I refused to vote for Trump or Harris. I just can't justify voting for any candidate who has donned the little hat and bowed before the Cry Baby Wall in Palestine.

We used to call the act of selling one's public office to a foreign government, TREASON!

It should still be treated that way. Most of Congress, the executive branch, and the government in general has allowed itself to be beholding to a foreign government. It is sickening!

I did go and vote against all state ballot tax increases and other pointless schemes which are better left to the private sector. And to not retain any judges. I think they all need to serve one term and hit the road. That goes for all government employees and elected officials. Keep churning the pond scum.

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I can see your point, Landon. Other than Thomas Massie, and the anti-White racists in the Squad, I don't think there are any national elected officials who don't swear allegiance to Israel. Thanks.

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Well said, and I agree. The local ballot measures and elections are way more important anyway. Everyone should vote just for those.

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For the most part, the local ballot measures are just suggestions. If anything gets passed the Cabal does not like, the courts will swoop in and rule it "UNconstitutional". The whole system is captured from top to bottom. You would think the sheeple might stop sending their progeny to the local public school for indoctrination and Drag Queen story hour. But, nah the dumpster fire just keeps on burning...

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Yep. This is what Judicial Review has wrought, WW. As you probably know, I cover this subject in detail in "American Memory Hole." Thanks.

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Yes, "Judicial Review" is stealth rule through the courts. When a Judge speaks, both Presidents and Congress are silent as they invoke the hallowed Constitution. And the only accepted way to overturn the process is to have an "amendment". That is why Lincoln had to write his amendment, and have it passed by his paper congress.

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I have not voted for either Hitler or Stalin since 1988. It is not so much that both Trump and Harris are pro-Israel, but that both Israel and the United States are part of the same entity. And the citizens of both Tel Aviv and the DC Swamp should understand the Cabal will toss them under the proverbial bus ten minutes after they decide it is in the best interests of the program.

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Dump can accomplish more for our owners than a d teamer. Exactly as he did in his last go.

The beast system digital gulag bio security full spectrum dominance police state needs to be finished being built.

Miga requires Iran's destruction.

That is why he was selected. Again.

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I can't argue with you, Jody. That part of my personality that still is inspired by too many Frank Capra films always holds out some small bit of hope. Thanks.

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miga, I like that. Or israel first, throw America a fake bone or two. Make the goy think you're on his side. We shall see and I hope I'm wrong. If pompeo gets in there and others like him, we'll know.

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Here is an excellent article on the situation in the United States.


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Your sense of humor makes me puke!

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Ivan- are you joking? Don's hysterical..,

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You are over the target and see the full picture. Yes, America has just elected the Nazi Party. And they are going to go down the same road.

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Utter baseless nonsense.

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I have watched Saturday night live since episode #1 in the 70s, and have always enjoyed the president impersonations. Interestingly, for the first time in the entire SNL history, during the Biden years, they did not make fun of Biden. Instead they made fun of Trump, and not in a funny way, in a more mean spirited political way. Then a few weeks ago I was watching SNL with my wife and was surprised to see them making fun of Biden and Harris instead of Trump. It was an abrupt conspicuous turnaround. I was curious as to why this occurred, and did some reading, finding out that Trump had recently received 100 million dollars from an Israeli/American billionairre (Miriam Adelson) in return for Trumps declared support for Israel's middle east plans, which possibly means Iran after Gaza and Lebanon. So it is possible, that there were powerful competing factions behind the candidates, rather than a single unified oligarchy, and that's why there were so many anomalies that you pointed out during this election compared to priors.

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Excellent points. And furthermore, Trump is courting Pompeo, Cotton, and other Deep State swamp critters. Trump is sowing the seeds of his soon-to-be failure.

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If he does appoint Pompeo, then his credibility is gone. Again.

His appointments will tell his whole story right from the beginning. Again.

Then we see how few of his promises he keeps. Again.

Will he end the Ukraine war?

Will he end income taxes?

Will he close the border?

All doubtful.

Will he MIGA, that's one promise he will almost certainly keep. Or so he said.

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Yep. That's what to look for. We could see at the beginning of Trumpenstein I that this was going to be a fraud. Not a single outsider or even Trump loyalist appointed to any high position. Thanks, Agent.

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Trump was no outsider himself. Corporate CEO who had hobnobbed with politicians for decades. And lifelong liberal Democrat. Till suddenly he wasn't for reasons.

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When Trump asked the people at his recent PA rally to give Mike Pompeo a big round of applause, they did. I wish they would have had the balls/discernment to boo him instead. Trump needs to be held publicly accountable. He needs to be boo’ed more often.

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I didn't know that, Cat. That is disappointing to hear. His supporters had been booing his positive references to the magical vax, and loudly booed Woody Johnson of Johnson & Johnson when he introduced him. Thanks.

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If they had more sense, they would not be viewing Trump as their champion.

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Trump Sheeple are just as Sheeple as Biden SHeeple. Yes, every Swamp Creature that Trump installed needs to be given their Pink Slip and told to hit the road.

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unless, perhaps,. RFK informs him just how unbeautiful the jab was (hasn't done Trump much harm, IF he took it). and they both look into WHOWHOCANNOTBENAMED was behind it all. hope springs eternal, but even the elect might be deceived , were it possible, which , of course, is more than likely.

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RFK is controlled opposition, an Israel Firster, and is not telling his constituency the whole truth. Like Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk, he has a bunch of people fooled who should know better.

The world is full of Deeep State Deep Shills.

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Indeed. He owes Miriam Adelson $100 million in favors.

He will fuck-up his term before he takes office like he did last time.

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Would you like to Kamala and her fascist like gang in charge of USA? You do not se that this option is zillion tomes better than what would Obama and his lefties idiots would have brought in?

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I hope you understand my position. I think Countess Cackula exemplifies the absolute insane nature of today's Democrats. In no way, shape, or form, do I want any of them in charge. Thanks, Ivan.

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Of course most people did not prefer Kamala, which is why she wasn't the chosen one. I will admit that I actually did vote for Trump, but it was only because the other option was so much worse. As you say.

That doesn't mean that I trust or believe him though!

Honestly, I really wanted to vote for an independent instead of either of them, but we are only given a binary choice.

