I live in Fairfax County, Virginia, one of the wealthiest areas of the country. You wouldn’t know it from the condition of the roads, bridges, and power grids. It takes a curve ball- even a very slight one- to expose just how bad things have become in America 2.0. In our case, that curve ball was twelve inches of snow.
First, the good news. We didn’t lose power. Hundreds of thousands, did, however, as has become “the new normal” with any appreciable amount of snow. No one seems to wonder about all the old and sick people left without heat in below freezing temperatures. They dealt with such things in 1850; they’ll deal with it now. We haven’t seen our heroic postal carrier. I guess the whole “neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow” thing is obsolete now. Trash pickup didn’t make it, either. We received a recorded message from them, citing “safety” several times, and vowing to try to service us by Saturday. It’s hard to keep track of all the heroes.
But the biggest travesty, as it always is during snow storms, is the absolute failure of VDOT (and their peers in Maryland and D.C.) to treat and plow the roads. Interstate 95 is one of the busiest highways in the country. Incredibly, our heroic public workers left motorists stranded for over a day on some fifty miles of roadway they somehow were unable to clear. One of those stuck was one time vice presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Tim Kaine. It was such an outrageous breach of responsibility that both national and local news actually criticized them. That has never happened before.
Now, I realize this was no Katrina situation, where befuddled Americans signaled for help in vain from the rooftops of their flooded homes. Where FEMA was nowhere to be found, which is invariably the case. That’s quite an “emergency” agency that is invisible even in the biggest emergencies. Extreme weather events bring devastation, loss of life and property, and lengthy power outages. But no help from our useless government agencies and officials.
Side streets used to be plowed as a matter of routine. But that was in America 1.0. Now no one expects them to be plowed. What short memories the American sheeple have. Same thing for power outages; we never lost power due to a snow storm, or ice on the power lines, until the late 1990s. And again, few who were here seem to remember. Americans have become renowned for their low expectations. Most of them will argue with you when you question this sheer incompetence. Many sheeple have snapped at me, “I suppose you could do better.” Well, yes, I think I could.
Even before this snow storm, I have commented that every part of America seems to be winding down. There is a clear sense that people everywhere appear to be throwing up their hands and giving up. The most mundane things no longer work. Every business and government agency is “experiencing high call volume” due to COVID. They were hard to contact before; now it’s nearly impossible. Back in America 1.0, they had a human being- receptionists they called them- answer the phone. I guess they weren’t dealing with “high call volume.”
Everything takes longer now. Doctor appointments- particularly for specialists- often have to be scheduled months in advance. And yet we hear so much about how long patients have to wait for services in countries with government run healthcare. The unemployment office, the Social Security office, hell- even golf courses, are always mobbed, resulting in maddeningly long lines. Of course, the greatly increased population makes the incompetence all that much more enjoyable.
I’ve talked and written about my recent experiences at the Post Office. It’s all I can do to bite my tongue when I look at the huge sign out front, lauding their “heroes.” Recently, I sent a book to someone, and I tracked it online, but am informed that the tracking number doesn’t exist. How do you complain about that? About any misdelivered items? In the past, several books I sent out never made it to their destination. You can’t question it. They are heroes.
There has always been the sense that those in charge are “experts in how not to get it done,” to use Charles Dickens’ wonderfully descriptive term. Everyone rises to their own level of incompetence and all that. But what we see today, in America 2.0, is beyond any incompetence. And it’s all enabled by the other parts of the rotting system that are just as diligently “not getting it done” either. Every corrupt and incompetent organ of the system depends upon the other corrupt and incompetent organs to do its job. A half-assed shoddy job, but that’s the only kind you’ll find in America 2.0.
If America miraculously regains some kind of sanity, how will we look back upon this era? When the majority of the population fell for the greatest psyop in the history of the world, getting vaccinated multiple times for the same virus, and broke off relations with family members and friends who saw through the charade. When every product, from appliances to smart phones to laptops, is built to work for a small window of time. When no great fiction is allowed to be published, and most of the good music still being made struggles to find a platform.
