Mr. Jeffries, this piece you wrote has definitely touched my heart. Thank you for writing for the Invisibles. God bless you and Merry Christmas.
Re: O Come All Ye Faithful: it was always the first hymn sung at my childhood church at Christmas Eve service. I can still remember standing next to my dad as a child and hearing him sing that so…
Mr. Jeffries, this piece you wrote has definitely touched my heart. Thank you for writing for the Invisibles. God bless you and Merry Christmas.
Re: O Come All Ye Faithful: it was always the first hymn sung at my childhood church at Christmas Eve service. I can still remember standing next to my dad as a child and hearing him sing that song. I can’t hear that song or sing it without tearfully remembering Dad at Christmas. Beautiful memory.
Mr. Jeffries, this piece you wrote has definitely touched my heart. Thank you for writing for the Invisibles. God bless you and Merry Christmas.
Re: O Come All Ye Faithful: it was always the first hymn sung at my childhood church at Christmas Eve service. I can still remember standing next to my dad as a child and hearing him sing that song. I can’t hear that song or sing it without tearfully remembering Dad at Christmas. Beautiful memory.
That's a lovely memory, Faithful. Thanks and Merry Christmas to you, too!
Thanks! I just love your bleeding heart!