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If Trump does that, or at least doesn't counter them with a majority of names more palatable to his supporters- RFK, Jr., Tulsi, Musk, Rand Paul, etc., then I can't imagine he won't start losing some of his support quickly. But as I don't need to remind you, they are very, very loyal, Realist. Thanks.

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Where did you hear this nonsense? What planet do you live on?

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"Where did you hear this nonsense? What planet do you live on?"

You have the audacity to ask what planet I live on, and you don't know what Trump is doing. Get your head out of your ass and pay attention.

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You need to toddle off to your own silly little unread stack. All you're doing here is providing comic relief to a discussion that needs no humor.

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Interesting, Kev. I haven't watched that show since 1980, when the last of the original cast members left. I know that NBC was forced to give Trump air time after Countess Cackula appeared in a fawning role on a recent SNL. Thanks.

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There was clear signaling coming out of the establishment. So also: WashPo declining to endorse Harris, Joe Rogan endorsement of Trump

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What you were witnessing on SNL was the changing of the guard and the reshuffling of the stage props. We're all MAGA hats now, or, at least, that is the message the lamestream is going to be projecting from here forward.

I could see that in spades with the Harris Concession Speech.

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Oh for crap sakes!

Trump spent his own money for an hour oh network time to make very crystal clear his undying and irrevocable support for Israel, BEFORE the 2016 election

Whether or not there is one American Jew with the sense to support Trump and not believe that pseudo intellectual claptrap halfwit nonsense about nothing ever changing in spite of the clear reality that things do change and rather dramatically to the point that each party has valid stereotypes attached to it.

This fantasy of nothing ever changing is just misinterpreted RINO Resistance, and very little beyond that.

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if rabbi trump ends the war in jukraine it will be so resources can be shifted to the mideast to start a war with Iran. jared "kosher" kushner and another rabid zionist billionaire are picking the candidates for the cabinet etc. trump promised so much on the first day it would take 100 presidents 200 years to implement. he is a con man and if he wasnt born rich he would be in a circus selling tickets to see the 500lb 3 headed woman in a tent. remember he is in the WWE hall of fame

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That is concerning, SPQR70AD. What good does it do to end one senseless war, only to start another? His vitriol against Iran is very troubling. We shall see. Thanks.

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that is because he figures 2 wars at once to expensive and would drain weapons away from israel to which he is a servant of. he will first try to strangle Iran with more sanctions seizing more assets to provoke them while israel bombs them here and there to try to get Iran to strike israel hard to cause the US to act.

he is to dumb to know that Iran had 6 years to get around the oil sanctions their main source of income

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I don't think Trump would be selling tickets. Rather he would be cleaning the toilets.

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Thank you Don, great stack. Don you have to write a book on Trumpenstein. Don it's unbelievable to me that so many of my Christian and Conservative friends and customers will excuse everything Donald does it's insane. He is ok with the ongoing slaughter of over 63 million innocent defenseless precious babies,yet they excuse him, he celebrated lgbtq at Maralago and said he would further their agenda,but excused,he is the proud father of the Trump Juice the Warped Poison thats killed 35 million and injured a d crippled millions,yet hes excused,he left many Jan 6th protestors that were non violent to rot,no pardon no legal help with his billions,yet excused, he gives fauci a medal,the people he put in are shady like pompeo,barr,wray,Bolton,Azar Slaui,Redfield,yet excused, unbelievable,great deception. Many people praise worship idolize and excuse this man,I believe he is a Trojan Horse. The left golden calf of government and the rights maga golden calf have no answers for spiritual problems in our nation,we have forgotten God and only by trusting in Jesus Christ who is faithful and true can we find hope,joy,peace,life, eternal life,rest for our souls and a sound mind,God help us as there's no answer in donkeys or elephants, blessings..Psalm 2 Psalm 9 17 Psalm 33 12 Psalm 118:6-9 Jeremiah 17:5-7 Psalm 97:10 Acts 5:29 John 3 16 John 14 6 John 5 24 John 8 24 Acts 13 39 Acts 16:30-31 Romans 5:1 Romans 6:23 Ephesians 2:8-9 Titus 3:5, Maranatha Lord Jesus Christ TITUS 2 13, blessings.

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I appreciate that, Manny. I am writing a book on Trumpenstein. Now that he's been elected again, it obviously becomes a longer project. I will probably keep compiling research for it, but skip to something else in the meantime. Thanks.

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Good points, Manny. What you're describing is the second strain of the virus that causes TDS. The original strain is the rabid hatred of Trump for no real reason. The second strain is the blind adoration of Trump despite all evidence to the contrary. Both strains were invented and loosed among the public by the same people.

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Check out the comments below. Reeee!


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Once upon a time Trump used to be a Democrat, which is more fitting because the man is a complete Jackass.

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Funny but the stories we hear, like Melania becoming unhappy in her marriage, seem to come from the MSM, which has been largely discredited due to their incessant and constant lying. Look at the 3 days before the election with the MSM completely lying about the context of Trumps words concerning Liz Cheney, and repeating it like Mockingbirds.

You say Trump didn't accomplish much, yet when we look at our country now compared to then, we are in a much stranger place. If Trump did nothing else he postponed the current exaltation of the trannies. We currently have a horrendous looking, obviously mentally fucked up trannie in Rachel Levine serving as the United States Assistant Secretary for Health, really? WTF? This is wickedness that would make the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah blush.

Remember in 2016- Trump fought 2 sides- the Democrats (who he seemed more than willing to at least work with) and the Deep State Rino's. The Rino's were more than willing to use the Steele dossier as an excuse to not move the country in a more conservative direction, that which they've been promising since Clinton.

I refuse to be negative and remain hopeful, and am not really sure how much can be changed, but for one, I'm relieved my children don't have to live in an America where Kumala Harris, and her band of merry Woke misfits were allowed 4 years of unfettered destruction.

As a side note, I think that putz Walz was even less deserving to be VP the the Kumala Kween was to be President, and she wasn't deserving at all..

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It's not easy being a Trump agnostic, Wade. I usually hear from anti-Trumpers, because they think I support him. I do find him interesting, and as I hope I've made clear many times, I believe the other side is about as bad as it gets. Insane. Satanic. I would love nothing more than for Trump to redeem himself, and prove that he isn't Trumpenstein. If he deports significant numbers of illegals, takes fluoride out of the water, stops the war in Ukraine, reexamines his pushing of the vax, and listens to people like RFK, Jr., and Tulsi, then I'll be the first one to cheer him on. Thanks.

