Thank you for this. I was in a large church, was a pillar in it, the greeter and had ministry. Every CHristmas for eight years, I helped celebrate Christmas with homeless people in nearby Newark NJ, where about two dozen of the 900 member congregation gave presents and dinner to homeless people. In addition, my ministry, mentally ill adults I taught bible to and mentored, I gave them presents every year, and to all the pastors and others also.

I never got ONE Christmas gift in the ten years I was Christian. IN 2015, I left the faith, debunking the bible soundly, as soon as I finally figured out that Jehovah was Satan.

All my CHristian family abandoned me, and I was incarcerated for exposing the government and those above it. Released to Newark NJ streets and a stranger, none of my Christian family would answer my phone calls or emails for assistance. NONE helped.

The brothers (blacks) here gave me shelter, and I Got rental assistance, (not anymore, I now live in a basement one-room apartment next to Newark) and work 80+ hours a week unpaid creating a newsletter for the people, being 67 years old I live off a small but sufficient social security check.

I have three books published, but get no royalties, making them available for free attached to my newsletter. I do this every day risking my life and freedom creating the dissident work, have had my life and freedom threatened by the law.,

No christian has anything good to say to me, and now likewise. I have not had a Christmas for ten years. That said, my lifework is meaningful and full of purpose, as I work my damndest, 12 hours every day, no weekends, no holidays, no vacations for ten years to save humanity. No pity necessary, but damn, what do CHristians expect me to think of them?

I am a black sheep for sure, and have been totally screwed by the Christians I loved. They deceived me, fucked me, robbed me, and abandoned me. No Christmas is to be expected like usual. Just ignore my contention with Christians. I love my life, but damn, do I have to love Christians?

To qualify, I would love to see those so-called family again, but they have no interest in me.

One more thing.. I learned to like being solo, and don't miss having friends and family, my life of purpose is more than sufficient. I am not in any way depressed. Lonely? Not missing anyone. But It would be nice to have a last time with those I loved and treated like gold.

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I appreciate you sharing a sad story, Michael. I feel especially bad if very flawed humans caused you to lose your faith. Thanks.

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They lied to me, scammed me, fucked me, stole my royalties and abandoned me because I left the faith. (they lied to me and fucked me first before I left, then abandoned me and stole my royalties after) I had penned THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY which soundly debunks the bible using many hundreds of scriptures. The reason I left the faith was when I finally figured out its true nature. Jehovah is Satan, and I prove using those scriptures scores of points with iron clad arguments burying the bible deep in its own dirt.

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it is not sad, it is angry. I am still in the natural realm. I am damn good, damn smart, and damn strong. I have been through hell and it made me stronger and more courageous.

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Michael. My heart bleeds for you. The Lord has placed it on my heart to pray for you continually. I would urge others on this site who profess Christ to join me in praying that this precious soul, Michael, receive blessing, love, and grace from his fellow Christians and from Human Society at Large. His description to most people would sound almost impossible. But to me, a retired educator who has watched the decay in society throughout the years express itself in the classroom in ways that tore my heart, it is entirely real. And I would say to you, Michael, that you have not been rewarded yet because the Lord is storing it up to give to you at the Bema seat. We can either have our reward here on Earth where it is fleeting or we can have it in heaven where it shines with us eternally. I have experienced some of what you have and I was deeply hurt by it. But time and the Lord himself have helped me with these wounds. It is clear you have been wounded and I am greatly touched by your situation. During my time of sorrow it always helped me to remember that the Bible says about Jesus that he himself predicted, "they hated me without cause". It appears that you have joined the Lord Jesus in his suffering and in these feelings. I would wish that no one have to suffer but the Bible is clear that it is suffering that produces virtue and not good times and pleasure. It does not matter if you express anger toward me or revile me because it will not change my feelings about you and that is that you have been unjustly hurt and that I'm going to pray for you everyday. The Lord loves you and has placed this on my heart. My hope is that your situation will soon change. The Lord be with you.

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I thank you for what appears to be sincere wishes, and am grateful for them.

That said, I need no heartbleeds. I am still in the natural realm, and am aware of the worldly hell realm that Christians live in, having been institutionalized in TRENTON STATE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL, where they brought me into the (tip of) realm and out again, teaching me survival skills, and leadership qualities. I comprehend that Christians are in far more pain than I.

Yes, it appears that they tried to bring me in, and yes, they stole every penny I had. And no, I did not deserve it an iota.

Do I love Christians? As human beings, I do try to save their lives as my mission is to save humanity and initiate a new civilization, as grandiose it may sound, It is our only hope, and I have taken on that mission.

I hold no grudges, but do not pretend to accept the Christian faith, and find prosletyzing to be contemptible. Why bring others into your hell?

All said, what kind of moron would refuse well-intended blessings? THank you.

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I’m 68, and found Christ again in a liberal Catholic church. Haven’t walked in your shoes, but I’ve surely been lost. Thank you for sharing your scene.