If the streets can’t be cleared in my wealthy county, and the mindless incompetence results in powerful politicians being stuck on a major highway for more than twenty four hours, just imagine what it must be like in the poorest counties. As I drove around yesterday, I saw the usual plethora of snow plows, all with the plows up. This is a regular feature of America 2.0; to send snow plows out across the area, but have them either sit idly on the side of the road, or drive around pointlessly without plowing. And I seem to be the only one who questions it.
All of us rely on utility companies and government agencies to clear snow from the roads, keep the power up and the water running. VDOT exists to treat and plow roads when it snows. If they can’t do this, what are we paying them for? My power company is Dominion. They are a complete joke. Like the other local power companies, they routinely tell the public to expect massive power outages. Again, this never happened in America 1.0. We’ve had taxation without political representation for a very long time. Now we have taxation without anything at all being offered in return. This isn’t socialism. Our taxes are frittered away on government salaries, Deep State black holes, secret intelligence budgets, and rabbit holes beyond our comprehension.
I realize I must sound like a critic-at-large, specializing in the negative aspects of present-day America. An ombudsman against the system, if you will. But somebody has to say these things. I hear from enough of you out there to know that many relate to what I’m saying, and think the same things. I would urge those who are awake to start speaking out, start complaining. Don’t be cowed by your unthinking friends and relatives. You’ve probably already been cancelled by a few of them, anyhow.
Don’t let the brainwashed lead the discussion, whether it’s about who killed the Kennedys, or the refusal of the government agency tasked to treat and plow the roads to do its job. Why should the educated back down to those who are regurgitating CNN talking points? The ones parroting “trust the science” don’t know anything about science, and are following the lead of despicable eugenicists, not scientists.
I can’t tell you how much it means to me to hear from people who tell me that finally, someone is speaking for them. If I went by the people I actually know in real life, including my very large family, I wouldn’t think that anyone agreed with me. I’m confident I’ll hear from a bunch of you regarding the fact that things that used to get done automatically, like clearing the streets of snow, just don’t anymore. Like pensions, public civility, and customer service, they have no place in the Great Reset. Not getting things done is the “new normal.”
Speaking of not getting things done, a search for Dickens’ term now brings nothing on any search engine. I’m almost positive it came from Bleak House, but searching an online version of that brings no results, either. Maybe I should claim credit for such a keen and witty observation. Evidently, the Google overlords who are censoring everything else don’t want attention drawn to the incompetence of those who can’t figure out how to plow the roads, for instance.
In recent years, it has become “normal” to take days to count the votes in a given area. When power is lost to huge numbers of homes, it has become “normal” for it to take weeks to restore it. I’m not sure the power in Puerto Rico is back on yet. With greatly advanced technology, it still takes longer do get anything done. There is no logical reason for this. Obviously, advances in technology should make things quicker and easier, not the opposite. But they don’t have to provide an excuse, because the people aren’t questioning it. As the old Proverb for Paranoids goes, they don’t have to worry about answers, if they can get you to ask the wrong questions.
I used to love snow. But while it’s still beautiful, the unplowed roads, often accompanied by power outages, aren’t. Fortunately, I no longer have to deal with a work commute on those unplowed roads, and all the shockingly inept drivers sliding, getting stuck, etc. But I do fear the snow, the ice, or even heavy rainfall, now. I know how antiquated our laughable power grids are, and I don’t enjoy being plunged back into a pre-twentieth century world, because those in charge aren’t “getting it done.”
It’s not easy transitioning from the First World to the Third World. Especially when you didn’t actually move to a Third World Country. When your own country has deteriorated to the extent America has, you must lower your expectations and agree to a diminished standard of living. Most Americans have seemingly done that. This isn’t like the “temporary” payroll taxes FDR instituted eighty years ago. These changes are permanent. The United States has become 100% USDA Third World.
Excellent work from you as usual. Keep up your outstanding efforts, it's good to hear from the good guys occasionally too.
Excellent work, as always, Donald.
Your essay reminds me of one of my favorite jokes . . .
Q: What did communists use to light their homes before candles?
A: Electricity.