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His Zionist tendencies have me nervous too. However, I am pretty certain both Musk and Carlson know the score. They understand who is pulling the strings. I’ve listened to both of them enough to be confident in that. When Musk got his little tour (attitude adjustment) I puzzled over that for a while. While I still don’t claim to understand it completely it did occur to me there must be something bigger than money alone. He was pushing back handily on the ADL and advertisers (Go Fuck Yourselves) until little Benny Shapiro escorted him to Israel. I can’t begin to tell you what he saw or was told over there but I have to imagine it was profound.

Lee Smith (who I admire as a writer) started in last night on X “whoa as me the poor Jews” after the Amsterdam event(s). I laced him pretty good suggesting he might just do a story on how all these dual citizens have found themselves into a position to dictate our foreign policy. This is where it will probably come down to people like us sir. We have to pushback and demand this shit be stopped.

Am I being too optimistic? Perhaps I am. But I do feel like we have been granted a chance at redemption. I can say with confidence that after Oct 7, 23 conservatives have made significant inroads with other conservatives in this regard. Our best weapon is the “dual citizen” angle.

Always love your work!!

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Amen, whatever Trump is he’s not the Devil for God’s sake. In my eyes he’s already delivered everything I could ever ask for, the First Amendment will remain intact.

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Let's hope. He's certainly not openly running against the First Amendment, as every leading Democrat is. But he has said he wants to make "anti-Semitism" illegal. You can't do that and have free speech. Thanks, Luke.

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"...the First Amendment will remain intact."

It is not currently intact. It has been surreptitiously attacked for many years. Trump will be ineffectual in restoring American ideals.

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Yeah, I’m quite certain he will have real challenges meeting your extremely high levels of satisfaction. Some of you people who “Let Perfect be the enemy of the good” crack me up. You need to look at the big picture bud. Had Elon not snagged Twitter what happened Tuesday night does NOT occur. Had Harris won Elon would have had his balls busted.

I try not and get lost in the minutiae. X has been a Godsend because it has also kept the other platforms honest (TO a DEGREE). For many years once people hit a certain age they complain about the present. And yet, the world keeps on spinning.

Had we lost the ability to communicate somewhat freely, the world would have stopped spinning for us in the West soon enough. Musk summed up what the plan was which involved in turning this place into a giant Califonia. It wouldn’t have taken as long as you might think. I’m sure some states would try and hold out but they would have been cut off.

If nothing else, maybe we bought ourselves some time. So maybe rejoice in that. 🤷‍♂️

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You sound like my son. As he tells me, you have to know how to accept a victory. I really have much lower expectations for Trump than many in the alt media. I don't really care if he goes to the Wailing Wall every week, because all of our leaders are beholden to Israel. If he deports millions of illegals alone, and gets our border under control, that alone would be wonderful. Thanks, Luke.

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"Maybe we bought ourselves some time." That's about all that can be said.

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"Yeah, I’m quite certain he will have real challenges meeting your extremely high levels of satisfaction. Some of you people who “Let Perfect be the enemy of the good” crack me up."

You should increase your level of expectations. Trump is far from the good. Perhaps he is marginally better than other choices. But Trump will never make America great again. The electoral system is screwed. The Deep State is goddamn serious about its control and talk, and 'voting' will change nothing.

"Had Elon not snagged Twitter what happened Tuesday night does NOT occur."

There is no way you can know that.

"For many years once people hit a certain age they complain about the present. "And yet, the world keeps on spinning."

Where did I say the world would stop spinning? But America will continue to decline for those who are not among the very rich. Nothing will change until the Deep State is destroyed.

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“Nothing will change until the DS is destroyed.” IMO Trump has a mandate to do just that.

—Stop mass borer influx

—Deal with Inflation

—Stop foreign entanglements or at least stop funding them

—Hang the traitors and replace the rest

And we need to hold him to that. Maybe I left something out but I feel like keeping it simple is best.

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"IMO Trump has a mandate to do just that."

The Deep State doesn't give a crap about a mandate. They sure as hell will not give up what they have been fighting to achieve for decades.

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Hang the traitors like he prosecuted Hillary? Remember the rally chants, “Lock her up!”? I predict that if Trump gets us out of Ukraine, he will immediately get us into Iran.

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Wake up, Luke. "We" haven't bought ourselves shit. We've been handed another asshole who will keep doing what the others have been doing as long as I can remember.

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Stop with the comedy, Luke. This is a serious subject.

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Trump is a Satanic Pederast, the narrative is completely scripted, and the Sheeple are taking stupid pills. This Dumpster fire is just getting started.

Any politician who thinks any of this is real needs to watch the Jones Plantation one more time.

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In his first go-round, Trump made Israel great again. He is now telling that evil nation to “finish the job” (https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/11/7/trumps-return-to-white-house-worries-lebanese-palestinian-civilians). In other words, go ahead and complete your genocide (get ‘er done!), the greatest conceivable crime now apparently a thing to be encouraged. (It’s a whole “legitimized mass killing of innocents” thing, you wouldn’t understand; expression copyright, Donald Jeffries.) And here’s your annual $3.8 BILLION (https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts) to assist you in that and other acts of terror you’re currently committing or planning to commit against your neighbors north and east of you. The U.S., of course, is just a proxy state of Israel with, to date, more than $350 billion given in funding since the latter’s illegal founding in 1948. Meanwhile, let’s give cabinet posts to a few more of these clever and moral and peace-loving and uberrich dual citizens with ultimate loyalties to only ONE of two nations. (We had @50–60 Mason-Zionists in the Biden cabinet (https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-in-the-biden-administration) but only (lol) @20 in the first Trump cabinet (https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-in-donald-trump-administration); I’m sure the Trumpster will up that number this time around.)

Finally, except for the annual and always well-intentioned psyop that can and, every two decades or so, does indeed directly affect you and me (the latter of the literal earth-shattering and liberty-violating variety, a la 911 and Coofid), what could the Chump (or Chumpess Cakula had she won, the air-headed protege of two Zionist weirdos-in-chief) ever do FOR you directly? Kill the income tax? Well, actually, it’s not required anyway, so…done. If you’re a Palestinian or Syrian or Lebanese, on the other hand, he’ll certainly help to do something TO you directly, so there’s that.

