbing that warning, The American Oceana was gradually being constructed. Everything from law enforcement random roadblocks, to the passage of the Patriot Act and creation of the Homeland Security monstrosity, came straight out of the Orwellian playbook.
But until 2020, when the Greatest Psyop in the History of the World struck, at least the creeping Orwellianism attempted at least to be something else. Odious globalists like Walter Cronkite once tried to conceal their bias, while “journalists” now don’t even attempt to “report” anything. It’s state news, and they don’t hide the fact they are speaking for the state with every word they utter. All the laws violating the Bill of Rights, all the measures shattering the checks and balances crucial to our system, have come out of the closet, like one of our estimated fifty seven genders.
Recently, Homeland Security created something called the Disinformation Governance Board. If there is a more Orwellian term, which would have fit comfortably into the pages of 1984, I can’t imagine what it would be. This is the culmination of the “hate speech” nonsense, which not a single soul in the public arena had the courage to call out from the beginning. That Orwellian restriction on free speech became “misinformation” or “disinformation,” and again not a peep of protest. If they had named it the Oceana Disinformation Board, would anyone have objected?
The Proles in Oceana could have stopped the tyranny very easily. Just a simple show of numbers. The Proles in America could stop this tyranny just as easily. We have the numbers. But we’re hopelessly divided, over race and religion and gender, and ultimately meaningless political rhetoric. The common enemy is laughing at our gullibility. And we never disappoint them. We are a dysfunctional populace, allowing a miniscule parasitic oligarchy to bombard us with unfairness and injustice.
America has gone far past the point of no return. This is not salvageable. We now have genuine madness added to the mixture of corruption and incompetence that has all but destroyed a great country. When you can’t say that only women can give birth, without fear of losing your job, you have entered the outskirts of the Twilight Zone. Where’s Rod Serling when you need him? Picture if you will, a set of circumstances so contrary to reason, so beyond any concept of man’s inhumanity to man….
We are all Winston Smiths now. Aware of the ever present security cameras, Orwell’s telescreens come to life. Which chronicle our every move. Except, of course, during mass casualty events, when they are invariably out of order. Afraid to question authority, aka Big Brother, for fear of being “cancelled.” Tolerating the mass stupidity of Doublethink and Newspeak, with desperate poker faces. Can’t tip our hand, and let them know we know. Always on the lookout for the next Emmanuel Goldstein, the loyal opposition leader.
Orwell’s “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four” has been supplanted by Common Core math, which doesn’t necessarily concede that. “At present nothing is possible except to extend the area of sanity little by little.” Orwell wrote. “We cannot act collectively. We can only spread our knowledge outwards from individual to individual, generation after generation. In the face of the Thought Police there is no other way.” And the Thought Police are a reality in 2022. They are the “Woke” authoritarians who run government, business, and the culture.
“Hate Speech” became “Disinformation,” but in reality both are synonyms for Orwell’s most frightening prognostication; Thought Crime. “Hate Speech,” “Disinformation,” and “Misinformation” are Thought Crime. By nature of what I write and say, I am a Thought Criminal. By reading or listening to me, you become accessories to Thought Crime. There is no other way to look at this. “Cancel Culture” is an authoritarian, Orwellian tool to police thought. Those with the power to “cancel” someone over their views are in effect the Thought Police.
Orwell foresaw our reality today when he wrote, “We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.” Like, for instance, that there are two genders. Americans have become inept in almost every aspect of life, as compared to previous generations. However, they are really good at a few things. The most obvious being an ability to obey orders unquestioningly, even when they contradict previous orders, or fly in the face of simple common sense. They are also pretty good at gaining weight. And letting themselves go. Punting.
As I stated, 1984 is my favorite book of all time. It’s endlessly engrossing and thought provoking. Chilling entertainment. But it’s a different thing to be a participant, instead of reading it from the comfort of your easy chair. Intriguing science fiction can make for lousy reality. I’m weary of all the obvious parallels between Orwell’s nightmarish world and our own crumbling America 2.0. They could plaster Big Brother signs all over, and half the country would go back to their smart phones.
The old analogy about giving a bunch of monkeys typewriters and how they would eventually produce all the works of Shakespeare applies here. Literal apes couldn’t be less competent than those who are presently in charge, and might eventually come up with things like the Disinformation Governance Board. Maybe you could buy them off with bananas, but they’d surely be instinctively less corrupt. But then there is that whole Planet of the Apes thing. Read the novel by Pierre Boulle. It’s better than the movies. As Lord Acton reminded us, power corrupts.
Even before the Greatest Psyop in the History of the World, our barely functioning bureaucracy was full of Winston Smiths. Faceless government workers performing tasks that don’t need to be done. When they perform any tasks at all, that is. Having known lots of government workers, I’m not sure that there aren’t a whole bunch of them who do nothing whatsoever. Who knows? Maybe some of them are now updating the Newspeak dictionary, or creating Unpersons.
Reptilians, Illuminati, whoever is really pulling the strings here, it’s clear that our concerns and our welfare are completely irrelevant to them. The great iconoclast Charles Fort once wondered if we were property. Alex Jones calls this a Prison Planet. Are we prisoners? Exhibits in a zoo? We might as well be, for all the influence we have over public policy. I wish George Orwell were around to see all this. I’m sure we’d be friends, and he’d make a great guest on my radio shows.
Great read, thank you. And sadly you're right: they'd just walk past looking at their phones. And some: " oh, look BB, hehe". God knows, we're all different as individuals, but only now I resign myself to accept that so many have lost their self-preservation instinct.
Great article-- as usual.