I was arrrested because I wrote this book, dumass which exposed the government and those above it.
There was a “purging” of our military leaders who had a history of courage and integrity. These men had backbone, and more than one or two have stated unofficially that the real reason for discharge was a little different. It is rumored (and…
I was arrrested because I wrote this book, dumass which exposed the government and those above it.
There was a “purging” of our military leaders who had a history of courage and integrity. These men had backbone, and more than one or two have stated unofficially that the real reason for discharge was a little different. It is rumored (and referred to by some dismissed generals), and I believe it, that the real reason for discharge was that, when asked if they would follow directions to open fire on American citizens, would they comply and pass on the order.
If they indicated that they had vertebrae enough to disregard such orders, they were removed from service. It has been said that many of those discharged warriors had expressed disagreement with (but not disobedience to) the current administration’s policies. Whatever the true motivations for these actions, one thing has been the result of this route of action.
The current military leaders for this nation are well aware that they will be relieved of their position if they dissent in any way. They now have no spine, not one will do what is right, and they will all fall into obedience to an evil dictatorship (or fascist police state).
Here it is, in simple clear language: The plain dam truth is that the illuminati have a world population goal of five hundred million. That should make it all very clear. They plan to eliminate twelve out of thirteen people inhabiting planet earth, within ten years.
There is a document released by the United Nations- Agenda 21 – which describes a nice society – no illiteracy-no poverty- no starvation- but leaves out some things you may glean by “reading between the lines.”
They will tell you where to live, how you are educated, what work you will do. The document’s purpose is just to sell the idea; it reveals no policies, no specific facts, and no real implementation. Like everything else that we are exposed to, it is all cosmetics, looks nice, but where is the substance? What is being covered up and glossed over?
As I have stated before, what they have planned for me and for you (if we are not killed), is a world fascist police state. So just sit back and do nothing. That assures them victory. Rebel and you could be killed. The odds are that you will die anyway. Once again, here is the solution that I offer: Stand up and refuse to obey them. This involves the whole planet. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Unless an almost unanimous effort is involved, we will be defeated. First educate everybody, everywhere. United we stand, divided we fall. Do not be intimidated. Do not be bought. Do not be tempted. Do not be deceived. Disobedience on a planetary scale will keep us free.
Our rulers are not our benefactors. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Be strong. Be courageous. Walk circumspectly. Use wisdom. Be prepared. Be sober and alert. Keep your heart, use your mind. Now for more developments. There is a technological development that has been in use for ten years in its experimental
I was arrrested because I wrote this book, dumass which exposed the government and those above it.
There was a “purging” of our military leaders who had a history of courage and integrity. These men had backbone, and more than one or two have stated unofficially that the real reason for discharge was a little different. It is rumored (and referred to by some dismissed generals), and I believe it, that the real reason for discharge was that, when asked if they would follow directions to open fire on American citizens, would they comply and pass on the order.
If they indicated that they had vertebrae enough to disregard such orders, they were removed from service. It has been said that many of those discharged warriors had expressed disagreement with (but not disobedience to) the current administration’s policies. Whatever the true motivations for these actions, one thing has been the result of this route of action.
The current military leaders for this nation are well aware that they will be relieved of their position if they dissent in any way. They now have no spine, not one will do what is right, and they will all fall into obedience to an evil dictatorship (or fascist police state).
Here it is, in simple clear language: The plain dam truth is that the illuminati have a world population goal of five hundred million. That should make it all very clear. They plan to eliminate twelve out of thirteen people inhabiting planet earth, within ten years.
There is a document released by the United Nations- Agenda 21 – which describes a nice society – no illiteracy-no poverty- no starvation- but leaves out some things you may glean by “reading between the lines.”
They will tell you where to live, how you are educated, what work you will do. The document’s purpose is just to sell the idea; it reveals no policies, no specific facts, and no real implementation. Like everything else that we are exposed to, it is all cosmetics, looks nice, but where is the substance? What is being covered up and glossed over?
As I have stated before, what they have planned for me and for you (if we are not killed), is a world fascist police state. So just sit back and do nothing. That assures them victory. Rebel and you could be killed. The odds are that you will die anyway. Once again, here is the solution that I offer: Stand up and refuse to obey them. This involves the whole planet. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Unless an almost unanimous effort is involved, we will be defeated. First educate everybody, everywhere. United we stand, divided we fall. Do not be intimidated. Do not be bought. Do not be tempted. Do not be deceived. Disobedience on a planetary scale will keep us free.
Our rulers are not our benefactors. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Be strong. Be courageous. Walk circumspectly. Use wisdom. Be prepared. Be sober and alert. Keep your heart, use your mind. Now for more developments. There is a technological development that has been in use for ten years in its experimental