Expect more of the same with Trump 47.

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Good points, Rob. Trump is hopeless on Israel. Thanks.

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Yes, this Wolf is expecting Maximum MAGA and maximum theatre. But its Trump's supporters who are going to be more scary this go round. They will tolerate no criticism of their hero, and will look upon that as Un-American.

Truly dangerous times are just ahead.

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Well said, Rob.

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I'm postive that everyone who has read your fine article Mr. Jeffries hopes that Trump will be different this time. As we are watching western civilization crumbling in front of our eyes we are all looking for a leader who puts the people first

It seems the only leader that has done this in the last 20 years is V.V. Putin much to our chagrin. Alas , here i am in my 70's and I still waiting and still trying to grasp on to that last sliver of hope.

Mid-way through his first term I realized Trump was a street savy game show host dropping truth bombs when his insticts told him we were about to change the channell

When he makes his appointments to cabinet we will know immediately what we are in for in the coming 4 years. I pray that I am wrong about him but I think the final nail in the coffin was when I heard Catherine Austin Fitts standing in front of a conservative crowd holding Trump responsable for going along with the covid scam and his operation warp speed poison, which he still defends.

Ms. Fitts showed great courage and wisdom when at the end of her presentation which annoyed the crowd said something that has stuck with me.

. . She said "Trump is a smart guy, much smarter than I am. I knew those shots were dangerous. He either let it happen or was part of it"

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Good points, Jeff. I am very dubious about Trump being any different in part 2, but I will be delighted if he does anything good for the people. Thanks.

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In my opinion Catherine Austin Fitts is a Deep State Deep Shill. She was deep in the Belly of the Beast and knows where a lot of the bodies are. I am sure she can tell some yarns that would make PIzzaGate look like Teenage Racketeering. She is just telling us the obvious, thank you.

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Trump is an actor and bad businessman at best, hence the billions in bailouts he needed from the Rothschilds.

Actors roles are to evoke an emotion from the viewer.

Emotion trumps (pun intended) the ability to think logically.

Trump is simply fantastic at this role.

And while people from all sides respond emotionally to Trump, our world will fall further into tyranny.

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That's the Trumpenstein Project, Nick. Thanks.

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More than a year ago...myself, White Wolf, and couple of other commenters on this Substack, called the 2024 election for Trumpenstein. When you know what the long-range plan is, it's fairly easy to make accurate predictions. As recent as a few weeks ago, even Gerald Celente was predicting Harris would win. Now the grifting soothsayers are furiously backpedaling, and spinning their fails as successful predictions. What they should be saying is: "I'm sorry I'm such a lazy idiot. I promise I will go get a real job, and never again bore you with my bs." The NWO didn't even have to rig the voting. If you've ever watched a video of a well-trained border collie moving a herd of sheep with expert precision...well, that is what happened to the American sheep for the last two years.

To those who had their knickers in a knot, absolutely convinced of another steal in 2024, and to those who have barely peered into the rabbit hole yet think they are totally awake...I say discernment... discernment... discernment. Only when one acknowledges we are at the end-game of a 2000 year plan to highjack humanity...will any of this make sense. All the information in the world will do no good UNLESS one can see the big picture. Without that...one struggles in vein to fit the puzzle pieces together. The future suffering of every person depends on their ability to fit that puzzle together. I still believe there will be a faked assassination of Trumpenstein (or a botched attempt as an excuse for him to leave office) before next June. We are in the calm before the storm.

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Good comment. I am one of those who knew that Trump would win. The following quote is part of a comment I wrote on Don’s post here on 3/5/24, and I had several similar comments even before that (and several others, even more certain that Trump would win, since then).

“But I’m convinced that his role during the scamdemic was the main reason he was selected in 2016, and I am virtually certain he is going to be selected again in November for largely the same reason. The Agenda 2030 plans are coming to fruition, and they need him to sell those plans to the Right just as he sold the scamdemic tyranny and clot shots to them.”

Trump was the designated winner in 2016, and he was the designated winner for this election since even before the 2020 election. They selected Biden in 2020 in part to postpone Trump’s second term until now, which supports the NWO Agenda 2030 timeline better than if Trump had won in 2020.

There are two fundamental reasons that most people on the right can’t figure this stuff out. One reason is that they think the ‘Deep State’ is Democrats, and only Democrats are smart enough or evil enough to cheat in elections. Actually, it is the NWO (of which the Deep State is just the lower hierarchical levels) that determines these things, and they use Democrats and Republicans interchangeably to achieve their goals, depending on what their immediate goals are. They are a uni-party, and don’t care if a given politician is a Democrat or a Republican. Also, the cheating nowadays is done with the electronic voting machines. Ballot stuffing, and illegals and dead people voting, is 20th Century stuff. The ballot stuffing in the 2020 election was for PR purposes only. They were deliberately trying to provoke the reaction that ultimately led to January 6.

The second reason that most people on the right can’t figure this stuff out, if they are even smart enough to realize that the politicians are selected, is that they think the politicians are selected because of their beliefs and policy positions. They are not. I can’t stress that enough, but I will try. They are NOT selected because of their beliefs and policy positions. The politicians are puppets who do as they are told, regardless of their own beliefs and policy positions. They are selected because of their ability to influence the public. When the NWO wants the Right to go along with scamdemic tyranny and clot shots, as in 2020, they select Trump. When they want the Right to go along with vaccine passports, CBDCs, 15-minute cities, etc., as in between now and 2030, they select Trump. That is how it works, and the reason it works is because most people can’t figure out what they are doing.

P.S. If I had any doubt that Trump was the designated winner (which I didn’t), that doubt was removed after the staged assassination attempt in Butler, PA. How anyone with more than two brain cells can’t figure out that that thing was staged is beyond me. But they certainly didn’t go to the trouble of staging an assassination attempt on Trump just to put someone else in office.

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You were a soothsayer, David. Thanks.

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You are 110% over the target. Yes, all the politicians, including Ron Paul and Massie, are there because they are great actors. And the Satanic Pederasts will allow a lot of truth to spill out to keep people in their game.