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I am not lost, I am aware and real. Hell is for believers, and the Bible is a portal to hell. Literally. I in no way miss the superstition. Been deceived, so I am fully aware of the worldly hell realm, being brought into it at an institution, and brought out again. Sorry to hear that you are in that deception and hell. I hope somehow you come to the truth.

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And what is that Truth? God is Truth. So Who is Your God?

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Don't bother with him, this guy is a kook and I can't tell if he's a brazen liar or just that stupid. He's only here to proselytize his insane ideas, he's not into that truth jive.

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Yes, I will beware of scattering the proverbial pearls before swine. But in the meantime it is always interesting to hear what such people have to say before they break out into a cosmic rant.

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I thought so too until I talked with him, LOL! We have so few pearls anymore and so many swine

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Yeah, I'm beginning think that he is a kook.

He wants to be recognized as a kuckuck so he can get all pee'd off at people who disagree and

make this his forum.

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He did that to me too, put a ridiculous comment under my article (shameless plug https://theuninstitutional.substack.com/p/every-american-is-a-liberal/comments) and pulled me into Dms. He actually sent me free copies of his books so I thought, cool. But within 20 minutes of reading them I ran into some really bizarre statements and rebutted. Then he just went into his spiral of insanity and wouldn't even argue his ideas, he instead demonstrated how "christians are so wrong and bad cuz I started preaching against their faith and they turned on me and I got arrested for my ideas (color me skeptical of that claim)." I think he's a narcissist because he has a childlike lack of self awareness but pushes his ideas on others hard.

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I bend my knee to no God and to no person. That you assume that one must have a God shows your servility. I have plenty of truths that have been educational and informative. I live by a personal code of ethics that I composed myself, called S.H.A.R.E.S.

Spartan humanitarian autonomous religious ethical society. Explained in the conclusion of my book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY. I don't need threats of hell or bribes of heaven or commands from Satan/Jehovah to make me righteous. IF you do, then you are not good, you are a sociopath on a leash. I am righteous for righteousness' sake.

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"God Became Man so that Man could become God" (St Athanasius, I believe.)

At any rate, God is an Eternal Embrace- where the Father Begets the Son who Embraces Him and from this Eternal Embrace Proceeds the Holy Ghost, and God Created us to share in His Happiness.

It would appear that those who taught you Christianity never left the Orientation Sessions, let alone the Introductory Classes.

Yes, the Institutional Churches are a hot steaming mess, with the Vatican of Pope Frantic at the top of that heap.

I too, please God, am righteous for the sake of righteousness. But how can you know the Supernatural Destiny of your soul apart from Our Lord Jesus Christ?

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I was in the church, studied the bible 10,000 hours independently. I loved my christian friends. I was still in the natural realm, as they all knew, and had a woman latch onto me. None tried to remove her. Before I left them, they scammed me of almost a year's income=$12k, I lost my trailer home. The pastor had my girlfriend fuck me, and I was hospitalized. They let me know who Jesus is. There is method to the madness. I survived the "marriage."

IN the hospital, I was "touched" and saw JEhovah's real nature. Only after years did I finally perceive the whole agenda.

AS soon as I was released from the hospital, January 2016, I penned the first half of THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY. That January I also finished EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE, pubished it in May, and was incarcerated for it in September.

IN prison, they told me that they were watching book sales, were investigating everything about me. I was released almost four months early, I am very clean.

I was released to the streets of urban Newark NJ, not even to a shelter. I refer to this in other comments. ONly recently have I put all the puzzle pieces together.

I have impeccable integrity.

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heaven is a lie, and hopefully I will avoid hell. Hell is for believers, and I came close. I have no guarantee one way or the other. I will worry about that not, what I can control not. But I will not live a lie.

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more evidence is necessary. Why was this most specific and accurate messianic verse from the OT not in the NT?

The Time of the End

Dan 12:1  And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. 

Dan 12:2  And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. 

Dan 12:3  And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. 

Dan 12:4  But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. 

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"Not missing anyone. But It would be nice to have a last time with those I loved and treated like gold." I am not going to contend with those prescient minds who have all the answers, but I can't help but wonder about your last post being based in "hope" quoting you again " I hope somehow you come to the truth." Would you consider "The Truth" to be objective (externalized) or subjective (internalized)? It is evident that you have loved and been loved in reciprocal relationships, but God, like faith and hope is invisible, and incorporeal, but can you really doubt that those things that you cannot see do not exist? Does love live on beyond the grave? I know that it does and that a life without love is not what our Creator had intended for any of us. It is an interesting phenomena that "consensus reality's cannot exist without conspiracy reality's, but to be "in service" while denying the service of others would be an injustice to yourself, Donald and your not so immediate neighbors. Just a few thoughts about whose "truth" you would endorse. Personally I know I believe Jesus is the way, the life and the truth, although until you humble yourself before him, you cannot enjoy that relationship to what he has to teach us.

