Igan pronounced Egan. I like Max, but do not expect too much. hoping people change (at least recognise Jesus Christ and name the Satan , ever if abstract ideas). rense.com and programs with Father Kramer on this antiChrist pope. or Dave Allen joke (one of my fav jokes ever told) https://www.bitchute.com/video/jfWQumaKeDKv/
".And he says to the jewish boy, what do you do [ on Christmas day] ?And he says , "my Daddy and I we go down to our toy factory and we look at all the empty shelves, and we sing two choruses of 'don't we have a friend in Jesus', and then we go to Majorca.""" and a friend too for the Scrooges in 1913.
Greetings Timmy Taes. Yes, Max Egan is certainly a theological train wreck, along with his sidekick Jeff Berwick, AKA the Dollar Vigilante. Jeff Berwick could not figure out why the Mexicans were shooting fireworks on December 12th, or why they exchange gifts on January 6th. He really needs to take more of a deeper dive into Christendom, which is much more alive and well south of the border, while we here in the states have just gotten off the High Holy Days of the Protestant Holiday Cycle- Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. I hope everyone enjoyed their sentimental/materialist orgy and contributed much moola to Madison Ave... I am being sarcastic.
I found the Video utterly hilarious, and yes, Dershowitz is past his prime, and perhaps even "damaged goods" although I don't think he is "beyond salvage".
But like Condolizza Rice, his next stop is oblivion, and the unremembered dead.
The Swiss Guards arrest the Pope? You might as well petition Israel to build a hospital for Hamas babies, or Putin to unconditionally surrender to the Ukraine.
WW: I have no fantasy of the Swiss Guards arresting the Pope though it would make good drama in a Mission Impossible movie.
Here in Healdsburg, CA the local Mexicans have a parade around the block of our local Catholic Church on Dec. 12th. You know why. They carry the statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe on a platform on their shoulders and follow it with a Mariachi Band. It's quite a show as it goes by our house.
I just read a history of the Epiphany. Christmas is a twelve day holiday from Dec. 25 to Jan 6th. That is the way it should be in the West but rarely is.
My favorite parts of Christmas are the songs, lights, and Congress is out of session.
While the Swiss Guards are at it, I have quite a few more suggestions. And don't forget those archives. These are the top ten burning questions for the Vatican:
#1. Was Pope John Paul I murdered because he was going to shut down the Vatican Bank or perform the collegial consecration of Russia requested by Our Lady of Fatima, or perhaps both?
#2. Who offed the Real St Sr Lucia. Was it Pius XII or John XXIII, or perhaps even Paul VI, or some cardinal thinking he was doing any of the above an immense favor?
#3. How many of the Popes since, say, Pius VI were actually enrolled in the Freemasonic Lodges and taking part in the rituals, versus those who were just blubbering useful idiots?
#4. Just exactly who first concocted the "Novus Ordo Mass" and how far back does the history go?
#5. Just what exactly happened to that young Italian girl who was on her way to a music lesson and never seen again during the reign of JP2?
#6. Did Leo XIII really heard God and Satan having a discussion by the Tabernacle, or was he just gaslighting the Church?
#7. Is there really an "incorrupt body" of Pius X underneath all that silver and silk?
Okay, I did not make it to #10, but that is a good start.
WW: That is quite a list. I don't know the answer to any of your questions. I left the Catholic Church long ago. Religion is like all large institutions. They are good, bad, and inefficient all in one. The Catholics do put on quite a show.
Our Lord Jesus Christ definitely founded a Church to guide us in Truth. Read the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. It is all there.
Yes, what passes for the One, Holy, Universal (The word Catholic means Universal) and Apostolic Church (The four marks of Christ's true church- apologies to all you Protestants out there...) is certainly a Hot Steaming Mess at this point.
Our Lord Promised the Gates of Hell would not prevail. But He never said they would not give it "The Old College Try".
WW: This isn't the first time the Pope and Cardinals were sexual deviants and gluttons. That is what Martin Luther and his ilk were protesting when they started Protestant religions. They were protesting the depravity of Rome.
Sigh, the Diocese of Lincoln, NE where I grew up has been rocked with sexual scandals. So has the Santa Rosa Diocese where I live now.
Yes, the Sodomites have been in control of the Vatican at least since 1850, if not before. When Our Lady of La Salette said that the priests had become "Cesspools of Iniquity", She was understating her case.
The "Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita" gave directives to make the priests Gourmands and Sluggards. And How!!!
WW: When the Pope and his Cardinals are amused by having naked maidens push acorns across the floor with their pussies, you know it's become pretty bad.
WW: The Pope and Cardinals would drink and eat while watching young people have intercourse and the women doing the acorn races across the floor. Drunken gluttons watching live porno.
a Hamas Hospital for HAMAS babies would be like this, https://www.bitchute.com/video/VopCrlgsMfD6/ "World's First AI-Powered Restaurant Opens in Southern Commiefornia". Babies on the menu, and would you like flies (or assorted bugs) with that , sir?
top channel there by the way, no comments, and blessed are the commentless, but they also miss out
Hi WW: How is Max Egan the old cocaine-nosed Aussie? I watched his videos for awhile after he fled Queensland for Mexico. Egan is a nut IMO.
Dershowitz doesn't know whether to shit or go blind in my opinion. He has no home. The liberal Democrats left him behind.
The Swiss Guards should arrest the Pope. Francis the Argentine is a heretic.