Even awake, well-intentioned people who vote don't understand that what the Elites are most edified by is their participation.

It is when people just simply stop participating that the Satanic Pederasts will understand that their demise is near... One way or another.

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Sorry Wolf.. Ron Paul is the Real Deal. He ran for the Presidency in 2012. Quit blaming him.

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WW, you make me look like a starry eyed optimist. Ron Paul wrote the Foreword to my book "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963." I think he's the real deal.

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You're forgetting that he simply dropped his campaign and called it a learning experience. I dropped my estimate of him after that. All the money I had donated to the "money bomb" his campaign asked for could have been better used by my family.

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Sorry Sir, but you should have heeded the words of the Great Man who said, "Put not your faith in politicians" and saved your money. Jes sayin.

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If Ron Paul was the real deal he might have talked a little bit more about.... 911 being an inside job? George Bush's involvement in the Franklin Scandal? Roosevelt's full knowledge Pearl Harbor was about to be attacked? Who really shot JFK?

Any politician that was for real would not be in politics, because they know that their fellows are profiting off of organ harvesting, the slave trade, the narcotics trade, and the bond racket, which all rest upon sins that cry to heaven for vengeance, and whose profits are soaked in the blood of countless abortions and sex slaves.

Look uo and see the Chemtrails.

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"Talked a little bit more"....really? Ron Paul came closer to the Presidency than any other member of the House of Representatives in the 20th and 21st Century. The last member of the House of Representatives to become President of the United States was Rutherford B. Hayes. Do you really expect ANY politician even on your local level to speak of the things you have spoken here? I think not.

At least, Ron Paul DID speak consistently against the ages old great threat that enabled all of what you speak (and I agree with you by the way) which is the Federal Reserve. NO OTHER POLITICIAN in your lifetime has done the same. For that alone he should be commended.

And as for "politician" the very word means "deal maker". It's a dirty business. Even on your local level.

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I guess we really won't know for sure this side of Judgment Day. Regards.

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Ron Paul is not an actor, but rather a useful idiot. As far as I can tell he truly believes what he says, but he is hopelessly clueless. When he was in one of the presidential debates (I think it was 2008 but it might have been 2012) he let Rudy Giuliani belittle him about 9/11. Paul can’t even figure out that 9/11 was a false flag attack, but Giuliani obviously knows, because he was in on the cover-up. There is absolutely no way that that could have been successfully covered up without his knowledge and cooperation. He might not have known about it beforehand, but he certainly knew who did it right after it happened. If Paul had any brains he would have blasted Giuliani out of the water. But, then again, if there was any chance that he would have blasted Giuliani out of the water he wouldn’t have even been a candidate in the first place. The NWO doesn’t even allow a person to be a presidential candidate for one of the major parties unless they are useful in some way. The candidates don’t necessarily have to win the election to be useful. By simply campaigning and/or participating in debates they can serve a purpose such as floating a particular trial balloon, causing a distraction, making another candidate look good by comparison, skewing polls, or some other useful purpose. Paul served at least one of those purposes, which is why he was allowed to become a candidate.

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Very well said, David.

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Re: 911, it was nothing more than a standard demolition of out-of-code and thus uninhabitable buildings. And except for the stray accident, no one was killed (see Simon Shack’s great septemberclues.org for more information).

The towers were asbestos-laden structures that were not up to current building code. The cost to the NY and NJ Port Authority in removing that asbestos had reached $600 million and would continue to rise. But because the Port Authority had failed in its bid to receive insurance coverage for their costs (https://www.businessinsurance.com/article/20010513/ISSUE01/10004154/port-loses-claim-for-asbestos-removal), in the end, the obvious decision was made to simply bring the towers down, as this would be the most cost effective and is of course a standard practice with aging or otherwise problematic structures. The towers needed to come down, plain and simple.

But as a gov’t official, how do you tell an entire city (and the nation) that two ICONIC structures have to be demolished? You cannot. It would be a PR nightmare and a veritable logistical impossibility of evacuating and temporarily relocating 8 million people for the duration of the demolition project. Instead, with the PNAC agenda set for geopolitical release, you simply don’t say anything! You clear out the towers of all occupants, demolish the buildings using standard demolition techniques, and claim the whole thing was a "terrorist attack." Again, to tell the public (particularly those immediately affected -- i.e., NYC residents) that the buildings have to come down, regardless of whether you inform them before or after the "event," it would never fly in a million years.

So, again, you just keep quiet about the nature of the problem and do the standard demolition (while throwing in WTC7 to zap evidence of stolen cash). Then say it was an "act of terrorism," thus covering over all of the above.

Meanwhile, include another fake “attack” in another city to solidify your terrorism claim, and there you have it! REAL “problem” solved – i.e., of poor structures needing to come down – with the added political and financial gain that comes with the commencement of a whole new age of “fighting terrorism” (a boon to the banks, government, military contractors, etc.). War being "profit" and all.

However, neither Ron Paul nor any candidate or public official can ever be allowed to explain this to the public if he knows what actually happened (and most do). You simply can’t come out and say, “911 was just a demolition of two out-of-code buildings, but the gov’t couldn’t reasonably tell you that at the time because…[see above].” So the lie of a terrorist attack has to be and is a signed, sealed, and done deal, locked in the vault. (Not perhaps for eternity but certainly until it’s no longer a “recent” memory.)

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And btw, in saying "no one was killed," I'm certainly not discounting the clear and obvious FACT of the countless numbers of first responders and others who actually DID die in the aftermath of the event. I'm simply referring to those said to have been IN the buildings and reported to have been "killed" as a result of the so-called "attack" on the towers (via CGI'd planes). I had read somewhere (and I'll have to look for this again) that the buildings had been cordoned off and that people (those approaching the buildings) were told to stay away prior to the demolition. So those on the ground (demolition crews, police, etc.) knew of course what was about to "happen" and were simply performing the usual clear-the-area measures.

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Basically what you are saying is that Paul is as stupid as a bag of bricks. Just how does such a man rise above being a garbage collector or cutting lawns? It is more reasonable to contend that Paul is just an occupant of the Kabuki Theatre of the Absurd.

