you were in prison, you have that type of anger. you wrote a lot in prison, that was obvious by the last line in your first reply, a good line, a prison writing line. you're also a control freak who bumped the thread and made it all about you because you're also a psychopath. you even blamed Don for writing a "sweet" article, it's all hi…
you were in prison, you have that type of anger. you wrote a lot in prison, that was obvious by the last line in your first reply, a good line, a prison writing line. you're also a control freak who bumped the thread and made it all about you because you're also a psychopath. you even blamed Don for writing a "sweet" article, it's all his fault for misleading you into replying. I saw that one coming. nothing is your fault, nothing will ever be your fault. there are plenty of guys like you pal, you're a dime a dozen. cons and x-cons have a recognizable sameness. a mediocre quality. but because they're angry, they think they're unique. lol.
By the way, do you see me complaining over having lost my Christian family? It is a blessing having them out of my life, their skewed materialist values and inebriations and phoniness is not missed an iota. Their bland conformity, bad values, stupid gullibility, and pretend caring is not missed at all. IF I was at fault, of which you are so sure, tell me what I did wrong. I will be glad to acknowledge any real accusation or charge. Christians are in a hive mind, they are God, so they know. Tell me all my evils. Bring it out for the world to see. IT is funny, but the pastor, a hugely famous one, Jonathan Cahn, I accused openly of him scamming me and of being phony. IF I did not give factual information, why did he not sue me? His top female aid Benaz told a woman to fuck me, and I made that public. Why haven't they sued me? But I am the evil one.
I wrote very little in prison, but read quite a bit. This is an example of my anger in prison:
The urban ghetto is a different story. You would think that they would be crazy with money-hunger. Only a few of them, including the Caucasian author of this book, do possess deep contempt towards the white establishment; but have no desire for worldly success, nor for a house or fancy car.
I, and some others, are content in a small rundown, sparsely furnished room or studio apartment. People like us don’t always work (I work 80+ hours a week unpaid for the people) as we have no desire to have slaves, nor to be slaves making rich man richer.
The “ignorant” urban ghetto black (and other ethnicities) perceives the lies of the establishment, and does not fall for the ways imposed on the world. Being on welfare is no disgrace, except to the conformists. Integrity is more respected than position or wealth amongst us here. Incarceration is commonplace, and not feared. It is free rent and food, and once you have spent a couple of months in jail or prison, you have grown accustomed to poverty, living with only the basics- jail clothing, crappy food, no mobile phone or internet access, little entertainment-you get the picture.
This is, in reality, a benefit. Cons can live without the possessions that other people see as basic necessities. Jail teaches you how to transcend above the worldly materialism. It schools you into being strong, not fearful of physical harm, nor of doing without your possessions.
Many, or rather, most prisoners read many books and workout daily. We are not lazy. Perhaps the lazy ones are those pointing their fingers at blacks while the rich live sumptuous lives of luxury with catered lunches, executive suites, “slaving” by wheeling and dealing on the phone and their board meetings-such hard work.
January 6ers deserved prison. And you being a stranger are sure of my guilt. And of course all prisoners and so many Christians have volunteered 55,000 hours unpaid service to humanity. There are plenty of people like me? Can you name ONE? And in prison, only one of the many cons I talked to did not totally confess guilt (most of them were drug related) in saying he did not remember the crime, he was doped up too much. But you as a holy Christian, know everything and are the expert on character discernment. You believe the bible that I studied 10,000 hours and followed to the letter, then debunked soundly. I am sure many devout true believers are in prison for heinous crimes and refuse to confess.
I was not angry at Donald, I was simply stating that my falling for the nice words that masked the Christian character as being nice and good, and made me forget all the real character of "Jesus" which I can thank you for also reminding of what Christians are really like. And yes, you are obviously Christian hypocrite.
you were in prison, you have that type of anger. you wrote a lot in prison, that was obvious by the last line in your first reply, a good line, a prison writing line. you're also a control freak who bumped the thread and made it all about you because you're also a psychopath. you even blamed Don for writing a "sweet" article, it's all his fault for misleading you into replying. I saw that one coming. nothing is your fault, nothing will ever be your fault. there are plenty of guys like you pal, you're a dime a dozen. cons and x-cons have a recognizable sameness. a mediocre quality. but because they're angry, they think they're unique. lol.
By the way, do you see me complaining over having lost my Christian family? It is a blessing having them out of my life, their skewed materialist values and inebriations and phoniness is not missed an iota. Their bland conformity, bad values, stupid gullibility, and pretend caring is not missed at all. IF I was at fault, of which you are so sure, tell me what I did wrong. I will be glad to acknowledge any real accusation or charge. Christians are in a hive mind, they are God, so they know. Tell me all my evils. Bring it out for the world to see. IT is funny, but the pastor, a hugely famous one, Jonathan Cahn, I accused openly of him scamming me and of being phony. IF I did not give factual information, why did he not sue me? His top female aid Benaz told a woman to fuck me, and I made that public. Why haven't they sued me? But I am the evil one.
I wrote very little in prison, but read quite a bit. This is an example of my anger in prison:
The urban ghetto is a different story. You would think that they would be crazy with money-hunger. Only a few of them, including the Caucasian author of this book, do possess deep contempt towards the white establishment; but have no desire for worldly success, nor for a house or fancy car.
I, and some others, are content in a small rundown, sparsely furnished room or studio apartment. People like us don’t always work (I work 80+ hours a week unpaid for the people) as we have no desire to have slaves, nor to be slaves making rich man richer.
The “ignorant” urban ghetto black (and other ethnicities) perceives the lies of the establishment, and does not fall for the ways imposed on the world. Being on welfare is no disgrace, except to the conformists. Integrity is more respected than position or wealth amongst us here. Incarceration is commonplace, and not feared. It is free rent and food, and once you have spent a couple of months in jail or prison, you have grown accustomed to poverty, living with only the basics- jail clothing, crappy food, no mobile phone or internet access, little entertainment-you get the picture.
This is, in reality, a benefit. Cons can live without the possessions that other people see as basic necessities. Jail teaches you how to transcend above the worldly materialism. It schools you into being strong, not fearful of physical harm, nor of doing without your possessions.
Many, or rather, most prisoners read many books and workout daily. We are not lazy. Perhaps the lazy ones are those pointing their fingers at blacks while the rich live sumptuous lives of luxury with catered lunches, executive suites, “slaving” by wheeling and dealing on the phone and their board meetings-such hard work.
January 6ers deserved prison. And you being a stranger are sure of my guilt. And of course all prisoners and so many Christians have volunteered 55,000 hours unpaid service to humanity. There are plenty of people like me? Can you name ONE? And in prison, only one of the many cons I talked to did not totally confess guilt (most of them were drug related) in saying he did not remember the crime, he was doped up too much. But you as a holy Christian, know everything and are the expert on character discernment. You believe the bible that I studied 10,000 hours and followed to the letter, then debunked soundly. I am sure many devout true believers are in prison for heinous crimes and refuse to confess.
I was not angry at Donald, I was simply stating that my falling for the nice words that masked the Christian character as being nice and good, and made me forget all the real character of "Jesus" which I can thank you for also reminding of what Christians are really like. And yes, you are obviously Christian hypocrite.