For any critical thinking person, it's clear, there were also little boys, and human sacrifice going on at Lolita Island. What else would that mini temple be for? What is surprising is that I have actually seen a few msm sources float the idea that Epstein and Maxwell had a Mossad honeypot going on. Maxwell's father had an Israeli state funeral and burial on the Mount of Olives, for his service to Mossad. I have never believed for one second, that Epstein is dead.

There are those who are higher than the filthy political/celebrity class taking the heat just now. I think this big reveal of the stinking filth who "govern" us is just one more piece of the great takedown of America 2.0 happening this year. A lot of those who have faithfully served the Beast all their lives, are in for a very rude awakening this year

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We'll see if anything happens with this, Kris. The elite would essentially be outing themselves if they exposed this to any degree. Maybe Trumpenstein will be given another symbolic prosecution. Thanks.

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Sadly, nothing surprises me anymore.

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as Reagan said, you aint seen nothing yet. (though h̵e̵r̵e̵s̵ ̵s̵o̵m̵e̵t̵h̵i̵n̵g̵ ̵y̵o̵u̵'̵l̵l̵ ̵n̵e̵v̵e̵r̵ t we all forget like the other things before, continuing the lyrics to that song .. lets face it you aint been around... the world in 80 Epstein flights) ' nuff

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Yes, they are definitely going to sacrifice a lot of the Hellywood Scum who they really do not have any more use for at this point. Also on the chopping block are going to be all those berserk cops who have enjoyed ravaging the sheeple all these years, and the fringe benefits of being part of the club.

The civil war is coming, and their mission is to get the last cop to shoot the last prepper over the last box of mini donuts at QuikTrip. Then they get to come in and clean up the mess.

Memo to all those enjoying the current Satanic Orgy and Killing Spree in Gaza: DO YOU really think the Establishment is going to let you keep on living and perhaps telling your tales once the grisly affair is over??? You ain't gonna even see it coming...

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I'm surprised more people haven't considered the possibility that he isn't dead. Maybe the obvious over the top dubiousness of the 'suicide' story was slight of hand. Yeah Epstein didn't kill himself, in fact he may not be dead.

Although Bill Gates seemed pretty pleased with himself that one time and allegedly they had some beef so who knows.

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I think many have figured out he's still alive. That is where the controlled opposition/limited hang-out comes in. It's their job to steer anyone questioning the narrative, in the direction (((they))) want us to go.

Queen Elizabeth II isn't dead either. When I saw her official birthday photo for 2022, I told my friends (((they))) would fake her death that year. She was standing between two white horses. The white horse is a Celtic symbol for death. She has looking great right up to the day of her death. Now she can live out her days at her favorite place on earth....the Scottish Highlands. She got to say her public good byes at Balmoral, all that "last" summer. I'm sure she had grown tired of the whole charade, but because of her public pledge to serve her entire life (made on her 21st birthday) she couldn't very well just say: "I'm retiring". Look for Prince Andrew's death to be faked. Its the only way out for him now. It was always said that he was the Queen's favorite...being the actual son of Lord Porchester, the Queen's racing manager. Once they fake Andrew's death, he can be the Queen's constant companion.

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Interesting. I'll be curious to see now what happens w/ Andrew, if anything. With deep fake types of tech will people be able to trust their own eyes anymore.

That said, there's still that uncanny valley type effect to me w/ deep fakes. Even AI art, if entirely self generated, at least that I've seen does not entirely convince or impress me, but I digress.

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Don, these people should be hunted down by parents with pitchforks and axes… instead our government, the media and “normal”people just roll their eyes and call it bullshit conspiracy. The insane on both sides of the red-blue spectrum actually watch these sickos movies and tv shows, they celebrate them.

We live in an evil world, I am not religious, but maybe the devil does exist and life on earth is hell…. Starting the really believe this theory I have had for a long time.

