Most recently, I have been volunteering at the front desk of a county nature park center and could not help but notice the number of young (twenty or thirty-something) White men with Asian or non-English speaking brown wives/girlfriends, along with their infants and/or toddlers in tow. I imagine the men of today who want families, find kinder, gentler women coming here from other countries. Like the tamping down of procreation through the mind-numbing pervasive perversion in US culture, this outcome, still does well, since ridding the land of Caucasians is a top priority.

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Yes, that is definitely noticeable. Thanks!

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I read that starting around 2010, according to a national survey, it was found that the majority of young white men were taking Asian or Latina (mostly Asian) females as wives or lovers. I can readily understand why. They are so much more agreeable and easy to be with than so many of the white feminist, harpie, harridan, masculized bitches so prevalent today. The Jooze have done their job well.

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My brother's first wife was from Korea, and his second wife was from Japan. He cheated on them shamelessly. Now he is single. He should have never married. A lot of those cherry blossoms turn out to be dragon ladies once they get married. Those two certainly did.. When I finally married at age 46, I married a Guatemalan. I just don't care much for Americans...too soft...too stupid. The main consideration for me was NO POP-CULTURE IN MY LIFE. By my late thirties I realized I would never find an American who hated pop-culture the way I hate it.

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It was the loss of American guys, Kris. You seem like you have a lot to offer any man. I love reading your comments. Thanks.

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Get half a clue; you will be further ahead than you are now.

No major group is all anything. Not Blacks, Not Jews, Not Muslims.

The certainty is that each group has and is oppressed by it's Elites, who also work cooperatively with other elite groups.

China Joe has been paying agitators to riot in the streets of Israel to prevent Trump's Israeli counterpart from getting the Lefty Kink out of the courts through Judicial Reform.

Israelis despise Biden and Dems intensely and especially Biden's JINO Administration.

Trump put the Kibosh on paying millions of dollars to the Fakestinians so they could pay bounties for the Murder Bomber Families.

Biden re instated it, and Blinken and the rest criticize and claim Israel is destroying Democracy.

If all "Joos" were the force of evil in the world Biden would be sending them plane loads of small bills, not appropriating millions to pay for killing them.

Which brings us to reality.Just who is the Fabled Mystery Puppetmaster?

It's The Crown, hiding in plain sight for a thousand years.

The Sun Has Never Set on the Perfifidy of Perfidious Albion.

All these things we fear today, starvation and genocide and oppression and slavery have one World Master Expert with a millennia of hands on experience in Exploitation, Oppression, and Genocide of the Useless Eaters.

Even in Ukraine today, England in the very thick of it all.

WWII,WWI, The War of Northern Aggression--if not for Russia, England would have jumped us while we were vulnerable and officially re conquered us then.

That's reality and Elitist Jews are just flunkies.

Just like people in big cities who didn't like Jews would still want a Jewish Doctor or lawyer.

They àre Administrators and managers, and all serve their Satanic Majesties, The Crown.

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I've got more than half a clue, I have the whole thing. I never said any major group is all anything and that notwithstanding, even a cursory examination of the facts and evidence reveals that the chozen pipple possess the reigns of state, financial and media power along with everything else of any significance. It matters not that those of them at the apex of the pyramid do not hesitate to throw their lesser brethren under the bus. They openly boast about it. Like they openly boast about terminating the white race. "What need we fear who knows our plans, when none can call our power to account?" (Macbeth). Case closed.

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You could not have painted with a broader brush than " The Joos", and your continued use of deliberately misspelled words shows clearly where you are in reality.

Which explains why you remain so resolutely clueless.

Every crime you can list to attribute to "The Joos' pales in comparison to The Crown in India alone--100 million genocided

over four decades.

All the perv stuff comes from Balmy Prince Charlie, who invented self identifying as his so adulterer's tampon, and whose rollicking adventures with notorious pedophile Jimmy Saville could make Prince Andrew blush, and whose Family Tradition of Pederasty stretches back to the days when the children were gotten from orphanages.

But they have done a masterful job of putting it all on their flunkies.

