"Not missing anyone. But It would be nice to have a last time with those I loved and treated like gold." I am not going to contend with those prescient minds who have all the answers, but I can't help but wonder about your last post being based in "hope" quoting you again " I hope somehow you come to the truth." Would you consider "The T…
"Not missing anyone. But It would be nice to have a last time with those I loved and treated like gold." I am not going to contend with those prescient minds who have all the answers, but I can't help but wonder about your last post being based in "hope" quoting you again " I hope somehow you come to the truth." Would you consider "The Truth" to be objective (externalized) or subjective (internalized)? It is evident that you have loved and been loved in reciprocal relationships, but God, like faith and hope is invisible, and incorporeal, but can you really doubt that those things that you cannot see do not exist? Does love live on beyond the grave? I know that it does and that a life without love is not what our Creator had intended for any of us. It is an interesting phenomena that "consensus reality's cannot exist without conspiracy reality's, but to be "in service" while denying the service of others would be an injustice to yourself, Donald and your not so immediate neighbors. Just a few thoughts about whose "truth" you would endorse. Personally I know I believe Jesus is the way, the life and the truth, although until you humble yourself before him, you cannot enjoy that relationship to what he has to teach us.
THe article by Donald was sweet and misled me to forget the character of Christians, and their "contribution" to this world= hell. And Rome's contribution to humanity= lies, murder, tyranny, slavery, deception, greed, selfishness, and every low-down method of subversion, death, and domination. Romerica is the most evil imperialist nation in the world, and the moronic idiots are proud to be Christian and American. You don't get any more evil than that.
Michael, I have often commented that so few Christians walk the walk. This is especially true of Born Againers. But their hypocrisy, and inability to live up to expectations, doesn't destroy the life, teachings, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. You're entitled to your beliefs.
I have no beliefs, only knowledge or lack of knowledge. People's beliefs spreading their beliefs has brought billions of people into hell, has promoted feelings of supremacy, has brought strife against those of different interpretations of their beliefs holy books, has brought such goodies as justifying war and slavery, and is servanthood to Satan. Don't tell me that I have to respect your fuckin beliefs.
Such a "humble" christian to demand that I Humble myself to be in your company. No thanks, such blatant hypocrisy has no place with me. My book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY debunks the Bible soundly, using many hundreds of scriptures to prove scores of points. I must be humble before the God who allows evil to rule, and whose followers all love money and sex, despite all their denial. Keep your distance then. I have no such demands, I have not even asked for an apology today for the Christians who deceived me, stole almost a year's earnings in a scam, who lived in my house for free and never thanked me, who stole my royalties, but I must humble myself and profess belief in a lie. YOu can kiss my ass.
Read carefully. I did not deny God exists. I challenge his character. And I know who "Jesus" is= and he is a pompous deceiving drug addicted phony plastic "Truth" who has brought the entire planet to hell. But I do want to thank you for trying to bring me into your eternal hell. IT is evil intentions like yours that make me glad to be free of "jesus"
Did you think that up all on your own? If you cannot distinguish between the De Jure government of God, and the De Facto government of men, then your contempt for both is meaningless. God challenges every character to self examine, but to openly blaspheme his commandments is to invite death. I don't believe that is what you really want, and I am certainly not demanding anybody's company for expressing opinions differing from my own experiences. To paint everybody with such a broad brush as hypocrites is in itself hypocritical, but I won't dignify your rants as 'intelligent"
Who says that I love laws of man more than the ones of god? The bible condemns the love of money, and tells you to love others as much as self. IT tells you to not have sex. I am completely and absolutely sure that you do not do all three of those commands of Jesus. I have not met one Christian other than myself (no longer christian) who does those. Am I wrong. And love is a verb, not a noun. Loving in action, not feelings or words.
That is in the OT. Lots of great men there. Abraham, the father of the Jews gave his wife to Egyptian kings, telling them she was his sister. Out of cowardice. A hero. Was ready to kill his son, cause god told him to. Jacob connived the inheritance from his brother, and on returning, sent his wives and children to face Esau's warriors with gifts, instead of himself fearing war. David killed whole cities including women and children, and looted them. GOd destroyed the world in a flood, including innocent animals. But he saw his mistake, repented, and gave us a rainbow, and that makes it all okay. You gotta love the bible for all the truth and promotion of good values. Slaves obey your masters no matter how wicked they are. The governors are placed by God to do good, honor and obey them. Romans 13, and 1 Peter 2.