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THe article by Donald was sweet and misled me to forget the character of Christians, and their "contribution" to this world= hell. And Rome's contribution to humanity= lies, murder, tyranny, slavery, deception, greed, selfishness, and every low-down method of subversion, death, and domination. Romerica is the most evil imperialist nation in the world, and the moronic idiots are proud to be Christian and American. You don't get any more evil than that.

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Michael, I have often commented that so few Christians walk the walk. This is especially true of Born Againers. But their hypocrisy, and inability to live up to expectations, doesn't destroy the life, teachings, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. You're entitled to your beliefs.

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I have no beliefs, only knowledge or lack of knowledge. People's beliefs spreading their beliefs has brought billions of people into hell, has promoted feelings of supremacy, has brought strife against those of different interpretations of their beliefs holy books, has brought such goodies as justifying war and slavery, and is servanthood to Satan. Don't tell me that I have to respect your fuckin beliefs.

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Such a "humble" christian to demand that I Humble myself to be in your company. No thanks, such blatant hypocrisy has no place with me. My book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY debunks the Bible soundly, using many hundreds of scriptures to prove scores of points. I must be humble before the God who allows evil to rule, and whose followers all love money and sex, despite all their denial. Keep your distance then. I have no such demands, I have not even asked for an apology today for the Christians who deceived me, stole almost a year's earnings in a scam, who lived in my house for free and never thanked me, who stole my royalties, but I must humble myself and profess belief in a lie. YOu can kiss my ass.

Read carefully. I did not deny God exists. I challenge his character. And I know who "Jesus" is= and he is a pompous deceiving drug addicted phony plastic "Truth" who has brought the entire planet to hell. But I do want to thank you for trying to bring me into your eternal hell. IT is evil intentions like yours that make me glad to be free of "jesus"

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Did you think that up all on your own? If you cannot distinguish between the De Jure government of God, and the De Facto government of men, then your contempt for both is meaningless. God challenges every character to self examine, but to openly blaspheme his commandments is to invite death. I don't believe that is what you really want, and I am certainly not demanding anybody's company for expressing opinions differing from my own experiences. To paint everybody with such a broad brush as hypocrites is in itself hypocritical, but I won't dignify your rants as 'intelligent"

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Who says that I love laws of man more than the ones of god? The bible condemns the love of money, and tells you to love others as much as self. IT tells you to not have sex. I am completely and absolutely sure that you do not do all three of those commands of Jesus. I have not met one Christian other than myself (no longer christian) who does those. Am I wrong. And love is a verb, not a noun. Loving in action, not feelings or words.

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I have never seen a Christian who was not in some way a hypocrite. Show me one who is not, and I will change my mind. Funny how I am alive despite "blasheming" and what makes you so sure that I haev never self-=examined? Before one judges others, one must take the speck out of one's own eye first. I have self-examined, and still do, and remove any blemishes. I invite judgement, as any righteous one does, because I seek to be righteous, and have no fear of what others think of me. I am secure in who and what I am, my defining character is not determined by a book of lies and subversion. The bible is a book of occult symbolism, contradicting concepts, bad values, and outright lies. Christians are liars, sheep are dumb stupid animals incapable of independent thoughty, and most Christians are convinced it is a good thing to be a sheep. And they are so dumb they are afraid to get "lost"

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I am a big fan, Mr. Jeffries, but you've left out a huge category of people. I'm alone at Christmas but have been alone for years, with a disabling, progressive disease that keeps me bedbound. I've written extensively about the loneliness that ensues from long-term illnesses. This is not a pity party however, I've made peace with the physical pain that comes from having adhesive arachnoiditis. I'm on palliative care medicine for intractable pain, which is 24/7, pain equivalent to that of having bone, or terminal cancer. I was raised by atheist parents in Holland, and converted to Christianity. I pray alone now, like you Michael, I found little compassion in the congregation and most of them are pro-Israel. While I was spraypainting End Lockdowns from my power wheelchair during the illicit lockdowns, and No Masks, everyone around me got vaccinated and believed the government. After combatting my loneliness with comedy for five years, still losing old friends at a heartbreaking rate, the plandemic took the few remaining away. I have a caregiver, but it's not the same, and the Government will take the condo I worked so hard for, as a disabled physician assistant until 2015. My brother and his wife stole my parents' inheritance they had saved for their entire frugal lives, and my sister has her own massive issues. I never felt the need to become angry and bitter with my situation; that's just not in my heart. I'm grateful for every day I am alive, with my big brain and my big heart. Working on my second book and screenplay; I am the lucky one for never giving up hope even if it's day to day survival for me.

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I appreciate you sharing what is a heartbreaking story, Kaatje. I certainly didn't mean to leave out all those, like you, who are suffering physically as well as emotionally. Stealing a parent's inheritance, not wanting to share it with your siblings, is an all too common occurrence. Your attitude reflects a very strong character. I wish you luck with your book and screenplay. God bless you!