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"these people should be hunted down by parents with pitchforks and axes..." which is why they have a legal system, and the mantra "You mustn't take the law into your own hands.". All of the systems and institutions are there to protect them, not us. It's worth going down the list to see who are protectors and who are handmaidens. It's very instructive of how everything actually works, as opposed to how we are told things work, and what a hellhole we've been dumped in.

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Life on this Earth is not meant to be Hell, and I had some great times when I was a child, but, yes, Hell has now come to the surface of the Earth, and the most morbid evils parade around in the sunlight.

Either we will serve Our Lord Jesus Christ in our humility or we will serve Devils in Our Pride. In the Spiritual Warfare no neutral country like Switzerland exists.

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the parent of these girl's , or orphanage custodians, should be hunted down. though I can nominate ZERO authorities that I would trust to do so. probably take the younger siblings away form the abusive homes.... to Epstein Island , Castle Anthrax (Monty Python ' pedophilia palace)

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It is a whole network, and a very ugly one at that. From Brussels to London to New York to Washington to the Vatican, and everything in between...

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I have not seen (and do not wish to, that scene in final episode of True Detective first series (the only good one)proof positive (could mostly be Threatre for all I know, like UFO stories) . and the video shown to the politician, from when they broke into another's home to get it, Illuminati child sacrifice... (spared us what transpired beyond .... ' nufff. never met a conspiracy theory I did not believe in, 'cept flat earth.

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It was in the excellent tv show Rectify, she (probably a jewish actress) was asked if she believed in God, 'I believe in Satan'. perhaps satan is doing God's work, forcing people to believe in something. then the wheat and the chaff get sorted out, to choose whom/what side are you on? when things are real and getting serious and fence sitting and ignorance are not an option.

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I said I don’t do religion, I believe that makes me neither on the fence nor ignorant. I didn’t say I don’t believe in God, I am just not foolish enough to believe that history, religion or any man knows the answers. That answer your question Peter?

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Donald, how did you miss this Dumpster Fire: Alan Dershowitz Responds to Epstein Docs With Attack On ‘Radical Feminists’ Who Don’t ‘Condemn Hamas’. I was listening to part of it as background noise on Max Egan's channel. (Will I get banned by Substack for mentioning Max?) Absolutely hilarious. Dershowitz goes on to call the list "AntiSemetic".

And now Archbishop Vigano is calling on the Vatican Swiss Guards to arrest Pope Frantic and Cardinal "kisser" Fernandez.

I think Clown World just pegged and broke the meter...

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I mentioned Dershowitz, WW. He was one of those viciously attacking Virginia Giuffre. Does Trump still love him? Thanks.

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Yes, you mentioned Dershowitz in passing. But labeling Radical Feminists Anti-Semetic? I don't think even the Southern Poverty Law Center can make that duck quack.

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Hi WW: How is Max Egan the old cocaine-nosed Aussie? I watched his videos for awhile after he fled Queensland for Mexico. Egan is a nut IMO.

Dershowitz doesn't know whether to shit or go blind in my opinion. He has no home. The liberal Democrats left him behind.

The Swiss Guards should arrest the Pope. Francis the Argentine is a heretic.

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Igan pronounced Egan. I like Max, but do not expect too much. hoping people change (at least recognise Jesus Christ and name the Satan , ever if abstract ideas). rense.com and programs with Father Kramer on this antiChrist pope. or Dave Allen joke (one of my fav jokes ever told) https://www.bitchute.com/video/jfWQumaKeDKv/

".And he says to the jewish boy, what do you do [ on Christmas day] ?And he says , "my Daddy and I we go down to our toy factory and we look at all the empty shelves, and we sing two choruses of 'don't we have a friend in Jesus', and then we go to Majorca.""" and a friend too for the Scrooges in 1913.

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Greetings Timmy Taes. Yes, Max Egan is certainly a theological train wreck, along with his sidekick Jeff Berwick, AKA the Dollar Vigilante. Jeff Berwick could not figure out why the Mexicans were shooting fireworks on December 12th, or why they exchange gifts on January 6th. He really needs to take more of a deeper dive into Christendom, which is much more alive and well south of the border, while we here in the states have just gotten off the High Holy Days of the Protestant Holiday Cycle- Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. I hope everyone enjoyed their sentimental/materialist orgy and contributed much moola to Madison Ave... I am being sarcastic.