Igan pronounced Egan. I like Max, but do not expect too much. hoping people change (at least recognise Jesus Christ and name the Satan , ever if abstract ideas). rense.com and programs with Father Kramer on this antiChrist pope. or Dave Allen joke (one of my fav jokes ever told) https://www.bitchute.com/video/jfWQumaKeDKv/
".And he says to the jewish boy, what do you do [ on Christmas day] ?And he says , "my Daddy and I we go down to our toy factory and we look at all the empty shelves, and we sing two choruses of 'don't we have a friend in Jesus', and then we go to Majorca.""" and a friend too for the Scrooges in 1913.
Greetings Timmy Taes. Yes, Max Egan is certainly a theological train wreck, along with his sidekick Jeff Berwick, AKA the Dollar Vigilante. Jeff Berwick could not figure out why the Mexicans were shooting fireworks on December 12th, or why they exchange gifts on January 6th. He really needs to take more of a deeper dive into Christendom, which is much more alive and well south of the border, while we here in the states have just gotten off the High Holy Days of the Protestant Holiday Cycle- Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. I hope everyone enjoyed their sentimental/materialist orgy and contributed much moola to Madison Ave... I am being sarcastic.
I found the Video utterly hilarious, and yes, Dershowitz is past his prime, and perhaps even "damaged goods" although I don't think he is "beyond salvage".
But like Condolizza Rice, his next stop is oblivion, and the unremembered dead.
The Swiss Guards arrest the Pope? You might as well petition Israel to build a hospital for Hamas babies, or Putin to unconditionally surrender to the Ukraine.
WW: I have no fantasy of the Swiss Guards arresting the Pope though it would make good drama in a Mission Impossible movie.
Here in Healdsburg, CA the local Mexicans have a parade around the block of our local Catholic Church on Dec. 12th. You know why. They carry the statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe on a platform on their shoulders and follow it with a Mariachi Band. It's quite a show as it goes by our house.
I just read a history of the Epiphany. Christmas is a twelve day holiday from Dec. 25 to Jan 6th. That is the way it should be in the West but rarely is.
My favorite parts of Christmas are the songs, lights, and Congress is out of session.
Take care.
"and Congress is out of session"
Twas the night before Christmas.. when the scrooges got the Fed Act in 1913.
Seriously, does it really matter that most of congress was absent? I mean, what makes a better Nodding Yahoo than a US politician?
Peter: Exactly. Congress shouldn't have been in session. How many members of Congress were not there that day?
While the Swiss Guards are at it, I have quite a few more suggestions. And don't forget those archives. These are the top ten burning questions for the Vatican:
#1. Was Pope John Paul I murdered because he was going to shut down the Vatican Bank or perform the collegial consecration of Russia requested by Our Lady of Fatima, or perhaps both?
#2. Who offed the Real St Sr Lucia. Was it Pius XII or John XXIII, or perhaps even Paul VI, or some cardinal thinking he was doing any of the above an immense favor?
#3. How many of the Popes since, say, Pius VI were actually enrolled in the Freemasonic Lodges and taking part in the rituals, versus those who were just blubbering useful idiots?
#4. Just exactly who first concocted the "Novus Ordo Mass" and how far back does the history go?
#5. Just what exactly happened to that young Italian girl who was on her way to a music lesson and never seen again during the reign of JP2?
#6. Did Leo XIII really heard God and Satan having a discussion by the Tabernacle, or was he just gaslighting the Church?
#7. Is there really an "incorrupt body" of Pius X underneath all that silver and silk?
Okay, I did not make it to #10, but that is a good start.
WW: That is quite a list. I don't know the answer to any of your questions. I left the Catholic Church long ago. Religion is like all large institutions. They are good, bad, and inefficient all in one. The Catholics do put on quite a show.
Our Lord Jesus Christ definitely founded a Church to guide us in Truth. Read the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. It is all there.
Yes, what passes for the One, Holy, Universal (The word Catholic means Universal) and Apostolic Church (The four marks of Christ's true church- apologies to all you Protestants out there...) is certainly a Hot Steaming Mess at this point.
Our Lord Promised the Gates of Hell would not prevail. But He never said they would not give it "The Old College Try".
WW: This isn't the first time the Pope and Cardinals were sexual deviants and gluttons. That is what Martin Luther and his ilk were protesting when they started Protestant religions. They were protesting the depravity of Rome.
Sigh, the Diocese of Lincoln, NE where I grew up has been rocked with sexual scandals. So has the Santa Rosa Diocese where I live now.
Yes, the Sodomites have been in control of the Vatican at least since 1850, if not before. When Our Lady of La Salette said that the priests had become "Cesspools of Iniquity", She was understating her case.
The "Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita" gave directives to make the priests Gourmands and Sluggards. And How!!!
WW: When the Pope and his Cardinals are amused by having naked maidens push acorns across the floor with their pussies, you know it's become pretty bad.
I had not heard that one. At any rate, that is a tragic fate for some perfectly good acorns. They deserve a better fate.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope.
WW: The Pope and Cardinals would drink and eat while watching young people have intercourse and the women doing the acorn races across the floor. Drunken gluttons watching live porno.
a Hamas Hospital for HAMAS babies would be like this, https://www.bitchute.com/video/VopCrlgsMfD6/ "World's First AI-Powered Restaurant Opens in Southern Commiefornia". Babies on the menu, and would you like flies (or assorted bugs) with that , sir?
top channel there by the way, no comments, and blessed are the commentless, but they also miss out
I think you meant an Israeli Hospital for Hamas Babies. (Not that ISrael and Hamas are not the same thing, but that would be a digression...)