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Not all of the participants in the Theater of the Absurd know that it IS a theater. Many of them think it is real life, kind of like Truman in the Truman Show. I’m fairly sure that Paul thought he was actually a viable candidate.

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Great point, David. As I noted, would Paul have consented to put his name on a book by a Thought Criminal like me, if he didn't understand what's really going on? I don't know why he wouldn't comment on the obvious 9/11 lie. Pat Buchanan publicly said Oswald killed JFK. But he, like Paul, is a good and decent man, who was bold enough to speak out on many issues. In the case of Buchanan, he was a Nixon loyalist (even though Nixon wasn't loyal to him when he ran for president), and probably had no interest in the JFK assassination because he didn't like the Kennedys. I agree- most of the actors in our political theater aren't aware they are in a production. Thanks.

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Yep. Anyone who refused to see that the same MSM who assaulted Trump for 5 years, turned on a dime and treated him as the only possible GOP candidate for the '24 selection, is hopeless.

All it takes is a chance to vote to make most people forget everything they've been shown about the whole political circus.

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Nov 8Edited

Excellent points. I do remember your comment...I just couldn't remember your name. Another reason "they" needed Biden for those four years, was just wanton destruction of everything America 1.0 ever stood for. The total anilalation of New Rome has been planned...and rot from within is the main way the NWO planned this. When all is chaos...the Chinese will be allowed to "take over". Right now it is back to bread and circuses. I would prefer we get on with the inevitable.

So far...I have not once heard :"I don't remember you saying that." I'm sure it's coming, though. I've been hearing that my entire life.

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You guys knew more than me, Kris. If I could be confident about this rigged system, from sports to politics, I would make a lot of money. I have no insider knowledge. Thanks.

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I have to admit I actually thought Countess Cackula would be “selected” and I may have even commented as such. My thought: ((the controllers)) will ramp up the absurdity to whole other level by putting a total FOOL in office, making a mockery yet again of the civilization, as is their wont, and fully solidifying the making of an “idiocracy” (via her presidential “work” in further promoting crap like transgenderism, DEI policies to benefit the unqualified and all-out criminal class (low to high), “obesity is beautiful” and other cultural and moral degeneracies, etc.). CC has to regularly laugh at things that AREN’T funny so she can get OTHERS to also laugh, all for the purpose of covering over the fact that she can’t think or talk seriously about anything (or even form coherent sentences). Just laugh – no one will notice that you’re a nitwit. She would then go down as not only the first woman president but the first total and complete idiot to occupy the office (veritable nitwit-in-chief of the Idiocracy). It would be the final way for ((the puppetmasters)) to stick it to the glorious history of the U.S. presidency, where CC is the final nail in the coffin of our “great experiment” in “democracy.”

Not that the Trumpster isn’t also a fool — similarly linguistically disabled while regularly talking nonsense — but he’s better at playing the role, thus making his supporters the real fools. Trump is a WWF-type spectacle that gets you to react emotionally and is thus a kind of sophisticated clown (oxymoronic as that is).

But yeah, I thought that, by means of a 2020-style rigging of the (s)election, CC would get the job. (“My bad,” as the kids say.)

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At this point, it really would not have mattered much if we would have had the cackling Camel for president. But what you must understand that this is not just about Trump, but the whole MAGA crowd. These people are being groomed for the role they are going to play in the coming WW3.

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Exactly, WW.

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You comment is most over the target. You get the big picture. That is what matters- the 30,000' view.

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Yes, I expected Trumpenstein to win, but I will confess I was flabbergasted that the Satanic Pederasts called an abrupt end to the Metaphysical Foodfight and the Cackling Camel folded her rodeo faster than you could say MAGA. While I suspect that the plot twists will continue, I don't think Trump will be leaving office. I could be wrong, but I do think Trump is the appointed Messiah who will lead the English Speaking, Americophile World to the Last Crusade against The Evil Empire, a Bankster Construct Russo-Sino alliance. (Just as Nazi Germany was a bankster construct as well.)

I did not know that Gerald Celente gave the Election to Harris. (Billy Ray Valentine also thought Harris was going to win, and this Wolf also thought that they might go for another steal before giving Trump the eventual victory.) Well, I guess they thought this show important enough to toss Celente under the bus. That is telling.

At least at this point those with discernment should have no trouble pegging Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Robert Kennedy, and all those who endorsed Trump as nothing but Deep State Deep Shills. The unveiling continues...

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I think Trumpenstein is tired of his role. Another thing is that "they" had him wearing black maga hats towards the end of this show, and at some rally a song about death was played as Trumpenstein entered (no idea what the song was or who sang it because I don't engage with pop-culture...but I read the lyrics.)

I've followed Celente for years, and he is getting less and less accurate since the controllers let down their mask. He does not see the big picture. I think the reason is that he was a normie for most of his life, and he still has a foot in normieville...and a lot to lose in the material world. I have noticed over the years, that the folks with the most to lose, are the least likely to seek the truth...and the most likely to get aggressive towards truth speakers. Valentine calls himself a "truth seeker" but imo, his emotions completely cloud his ability to see the truth. I love www.americaunpluggedradio.com but I would love it even more if Valentine was gone. I've been waiting for the election day show to upload. Last time I checked, it was not up.

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After Billy Ray Valentine spouted off about how the Cackling Camel was going to be our first female president, he is going to be eating a lot of humble pie. And, yes, you are right about Celente having a lot to lose. Pimping the Truth for likes, subscribes, and shares is not going to go over well going forward.

But Trump seems more energetic than ever- maybe they retired the Blue Tie version.

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Yes, I don’t quite understand why they made Trump’s win so quick and decisive. I half expected it to drag on for weeks with numerous recounts, court challenges, etc. But, just as in 2016, they made it apparent right on election night that Trump was the winner. They obviously had a reason for doing that, but I don’t know what that reason was.

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Nov 8Edited

I think the quick and decisive thing was the whiplash technique "they" love to use on the sheep...because it is so effective. The hope/despair cycle. This is a proven mind-control technique. We saw it quite clearly during the scamdemic. First they told the sheep not to worry, it's being hyped...then immediately after, it was full blown hysteria...and on, and on, and on...for four years. What happens to the brains of the masses (who lack critical thinking skills) is that the roller coaster of emotions becomes so painful, they shut down thinking even more, and agree to anything..."just make it stop!!!"