I found the Video utterly hilarious, and yes, Dershowitz is past his prime, and perhaps even "damaged goods" although I don't think he is "beyond salvage".

But like Condolizza Rice, his next stop is oblivion, and the unremembered dead.

The Swiss Guards arrest the Pope? You might as well petition Israel to build a hospital for Hamas babies, or Putin to unconditionally surrender to the Ukraine.

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WW: I have no fantasy of the Swiss Guards arresting the Pope though it would make good drama in a Mission Impossible movie.

Here in Healdsburg, CA the local Mexicans have a parade around the block of our local Catholic Church on Dec. 12th. You know why. They carry the statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe on a platform on their shoulders and follow it with a Mariachi Band. It's quite a show as it goes by our house.

I just read a history of the Epiphany. Christmas is a twelve day holiday from Dec. 25 to Jan 6th. That is the way it should be in the West but rarely is.

My favorite parts of Christmas are the songs, lights, and Congress is out of session.

Take care.

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"and Congress is out of session"

Twas the night before Christmas.. when the scrooges got the Fed Act in 1913.

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Seriously, does it really matter that most of congress was absent? I mean, what makes a better Nodding Yahoo than a US politician?

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Peter: Exactly. Congress shouldn't have been in session. How many members of Congress were not there that day?

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While the Swiss Guards are at it, I have quite a few more suggestions. And don't forget those archives. These are the top ten burning questions for the Vatican:

#1. Was Pope John Paul I murdered because he was going to shut down the Vatican Bank or perform the collegial consecration of Russia requested by Our Lady of Fatima, or perhaps both?

#2. Who offed the Real St Sr Lucia. Was it Pius XII or John XXIII, or perhaps even Paul VI, or some cardinal thinking he was doing any of the above an immense favor?

#3. How many of the Popes since, say, Pius VI were actually enrolled in the Freemasonic Lodges and taking part in the rituals, versus those who were just blubbering useful idiots?

#4. Just exactly who first concocted the "Novus Ordo Mass" and how far back does the history go?

#5. Just what exactly happened to that young Italian girl who was on her way to a music lesson and never seen again during the reign of JP2?

#6. Did Leo XIII really heard God and Satan having a discussion by the Tabernacle, or was he just gaslighting the Church?

#7. Is there really an "incorrupt body" of Pius X underneath all that silver and silk?

Okay, I did not make it to #10, but that is a good start.

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WW: That is quite a list. I don't know the answer to any of your questions. I left the Catholic Church long ago. Religion is like all large institutions. They are good, bad, and inefficient all in one. The Catholics do put on quite a show.

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Our Lord Jesus Christ definitely founded a Church to guide us in Truth. Read the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. It is all there.

Yes, what passes for the One, Holy, Universal (The word Catholic means Universal) and Apostolic Church (The four marks of Christ's true church- apologies to all you Protestants out there...) is certainly a Hot Steaming Mess at this point.

Our Lord Promised the Gates of Hell would not prevail. But He never said they would not give it "The Old College Try".

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a Hamas Hospital for HAMAS babies would be like this, https://www.bitchute.com/video/VopCrlgsMfD6/ "World's First AI-Powered Restaurant Opens in Southern Commiefornia". Babies on the menu, and would you like flies (or assorted bugs) with that , sir?

top channel there by the way, no comments, and blessed are the commentless, but they also miss out

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I think you meant an Israeli Hospital for Hamas Babies. (Not that ISrael and Hamas are not the same thing, but that would be a digression...)

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I remember when, after Epstein died, the FBI swarmed on Little St. James and YouTubers like Rusty Shackleford (whose channel disappeared) took pictures of the agents going through documents and shutting the blinds to the cameras. So where are all the videos and photos that they supposedly took? Were they even really there and Shackleford was a psyop? Why doesn't anyone ask an Epstein Island visitor what was there? What did they do all day? Did they have a nice time? Also, no one mentions that Epstein owned Great St. James island next door, which has some sort of compound on it. Anyone check there? Maybe those fantastic prison guards could look in on it. If they're still above ground.