I'm not your boss, believe what you want, but reality remains.

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My spelling of Jews as Jooze was obviously tongue in cheek but conceptually such things are well above your pay-grade. I'm well aware of what the Crown did in India and elsewhere, you are too dense to see the six pointed stars atop the Crown. Jewish banksters, most notably but not exclusively the Rothschilds, had long since interbred with the English nobility and royalty while concomitantly wresting control of the English government and dictating policy, foreign and domestic. Like they do here. If you cannot see the Jew genetic influence in, "Balmy Prince Charlie", you are blind. Hilarious though it may be, way back in high school I knew a Jew who could pass for his doppelganger. Though they use a plethora of goyim sycophants and tools, just bend your neck and gaze upward, I mean way upward, and you will see the Pecheneg/Khazars, whether operating under the mask of their Talmudic, gutter religion or those of their tribe who are fierce atheists, pulling the strings. I don't believe anything. The word lie is sandwiched betwixt that term for good reason. I absolutely know.

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Yep, the British royal family claim they are decended from King David. I don't know about the sons of Charles, but up to and including him, all of the males were circumcised by a mohel. Why on earth would a Christian family do that? Why would ANY Christian family engage in male infant genital mutilation?

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Actually, china joe IS sending 'joos' billions and billions. AND handing what little that is left of the country to them via their latest pets the red chinese. Who do you think was behind mao/is behind xi, etc?!? THAT is in plain sight - reckon you oughta wake up there pardner...

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Actually, you have no clue at all, even of being a basically decent human being, which would require,at base, the simple reality that no ethnicity is all anything, good bad or indifferent.

And if you had any insight into the NWO you would know, beyond obviously, it's just a synonym for The Crown.

And yes, obviously The Crown is as fond of their Jewish managers as bigots like yourself are fond of the Jewish MDs and attorneys they engage.

People like hiring those who are good at what they do.

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Yes, the "culture" of Hellywood America has certainly succeeded in propagating the Feminazi. I cannot begin to tell you how many of them I have dealt with in the business world over the years. Back in the '80's when I used to be a chef, I had a steak prepared and the waitress insisted the steak was done. I cut it open, and showed her it was not done.

Her solution? She hurled the steak right in my face.

Yes, I know several men who went all the way to the Philippines to find a functional woman.

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But it isn't just clearing out whites.

It's about creating a perpetual brown underclass, a pack of Mutts with no sense of heritage or unifying culture to serve as a centerpost for freedom revolts.

And no hope whatsoever of Social Advancement.

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You are the clueless one. No unifying culture ? I guess you don't know any Hispanics. They have an entire culture and economy operating side-by-side with the American economy. Ever hear of the Cristeros war? When the first cypto-Jew Freemason president of Mexico (Plutarco Calles) declared war on the church and killed thousands of devout Catholics, a rag-tag army of Mexican peasants fought the American backed Federales to a standstill with machetes. Ever wonder why that commie Trotsky was hiding out in Mexico?Plutarco was the New World Order's boy. His job was to hijack Mexico for communism and the NWO. Americans could learn something from the Cristeros. It is extreme faith in God that will give the courage to die for a cause, and in Mexico in the twenties, they fought to free their country from Elite Jew/Freemason control. Even now, AMLO fights back against the NWO. Yes, weaponized immigration is one of the things being used to take down America. Drummer is correct. Since AD 70 when the Jooz were forced out of Jerusalem and fled to Babylonia, they have been working on their plan for total global take-over. The Antichrist will rule the world for three and a half years, from the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. Its coming sooner than most people think.

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You are a lunatic with poor comprehension.

My comment about unifying culture was clearly about the UN Goal, not the present reality.

Your comment is utter nonsense anyway.

Mexico is nothing like Spain, neither is Peru, neither is Honduras.

Thousands of Mexican Catholics killed?

Wow, that surely makes hundreds of milions killed by The Crown small potatoes, doesn't it?

Just like all Jew Haters, you are too obsessed to let reality intrude.

