Thank you for the reminder. I’m a loner but I have immediate family that lives close. Going to see a bunch of old high school friends tomorrow night. This will be my first Christmas without drink….maybe lol! Am in the job search market and I made a vow to myself that I wouldn’t partake until I was gainfully employed. Thank goodness I did…
Thank you for the reminder. I’m a loner but I have immediate family that lives close. Going to see a bunch of old high school friends tomorrow night. This will be my first Christmas without drink….maybe lol! Am in the job search market and I made a vow to myself that I wouldn’t partake until I was gainfully employed. Thank goodness I didn’t make that promise to God huh?
We see things much the same way Donald. It’s the price we pay for having an active mind. I have a ridiculous memory. In fact I think that is why I have drank most of my life. Yet even inebriated I can’t seem to forget some things. At least I don’t hold grudges. Over the years I have come to learn my memory is both a blessing and a curse.
Merry Christmas to Donald and his readers. Hopefully Santa will bring you a pet Hippo sir!!
I remember one time I saw him staring at a wall. I asked him, what are you doing?
He nonchalantly said, "I'm watching a movie." I know he was too. He memorized the f-n
credits of movies. Who memorizes the credits? Who cares who the gaffer was, or all the other people? He knew them by heart and could tell us when they were in other credits.
He memorized 60 page books when he was one year old. I would start to read a book and he would finish THE WHOLE THING FROM MEMORY!
I know DJ has a good memory, but I doubt it's that good!
Thanks Scott….NO mine is nothing like that (photographic memory). Curious, for your son to memorize things such as movie credits how much work is required out of him or could he just look at it? For extra credit I memorized a lot of prose from Romeo and Juliet in high school but I can’t recall shit about it now really. I had to work at it I do remember that.
I am very good at memorizing numbers and patterns (probably better than most) but I excel at being able to remember the essence of particular moments. Things like emotions. Hell I am not sure that makes any sense. I can capture events and remember how people reacted and felt based on emotions at the time.
I guess that’s how I can describe it. Sometimes I really wish I could forget somethings. I guess in some ways I eventually do. It’s why 2020-2023 (mid way) were very rough years for me.
Unfortunately, we didn't know better and he was vaxxinated according to the best medical practices. They diagnosed him as autistic, and he had no friends.
Nobody had his memory or interests, so he was excluded. No birthday party invites, no friends, teachers hated him and discouraged him. He had piano lessons which he excelled at because he memorized the songs, but couldn't read the notes, so his music teacher embarrassed him in front of 30 kids and parents
at the age of 7. He knew his Beethoven song by heart, but she made him sit down at his recital in front of all those people. In band he played 30 songs by heart. But that was no good because he was supposed to know the notes.
At this point he hates to be reminded of his talent, which he has largely lost.
He begged us to take him out of school. Now he just wants to forget everything. You know, one friend for a kid in school, is that too much to ask for? But we were poor, so I suppose we were part of the problem. At the age of 7 he gave up the piano for good, something which he used to love to do.
Damn that’s too bad. That term autistic gets kicked around too much in my opinion. It subtracts from the people who really suffer from it. My neighbor’s boy has it. I never really bought in to it until just recently. In fact, he may actually be more of a severe case. He’s about 3.5 years so it’s hard to tell.
I see him every day. He has developed an unwitting ally in my dog. Got my Lab in late March this past year. Was a rescue and most likely abused. He almost took the boys face off within the first two weeks. Scared the hell out of me. The dog latched on to me for some reason immediately. He did not like or trust ANYONE else.
Anyhow ff to today and the young boy and that dog have become very close. My dogs name Coy is one of the few names the boy will pronounce. speak. The dog will bark his ass off at me and the boy’s father to throw the ball. It’s loud and obnoxious. But when that little boy has the ball in hand he assumes quite a patient role. Sometimes the kid will hold onto the ball and walk around the yard with it for 10min. Yet Not one peep from the animal. I pick that ball up for 2 seconds and he’s raising all kinds of hell until I throw it.