As for billionaires, stay away. To be rich and famous anymore probably means someone has pictures. Or they'll get pictures of you.

It's an evil world, and we still pound at the table and demand it to be fixed. My hands hurt.

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Great questions, Cindy. I doubt anyone will answer them. Thanks!

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Tucker Carlson is a limited hang-out. He wears the red string on his wrist.

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What is the red string on the wrist?

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It means that the person is a follower of Kaballah. I have seen at least one pic of Carlson wearing the string. I understand that many celebrities wear it as well, but I can't tell you who because I don't keep up on celebrities. It's one of the countless symbols (((they))) rub in our faces ...like the pangolin in the lower left corner of the magazine cover of: The Economist: The Year 2019. A little more than a year before (((they))) announced covid mutated from a pangolin eating a bat, (((they))) told the entire world with one picture, that the scamdemic was a psy-op. People were warned...yet I feel I was the only one to see 2+2=4 at that moment. Certainly no one I was reading in the conspiracy world mentioned this. Normies with no knowledge of the Occult are pitifully helpless when faced with these forces. According to Kaballah, (((they))) must inform their victims of their plans...because if the victims willingly accept their victimization, then (((they))) are absolved of all karma they would have otherwise accumulated. This is what they believe. This was the entire plan of the Jonestown jab. The victims begged for their own genocide.

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Wow. It sounds like what we hear about "Them," whoever they are, having to tell you what they're going to do. Hiding everything in plain sight. The vampire asking permission to enter a home (although that was not part of the original mythos from Bram Stoker). Thanks, Kris!

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dogs pissing on poles I call it. their believing their own bullshit will be their downfall, if and once people wake up enough. same as it ever was/ Talking heads / except these last two Rothschild's centuries and more power up the top, low people in high places.

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I'm sure you know all about the Supertramp Album Breakfast in America where the cover advertises 9-1-1. They even have the letters S and U partially blotted out by the Twin Towers so it reads 911 upside down.

Yes, they toss the stuff in our faces all the time. part of their "karma".

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Looks like the U and P are partially obscured, and would be read backwards

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Exactly. But what are the chances that an album featuring an airliner and the Twin Towers would have a 9-1-1 in it?

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"Predictive Programming".

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Yeah, Tucker is definitely a limited hangout. His father was CIA, if I am recalling the facts aright. They "cancelled" Tucker to boost his legitimacy with the Tinfoil Hatters. It's how they roll.

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cucker "I dont want to identfy as white" carlson. that is what he said

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i identity as Transparent, off and on., if you catch me on an on day and acknowledge that you see me, I am offended... related... snowflake meltdown. https://www.bitchute.com/video/97BC1gfOBkg2/ "She Calls the Interviewer A Misogynist, He Asks Her To Define Misogyny, The Little Snowflake Melts" . hot place in hell for doctors with orders, who lie and kill children.

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Tucker Carlson is also a Blue-blood, female to male, transsexual androgyne. This is Clown World, kosher variety.