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You and that Spangle troll should get a room and stop using this stack to ride your hobbyhorses.

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I'm sorry to have to point this out but 17 has never been below the age of consent in the United Kingdom. So that's not what the Beatles are alluding to. Our age of consent has pretty much always been 16 - I think since the Middle Ages, when it was around 10 or 12. And, in general, Europe's age of consent has been that age or below - if they have an age of consent at all. (France, for instance, doesn't, though a case can be brought by the parents or guardian if the relationsip is "exploitative".)

I'm afraid it's just the Americans who are this prudish. And the idea of waiting until 21 would rightly be seen as positively repressive by almost any other culture. (And not being allowed to drink until that age, equally infantilising.) So please don't accuse our Liverpool lads of giving a knowing wink to underage sex. That's not what they were doing.

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I appreciate you pointing that out, Christian. In America, it is generally 18, but younger in some places. Thanks.

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When I took a class back in 1988, "Law in America", the age of consent varied nationally from 12-19, depending on the state. I don't know what it is everywhere now, but irrespective of the age of consent, I believe the average age for girls to lose their virginity in America is ~14.

As some matter of legal consistency, if the average is 14, then the law should be pretty close to 14 as well, unless you really want to leave the door open to make a bunch of teenage boys felons, which obviously they do. They just want to keep a life crushing felony in their quiver, just in case..

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I wholeheartedly agree. Having 18+ as an age of consent is quite obviously government interference in family life; which, of course, they can't get enough of. And, prior to that is the thought framework of Protestant morality, laying the foundation for this sort of government voyeurism and prurient interference. In general I would rather the Protestant morality over the Satanic insanity, but it is worth pointing out how this was first justified and what place it has brought us to.

Incidentally, in this article I quickly looked at to check I wasn't making some huge blunder in what I was saying, the original age of consent offences were misdemeanours, not felonies. I can't imagine they lasted long as misdemeanours. https://chnm.gmu.edu/cyh/teaching-modules/230.html#:~:text=A%201576%20law%20making%20it,11%2Dyear%2Dold%20girls.

(By the way, the author is quite wrong on most things European in this article too. Not quite rivaling Miles Mathis in being wrong on absolutely everything British and European (while believing himself to have a fine nose for our refinement and culture) but getting very close.) xx to Miles. :) :)

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Thanks, Christian!

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Well, not surprisingly, it's complicated-


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The UK's pretty prudish, at least when it comes to age gap sex/relationships nowadays. Adult men (25+) would absolutely be shamed and called creeps and pedos for ogling and wanting to date 16/17 year old females, even if it's legal.

USA's not really the only prudish place. They're probably the most prudish.

Also, age of consent in the UK hasn't always been 16. In 1275, the first age of consent was set in England, at age 12 (Statute of Westminster I). In 1875, the Offences Against the Person Act raised the age to 13 in Great Britain and Ireland, and ten years later the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885 raised it to 16. In 1917, a bill raising the age of consent in Great Britain and Ireland from 16 to 17 was defeated by only one vote.

I also believe France do have an age of consent, at 15, which was set a few years ago.

