On Fantasy Island, trannys did abound. Not the least of whom was Mossad agent, Ghislaine Maxwell. It should have been called, "Trantasy Island." Speaking of Pedophilia, if you were to scrutinize the plethora of races, ethnic groups, and cultures all over the world, you would be stunned to discover that in numerous areas very young girls …
On Fantasy Island, trannys did abound. Not the least of whom was Mossad agent, Ghislaine Maxwell. It should have been called, "Trantasy Island." Speaking of Pedophilia, if you were to scrutinize the plethora of races, ethnic groups, and cultures all over the world, you would be stunned to discover that in numerous areas very young girls are introduced into the joys of sex while their Western counterparts are still playing with dolls. I'm talking 5 and 6 years old, and it's not only acceptable but "legal." The boys are not overlooked either. "Hebephilia" is Kosher, Freudian nonsense. There is nothing abnormal about a healthy, heterosexual male, regardless of age, desiring a teen aged female who is some years beyond puberty. In point of fact, it is those years of her life when a girl is most alluring. The ancient Greeks and Romans called the ages of 12 and 13 for females her "Sacred Years." Obviously because she is both girl and woman simultaneously. Any honest man will admit to the overpowering attraction of paedomorphic females. If that is perverse, then so is nature. My paternal grandmother was legally married and had her first child at the age of 15, in the state of Ohio. That was not uncommon back then. I suppose all of those husband/fathers were sexual deviants. Many of the sex crimes are merely statutory, meaning they are crimes because the scumbag authorities say they are. When I was in high school in the 60s, I knew more than a few females who had been having full blown intercourse, consensual I emphasize, with in many instances they being the initiatrix, from the tender age of 12. ("The Sacred Years"). I'm certain this is even much more prevalent today. I don't think Epstein is dead, his "suicide" or "murder" a Freemasonic hoax. I doubt it's still accessible but I saw the video of him being wheeled out on a gurney from the "Tombs" jail en-route to the morgue and whoever that was looked less like Epstein than Billy Shears looks like Paul McCartney. Eppie is probably in Tel Aviv sipping Mogan David Wine while corn-holing young Yiddish "Trade". Epstein got his Cheddar from the real rulers of this earth, the money printers, his fellow tribesmen. Trump is just a demented, fall-guy, clown, albeit a dangerous one, in the fabricated, kosher theater of mass distraction. Pretty much all is fake in this simulated reality of pain, violence, and oppression. Thank you, Don, for a great article pointing out the disgusting hypocrisy of this nefarious System.
I saw that gurney video and pictures too, HD. The ears didn't match. It wasn't him. I wouldn't be surprised if he's got a new face and is living in Israel partying with Mossad. I wonder if anyone really went to the island - has anyone mentioned what they actually did there? How they got an invite? If it were innocent, why wouldn't they say? Do we know Ghislaine is even in jail? They moved her, she could easily have a new face and is at the pool with Jeffrey right now.
This all came out after the Pizzagate fiasco, when real questions were smashed by the psyop. Now you can't bring up any of it. Somedays I feel like I'm in a movie, a bad one, where everything I do or push or where I walk disappears into something else. So many lies by so many "authority" figures makes me doubt reality. Sometimes I ask, am I even alive? I guess, as you say, this simulated reality of pain, violence, and oppression can get to you. Take care, HD
Excellent comments, Cindy Lynn. Suicide can be immediately ruled out because a study of the Tombs will reveal that the authorities have made it literally suicide proof. Simply put, it is impossible to "Off" yourself in one of their cells. Further, killing yourself does take guts and slime the ilk of Epstein are invariably cowards. The Cryptocracy has agents who can blow by any state/secular authoritarians without being challenged in any way. The System's tools know better and if perchance they don't, they will find out the hard way. These agents of Hell obviously came right in to where Epstein was allegedly incarcerated and spirited him away, concomitantly giving instructions for his cadaver replacement and "Official" explanation to the press, which they of course own and control. I would bet my right arm on a chopping block that tranny Ghislaine is not in the grey-bar hotel either. The Devil watches after his own. You take care as well, Cindy Lynn.
it is anti civilisation and anti high trust high investment etc. but old enough to bleed , old enough to breed. goes with you play, you pay. but that is in the real world, 100 years ago.