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On Fantasy Island, trannys did abound. Not the least of whom was Mossad agent, Ghislaine Maxwell. It should have been called, "Trantasy Island." Speaking of Pedophilia, if you were to scrutinize the plethora of races, ethnic groups, and cultures all over the world, you would be stunned to discover that in numerous areas very young girls are introduced into the joys of sex while their Western counterparts are still playing with dolls. I'm talking 5 and 6 years old, and it's not only acceptable but "legal." The boys are not overlooked either. "Hebephilia" is Kosher, Freudian nonsense. There is nothing abnormal about a healthy, heterosexual male, regardless of age, desiring a teen aged female who is some years beyond puberty. In point of fact, it is those years of her life when a girl is most alluring. The ancient Greeks and Romans called the ages of 12 and 13 for females her "Sacred Years." Obviously because she is both girl and woman simultaneously. Any honest man will admit to the overpowering attraction of paedomorphic females. If that is perverse, then so is nature. My paternal grandmother was legally married and had her first child at the age of 15, in the state of Ohio. That was not uncommon back then. I suppose all of those husband/fathers were sexual deviants. Many of the sex crimes are merely statutory, meaning they are crimes because the scumbag authorities say they are. When I was in high school in the 60s, I knew more than a few females who had been having full blown intercourse, consensual I emphasize, with in many instances they being the initiatrix, from the tender age of 12. ("The Sacred Years"). I'm certain this is even much more prevalent today. I don't think Epstein is dead, his "suicide" or "murder" a Freemasonic hoax. I doubt it's still accessible but I saw the video of him being wheeled out on a gurney from the "Tombs" jail en-route to the morgue and whoever that was looked less like Epstein than Billy Shears looks like Paul McCartney. Eppie is probably in Tel Aviv sipping Mogan David Wine while corn-holing young Yiddish "Trade". Epstein got his Cheddar from the real rulers of this earth, the money printers, his fellow tribesmen. Trump is just a demented, fall-guy, clown, albeit a dangerous one, in the fabricated, kosher theater of mass distraction. Pretty much all is fake in this simulated reality of pain, violence, and oppression. Thank you, Don, for a great article pointing out the disgusting hypocrisy of this nefarious System.

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A bold and brilliant analysis, Hereticdrummer. Thanks!

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Thank you, Don, be well and as always, keep throwing those haymakers!

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I saw that gurney video and pictures too, HD. The ears didn't match. It wasn't him. I wouldn't be surprised if he's got a new face and is living in Israel partying with Mossad. I wonder if anyone really went to the island - has anyone mentioned what they actually did there? How they got an invite? If it were innocent, why wouldn't they say? Do we know Ghislaine is even in jail? They moved her, she could easily have a new face and is at the pool with Jeffrey right now.

This all came out after the Pizzagate fiasco, when real questions were smashed by the psyop. Now you can't bring up any of it. Somedays I feel like I'm in a movie, a bad one, where everything I do or push or where I walk disappears into something else. So many lies by so many "authority" figures makes me doubt reality. Sometimes I ask, am I even alive? I guess, as you say, this simulated reality of pain, violence, and oppression can get to you. Take care, HD

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Excellent comments, Cindy Lynn. Suicide can be immediately ruled out because a study of the Tombs will reveal that the authorities have made it literally suicide proof. Simply put, it is impossible to "Off" yourself in one of their cells. Further, killing yourself does take guts and slime the ilk of Epstein are invariably cowards. The Cryptocracy has agents who can blow by any state/secular authoritarians without being challenged in any way. The System's tools know better and if perchance they don't, they will find out the hard way. These agents of Hell obviously came right in to where Epstein was allegedly incarcerated and spirited him away, concomitantly giving instructions for his cadaver replacement and "Official" explanation to the press, which they of course own and control. I would bet my right arm on a chopping block that tranny Ghislaine is not in the grey-bar hotel either. The Devil watches after his own. You take care as well, Cindy Lynn.

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it is anti civilisation and anti high trust high investment etc. but old enough to bleed , old enough to breed. goes with you play, you pay. but that is in the real world, 100 years ago.

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This whole Epstein's Island story reminds me of Dr. No. Some crazy living on an island in the Caribbean up to no good. I wonder what Epstein used for security on his island. Who is in the graves on the island (if they are graves). Is it a private island? Were the local authorities customers or bribed?

I wonder who cleaned Epstein's island abode. Who did the plumbing, electric, HVAC systems? Who cooked the food?

If you want to know what really happened on that island, ask the workers.

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I don't know, Timmy. How did a guy without a college degree get hired as a math teacher by William Barr's father? And then parlay that somehow into a billion dollar fortune?

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DJ: Exactly. The story is in the details. Perhaps it's not just who you know, but what kind of blackmail you can exercise (but that is dangerous). Favors being traded?