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In the food chain there is a toxin that mimics estrogen, the female hormone. This causes boys to be effeminate and girls to sexually mature at an unnaturally young age. It is becoming increasingly common for girls to start menstruating at 6 or 7 when it used to be 12 or 13. With all respect Don, transgenders have always existed, as far back as ancient Egypt and doubtless well before then. It is an ingrained perversity of the human condition, like homosexuality. I recently saw a picture of Martha Washington, the first, "First Lady" and no one is going to tell me that Martha was not a drag queen. Clearly a man with a woman's bonnet on his head, wearing a woman's dress, and two artificial bumps on his chest. Remember that Georgie was a 33rd degree Freemason like most if not all of the Founding Fathers and the Freemasons have always been enamored with transgenderism and gender switching. I'm surprised they didn't have it enshrined in the Constitution's Bill of Rights. The statutory age for consensual sex is arbitrary and asinine. My paternal grandmother was legally married and had her first child in the state of Ohio at the age of 15. That was quite common back then and nobody called her husband a pedophile. In truth, a female is most sexually desirable in her teens. "Beauty is the first gift nature bequeaths on a girl and is the first gift it takes away." I've known girls who regularly had full blown intercourse starting at the age of 12 sans threat, duress, and coercion. They were perfectly capable of saying yes or no to sex, regardless of the age of their lover or lover wannabe. When I was a young whelp in the 50s, drag queens in the schools, along with the staff that granted them access, would have been slaughtered by our parents without hesitation. They would not have wasted their time to protest meekly at board meetings. The pussification of America is complete. In former times, it was legally impossible for a husband to be charged with raping his wife as the vow, "to have and to hold" was taken seriously. Further, if a man was charged with rape, a lawful defense was proving that the "victim" dressed and acted in a sexually provocative manner and that could result in an acquittal. Basic male and female biology, polarity, and their effect on the mind was acknowledged and understood. Concomitantly, any woman who entered a man's home alone with him would have a helluva time charging rape as her actions were deemed as giving the man the right to expect sex from her. I know this seems extreme but it is far more logical than the inverted insanity so prevalent today. As far as so-called sexual harassment goes, one woman's sexual harassment is another woman's welcome advances, contingent on how attractive they find the guy and how much they like him. There is no doubt that the game plan by the criminal Controllers is to outlaw consensual hetero sex in totality, particularly between white men and women. The U.S. is equivalent to ancient Babylon, one set of laws & rules for the rich, another for the peasantry. "The rich man makes the laws, the poor man breaks the laws". By the way Don, Cher is a tranny. Thanks for a really great article.

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You never disappoint, Hereticdrummer. So George Washington and Obama had something in common? Wonder if he called her "Big Marty." Anyway, thought provoking as always. Thanks!

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Hahahaha!!!!! Thank you, Don, be well!

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Right on, Drumming Heretic. The American "culture" has been sissified- starting with the Beatles, and all down hill from there. The next time you are at a school board meeting, thank the soccer moms for what they have done to the children. And now they want to "transexualize" them for fun and profit.

One wonders what the future holds, because I expect no forthcoming apologies from on high to Sodom and Gomorrah.

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All too true, White Wolf. The Controllers very cleverly consummated their emasculation of American males gradually until recent times when it was slammed into high gear. I think the 1980s was the last time when there were enough real men extant to prevent the monstrous Covid hoax from getting off the ground. The basic training I went through in the U.S. Navy in the early 1970s was more physically and mentally demanding than U.S. Army training is now because the Drill Instructors have had to radically soften the routines to accommodate girls. As the purpose of military training is for success in battle, anyone can see how suicidal this is. I really don't give a tinker's damn as the U.S. military is not "ours" by any stretch of the imagination. It is a strike force for the banksters. Nonetheless my contention holds.

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I went through basic training in the Chair Force circa 1984. It was like Kindergarten revisited. Make your bed, fold your underwear, and watch out for ghost turds. And that was an all male unit, because the sexes were still segregated. (Although one weekend we had female drilling instructors, and that was an experience. Talk about Feminazis to the 3rd Power.) And yes, things have only gone downhill from there. The Russians are coming, and Admiral Levine will save us.

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With all respect to you, White Wolf, we Squids (Navy) and the Jarheads (Marines) used to call Air Force guys, "Bus Drivers", because of the uniforms. When I enlisted in, "The Suck" in 1973, the CNO was Admiral Elmo Zumwalt. He had been unexpectedly promoted to this position over at least 20 more qualified Admirals. I soon realized why. Traditionally the U.S. Navy was the whitest of all the branches of the Armed Forces. It was not at all unusual for a Navy training company of 65 or so recruits to be all Caucasian. Zumwalt derided what he called the, "Lilly White Navy" and insisted it be darkened. He was given an unlimited budget to set up Navy recruitment centers in black slums all across the U.S. with generous bonuses given to aggressive recruiters who enlisted the most blacks. The result was my Boot Camp company of around 65 guys had an astonishing 16 blacks in it. The further result was when I arrived at my first assignment at NAS Oceana, VA, I quickly learned that white men did not walk the base alone at night because of the likelihood of being "Rolled" by blacks. There were many interracial fights and the Brass always took the side of the blacks. This was ubiquitous throughout the entire U.S. military. One Vietnam Veteran quipped that is was safer to be in a combat zone than a U.S. base. When I was home on leave, my best friend joked, "Man, it looks like you just joined the ghetto." Was he ever right.

