Excellent work from you as usual. Keep up your outstanding efforts, it's good to hear from the good guys occasionally too.

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Excellent work, as always, Donald.

Your essay reminds me of one of my favorite jokes . . .

Q: What did communists use to light their homes before candles?

A: Electricity.

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I'm so glad to read that Tim Kaine, that worthless carpetbagger from Minnesota who has a permanent government job thanks to vote fraud, was stuck on I-95 along with the people he has been cheating of representation.

You're right about not letting the brainwashed lead the conversation. They infest substack in their ignorant thousands spouting off about how they "caught covid so I know it's real". As Thomas Berger's character Jack Krabbe in "Little Big Man" observed, "Sometimes this world is too ridiculous a place to live in".

Glad you're still writing, Donald. Keep it up as long as you can because some of us need to read that we aren't just lone lunatics who see what the braindead masses miss.

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Here is a quick test - one small example of how our modern days are still stuck in the Banana Republic - Just turn on your personal computer, laptop, desktop, apple or pc, doesn't matter - and see how long it takes to boot up. Has it improved since the 80s? Not really. Then think of the countless "software updates" which we are now subjected to. Seems like a weekly basis now when it used to be just one annual software update... Remember those days? Now I fear the only (I repeat) reason why we have to update and reboot is so that they can monitor our latest activity. The all seeing eye (AI) is right in front of us.

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