I can only imagine how many judges, lawyers, and the very rich businessmen had dealings on that island. The list is probably very long, indeed. Men AND women. Like other nefarious government going ons, we'll never know the truth. Its so disgusting and here we are, the filth is thrown into our faces on a daily basis. I know what I'd like to about it, but cannot say. If I had my way...............
I can only imagine how many judges, lawyers, and the very rich businessmen had dealings on that island. The list is probably very long, indeed. Men AND women. Like other nefarious government going ons, we'll never know the truth. Its so disgusting and here we are, the filth is thrown into our faces on a daily basis. I know what I'd like to about it, but cannot say. If I had my way...............
Yep, I'm sure there were lots of wealthy and influential people, whose names wouldn't immediately register with the public, visiting Lolita Island, Fran. Thanks!
I;'ll try again, but Jim Stone put up a photo from a drone footage of the building on Epsteins island (Shilligans Island, lol) with open window. a plastic covered mattress and what appeared to be blood.... nah cant find it. (5 mins). If, as the Talmud says, it is like a poke in the eye and dries up in no time, no harm, then why does not their God (Saatan) also tidy up after himself, or at least close the windows. / sarcasm
Jim also showed photos of the Island major renovations after Epstein was jailed. reward on Earth rather than heaven, they choose, and the greater highway to hell.
All this child abuse reminds me of that series "1923" where Native girls were abused by Nuns and a priest in this girls school. It was so horrible. One girl got even and murdered one of the Nuns. She escaped and I couldn't have been happier. Can you imagine being a child and there is no way out? No one to help you? I remember being forced to attend Catholic grade school after attending First Grade in the local public school, which I loved. The Nuns were mean, but not to that degree. The priests were always threatening. I couldn't stand that school and I wish I would have rebelled harder than I did. All in the name of "God". That was their schtick. God would never treat humans like that. My parents thought they were doing the right thing, but they were not.
I did watch it, but i saw it as more jewish Catholic basing on the whole, don't get me wrong, there was cruelty (spare the rod , but also sickos).. but still I always bear in mind jews make all the movies (and as someone said, name one they did not)... one way or another. Even Henry Ford shut up when he was forced to. Henry Makow ( The Cult That Hijacked the World 2008, best title ever) said A Serious Man was the biggest anti semitic movie.. and probably the only one?. Have we seen a movie with a rabbi cutting and sucking boy dick? Yellowstone I loved, but I fast forward through the porn now. the 1870 one of that trio I liked too, it was like the Wolf Creek TV series (first one, not the movies, which I love (wicked me) ) with a toughening up blonde chick on her righteous journey (to the serial killer 'I know why you do it' , figured him out, but as usual, for the next series, left the bull wounded) . How can a movie be made about jews taking over everything so much that all the righteous books (pandemics, vaccines, experiments) were thrown out the window all at once all over the world and 6 billion jabbed .. and still getting away with it. Eviler than alll the evil movies gthey made put together, and for real. I cannot write that book, I have not words (yet) for it. Pure Evil Alien perhaps. People threw up in the Monty Python Mr Gastro scene, the true covid hoax movie, they would kill themselves (for various reasons, abandon all hope, ye, who open your eyes wide open here). I told the brother in religouos class in Catholic School I did not believe in God... they should have kicked me out by the butt then and there . Churchill, liberal when you are young cause you have a heart, conservative when older cause you had a brain. Churchill had owners. Not much worth conserving in the wake (navy, lol) of Churchill's legacy.
True about jews in charge of movies, but what don't they have their hands in when it comes to anything involving big dollars? I find them to be mean people as I have worked for them in the past and currently work for them now. You have to play nice to get that paycheck. Yellowstone I found to be so fake; no one in Montana acts that way, going around murdering others. At least I don't believe so. And I find Costner to be a bit arrogant personally. I thought Cole Hauser played a great part and a handsome devil too. lol Too bad he's way too young for me, and married. Yep, you'll never get a good movie made w/o jews being involved.
I am well into the original Rawhide series which I had never seen before, for my happy hour a dayu(TV dinner) sick of seeing netflix etc Roman Generals fagging out, or 19th Century Russia fall of blacks... they go too far. (though they are there for the Young Ones to be indoctrinated and corrupted). rense show was good with my kind of jew, https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/http/MP3Download/Jan2024/T8sp2/rense_010924_hr1.mp3 an ex one, and furthermore now, a Christian one. that would be the best way out of all this (as per, if I am not wrong, phrophesy) if they all, the Good Ones, just converted, and turned on their former perverters who did not make the choice . I'd settle for it, even mandatory Church on Sundays (if were all for real, excuse me for my unshakeable cynicism these days). Off now down to the mail box to get what I hope is a working 486 computer (circa early 90's) , just to spite the jews cause they have, according to jim stone, likely wifi in chips past then. the future is the past.
I saw that video of the bloody mattress, and I think it was in the same video that Epstein was standing on the island supervising the clean up. It was taken from high up, but you could still tell it was him. They have designed the news cycle so that it's just, on to the next outrage, and then the current outrage is quickly forgotten...and that's just for the small percentage of folks who even care about these things. I think the majority of Americans have become so completely self-centered...that if the story does not affect their own lives, or the lives of the celebrities they worship...they couldn't care less.
Alone in The Wilderness 'pioneer' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Proenneke (highly recommended) in his book was saying that he did not think is healthy or natural to be constantly worried about things happening elsewhere of which one had not control, so ignorance is health (and sanity) in a way. then again the sheeple do that, militant ignorance in fact, but ironically have the 24/7 fear factory MSM assaulting their senses. If Orwell were alive today, he would still be rolling around in his grave... get me out of this.