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Thank you, HereticDrummer, for some edumacation. And I can speculate that both the recruiters and recruits were probably paid handsomely for their respective roles. Moreover, those "black slums" were the result of a "reverse carpetbagging" operation where a black family was subsidized by a "blockbuster realtor" so they could afford a house in a "white neighborhood", usually an ethnic neighborhood in a bigger city. It was sort of an investment, because the neighbors would then cry "there goes the neighborhood", and sell their houses below market value. Then the Federal Government would give subsidized loans so the blacks could by the houses at prices inflated by the realtor. "Equal Opportunity Housing" they called it. What a crock. And then to top it all off, the slum lords would by houses and renovate them into apartments they could pack four families into. And of course the population outpaced the jobs- especially as the factories moved to the suburbs. And so the inner cities became little more than war zones. I will never forget my elevated train ride across Philly in the 1970's. It looked like bombed-out Berlin after WW2. But the showcase example was Harlem, New York, which had neighborhoods so bad in the 1970's the cops avoided the area and the druglords had turf shootouts.

And then came the Feds and HUD. "Look at how we solve problems" they said as apartment skyscrapers rose upon the ruins and the contractors ran up the bids to nosebleed levels. (That was how Donald Trump got his start.)

Just goes to show you what happens when you take people and put them in a desolate dead-end scenario, as they did with the blacks in the 1960's. They bred the malcontents that populated your navy bases. There went the neighborhood, and there went the aircraft carriers and heavy cruisers.

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Elmo Zumwalt was a member of the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), along with Navy secretaries Chafee and Warner, and SecDefs Laird and Schlesinger.

Today, Biden is promoting CFR members Lisa Franchetti as CNO and Charles Q. Brown as chair of JCS: wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Franchetti wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Q._Brown_Jr.

Other CFR members on the "Biden team" include SecState Blinken, SecDef Austin, the secretaries of the Army, Navy and Air Force, and dozens more.

The CFR network is the "invisible government" which has controlled the US govt and the media since WW2. See charts: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

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That explains why he was leapfrogged over so many admirals who were much more competent and made CNO. The CFR, along with the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, etc. ad nauseum are all institutions formulated by the super rich to create and dictate foreign and domestic policies. The elected officials are just their disposable mouthpieces, owned by them, like you or I would own a cat, dog, or horse.

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Hereticdrummer: your mention of Zumwalt triggered my memory of my father (who at the time was assigned to the Joint Chiefs of Staff) complaining about the constant flow of what were then called ‘Z-grams’ coming from Zumwalt - which were always pushing the proto-PC agenda. As far as basic training is concerned, by the time I went through OCS in 1983, despite the lowering of standards, many of the female candidates had trouble completing the training, despite being allowed continual ‘re-tries’ !

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I remember the "Z-grams" well, Ursino. The Lifers constantly railed against them. Zumwalt also ordered the grooming standards to be less restrictive, including permitting full beards. In practice, they were much less restrictive for blacks who grew huge Afros while most whites still got their balls busted if their hair got too long or unkempt. It was under Zumwalt's watch that blacks mutinied on either the USS Oriskany or the USS Saratoga, both aircraft carriers and both long since decommissioned. They seized a section of the ship and any white sailor going there was grabbed, beaten, and made prisoner. They refused to surrender unless a long list of outrageous demands were met. In the old Navy, such an action would have had Marines storming them with guns blazing. That is why a contingent of Marines was always aboard a naval vessel, to maintain order. But under Zumwalt's pussy, commie Navy, the brass just kept pleading with them until they finally gave up. I don't know if any of their demands were met, whatever they were, but incredibly there were no Court Martials and some of them were just reassigned to land bases while others were let out with Honorable Discharges! The Navy refused to even call it what it was, a mutiny, instead just terming it, "an incident" for the official record. A friend of mine in the Marine Corps and a Vietnam Veteran could not believe it. I quote him: "The Service is getting far too relaxed. Those fucking niggers took over a Navy war ship and weren't even executed?!" He was far from the only one who thought that way. I think Zumwalt was a Sleeper Agent for the Reds as of course were his handlers at the Pentagon. Well before that time, their penetration was ubiquitous.