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Some people have noted that having a religious calling, or divine experience, is followed by endless tragedy and early death. You're a marked man. You've glimpsed the pure truth. Any exposure to the Divine makes us mortals mad/insane. It's why I can't attend mass any longer. I can't control my emotional upsurge at the beauty and sanctity of the divine theater of the church and the mass. I literally sob like a baby just by being in the company of believers in God and the divine archetypes expressed for 2,000 years in the

mass. Archetypes are obviously Uralt. (timeless) . It's not a sectarian thing or question of orthodoxy. It's transcendent and universal. I can't even hardly think about my little chinzy nativity set from the farm (which I have from the 60s) with it's fake moss, little lights, fake snow, plastic animals and adoring family of the newborn life, without tearing up. (probably made in Japan by ladies who knew more about the 'sacred' than most contemporary Christians.) I must be 'touched'. aka Completely insane. But God bless

those who are less affected, because they keep their head and keep it all rolling for us basket cases.

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Scott, I can totally relate. For the past three years, when I stop and gaze at my little Nativity scene (some figures handmade in Mexico, some vintage German figures I bought on Ebay) I start tearing up too. My heart fills with love for the Holy Family, and Jesus' gift to all of humanity. It seems to be an internal change that just keeps getting stronger.

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no comment. You are totally nuts. I am plain angry, not mad.

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you were in prison, you have that type of anger. you wrote a lot in prison, that was obvious by the last line in your first reply, a good line, a prison writing line. you're also a control freak who bumped the thread and made it all about you because you're also a psychopath. you even blamed Don for writing a "sweet" article, it's all his fault for misleading you into replying. I saw that one coming. nothing is your fault, nothing will ever be your fault. there are plenty of guys like you pal, you're a dime a dozen. cons and x-cons have a recognizable sameness. a mediocre quality. but because they're angry, they think they're unique. lol.

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By the way, do you see me complaining over having lost my Christian family? It is a blessing having them out of my life, their skewed materialist values and inebriations and phoniness is not missed an iota. Their bland conformity, bad values, stupid gullibility, and pretend caring is not missed at all. IF I was at fault, of which you are so sure, tell me what I did wrong. I will be glad to acknowledge any real accusation or charge. Christians are in a hive mind, they are God, so they know. Tell me all my evils. Bring it out for the world to see. IT is funny, but the pastor, a hugely famous one, Jonathan Cahn, I accused openly of him scamming me and of being phony. IF I did not give factual information, why did he not sue me? His top female aid Benaz told a woman to fuck me, and I made that public. Why haven't they sued me? But I am the evil one.

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I wrote very little in prison, but read quite a bit. This is an example of my anger in prison:

The urban ghetto is a different story. You would think that they would be crazy with money-hunger. Only a few of them, including the Caucasian author of this book, do possess deep contempt towards the white establishment; but have no desire for worldly success, nor for a house or fancy car.

I, and some others, are content in a small rundown, sparsely furnished room or studio apartment. People like us don’t always work (I work 80+ hours a week unpaid for the people) as we have no desire to have slaves, nor to be slaves making rich man richer.

The “ignorant” urban ghetto black (and other ethnicities) perceives the lies of the establishment, and does not fall for the ways imposed on the world. Being on welfare is no disgrace, except to the conformists. Integrity is more respected than position or wealth amongst us here. Incarceration is commonplace, and not feared. It is free rent and food, and once you have spent a couple of months in jail or prison, you have grown accustomed to poverty, living with only the basics- jail clothing, crappy food, no mobile phone or internet access, little entertainment-you get the picture.

This is, in reality, a benefit. Cons can live without the possessions that other people see as basic necessities. Jail teaches you how to transcend above the worldly materialism. It schools you into being strong, not fearful of physical harm, nor of doing without your possessions.

Many, or rather, most prisoners read many books and workout daily. We are not lazy. Perhaps the lazy ones are those pointing their fingers at blacks while the rich live sumptuous lives of luxury with catered lunches, executive suites, “slaving” by wheeling and dealing on the phone and their board meetings-such hard work.


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January 6ers deserved prison. And you being a stranger are sure of my guilt. And of course all prisoners and so many Christians have volunteered 55,000 hours unpaid service to humanity. There are plenty of people like me? Can you name ONE? And in prison, only one of the many cons I talked to did not totally confess guilt (most of them were drug related) in saying he did not remember the crime, he was doped up too much. But you as a holy Christian, know everything and are the expert on character discernment. You believe the bible that I studied 10,000 hours and followed to the letter, then debunked soundly. I am sure many devout true believers are in prison for heinous crimes and refuse to confess.

I was not angry at Donald, I was simply stating that my falling for the nice words that masked the Christian character as being nice and good, and made me forget all the real character of "Jesus" which I can thank you for also reminding of what Christians are really like. And yes, you are obviously Christian hypocrite.