It reminds me of the old Aristocracy. Austria sends a young Marie Antoinette to an old King Louis to forge an alliance.

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Let them eat cake, off my young butt. Rothschild's sidelining, if my sons did not want cake, there would be no cake.. yeh, and fat and cheesy 'pizza'

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The Thunderbirds with Black (small) hats. If you think Epstein Island (base station) is bad, what do you imagine they are up to at Thunderbird 6 (orbiting space cadets) ISSSSSS, the hiss if the snakes.

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I can only imagine how many judges, lawyers, and the very rich businessmen had dealings on that island. The list is probably very long, indeed. Men AND women. Like other nefarious government going ons, we'll never know the truth. Its so disgusting and here we are, the filth is thrown into our faces on a daily basis. I know what I'd like to about it, but cannot say. If I had my way...............

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Yep, I'm sure there were lots of wealthy and influential people, whose names wouldn't immediately register with the public, visiting Lolita Island, Fran. Thanks!

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I'm sure Epstein Island is a walk in the park compared to what goes on underneath the Vatican. You ain't seen nothin' yet.

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Absolutely! I'd like to see what all those documents are as well. As children of Christ, we have a right to know!

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I;'ll try again, but Jim Stone put up a photo from a drone footage of the building on Epsteins island (Shilligans Island, lol) with open window. a plastic covered mattress and what appeared to be blood.... nah cant find it. (5 mins). If, as the Talmud says, it is like a poke in the eye and dries up in no time, no harm, then why does not their God (Saatan) also tidy up after himself, or at least close the windows. / sarcasm

Jim also showed photos of the Island major renovations after Epstein was jailed. reward on Earth rather than heaven, they choose, and the greater highway to hell.

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All this child abuse reminds me of that series "1923" where Native girls were abused by Nuns and a priest in this girls school. It was so horrible. One girl got even and murdered one of the Nuns. She escaped and I couldn't have been happier. Can you imagine being a child and there is no way out? No one to help you? I remember being forced to attend Catholic grade school after attending First Grade in the local public school, which I loved. The Nuns were mean, but not to that degree. The priests were always threatening. I couldn't stand that school and I wish I would have rebelled harder than I did. All in the name of "God". That was their schtick. God would never treat humans like that. My parents thought they were doing the right thing, but they were not.

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I did watch it, but i saw it as more jewish Catholic basing on the whole, don't get me wrong, there was cruelty (spare the rod , but also sickos).. but still I always bear in mind jews make all the movies (and as someone said, name one they did not)... one way or another. Even Henry Ford shut up when he was forced to. Henry Makow ( The Cult That Hijacked the World 2008, best title ever) said A Serious Man was the biggest anti semitic movie.. and probably the only one?. Have we seen a movie with a rabbi cutting and sucking boy dick? Yellowstone I loved, but I fast forward through the porn now. the 1870 one of that trio I liked too, it was like the Wolf Creek TV series (first one, not the movies, which I love (wicked me) ) with a toughening up blonde chick on her righteous journey (to the serial killer 'I know why you do it' , figured him out, but as usual, for the next series, left the bull wounded) . How can a movie be made about jews taking over everything so much that all the righteous books (pandemics, vaccines, experiments) were thrown out the window all at once all over the world and 6 billion jabbed .. and still getting away with it. Eviler than alll the evil movies gthey made put together, and for real. I cannot write that book, I have not words (yet) for it. Pure Evil Alien perhaps. People threw up in the Monty Python Mr Gastro scene, the true covid hoax movie, they would kill themselves (for various reasons, abandon all hope, ye, who open your eyes wide open here). I told the brother in religouos class in Catholic School I did not believe in God... they should have kicked me out by the butt then and there . Churchill, liberal when you are young cause you have a heart, conservative when older cause you had a brain. Churchill had owners. Not much worth conserving in the wake (navy, lol) of Churchill's legacy.

