I cannot disagree with much of what you are disclosing here. Much of this information is available elsewhere (obviously not on Mainstream media sources), but, it seems evident from your posts that you just want people to purchase your book(s) and listen to your rants. Also, I cannot agree with you at all regarding your positions on Chris…
I cannot disagree with much of what you are disclosing here. Much of this information is available elsewhere (obviously not on Mainstream media sources), but, it seems evident from your posts that you just want people to purchase your book(s) and listen to your rants. Also, I cannot agree with you at all regarding your positions on Christianity. Are there people who profess to be Christians and don't act like it? Yes! Are there many who just warm the pews on Sunday morning so they can feel good about themselves? Yes! Are there those who have no regard for the "Golden Rule?" Yes! Christians are clearly imperfect, just like everyone else--from the moment they pop out of the womb. Hence the need for our Saviour, whom God so graciously sent. But to call Jehovah Satan? Well, that is blasphemous. I am truly sorry that you were hurt so badly by those who claim to be followers of Christ. I have been hurt too and have gone through 3 church splits in my lifetime, though not wounded as badly as you were. We must pray for and forgive those who trespass against us and if so, the bitterness and anger will resolve. It may not be instant, but will settle the soul/troubled heart. God be with you.
I cannot disagree with much of what you are disclosing here. Much of this information is available elsewhere (obviously not on Mainstream media sources), but, it seems evident from your posts that you just want people to purchase your book(s) and listen to your rants. Also, I cannot agree with you at all regarding your positions on Christianity. Are there people who profess to be Christians and don't act like it? Yes! Are there many who just warm the pews on Sunday morning so they can feel good about themselves? Yes! Are there those who have no regard for the "Golden Rule?" Yes! Christians are clearly imperfect, just like everyone else--from the moment they pop out of the womb. Hence the need for our Saviour, whom God so graciously sent. But to call Jehovah Satan? Well, that is blasphemous. I am truly sorry that you were hurt so badly by those who claim to be followers of Christ. I have been hurt too and have gone through 3 church splits in my lifetime, though not wounded as badly as you were. We must pray for and forgive those who trespass against us and if so, the bitterness and anger will resolve. It may not be instant, but will settle the soul/troubled heart. God be with you.