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You are not the same person who served the poor?

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When I did, it was not heroin. I was put on a drug unit by the cops for being homeless = i was in prison due to publishing my book EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE, subtitled TYRANNY THROUGH GOVERNMENT, RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS, AND MEDIA DECEPTION in May 2016, exposing the government and those above it. They released me to the streets, not even a shelter, then put me in an institution for the criminally insane as I investigated Homeland Security and exposed GEO GROUP. Put on a drug unit, I learned drugs. Before that, I had indeed fed the poor, housed homeless people in my home, volunteered unpaid now it is up to 55.000 hours service, been dedicating my life to humanity back in 1986, and followed through.




I am still in the natural realm, no thanks to Christians and the law, but learned of the worldly hell realm in that institution=TRENTON STATE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL.

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Thank you for the background.

You are still the man who served the poor.

You have no idea how many lunches I bought for my helpers and tips I gave them,

over twenty years. We don't do it for gratitude. We just do it because they need it.

People help us too. My friend just brought me today some material I needed to finish a building project. He gave it to me with a big smile. He didn't need to say, Merry Christmas, or anything. He just gave it to me. If you serve the poor, then you are brother to all the people in the world who serve the poor.

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I volunteered a total of 55,000 hours unpaid diligent service. first as companion, recreation aid, physical therapy assistant, and more for elderly people, then counselled mentally ill adults, then housed and found jobs for the homeless. I also taught bible and mentored mentally ill christians. Now I put out a newsletter read by 100 million people internationally every day, going viral. I dedicated my life to service of humanity back in 1986, and followed through. I have lived in poverty with no complaints. Now I live in one room, have no heating vents, no stove, and just finally got rid of the rats that were eating my food and causing problems. I founded two nonprofits, won kudos for my service, and back in 1988 was featured in a Public broadcasting short documentary. I wrote three paradigm-changing books, the first one began the red pill movement.

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It would be interesting to hear how you came to the conclusion everything is so inverted. At any rate, when you have time for some silence, look up at the Morning Star.

In the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

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What's that in December; Arcturus?

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In astronomy, the Morning Star is always Venus, when it rises shortly before the sun. It always heralds the dawn.

But I was thinking of looking up at the Theological Heavens, where the Morning Star is Our Lady, who heralded the Birth of the Messiah.

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You sound active, creative and filled with purpose, something many people would envy. I had similar experiences as a very active volunteer in a progressive for 20 years without making any real friends. Honestly, I'm now too demanding to bother about people who lack integrity- even family. Like you, I enjoy my own company, also pets and have a few people around who I admire and respect who feel the same about me. I hope you do too, whether family, old friends or new.

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I am admired by many, but few in my company. My landlord is the only one who helps me significantly, and I appreciate him. Not a Christian. I have no active friends or family from years ago, live alone, work alone, and have nobody to communicate with except a counsellor as mandated by parole. I am content with my situation, no complaints.

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WWJD if He could come back to survey what's happening? Up-end the money-changers' tables all over again, is my guess.

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Are then, these the words of Satan, as you call him?

Mat 5:43  Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 

Mat 5:44  But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Did you "debunk" these words too? From your own writings, you seem a prideful man. As the scriptures also say, "God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble." This is the source of your problem. And you will continue to be resisted until you humble yourself and admit your errors.

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The spiritual realm which is hell, forever pain and torture, is an upside down reality. The one posing as the all-good loving God is really the deceiver Satan, and God, whoever that is, works in mysterious ways. All that I went through, fucking, being deceived, robbed, incarcerated, made homeless, assaulted thirty times, only managed to make me stronger, wiser, able to cut through the bullshit, more courageous, and more.

My question is: Was this all intentional, or were these Christian family intending my harm?

The devil is a liar and a snake, politicians, pastors, and others are deceiving actors, and are evil.

My friends? THat is the question. The only reason I still doubt that they had any good intentions is that they continue to be silent, refusing to say one word to me. But they know themselves that I might not believe them, knowing full well that the devil is a liar. You shall know them by their fruits, not by their words. One of them had great fruits, and several others had good to very good fruits.

But they may have been trying to build my trust to be able to take me down. I am not yet sure yet which they are.

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In all fairness, here is an email I sent to all my former "family" only two days ago, and as usual, none responded. I sent it to twenty of my formerly closest family. I am done with them, their silence has earned me freedom from wanting to see any of them again.

THe foundation of love you showed to me and the special treatment I got was nurturing. Yes, later I got hardship to make me stronger, a foundation of seeing people in such loving character and with sharing your lives with me and encouraging me to study, debate, and Reverend John Fusaro teaching me to defy authority, and his giving me confidence as I created bible studies was invaluable. He said, as an example, that the hockey players who had handsome features were on the bench, while those with cut ears, bent noses out of shape, and missing teeth, were in the fight, were the first string fighters and the best hockey players of the bunch. YOu all played a part, and as much as I have opposed you, none have said a word against me.



