Michael. My heart bleeds for you. The Lord has placed it on my heart to pray for you continually. I would urge others on this site who profess Christ to join me in praying that this precious soul, Michael, receive blessing, love, and grace from his fellow Christians and from Human Society at Large. His description to most people would so…
Michael. My heart bleeds for you. The Lord has placed it on my heart to pray for you continually. I would urge others on this site who profess Christ to join me in praying that this precious soul, Michael, receive blessing, love, and grace from his fellow Christians and from Human Society at Large. His description to most people would sound almost impossible. But to me, a retired educator who has watched the decay in society throughout the years express itself in the classroom in ways that tore my heart, it is entirely real. And I would say to you, Michael, that you have not been rewarded yet because the Lord is storing it up to give to you at the Bema seat. We can either have our reward here on Earth where it is fleeting or we can have it in heaven where it shines with us eternally. I have experienced some of what you have and I was deeply hurt by it. But time and the Lord himself have helped me with these wounds. It is clear you have been wounded and I am greatly touched by your situation. During my time of sorrow it always helped me to remember that the Bible says about Jesus that he himself predicted, "they hated me without cause". It appears that you have joined the Lord Jesus in his suffering and in these feelings. I would wish that no one have to suffer but the Bible is clear that it is suffering that produces virtue and not good times and pleasure. It does not matter if you express anger toward me or revile me because it will not change my feelings about you and that is that you have been unjustly hurt and that I'm going to pray for you everyday. The Lord loves you and has placed this on my heart. My hope is that your situation will soon change. The Lord be with you.
I thank you for what appears to be sincere wishes, and am grateful for them.
That said, I need no heartbleeds. I am still in the natural realm, and am aware of the worldly hell realm that Christians live in, having been institutionalized in TRENTON STATE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL, where they brought me into the (tip of) realm and out again, teaching me survival skills, and leadership qualities. I comprehend that Christians are in far more pain than I.
Yes, it appears that they tried to bring me in, and yes, they stole every penny I had. And no, I did not deserve it an iota.
Do I love Christians? As human beings, I do try to save their lives as my mission is to save humanity and initiate a new civilization, as grandiose it may sound, It is our only hope, and I have taken on that mission.
I hold no grudges, but do not pretend to accept the Christian faith, and find prosletyzing to be contemptible. Why bring others into your hell?
All said, what kind of moron would refuse well-intended blessings? THank you.
Michael. My heart bleeds for you. The Lord has placed it on my heart to pray for you continually. I would urge others on this site who profess Christ to join me in praying that this precious soul, Michael, receive blessing, love, and grace from his fellow Christians and from Human Society at Large. His description to most people would sound almost impossible. But to me, a retired educator who has watched the decay in society throughout the years express itself in the classroom in ways that tore my heart, it is entirely real. And I would say to you, Michael, that you have not been rewarded yet because the Lord is storing it up to give to you at the Bema seat. We can either have our reward here on Earth where it is fleeting or we can have it in heaven where it shines with us eternally. I have experienced some of what you have and I was deeply hurt by it. But time and the Lord himself have helped me with these wounds. It is clear you have been wounded and I am greatly touched by your situation. During my time of sorrow it always helped me to remember that the Bible says about Jesus that he himself predicted, "they hated me without cause". It appears that you have joined the Lord Jesus in his suffering and in these feelings. I would wish that no one have to suffer but the Bible is clear that it is suffering that produces virtue and not good times and pleasure. It does not matter if you express anger toward me or revile me because it will not change my feelings about you and that is that you have been unjustly hurt and that I'm going to pray for you everyday. The Lord loves you and has placed this on my heart. My hope is that your situation will soon change. The Lord be with you.
I thank you for what appears to be sincere wishes, and am grateful for them.
That said, I need no heartbleeds. I am still in the natural realm, and am aware of the worldly hell realm that Christians live in, having been institutionalized in TRENTON STATE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL, where they brought me into the (tip of) realm and out again, teaching me survival skills, and leadership qualities. I comprehend that Christians are in far more pain than I.
Yes, it appears that they tried to bring me in, and yes, they stole every penny I had. And no, I did not deserve it an iota.
Do I love Christians? As human beings, I do try to save their lives as my mission is to save humanity and initiate a new civilization, as grandiose it may sound, It is our only hope, and I have taken on that mission.
I hold no grudges, but do not pretend to accept the Christian faith, and find prosletyzing to be contemptible. Why bring others into your hell?
All said, what kind of moron would refuse well-intended blessings? THank you.