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True about jews in charge of movies, but what don't they have their hands in when it comes to anything involving big dollars? I find them to be mean people as I have worked for them in the past and currently work for them now. You have to play nice to get that paycheck. Yellowstone I found to be so fake; no one in Montana acts that way, going around murdering others. At least I don't believe so. And I find Costner to be a bit arrogant personally. I thought Cole Hauser played a great part and a handsome devil too. lol Too bad he's way too young for me, and married. Yep, you'll never get a good movie made w/o jews being involved.

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I am well into the original Rawhide series which I had never seen before, for my happy hour a dayu(TV dinner) sick of seeing netflix etc Roman Generals fagging out, or 19th Century Russia fall of blacks... they go too far. (though they are there for the Young Ones to be indoctrinated and corrupted). rense show was good with my kind of jew, https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/http/MP3Download/Jan2024/T8sp2/rense_010924_hr1.mp3 an ex one, and furthermore now, a Christian one. that would be the best way out of all this (as per, if I am not wrong, phrophesy) if they all, the Good Ones, just converted, and turned on their former perverters who did not make the choice . I'd settle for it, even mandatory Church on Sundays (if were all for real, excuse me for my unshakeable cynicism these days). Off now down to the mail box to get what I hope is a working 486 computer (circa early 90's) , just to spite the jews cause they have, according to jim stone, likely wifi in chips past then. the future is the past.

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I saw that video of the bloody mattress, and I think it was in the same video that Epstein was standing on the island supervising the clean up. It was taken from high up, but you could still tell it was him. They have designed the news cycle so that it's just, on to the next outrage, and then the current outrage is quickly forgotten...and that's just for the small percentage of folks who even care about these things. I think the majority of Americans have become so completely self-centered...that if the story does not affect their own lives, or the lives of the celebrities they worship...they couldn't care less.

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Alone in The Wilderness 'pioneer' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Proenneke (highly recommended) in his book was saying that he did not think is healthy or natural to be constantly worried about things happening elsewhere of which one had not control, so ignorance is health (and sanity) in a way. then again the sheeple do that, militant ignorance in fact, but ironically have the 24/7 fear factory MSM assaulting their senses. If Orwell were alive today, he would still be rolling around in his grave... get me out of this.

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Thanks for the sometimes wry humor about a sick time in our history. This episode is just one of many leading this country into the crapper. The flush is on.

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Thanks, Realist!

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I have often wondered where these underage girls came from. Did they not have parents? Where were the parents when these girls were spending so much time at Epstein Island and other locations? Where were these girls from and did none of them have a family concerned about their whereabouts and contacting law enforcement to find them?

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I mentioned this is another reply, sunny, but most of them come from broken homes. The traffickers have always targeted the most vulnerable ones. I interviewed both Cathy O'Brien, who wrote a book about her experiences being trafficked, and another woman who described being "groomed" by an older girl, who saw she was alone all day while her mother worked. Thanks.

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A lot of unanswered questions that you aptly raise regarding this whole Epstein Island deal.

Seems similar to all the other craziness rising thru the murky waters of these times.

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Thanks, jwslaw.

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I intended to post a a long rant on your message board last night, which I've not done in a while, but was too tired and back to the office grind now.

Briefly, and from personal knowledge, the biggest issue around here, which I know comes as no surprise, is the current economics for many folks and it is dire. I just speak with so many people these days that are really struggling to make ends meet. I don't think they exaggerate that they are near homeless.

Meanwhile, all they seem to talk of on the Hill is how much more they can send to overseas warfare and the conditions precedent to do so (which is not directly helping citizens .... but rather tying in the border fiasco)

The triggering event .... on the way home last nite, I heard a clip of our buddy Mitch McConnell speaking of the necessity for billions more to Ukraine and Israel , something about how this was the utmost important issue since the fall of the Berlin wall. after talking to someone who says they near losing their home, hearing Mitch really ticked me off!