And AG was who first taught me of conspiracies. He deserves greatest thanks, as well as being encouraging. Much gratitude due to Gerry as well, who answered my calls and expressed love. And I thank Robert for the weekly conversations, i had nobody else who would communicate with me. I needed some human contact.

Michael Kahn

truthforce watchman

I have often related this message, and I vary going from hate to love with these people who APPEARED so virtuous and loving while I was with them. But they did this:

Pro 1:11  If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause: 

Pro 1:12  Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole, as those that go down into the pit: 

Pro 1:13  We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil: 

Pro 1:14  Cast in thy lot among us; let us all have one purse: 

They robbed and fucked me.

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I just gave you two responses. To address your calling me prideful. I do indeed have confidence born in accomplishments and overcoming great obstacles, in constantly showing courage, having a strong work ethic, and more. That said, though I did no wrong to those Christians, I have a dozen times apologized to the so-called Christian "family" for words said, and meant it each time. In response I get nothing but silence. No response. They have NEVER apologized for the lies, fucking, or theft they committed against me. ONE of them said ONCE "I am so sorry for all that you went through"= NONE have manned up, NONE have given restitution, NONE have done anything in any way to restore any friendship or shown any sign of having a conscience.

All that said, the results of their actions were that they made me stronger, wiser, and less trusting and naive. I now know the real nature of Christianity and am no longer naive. What they did to me was not without benefits. But Christians continue to try to bring others into their kingdom, which of course is hell.


There is no forgiveness possible for that.

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YEs, let me love the fuckin Christians who fucked me, robbed me, lied to me, abandoned me. I loved them in action for ten years, unrequited. They returned my love thusly. Of course the persecuters and thieves and violent and oppressors want you to do good to them and love them and pray for them. The NT was penned on behalf of the Roman empire, which grew and thrived on military violence and oppression. The purpose was to promote non-resistance. And do you see the Christians fighting the Romerican empire? Even while January 6th protestors languish in prison, they sing patriotic songs. They are stupid, duped by deceiving politicians and pastors, and are dupes and chumps. The Christians stupidly vote and cry that the votes were fixed, not realizing that their politicians, including tRump, are all liars and puppets for the Lucifer-serving Vatican. And you want me to repent for speaking truth. IF I was in error, I would indeed admit it. No Christian would though. I have never seen any sincere apology or manning up done by any Christian. They would rather swim in the toilet their whole lives than let down their phony plastic masks. EVil satan-worshipers.

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I use hundreds of scriptures to prove my points with common sense. I made it very clear that there are some truths within scriptures to gain trust, then comes bad values, occult symbolism, contradicting concepts, and outright lies.

➢ Mar 13:37 KJV And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.

Good advice. Some more good advice is: Read THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY carefully, consider all the evidence, challenge the facts, come to a conclusion, and spread the word. People need to know the truth. The fact that the bible is misleading, is full of deceptions and manipulations, and that the church’s representatives display like characteristics, does not negate the possibility that there may be some truth there.

The bible calls the word of god “a double edged sword.” Yes, it has blades that cut (sometime fatally) both the opponent and the user, but it does have a handle of truth to grasp it with. The god Horus is evil, can foresee the future, and manipulates world events according to his desires. Josephus clearly put in pieces of clues here and there to reveal what will happen; most seen by us is in hindsight. But here are some events happening currently. As stated earlier, the head of the RC church is the beast of revelation.


Why doesn't the NT have this one most specific and clear and obvious messainic prophecy in it? THis is happening today, and could not be more factual or obvious. But unlike Daniel, Revelation is cryptic, can easily be misinterpreted, and is full of nonsense. Daniel chapter 12

The Time of the End

Dan 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

Dan 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

Dan 12:3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.

Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

Jesus never existed, the NT was composed by Pharisee Josephus for the purpose of imposing a slave and submissive mentality on Roman citizens for easier rule over them. It is a portal to hell. Humility is a characteristic to make one subject to easier rule over them. Hell is for beleivers. IET is, as I am quite sure that you are aware, another realm in this life and forever, a realm of unbelievable torture and pain. Thank you for inviting me in. The fire is fine, come on in. Christian love is to screw everybody on the planet. Calling it "making love" does not make it "love". IT is still just "fucking"= God is love. YEs, he has screwed the entire planet with his religions and governments, and the bible mind-fucks us. Love.

From Matthew 23

Mat 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves

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A Wonderful Article, Donald! I hope You and Yours have a Very Merry, Merry Christmas!

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Thanks, Justin- same to you!

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Mr. Jeffries, this piece you wrote has definitely touched my heart. Thank you for writing for the Invisibles. God bless you and Merry Christmas.

Re: O Come All Ye Faithful: it was always the first hymn sung at my childhood church at Christmas Eve service. I can still remember standing next to my dad as a child and hearing him sing that song. I can’t hear that song or sing it without tearfully remembering Dad at Christmas. Beautiful memory.