On Fantasy Island, trannys did abound. Not the least of whom was Mossad agent, Ghislaine Maxwell. It should have been called, "Trantasy Island." Speaking of Pedophilia, if you were to scrutinize the plethora of races, ethnic groups, and cultures all over the world, you would be stunned to discover that in numerous areas very young girls are introduced into the joys of sex while their Western counterparts are still playing with dolls. I'm talking 5 and 6 years old, and it's not only acceptable but "legal." The boys are not overlooked either. "Hebephilia" is Kosher, Freudian nonsense. There is nothing abnormal about a healthy, heterosexual male, regardless of age, desiring a teen aged female who is some years beyond puberty. In point of fact, it is those years of her life when a girl is most alluring. The ancient Greeks and Romans called the ages of 12 and 13 for females her "Sacred Years." Obviously because she is both girl and woman simultaneously. Any honest man will admit to the overpowering attraction of paedomorphic females. If that is perverse, then so is nature. My paternal grandmother was legally married and had her first child at the age of 15, in the state of Ohio. That was not uncommon back then. I suppose all of those husband/fathers were sexual deviants. Many of the sex crimes are merely statutory, meaning they are crimes because the scumbag authorities say they are. When I was in high school in the 60s, I knew more than a few females who had been having full blown intercourse, consensual I emphasize, with in many instances they being the initiatrix, from the tender age of 12. ("The Sacred Years"). I'm certain this is even much more prevalent today. I don't think Epstein is dead, his "suicide" or "murder" a Freemasonic hoax. I doubt it's still accessible but I saw the video of him being wheeled out on a gurney from the "Tombs" jail en-route to the morgue and whoever that was looked less like Epstein than Billy Shears looks like Paul McCartney. Eppie is probably in Tel Aviv sipping Mogan David Wine while corn-holing young Yiddish "Trade". Epstein got his Cheddar from the real rulers of this earth, the money printers, his fellow tribesmen. Trump is just a demented, fall-guy, clown, albeit a dangerous one, in the fabricated, kosher theater of mass distraction. Pretty much all is fake in this simulated reality of pain, violence, and oppression. Thank you, Don, for a great article pointing out the disgusting hypocrisy of this nefarious System.
A bold and brilliant analysis, Hereticdrummer. Thanks!
Thank you, Don, be well and as always, keep throwing those haymakers!
I saw that gurney video and pictures too, HD. The ears didn't match. It wasn't him. I wouldn't be surprised if he's got a new face and is living in Israel partying with Mossad. I wonder if anyone really went to the island - has anyone mentioned what they actually did there? How they got an invite? If it were innocent, why wouldn't they say? Do we know Ghislaine is even in jail? They moved her, she could easily have a new face and is at the pool with Jeffrey right now.
This all came out after the Pizzagate fiasco, when real questions were smashed by the psyop. Now you can't bring up any of it. Somedays I feel like I'm in a movie, a bad one, where everything I do or push or where I walk disappears into something else. So many lies by so many "authority" figures makes me doubt reality. Sometimes I ask, am I even alive? I guess, as you say, this simulated reality of pain, violence, and oppression can get to you. Take care, HD
Excellent comments, Cindy Lynn. Suicide can be immediately ruled out because a study of the Tombs will reveal that the authorities have made it literally suicide proof. Simply put, it is impossible to "Off" yourself in one of their cells. Further, killing yourself does take guts and slime the ilk of Epstein are invariably cowards. The Cryptocracy has agents who can blow by any state/secular authoritarians without being challenged in any way. The System's tools know better and if perchance they don't, they will find out the hard way. These agents of Hell obviously came right in to where Epstein was allegedly incarcerated and spirited him away, concomitantly giving instructions for his cadaver replacement and "Official" explanation to the press, which they of course own and control. I would bet my right arm on a chopping block that tranny Ghislaine is not in the grey-bar hotel either. The Devil watches after his own. You take care as well, Cindy Lynn.
it is anti civilisation and anti high trust high investment etc. but old enough to bleed , old enough to breed. goes with you play, you pay. but that is in the real world, 100 years ago.