I can only imagine how many judges, lawyers, and the very rich businessmen had dealings on that island. The list is probably very long, indeed. Men AND women. Like other nefarious government going ons, we'll never know the truth. Its so disgusting and here we are, the filth is thrown into our faces on a daily basis. I know what I'd like to about it, but cannot say. If I had my way...............
Yep, I'm sure there were lots of wealthy and influential people, whose names wouldn't immediately register with the public, visiting Lolita Island, Fran. Thanks!
I'm sure Epstein Island is a walk in the park compared to what goes on underneath the Vatican. You ain't seen nothin' yet.
Absolutely! I'd like to see what all those documents are as well. As children of Christ, we have a right to know!
I;'ll try again, but Jim Stone put up a photo from a drone footage of the building on Epsteins island (Shilligans Island, lol) with open window. a plastic covered mattress and what appeared to be blood.... nah cant find it. (5 mins). If, as the Talmud says, it is like a poke in the eye and dries up in no time, no harm, then why does not their God (Saatan) also tidy up after himself, or at least close the windows. / sarcasm
Jim also showed photos of the Island major renovations after Epstein was jailed. reward on Earth rather than heaven, they choose, and the greater highway to hell.
All this child abuse reminds me of that series "1923" where Native girls were abused by Nuns and a priest in this girls school. It was so horrible. One girl got even and murdered one of the Nuns. She escaped and I couldn't have been happier. Can you imagine being a child and there is no way out? No one to help you? I remember being forced to attend Catholic grade school after attending First Grade in the local public school, which I loved. The Nuns were mean, but not to that degree. The priests were always threatening. I couldn't stand that school and I wish I would have rebelled harder than I did. All in the name of "God". That was their schtick. God would never treat humans like that. My parents thought they were doing the right thing, but they were not.
I did watch it, but i saw it as more jewish Catholic basing on the whole, don't get me wrong, there was cruelty (spare the rod , but also sickos).. but still I always bear in mind jews make all the movies (and as someone said, name one they did not)... one way or another. Even Henry Ford shut up when he was forced to. Henry Makow ( The Cult That Hijacked the World 2008, best title ever) said A Serious Man was the biggest anti semitic movie.. and probably the only one?. Have we seen a movie with a rabbi cutting and sucking boy dick? Yellowstone I loved, but I fast forward through the porn now. the 1870 one of that trio I liked too, it was like the Wolf Creek TV series (first one, not the movies, which I love (wicked me) ) with a toughening up blonde chick on her righteous journey (to the serial killer 'I know why you do it' , figured him out, but as usual, for the next series, left the bull wounded) . How can a movie be made about jews taking over everything so much that all the righteous books (pandemics, vaccines, experiments) were thrown out the window all at once all over the world and 6 billion jabbed .. and still getting away with it. Eviler than alll the evil movies gthey made put together, and for real. I cannot write that book, I have not words (yet) for it. Pure Evil Alien perhaps. People threw up in the Monty Python Mr Gastro scene, the true covid hoax movie, they would kill themselves (for various reasons, abandon all hope, ye, who open your eyes wide open here). I told the brother in religouos class in Catholic School I did not believe in God... they should have kicked me out by the butt then and there . Churchill, liberal when you are young cause you have a heart, conservative when older cause you had a brain. Churchill had owners. Not much worth conserving in the wake (navy, lol) of Churchill's legacy.
True about jews in charge of movies, but what don't they have their hands in when it comes to anything involving big dollars? I find them to be mean people as I have worked for them in the past and currently work for them now. You have to play nice to get that paycheck. Yellowstone I found to be so fake; no one in Montana acts that way, going around murdering others. At least I don't believe so. And I find Costner to be a bit arrogant personally. I thought Cole Hauser played a great part and a handsome devil too. lol Too bad he's way too young for me, and married. Yep, you'll never get a good movie made w/o jews being involved.
I am well into the original Rawhide series which I had never seen before, for my happy hour a dayu(TV dinner) sick of seeing netflix etc Roman Generals fagging out, or 19th Century Russia fall of blacks... they go too far. (though they are there for the Young Ones to be indoctrinated and corrupted). rense show was good with my kind of jew, https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/http/MP3Download/Jan2024/T8sp2/rense_010924_hr1.mp3 an ex one, and furthermore now, a Christian one. that would be the best way out of all this (as per, if I am not wrong, phrophesy) if they all, the Good Ones, just converted, and turned on their former perverters who did not make the choice . I'd settle for it, even mandatory Church on Sundays (if were all for real, excuse me for my unshakeable cynicism these days). Off now down to the mail box to get what I hope is a working 486 computer (circa early 90's) , just to spite the jews cause they have, according to jim stone, likely wifi in chips past then. the future is the past.
I saw that video of the bloody mattress, and I think it was in the same video that Epstein was standing on the island supervising the clean up. It was taken from high up, but you could still tell it was him. They have designed the news cycle so that it's just, on to the next outrage, and then the current outrage is quickly forgotten...and that's just for the small percentage of folks who even care about these things. I think the majority of Americans have become so completely self-centered...that if the story does not affect their own lives, or the lives of the celebrities they worship...they couldn't care less.
Alone in The Wilderness 'pioneer' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Proenneke (highly recommended) in his book was saying that he did not think is healthy or natural to be constantly worried about things happening elsewhere of which one had not control, so ignorance is health (and sanity) in a way. then again the sheeple do that, militant ignorance in fact, but ironically have the 24/7 fear factory MSM assaulting their senses. If Orwell were alive today, he would still be rolling around in his grave... get me out of this.