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That's the essence of populism, jwslaw. Priorities. Taking care of your own home first. America's roof is collapsing, and the children are starving. And our leaders are running around the neighborhood, feeding the neighbors' kids, and fixing their roofs. Usually after blowing them off first. McConnell is as bad as they come- he also has a Chinese wife with questionable connections. And yet he is the leader of the "opposition" party. This is why America First still resonates with so many people. It's simple common sense. Thanks!

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I cringe every time I hear that guy speak!

so very irritating

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(I am doing too many comments perhaps here) still, Robert Malone who calls himself the inventor of mrna took two shots himself. now becoming a poster boy for the 'oppositon'. the more we know about those animal studies the more we know they knew how undafe and ineffective , nay, a bioweapon, it was . same as Al (dont use electricity is kills polar bears) Gore and his magic christmas tree all year round mansion. Hypocrisy to High Heaven (Hellbound0, as Jesus Christ callled them out on.

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So many people I know are talking the same things... can't pay the rent, can't pay utilities.

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Excellent and entertaining piece! I struggle with the apparent fact that Jeffy setup a "secret trust" one or two days before the "suicide event" with all his assets going to his brother, which strongly suggests a planned event. On the surface it would strongly support actual suicide, but unfortunately it would also support the other more remote scenarios. I've seen the twitter leaked pictures of supposed Epstein's dead body that appear quite real, which is odd given the modern security and privacy of morgues. I guess anything is possible, and think of the number of folks that it would take to pull off the illusion that he died, which would include the coroner, who would need to be fooled or bribed/blackmailed. Certainly the money and power of the these elites involved is there. I can almost imagine the 1960s Mission Impossible style reenactment episode for this Epstein "death'. Hopefully Oliver Stone or Don Jeffries will produce an Epstein movie someday?

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I appreciate the kind words, Roberto. I don't think Hollywood is quite ready for a Don Jeffries movie lol. Thanks!

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The governance of this world is akin to a cheesy, F grade horror film. Please may I turn it off?

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If only we could, Gwyneth. Thanks!

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I swore about the night before Christmas to forget about this (15 years hard core) looking up the jews (the powers that be etc) ... It did not last long, I am worse than before. must be a moral there somewhere.

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FYI. Kimmel was remarried in the last few years. They had a baby boy who was in critical care but apparently survived.

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I didn't know that, Nancy. Thanks.

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Compare that slut whore trash ywat (but I love the jews) Silverman's joke about jews blamed for killing Jesus (Christ of Nazareth) 'yeh and if he came back , I'd do it again to Lenny Bruce

yeh, it was a party and it just got out of hand... ok, really, it was because he wouldn't become a doctor. (extremely funny, I love self hating jews)

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That was a disgusting "joke" from Silverman, Peter. And shockingly enough, she caught no flack from it. Thanks!

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related: Henry Ford spoke about before phonograph let alone radio I am sure, in the Threatre the yiddish jokes on stage, half the audience laughed, half did not 'get it' , the jews were they laughing ones. and though he did not detail what joke I'd be that the yoke was sneakily at the goyim's expense. Monty Python (always good to quote) just remember that the last joke is on you. aadddddnnd always look on the bright... shod it. someone I listen to and trust told me I might have got spiked yesterday ... at the doctors, of course. (I went out of my farm gate 4 times last year.... for fear of the jews, what they have deployed).

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joke?? it was no joke. who would she catch flak from the jew owned press? bibi satayahoo just showed the world he is the most powerful POS in the world. he pisses on Europe and shits on the US and showed the world how weak the US is

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Sarah SilverMAN is a tranny.

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as a Transparent, i can see right through her,. now that is a joke, (Crocodile Dundee, that is a knife)

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Awesome piece, Donald! Your best to date, imo. Thanks for your tireless work. By the way, Clinton's MO in raping women was to bite down hard on their bottom lips whenever they failed to fully comply with his conquest. He also apparently later (i.e., years after the event) apologized to one victim (I guess we gotta give him credit for that?), amounting of course to a confession. But that too is brushed aside by all those without the eyes and ears to see and hear.

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I recall that about Clinton, Rob. I appreciate the kind words, my friend. Thanks!

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