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That's a lovely memory, Faithful. Thanks and Merry Christmas to you, too!

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Thanks! I just love your bleeding heart!

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A very touching article about Christmas. Merry Christmas to everyone, especially those who are alone involuntarily or have been abandoned or forgotten about by their so called friends and family.

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Thanks, Ira!

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Thank you.

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Christmas hasn't past yet and already the DG stores have Valentine's Day material on display. Two local governments that I know of, have stalled or stopped at least two Churches (I know as clients) from either building their church and school or halting the building of a Christian school all together, even though those "in charge" gave verbal/handshake approval. Oh did I mention that in these two counties that Republicans are in charge? Christianity still has a long fight ahead of it. One wonders where it stands in the MAGA crowd or is MAGA all about the money? New boss same as the old boss or is it just a different company?

See you on 1-7-25 Don!


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Crass commercialism, Vince. Thanks and Merry Christmas!

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Nothing beats a Little Orphan Annie decoder ring!

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Yes, the new boss is the same as the old boss, and the MAGA Hats have been groomed for ten years to "trust the plan". 2025 will be a whizzbanger guaranteed.

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Q-anon's "the plan" is just their ever-changing caprice and rationalization. Reminds me of "rules-based order".

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Well, at least you are a lucky dog.

Living in the wilderness somewhere right?

I'm on the outskirts of civilization, but still too close for comfort.

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I'm not exactly in the trackless wild. But I am ready to make a run for the border should that be necessary. At any rate, a bullet through the heart is quick and easy and after they issue me my harp and white stallion I will have a front row seat on Cloud Nine.

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Thank you for sharing your Christmas experiences, Don. I feel sad for those who are lonely. I will be alone, but not lonely. Its time away from work, time to de-stress, and look back on this past year and realize how lucky I really am. A good time to reflect on past accomplishments and what I need to accomplish in the coming year. A time to Thank our Dear Jesus and celebrate his birth.

I do not want to spend time with family. We are biologically related and thats not saying much. Its not the time of year I want to spend around a pack of phony balonies where in the end, I am going to end up miserable.

Christmas doesn't and shouldn't be once a year. It doesn't hurt to be kind and giving all year round.

With that, I am praying for a more peaceful world, that God will absolve sinners and give them all a change of mind, a change in their hearts that they will end their evil ways.

Thank you for all the great articles you have written. Wishing you all a Most Wonderful Christmas!

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Thanks for the kind words, Fran. Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas, Don, and to everyone who reads your substack! 🎄🎅🏻

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Thanks, Leara- same to you!

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I think this is the thread where I like every comment.

It's a great community of diverse opinions.

Merry Christmas to you, Leara.

(Interesting name btw.)

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Scott, my mother couldn't decide whether to name me Leah or Rachel...and you see how this went.

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Naming a child is a big deal.

My wife and I couldn't agree on a name for our son.

I was driving truck and went by the sign for a town: Preston.

That was good enough for me.

(btw. I changed my mind about liking every comment here. Some of these

are getting weird...)

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Preston is a very fine name. I hope your son likes it! All the best to you and yours.

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And Merry Christmas to you.

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College ruined Christmas for me. I was away from my childhood friends, writing term papers and studying for final exams well into December. Yes, I was home in time for Christmas, but missed most of the prelims. Now I’m old, my son is thousands of miles away in another country, and I’m too tired for Midnight Mass. But this morning, I found out that alt.church is holding Mass at 7 and 8pm! Maybe there’s a smoldering ember of Christmas to be awakened!

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I'm sorry to hear your son is so far away, Errata. Another sad aspect of the "new normal" is adult children relocating far from their parents. Thanks for sharing.

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I moved to Mexico years ago, but even if I had stayed still, he moved to the PNW.

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Do say a prayer for me.

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"Mortal! We spirits of Christmas do not live only one day of our year. We live the whole 365. So is it true of the child born in Bethlehem. He does not live in men's hearts only one day of the year, but in all the days of the year. You have chosen not to seek him in your heart. Therefore, you shall come with me and seek him in the hearts of men of good will"


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Thanks for sharing that, Gwyneth!

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Thank you for the reminder. I’m a loner but I have immediate family that lives close. Going to see a bunch of old high school friends tomorrow night. This will be my first Christmas without drink….maybe lol! Am in the job search market and I made a vow to myself that I wouldn’t partake until I was gainfully employed. Thank goodness I didn’t make that promise to God huh?

We see things much the same way Donald. It’s the price we pay for having an active mind. I have a ridiculous memory. In fact I think that is why I have drank most of my life. Yet even inebriated I can’t seem to forget some things. At least I don’t hold grudges. Over the years I have come to learn my memory is both a blessing and a curse.

Merry Christmas to Donald and his readers. Hopefully Santa will bring you a pet Hippo sir!!