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Ah yes I remember that ‘incident’ now, and all the newly sprung Afros and beards I used to see at the Navy Yard in the ‘70s. Sadly in my experience, the officer corps are now only interested in hanging in there long enough to ‘retire’ and jump into a lucrative military industrial complex ‘job’ around the Beltway preferably. The costs of alimony (many are divorced at least once) plus maintaining the latest wife in the style to which she demands, and tuition for Janey and Johnny cannot be met by a retirement check alone. I can think of only one of my peers (including myself of course) who did not follow that path after leaving the service. I think that partially (at least) explains the bending over for the clot shots, and trannification of the military without even a whimper by 95% of the officer class.

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Nothing would surprise me anymore...even Martha Washington being a man. Albert Pike called Freemasonry: "Kabbalah for gentiles". As anyone who has looked into the Kabbalah knows, its full of non-binary stuff and creating your reality with your thoughts (utterly ridiculous, but hey, you can become a cat if you want it bad enough...and your school may even provide you with a litter box). So probably some of the Founding Fathers into Freemasonry, were also into transgenderism.

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Yep...I had a 20, and then a 21-year-old boyfriend when I was 16. It's called Gay/Trans Privilege, Donald...right up there with Jew Privilege and Black Privilege. You have an excellent memory for past news stories. Do you remember the John and Greta Rideout case in 1978? Oregon, as usual leading the way towards Insanity. Oregon made it legal in 1977 for a wife to charge a husband with rape. I remember my best friend's dad (a very common sense guy), saying the whole thing was a bid for publicity. I didn't realize how correct he was, at that time.

I love Maurice Chevalier. He did a bang-up job playing a priest in Jessica (1962). Watching classic films is my way of temporarily escaping the madness. The visuals are wonderful. The actors are actually attractive...I especially love the wonderful, colorful dresses of the fifties. Do you remember a Renault commercial (1976) where an animated frog in a boater hat (obviously a characterization of Chevalier) sang: Thank Heaven For Liitle Cars? At that time I didn't know "frog" was a derogatory term for a Frenchman. What were they thinking? I tried to find it on Youtube, with no luck.

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I remember that commercial well. Like you, I find solace in old films, which bring back memories of a saner and happier America 1.0. Thanks, Kris!

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Way back into the 70s when I was around 24, I had a girlfriend who turned 17 not long after we started dating. I was was a gentleman and respected and appreciated her company very much, and did not ply her for sex. She was far more mature than her married, 20 something older sister who was always hitting on me in front of everyone, including her poor husband.

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Good article. I'm so fed up with government getting involved in sex. At the California Insider website there is a recent video of a lawyer who describes how transgenderism is taught in the California government schools. It's a crime. The lawyer believes that, "Each of these kids is worth a million dollars to the medical industry."

First it was the 58 injections kids get from Big Pharma. Now it will be the expensive operations and all the drugs and follow up care to make kids a different sex from their biological sex.

I was 18 my girlfriend was almost 18. Her dad tried to blackmail my dad.

The government should get out of the bedrooms and schools.

Kidnapping children for the sex trade is a completely different matter.

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Thanks, Timmy!

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Head spinning article and deeply disturbing, Don. The Talmud cites 8 different genders. We are ruled by a group of people who do not have the same idea of gender as do christian societies. They also have entirely different views of sexuality. We have to be honest about this fact. I agree that the idea is depopulation but it's also total de-Christianization. Welcome to hell.