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Another effect of the "whiplash technique" is that it helps to hide the program, which is very simply laid out in Scripture, for any who care to read. Even those of us wide awake have to do great discernment to guess the timeline and look for the overarching trends, while the Sheeple remain glued to the mushroom clouds and the shock and awe. For years and years, for example, they have been talkng about biometric "IDs" and "Smart Money". For years and years, the banks have been consolidating, along with other businesses. It is all really in plain sight at this point in time. But most people do not want to wake up because that would require serious effort and discipline on their part, the necessity of investing time and resources to get them to a better place, and away from the detestable matrix.

In 2020, we learned that a lot of people wanted to remain willfully blind and even take the death jab to preserve their cushy place in the establishment. Many of them have already paid the ultimate price, and are burning in Hell. But people on both sides of the aisle want to believe that The Cosmic Sugardaddy God put them here to have a good time and party on. Sudden destruction is going to come upon them, just as it did for the people of Gaza. We have been warned. Max Igan keeps saying that the way of Gaza will be the way of the world. He is dead right. (Pun not intended.)

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Yep, they employ their psy-ops all the time.

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I think I know what the reason is. We are about to see operation Barbarossa 2.0... In retrospect, it is the whole Trump Train MAGA Crowd that has been groomed since 2016. Biden was only S(Elected) so that the show might go on. If Trump had been installed in 2020, he would now be a two-term lame duck. But even during the entire "Biden Show" the Trump crowd was being groomed. Jan 6th was a big part of that. Now, these people feel vindicated.

Now, they are going to, in my opinion, trot out Trump the Statesman, and Trump the Great Peacemaker. The whole nation is going to unite behind Trump. You could just see that at the Concession speech by the Cackling Camel. All of a sudden she is talking like a Redneck, invoking the flag, the constitution- all the "Patriotic Talking Points". It was like the Cabal was calling an end to the political food fight.

"Move along folks, move along to the next Dog and Pony Act..."

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Well said, Kris.

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I will admit that I voted for Trump. Maybe he'll deliver on promises and maybe he won't. But I do remember, quite well, how hard the DemonRats fought against him on everything he tried to accomplish. Along with their bedfellows, the RINOs. The scene of Piglosi ripping up Trump's speech has never left my mind. No class yet has the audacity to accuse Trump of being everything she is. I do not want to see this behavior his second time around. Enough! The D-Rats need to give it up. They need to grow up and do whats necessary to help Trump be a better president. For The People! We come first!

Voting for Kackles is asking for higher everything with more tax dollars going across the Big Pond. These last couple of years have been so devastating, for All of us. The Lefties refuse to publicly admit they were/are Wrong. Behind the scenes, I'd bet many of them voted for Trump.

Voting for Kackles would have been the end of the heritage of this nation and what it used to stand for with the overwhelming infestation of all these illegals that affects every one of us. A fact one cannot refuse to acknowledge. Except for the MSM. Never in my life have I seen such Hatred along with the vicious attacks and lies they consistently continue to push. They are supposed to be unbiased and report Facts. These people should be sued for defamation.

Voting for Kackles would have meant more Barack and Hitlery. Kackles doesn't have the brain of an ant. So she is easy to boss around. Barack cannot be legally sworn in again, and Hitlery knows she's finished. But what they hey, find a puppet. Like Old Joey has been. A mindless fumbling goat, and he was like that when he took over in 2021. His "dementia" just did not suddenly occur recently. Mega cheating went on in the 2020 election. I'll never believe anything else.

When I went to the polls to vote early, there were poll watchers, so that was comforting. From both sides.

Everyone can talk Negative because we've been punched down to that level. Let me ask - which one of you is Perfect? Which one of you has Never Made Any Mistakes? Which one of you has trusted the Wrong Person? Which one of you has never been Narcissistic in some fashion? Which one of you has said and done stupid things?

And for those of you who will probably attack me on my views, let me be crystal clear. I don't like how Trump talks in a childish fashion. I do not agree with everything he does. I live here, this is my country and to vote for someone that is Pure Evil is just wrong. If you didn't vote, thats on you. Evil is everywhere, around every corner. All we can do is the Very Best we can, Pray, Trust in the Lord, and keep on fighting.

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Good points, Fran. I don't expect anything, but I will be rooting for him. Thanks.

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I prefer to give him a chance, at least in my heart. I hope he surrounds himself with the best people. Perhaps the first 4 years was a nasty learning experience for him. I, personally, would never be able to handle 50,000 daggers coming at me all at once. And 24/7. Even if people think its theatre, which I do not, its still awfully abusive. Most of those folks are Evil, it shows in their faces. We shall see. God will provide the answer.

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“The Lefties refuse to publicly admit they were/are Wrong.”

Their 2 most glaring deficiencies 1) Total lack of self reflection (like vampires) and 2) Their ability to project their weaknesses/ crimes/ deficiencies on their opponent.

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Nov 8Edited

Another glaring deficiency - they really do not care about the American People and they don't give a damn if we know it. No apologies necessary. I hope they all drown in their beers and get swallowed up in the shit piles they created.

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They do have you convinced somewhat that Trump is not an absolute puppet of the Cabal, as much so as the Cackling Camel. Just watch your man like a hawk, and don't be deceived by his rhetoric. I do believe that Trump is about to lead the MAGA crowd down the same road as the Austrian Painter did his supporters. Don't fall for Operation Barbarossa 2.0.... Beware.

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I am watching him like a Hawk. I don't trust Elon either. What kinda deal did they make? I am neither party and generally do not vote. All the talk is over, time to start walking. Its Trumps last chance to make it right, if he truly is who he says, if he means what he says. I keep praying to our Dear Lord to help him be a better leader, so lets see what God can do. Again, voting for the Kackling Hyena was a definite No Go for me. I am not convinced of anything until I see results.

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Watch Vance. He has a big role in the time ahead.

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I will watch them all and totally get the message. Just had conversations with others yesterday who are so enamored with Trump and I warned them to be very careful and be skeptical, don't get too relaxed, take off the rose colored glasses. None of us wants to be wrong. Time will tell - I am praying for the Best.