He got me a 10rnd box of shotgun shells for Christmas. Turkey loads, I call them drone killers 👍
Thank you for the reminder. I’m a loner but I have immediate family that lives close. Going to see a bunch of old high school friends tomorrow night. This will be my first Christmas without drink….maybe lol! Am in the job search market and I made a vow to myself that I wouldn’t partake until I was gainfully employed. Thank goodness I didn’t make that promise to God huh?
We see things much the same way Donald. It’s the price we pay for having an active mind. I have a ridiculous memory. In fact I think that is why I have drank most of my life. Yet even inebriated I can’t seem to forget some things. At least I don’t hold grudges. Over the years I have come to learn my memory is both a blessing and a curse.
Merry Christmas to Donald and his readers. Hopefully Santa will bring you a pet Hippo sir!!
Lol. I do love hippos, but wouldn't want one around me, Luke. Merry Christmas to you, too!
My son had a photographic memory.
I remember one time I saw him staring at a wall. I asked him, what are you doing?
He nonchalantly said, "I'm watching a movie." I know he was too. He memorized the f-n
credits of movies. Who memorizes the credits? Who cares who the gaffer was, or all the other people? He knew them by heart and could tell us when they were in other credits.
He memorized 60 page books when he was one year old. I would start to read a book and he would finish THE WHOLE THING FROM MEMORY!
I know DJ has a good memory, but I doubt it's that good!
Lol. No, not that good, Scott. Thanks.
And Merry Christmas, Luke!
Thanks Scott….NO mine is nothing like that (photographic memory). Curious, for your son to memorize things such as movie credits how much work is required out of him or could he just look at it? For extra credit I memorized a lot of prose from Romeo and Juliet in high school but I can’t recall shit about it now really. I had to work at it I do remember that.
I am very good at memorizing numbers and patterns (probably better than most) but I excel at being able to remember the essence of particular moments. Things like emotions. Hell I am not sure that makes any sense. I can capture events and remember how people reacted and felt based on emotions at the time.
I guess that’s how I can describe it. Sometimes I really wish I could forget somethings. I guess in some ways I eventually do. It’s why 2020-2023 (mid way) were very rough years for me.
Well, his gift became a torture for him.
Unfortunately, we didn't know better and he was vaxxinated according to the best medical practices. They diagnosed him as autistic, and he had no friends.
Nobody had his memory or interests, so he was excluded. No birthday party invites, no friends, teachers hated him and discouraged him. He had piano lessons which he excelled at because he memorized the songs, but couldn't read the notes, so his music teacher embarrassed him in front of 30 kids and parents
at the age of 7. He knew his Beethoven song by heart, but she made him sit down at his recital in front of all those people. In band he played 30 songs by heart. But that was no good because he was supposed to know the notes.
At this point he hates to be reminded of his talent, which he has largely lost.
He begged us to take him out of school. Now he just wants to forget everything. You know, one friend for a kid in school, is that too much to ask for? But we were poor, so I suppose we were part of the problem. At the age of 7 he gave up the piano for good, something which he used to love to do.
Damn that’s too bad. That term autistic gets kicked around too much in my opinion. It subtracts from the people who really suffer from it. My neighbor’s boy has it. I never really bought in to it until just recently. In fact, he may actually be more of a severe case. He’s about 3.5 years so it’s hard to tell.
I see him every day. He has developed an unwitting ally in my dog. Got my Lab in late March this past year. Was a rescue and most likely abused. He almost took the boys face off within the first two weeks. Scared the hell out of me. The dog latched on to me for some reason immediately. He did not like or trust ANYONE else.
Anyhow ff to today and the young boy and that dog have become very close. My dogs name Coy is one of the few names the boy will pronounce. speak. The dog will bark his ass off at me and the boy’s father to throw the ball. It’s loud and obnoxious. But when that little boy has the ball in hand he assumes quite a patient role. Sometimes the kid will hold onto the ball and walk around the yard with it for 10min. Yet Not one peep from the animal. I pick that ball up for 2 seconds and he’s raising all kinds of hell until I throw it.
He got me a 10rnd box of shotgun shells for Christmas. Turkey loads, I call them drone killers 👍
May you remember what you need to remember and forget what you need to forget. That is one of the keys to peace.
Very profound statement!