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As a Christian I don't believe God will let this go on forever.

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Much of the misuse of the term "pedophile" is to cement in the minds of media consumers the idea that the difference between a pedophile and a pederast is merely semantic. No offense intended, Don, but listing all the differing degrees of old/young attraction is confusing to me. I won't be trying to get a handle on all the different terms. The two that concern me most are "pederast" which historically was used to describe an adult male who wants to have sex with a male child or youth, and "pedophile" which describes someone who doesn't discriminate between the sexes of children . Pederasty has long been prevalent among ruling class men, and has always been publicly decried and privately condoned.

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I should have included pederast in there, Ed. Especially since they are clearly stressing the man- boy sexuality. Thanks.

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No matter how many "phile" extension names they bestow on evil molesters of children...these evildoers need to be locked up...preferably after they have been relieved of their cock and balls. (Dogs get "fixed" when they haven't even done anything wrong)! I think it"s a necessary step to "lobotomize" all the "philes"...and perhaps then they could be reintroduced into NORMAL society. Or, just eut!hanize them and be done, courtesy of big government and big pharma. No prob...

As always, Donald, thanks for all your research and information

Sorry to be a Debbie downer on this subject, but how much more are we supposed to "swallow or bury"??? We are fast approaching that moment when people will get riled up enough to MAKE A STAND!



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We certainly have passed many tipping points, FLSherri. Thanks!

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Back in the eighties and nineties They were blurring the line between married and single. It used to be assumed that (for women) you were married or an "old maid."

Now they're blurring the adult between male and female. Adult and child.

They want us all to be androgynous adolescents--unmarried and unchaste.

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Once the last adult has absconded and allowed moral certitude to transmogrify into moral turpitude, the lord of flies will feast on the remains....

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Jeffrey Epstein is as dead as Kenneth Lay was after he was dead.

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Is Kenneth Lay alive? Because I think Epstein was secreted out of the freight elevator and put on a G-5 to some safe house far away where a team of plastic surgeons were enroute.

If they can whack JFK and RFK and pull off the inside job of 911, getting Epstein out of 'Dodge', covering it up and setting up his life of luxury in retirement, well relatively, that would be child's play.

Taking care of and protecting Epstein, demonstrates to other high value operatives that the intelligence organization is loyal and takes care of their dedicated assets. It sends the message, 'Don't flinch, don't flip, don't worry, we have your back and will take care of you'.

Even that circus with forensic pathologist expert Michael Boden and Epstein's brother claiming he was murderd is all part of the cover to make everyone think he was murdered. They had to use that scheme to put in the public's mind that he was dead, either by murder or by suicide. It's all theater. Who was at the autopsy? Who conducted the autopsy? The same type of gov't assets that did JFKs autopsy.

We know Michael Boden was a paid expert testifying on behalf of the highest bidder in the OJ trial. He used his wizardry to help a guilty double murderer go free. His word speaks for itself. Expert testimony usually is for sale to the highest bidder, especially those from the medical profession. Who is a more omnipotent bidder than the Deep State and or Mossad intelligencia with the most muscle and the deeoest pockets and the most effective means of persuasion.

Epstein was probably toasting to a glass of Manischewitz sherry as they were having press conferences discussing the snapping of the hyoid bone. And everyone is thinking, 'No way he is alive, even his brother and this paid medical expert say he was murdered'.

Ah yes, how easy it is to fool the public. It isn't hard to fool 90% of the people and that is all they need.

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I happened to be on Reddit on the morning Epstein died (which is quite astonishing as I hardly ever frequent it) and there was a report from inside the prison that Epstein had been sprung. This was before we'd heard anything about him dying (and I presume before his "time of death"). What sealed it for me was Ghislaine writing an Amazon review of a spy book she had been reading when snapped at the In and Out - looking pretty damn good, I'd say.