I have never seen a Christian who was not in some way a hypocrite. Show me one who is not, and I will change my mind. Funny how I am alive despite "blasheming" and what makes you so sure that I haev never self-=examined? Before one judges others, one must take the speck out of one's own eye first. I have self-examined, and still do, and remove any blemishes. I invite judgement, as any righteous one does, because I seek to be righteous, and have no fear of what others think of me. I am secure in who and what I am, my defining character is not determined by a book of lies and subversion. The bible is a book of occult symbolism, contradicting concepts, bad values, and outright lies. Christians are liars, sheep are dumb stupid animals incapable of independent thoughty, and most Christians are convinced it is a good thing to be a sheep. And they are so dumb they are afraid to get "lost"
"Not missing anyone. But It would be nice to have a last time with those I loved and treated like gold." I am not going to contend with those prescient minds who have all the answers, but I can't help but wonder about your last post being based in "hope" quoting you again " I hope somehow you come to the truth." Would you consider "The Truth" to be objective (externalized) or subjective (internalized)? It is evident that you have loved and been loved in reciprocal relationships, but God, like faith and hope is invisible, and incorporeal, but can you really doubt that those things that you cannot see do not exist? Does love live on beyond the grave? I know that it does and that a life without love is not what our Creator had intended for any of us. It is an interesting phenomena that "consensus reality's cannot exist without conspiracy reality's, but to be "in service" while denying the service of others would be an injustice to yourself, Donald and your not so immediate neighbors. Just a few thoughts about whose "truth" you would endorse. Personally I know I believe Jesus is the way, the life and the truth, although until you humble yourself before him, you cannot enjoy that relationship to what he has to teach us.
THe article by Donald was sweet and misled me to forget the character of Christians, and their "contribution" to this world= hell. And Rome's contribution to humanity= lies, murder, tyranny, slavery, deception, greed, selfishness, and every low-down method of subversion, death, and domination. Romerica is the most evil imperialist nation in the world, and the moronic idiots are proud to be Christian and American. You don't get any more evil than that.
Michael, I have often commented that so few Christians walk the walk. This is especially true of Born Againers. But their hypocrisy, and inability to live up to expectations, doesn't destroy the life, teachings, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. You're entitled to your beliefs.
I have no beliefs, only knowledge or lack of knowledge. People's beliefs spreading their beliefs has brought billions of people into hell, has promoted feelings of supremacy, has brought strife against those of different interpretations of their beliefs holy books, has brought such goodies as justifying war and slavery, and is servanthood to Satan. Don't tell me that I have to respect your fuckin beliefs.
Such a "humble" christian to demand that I Humble myself to be in your company. No thanks, such blatant hypocrisy has no place with me. My book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY debunks the Bible soundly, using many hundreds of scriptures to prove scores of points. I must be humble before the God who allows evil to rule, and whose followers all love money and sex, despite all their denial. Keep your distance then. I have no such demands, I have not even asked for an apology today for the Christians who deceived me, stole almost a year's earnings in a scam, who lived in my house for free and never thanked me, who stole my royalties, but I must humble myself and profess belief in a lie. YOu can kiss my ass.
Read carefully. I did not deny God exists. I challenge his character. And I know who "Jesus" is= and he is a pompous deceiving drug addicted phony plastic "Truth" who has brought the entire planet to hell. But I do want to thank you for trying to bring me into your eternal hell. IT is evil intentions like yours that make me glad to be free of "jesus"
Did you think that up all on your own? If you cannot distinguish between the De Jure government of God, and the De Facto government of men, then your contempt for both is meaningless. God challenges every character to self examine, but to openly blaspheme his commandments is to invite death. I don't believe that is what you really want, and I am certainly not demanding anybody's company for expressing opinions differing from my own experiences. To paint everybody with such a broad brush as hypocrites is in itself hypocritical, but I won't dignify your rants as 'intelligent"
Who says that I love laws of man more than the ones of god? The bible condemns the love of money, and tells you to love others as much as self. IT tells you to not have sex. I am completely and absolutely sure that you do not do all three of those commands of Jesus. I have not met one Christian other than myself (no longer christian) who does those. Am I wrong. And love is a verb, not a noun. Loving in action, not feelings or words.
For a book that tells you not to have sex, there is sure as hell plenty of it within its pages.
That is in the OT. Lots of great men there. Abraham, the father of the Jews gave his wife to Egyptian kings, telling them she was his sister. Out of cowardice. A hero. Was ready to kill his son, cause god told him to. Jacob connived the inheritance from his brother, and on returning, sent his wives and children to face Esau's warriors with gifts, instead of himself fearing war. David killed whole cities including women and children, and looted them. GOd destroyed the world in a flood, including innocent animals. But he saw his mistake, repented, and gave us a rainbow, and that makes it all okay. You gotta love the bible for all the truth and promotion of good values. Slaves obey your masters no matter how wicked they are. The governors are placed by God to do good, honor and obey them. Romans 13, and 1 Peter 2.
The god of the Old Testament, Yahweh/Jehovah/Satan, is an asura and an anthropomorphic, tribal psychopath. The perfect daddy for the chozen pipple.
He is worshiped by Jews, Christians and Muslims. Krishna is another name for him.
You won't replace Robert Heinlein's Jubal Harshaw.
What is that?
I have never seen a Christian who was not in some way a hypocrite. Show me one who is not, and I will change my mind. Funny how I am alive despite "blasheming" and what makes you so sure that I haev never self-=examined? Before one judges others, one must take the speck out of one's own eye first. I have self-examined, and still do, and remove any blemishes. I invite judgement, as any righteous one does, because I seek to be righteous, and have no fear of what others think of me. I am secure in who and what I am, my defining character is not determined by a book of lies and subversion. The bible is a book of occult symbolism, contradicting concepts, bad values, and outright lies. Christians are liars, sheep are dumb stupid animals incapable of independent thoughty, and most Christians are convinced it is a good thing to be a sheep. And they are so dumb they are afraid to get "lost"