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Trump has a whole spectrum of shills that have jumped on his wagon, including Carlson and Robert Kennedy. What is coming down the Pike is very very big and very very scary. I trust you know a Bidlerberger when you see one, and Trump has their stamp upon him. Do give Adam Green's "Banksta Paradise" a view on BitChute. They have been grooming Trump for this moment for over 40 years.

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I will check that out, so thank you. Everyone has an opinion and an arse hole, so we shall see what really happens. If the MSM did their job as being unbiased, a lot of confusion could be avoided. But we know who owns their souls.

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Be careful out there. We are entering dangerous times.

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I will and thanks for the warnings. I am paying attention to them.

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You really are a brilliant writer, Don. I always enjoy reading (and inevitably agreeing with) your perspective. I'm glad you're pointing out the ludicrousness of this whole production.

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I really appreciate your kind words, Smoke. Thank you!

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This election was on par miracle-wise with Donald Trump giving a last nanosecond turn of the head to avoid the 5.56 round. I too assumed trouble (big trouble) but the size of the win along with the broad coalition he built makes it very difficult for the left to give it to stir shit up now. As you stated people like Yostin tried but there were all kinds of people who pulled the lever for him. I think you are correct Don, it literally knocked the opposition out cold.

I have been very taken aback with people who have short memories. The elite/left had cooked our goose. This time 4 years ago DT had been kicked off Twitter along with anyone who dare utter the words “election fraud.” I am not a guy who frightens easily but I am not ashamed to admit I was scared man. 2021 only solidified my fears as more and more people were removed from different high traffic platforms one by one for questioning the vaccines. Substack seemed to be the only safe place left. I have often wondered why or how that came to be. TPTB could have easily pulled the plug on it.

So when the top Leftist surrogates came out last couple months and spoke of the Mis/dis information being a hazard to democracy you didn’t have to be a genius to figure out what was coming if they won. Whatever Trump does (good/bad) at least we know that we can criticize him. I will NEVER take the first amendment for granted again because we almost lost it.

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I agree, Luke. Free speech is essential to any free society, and no Democrats appear to support it. Now, the problem here is Trump (and other Republicans) wanting to outlaw "anti-Semitism." That doesn't gibe with free speech any more than "hate speech' does. Thanks.

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May want to check out GAB. It is Wild West, but it is very free speech. They covered the Covid mess well.

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more for the watcherati than the literati but I have no issues with Bitchute to date. I never ever erver signed onto youtube, facebook, etc etc.

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Both Bitchute, Gab, and even Substack have been great. Unfortunately they don’t have the reach. Substack kept me sane in late 2021. I also think those sites were allowed to exist to keep tabs on the users as well as a pressure relieve valve. I don’t even particularly like X. I prefer Gab to be honest but like I said none of them have the ability to reach the masses. You take those 3 and stack them up against Google, Facebook, Twitter (old), Snapchat, Tik Tok, etc etc and it’s simply no contest.

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I prefer Gab and substack. Whatever shows up on X is often posted on Gab.

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the Ist amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights is always in danger, always close to being lost.

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You are going to lose your "1st AMendment" Bet on it. In fact, you have already lost it. And soon that is going to become apparent.

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Yes very confusing Don. It seems almost surreal or better, anticlimactic. I agree, there is more happening behind the scenes.,It’s possible that this is the calm before the storm. I agree the Cabal, is up to something!

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It was too easy. What are they up to? I shudder to think about what Plan B is going to be. Trump’s cabinet picks will tell us all we need to know.

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they know how many jobs there will not be with robots and AI, perhaps real sooner (I do not believe Musk's robots are as advanced as the electronic dildo in Barbarella, starring Hanoi Jane Fonda.. but I digress)....

https://davidgraeber.org/books/bullshit-jobs/ 2013.. 30 % of jobs then were not at all necessary. But there should be a lot of security jobs, if RoboGuard is not up to it, when Trump cuts off cold turkey all welfare for the illegals as he said he would do.

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hi Don, seems like a big deep state move to me with all sides on board. there is no other way you can account for how ridiculous the last four years have been domestically. the PTB constantly shoved every perverted thing they could think of, from forced vaccinations to transgenderism, to girls getting their breasts chopped off, to men in women's sports, to immigrants flooding the border, to Biden looking more and more deranged until he says something so dumb about people being garbage to Trump's instantaneous garbage man routine. Biden never looked like Biden, he was always somebody else, one day he'd be clear and lucid, then he would be demented. Harris could not have been more unlikable and stupid, and the tv pollsters said the race was close, which of course was only something we can sneer at. Who believes any of this? I think Trump might be the biggest psyop in modern history, all orchestrated, with his partner Biden playing the part. Any other way, we would have to accept a state of cognitive dissonance as our permanent reality. We are being played.

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Brilliant observations, Kyra. Thanks!

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thanks Don

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Great comment, Kyra. Sums it up perfectly.

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thanks, michigan.rob

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I thought it laughable that in the months leading up to this kosher presidential "Selection"many political analysts and so-called alternative "Truthers" (basically the same ilk) were braying like jackasses in a pepper patch that this election will not take place or it will be the last one. The immediate, following grim scenario posited the establishment of a totalitarian, dystopian dictatorship and the end of our precious constitutional republic. Whatever drugs these idiots are on I'd like to try them. Constitutional republic? Aside from scraps of parchment we've never had one. Don't confuse form with substance. The U.S. has always been an oligarchic dictatorship of the ruling classes only in recent eras it has been enhanced and exacerbated by high technology. Further, it is errant nonsense to suppose that the Controllers would tank the quadrennial freak shows euphemistically called presidential elections, a major weapon of mass distraction that gives the featherless bipeds the option of choosing the next sock puppet mouthpiece for the Cryptocracy. A theatrical diversion from their digitized, death dream trance. Voting effectuates change like pissing into the ocean alters the tide. In that photo that kicks off this article, Melania looks more like a man than Trump and his "son" to his left is obviously a female to male transsexual androgyne. "He" looks like a girl with a man's haircut wearing a man's suit. I loved this smoker, Don, thank you.

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Thanks, Hereticdrummer!

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You're welcome, Don. I just purchased another copy of, "American Memory Hole" for a Christmas gift. Strap in for the ride.

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Yes, the next 4 years is going to be a complete, utter Dumpster Fire.

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