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Lol. I do love hippos, but wouldn't want one around me, Luke. Merry Christmas to you, too!

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My son had a photographic memory.

I remember one time I saw him staring at a wall. I asked him, what are you doing?

He nonchalantly said, "I'm watching a movie." I know he was too. He memorized the f-n

credits of movies. Who memorizes the credits? Who cares who the gaffer was, or all the other people? He knew them by heart and could tell us when they were in other credits.

He memorized 60 page books when he was one year old. I would start to read a book and he would finish THE WHOLE THING FROM MEMORY!

I know DJ has a good memory, but I doubt it's that good!

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Lol. No, not that good, Scott. Thanks.

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And Merry Christmas, Luke!

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Thanks Scott….NO mine is nothing like that (photographic memory). Curious, for your son to memorize things such as movie credits how much work is required out of him or could he just look at it? For extra credit I memorized a lot of prose from Romeo and Juliet in high school but I can’t recall shit about it now really. I had to work at it I do remember that.

I am very good at memorizing numbers and patterns (probably better than most) but I excel at being able to remember the essence of particular moments. Things like emotions. Hell I am not sure that makes any sense. I can capture events and remember how people reacted and felt based on emotions at the time.

I guess that’s how I can describe it. Sometimes I really wish I could forget somethings. I guess in some ways I eventually do. It’s why 2020-2023 (mid way) were very rough years for me.

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Well, his gift became a torture for him.

Unfortunately, we didn't know better and he was vaxxinated according to the best medical practices. They diagnosed him as autistic, and he had no friends.

Nobody had his memory or interests, so he was excluded. No birthday party invites, no friends, teachers hated him and discouraged him. He had piano lessons which he excelled at because he memorized the songs, but couldn't read the notes, so his music teacher embarrassed him in front of 30 kids and parents

at the age of 7. He knew his Beethoven song by heart, but she made him sit down at his recital in front of all those people. In band he played 30 songs by heart. But that was no good because he was supposed to know the notes.

At this point he hates to be reminded of his talent, which he has largely lost.

He begged us to take him out of school. Now he just wants to forget everything. You know, one friend for a kid in school, is that too much to ask for? But we were poor, so I suppose we were part of the problem. At the age of 7 he gave up the piano for good, something which he used to love to do.

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Damn that’s too bad. That term autistic gets kicked around too much in my opinion. It subtracts from the people who really suffer from it. My neighbor’s boy has it. I never really bought in to it until just recently. In fact, he may actually be more of a severe case. He’s about 3.5 years so it’s hard to tell.

I see him every day. He has developed an unwitting ally in my dog. Got my Lab in late March this past year. Was a rescue and most likely abused. He almost took the boys face off within the first two weeks. Scared the hell out of me. The dog latched on to me for some reason immediately. He did not like or trust ANYONE else.

Anyhow ff to today and the young boy and that dog have become very close. My dogs name Coy is one of the few names the boy will pronounce. speak. The dog will bark his ass off at me and the boy’s father to throw the ball. It’s loud and obnoxious. But when that little boy has the ball in hand he assumes quite a patient role. Sometimes the kid will hold onto the ball and walk around the yard with it for 10min. Yet Not one peep from the animal. I pick that ball up for 2 seconds and he’s raising all kinds of hell until I throw it.

He got me a 10rnd box of shotgun shells for Christmas. Turkey loads, I call them drone killers 👍

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May you remember what you need to remember and forget what you need to forget. That is one of the keys to peace.

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Very profound statement!

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Dear Donald

Merry Christmas to you and yours.


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Thanks, Mark- same to you!

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lovely article Don. thank you for all your fine writing, often very funny, often very sad, always touching. Merry Christmas! God bless you.

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I appreciate the kind words, Kyra. Merry Christmas to you, too!

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This touched me very much, Don. A beautiful tribute to everyone, especially those who’ve no family or good friends. May God bless you and your family. You sound like an awesome bunch at this point, no matter the travails of childhood years gone by.

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I appreciate hearing that, Mel. Thank you!

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Beautiful post, Donald.

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Thanks, Michael!

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Merry Christmas Donald!

Great article as usual. We are about the same age (me 67) and although I am on the Left Coast, our experiences are about the same for the time we came of age (60s and 70s). Great cars that were solid steel and never let you down. The milkman at 5 am. Climbing the roof in the rain and wind and turning the antenna while yelling down at my Dad and saying, "Is the picture still fuzzy?" Oh and yes, watching "It's a Wonderful Life" over and over again on nearly every VHF and UHF channel in those days, all the while knowing that perhaps it was Potter that was winning instead of George Bailey. (Now I think Potter has won). Once again, Thanks for the memories and good cheer!

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Thanks, Brian! Merry Christmas to you as well!

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Yes, we absolutely need to fight the "Potters" for survival at this point ....

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Saying my prayers for all who respond here and who are lonely. Loneliness is real and it is a hard burden to bear.

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Thank you for your compassion.

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