What a "spy" thing to do! Seriously, what on Earth would be the purpose of her writing a review on Amazon if not to create an impression - in this instance of Epstein having died; as well as being able to whitewash all the bastard CIA agents who've been selling our countries down the river for 7 or 8 decades as brave heroes. This obvious horseshit wouldn't be swallowed by imbeciles and it's hard to present a case that the CIA's noble and magnificent employees are misunderstood victims of unthinking prejudice (that needs to be corrected on Amazon.com).

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Where is Lola when we need her/him/it?

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"Lola" should be the new national anthem. Thanks.

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There are several songs by them that could serve as such.

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"Out of the Wardrobe." Ray Davies was seemingly into that. Thanks.

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Take a Walk on the Wild Side.

I hate it that I love that song. It was years and years before I had any idea what it was about.

Lola I got the first time...

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So what was Lola?

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A song by the Kinks about a transvestite.

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This article as some very clear-cut new ways of looking at this perverted area of society, with clarity and sanity.

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I always tackle things from a Biblical and Historical perspective. According to Tradition, the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the time of the Annunciation, was 14 years old. I guess that makes St Joseph a hebephile, and we can only thank God the Romans and the Sanhedrin did not have clinical psychologists trying to make the world a better place.

At any rate, having worked in pro-life politics in the past, I know that in many states, a minor child needs parental permission to get ears pierced or a tattoo- but an abortion, a procedure that often has complication like internal bleeding and sepsis- uh oh, comment pulled for "medical misinformation.... at any rate, a 9-year-old can get an abortion- taxpayer funded- no problem.

I would bet that if the world is still around 200 years from now, and the archives of the preposterous laws of these "united" states are archived in some huge building occupying half a square mile, historians will wonder how lawyers could even ply their trade.

But get cracking on Hidden History: American Memory Hole. I want to see that puppy by Christmas. Before the Biden Show pulls the plug.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!!

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Great points, White Wolf. Not only the Virgin Mary, but many brides continued to be around that age well into the twentieth century. Remember the running gag on "The Beverly Hillbillies," where Granny was concerned that sixteen year old Elly Mae was becoming "an old maid?" The next Hidden History probably won't be out until their Spring schedule next year. Btw, enjoyed watching your appearance with AT on The Tiger's Den. Thanks!

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Yes, I do recall the HillBillies. Not too many grannies around anymore. But it is the same old story. WHERE are the pastors. Meanwhile, all these men are communists. I was listening to a radio show this morning where apparently in Texas they are having the Great Water Break Debate. The host recommended calling OSHA if your workplace does not give you water breaks. And oh, right, government will solve a problem. (That would be a first since 1776.)

A few days ago, my brother was remonstrating with me for not wanting to be a part of "modern culture". Darn tutin'. If I was at a local pub, the queers would have me locked up within 30 minutes for using the wrong pronouns, if the Rabbis didn't get to me first for questioning the numbers at Dachau, or was it Auschwitz? The narrative keeps changing and I can't keep up.

Nah, my ESG, or social credit score might be lower than Joe Biden's IQ, but I will enjoy trying to survive and posting to Substack until the chemtrails get the best of me and my carcass is gnawed by the howlers until all that is left are some bleached bones scattered across the desert.

But I will look forward to History. I will even write a preface if that will help.

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So I'd like to expand your awareness of alleged activities that took place on Epstein Island. Lot of rumors that Hillary C partook in child sacrifice in one of the basement rooms, perhaps including adrenochrome. As part of that, a blurry pic of someone circulated where it was said to be Hillary. Deep rabbit hole on the island, much deeper than hit teen prostitutes with elites.

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I've heard that, James. There are rumors that there is perhaps a video (maybe just audio) of this on Anthony Weiner's laptop. Thanks.

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When you brought up the workplace I think you pointed out one of the root causes of this phenomenon Don. When large corporations started hiring psychology majors to achieve a model of behavior for their employees this stuff started creeping in. Post WW2 when the corporation made its way into every household.

Being genderless, sexless globs of frightened goo make us excellent serfs for the Global Corporatist Oligarchy.

Coffee is for closers but sexual procreation is only for profit producers and the servant class. Great stuff Don!

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Great point, Six! Thanks!

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