The word “pedophile” is thrown around almost as cavalierly now as “racist” is. Not by the same people, of course. Pedophiles are welcome in high places. They always have been. The term is also often used inappropriately, to describe both adults fantasizing about raping toddlers, and adults ogling teenagers in bikinis.
Jeffrey Epstein is probably the most well known “pedophile” who isn’t/wasn’t actually one. The girls he trafficked seem to have been exclusively teenagers. A pedophile is someone attracted to a prepubescent child. Those with a sexual preference for youngsters aged roughly from 11 to 14 are clinically called hebephiles. Ephebophiles like 15 to 16 year olds, and teleiophiles are attracted to those 17 or older. In other words, perfectly normal, except for the 17 year olds. There are even really perverted souls called gerontophiles, or those sexually attracted to the elderly. Thankfully, there doesn’t seem to be much of a market for sexually trafficked oldsters, and whatever adrenochrome they have left is probably too weak to benefit the elitists.
Now, this isn’t to minimize Epstein’s evil. He is/was a monster (many think he’s still alive), as is anyone who engages in sexual trafficking, regardless how old the victims are, but especially if they are children. And so are all those famous people on his Lolita Express list, who could not even be named at Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial, let alone prosecuted. But he isn’t/wasn’t a pedophile, nor were any of his celebrated customers. At least while on his Lolita Island. They may have been pedophiles at other times, in other places. Armed robbers aren’t nice people. But if they don’t kill anyone, they shouldn’t be called murderers. I just like to maintain accuracy.
Speaking of Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov wrote a celebrated novel by that name, about an underage girl who was obsessed by a middle-age man. James Mason starred in the hit film based on it. Now, I guess it might be considered child pornography. Both Charlie Chaplin and Errol Flynn, among other celebrities, “liked them young,” in the parlance of the time. It is not known what Nabokov, or Chaplin, or Flynn, thought of transgenders. Mainly because they didn’t exist, seeing as how the world, flawed as it was, hadn’t yet deteriorated into a giant mental asylum. The country was still young, and yet to learn about misgendering or nonbinaries.
The reason all this is especially relevant now, in my view, is the transgender lunacy, which has taken this collapsing country by storm. We’ll get to it shortly. But the preoccupation with pedophilia, rightly or wrongly identified, probably began sometime in the 1980s, when parents started being hounded by Child Protective Services for taking pictures of their four year old naked in the bathtub. This was only a few years after twelve year old Brooke Shields appeared fully naked in the film Pretty Baby, directed by Candace Bergen’s (Murphy Brown) husband Louis Malle, which was critically acclaimed at the Cannes Film Festival.
In the mid to late 1970s, Shields and other barely pubescent actresses became genuine sex symbols. Jodie Foster’s character in Taxi Driver, we are supposed to believe, inspired John Hinckley to shoot President Ronald Reagan. Only in America, as the great two time murderer turned One Percenter boxing promoter Don King would say. I’ll have more on that Foster-Hinckley relationship in Hidden History: American Memory Hole, which will be published next year. There was even a movie called Little Darlings, which revolved around the attraction of a bunch of 15-16 year old girls. I guess there were a lot of ephebophiles in those days.
Long before Foster, Shields, Tatum O’Neill, and others were sexualized as young teenagers, there was the song Thank Heaven for Little Girls, which is pretty much the only thing Maurice Chevalier is remembered for. By the 1990s, it would impossible to sing or play that song for innocent reasons. Pretty Baby meanwhile, went from acclaimed masterpiece to child pornography in very short order. How many hit songs in the rock and roll era sang the praises of sixteen year old girls? Sixteen Candles. Happy Birthday, Sweet Sixteen. You’re Sixteen. Sweet Little Sixteen. Only Sixteen. The Beatles song I Saw Her Standing There, starts out with the line “Well, she was just seventeen, you know what I mean.” In other words, she was just illegal, but the public didn’t seem to care.
Even a century earlier, the Victorian men were paying a premium for the shockingly common child prostitutes in London’s poverty-stricken East End. So this predilection for sex with children goes back a long way. The upstanding Victorian Johns must have really been sexually attracted to little girls, because they cost the most. It is doubtful that they knew about Adrenochrome in that era, at least outside of the highest levels of society. I suppose they returned to their proper English homes afterwards, without a hint of guilt, much as priests are prompt for the next Mass after having their way with the altar boys.
When I was in high school, lots of junior and senior girls had adult boyfriends as old as 25. Few people frowned upon this, although again by the 1990s, that would be considered statutory rape. There are males still sitting in prison, convicted of statutory rape, for having sex with their sixteen year old girlfriend when they were eighteen. Seems like the most biologically natural impulse imaginable, but technically it violated the law of consent. They shouldn’t have listened to all those “Sweet Sixteen” songs, I guess. Wouldn’t it be normal for an eighteen year old to be a ephebophile? Who else should he be attracted to if not slightly younger teenage girls?
Oddly, while this new strain of selective puritanism swept the land in the 1980s and 1990s, the organization NAMBLA remained largely untouched by public criticism. Just how is an outfit called the North American Man-Boy Love Association allowed to legally exist anyway? As always, I look at the contrasts; and I see an unknown number of men behind bars who had sex with girls a few years (or even less than a year) younger than them, while a group advocating sex between much older adult males, and minor boys of varying ages, can freely meet and promote without the law being interested. Would a Man-Girl Love Association be just as accepted by society?
So now let’s turn to transgenderism, which is the reason behind this article. Most of us have no objection to those who want to engage in sexual fetishes in their private lives. Transvestites have been around for a long time. Lots of other fantasies are relatively harmless. But the transgender movement is focused on the schools, and thus the children. I don’t think the S & M enthusiasts would be invited in costume to elementary schools. Trans “activists” seem to care little about the pronouns of soccer moms and basketball dads. It’s the very young kids- think preschoolers- that they’re interested in. They want to question them about their pronouns, and “help” them sort out their “gender.” Drag queens aren’t lobbying to go read books at nursing homes.
So let’s picture an irresponsible dad taking his nine year old son to a bar that features genuine, biological females stripping. Well, first of all, the kid wouldn’t be allowed in. You have to be eighteen (maybe it’s twenty one now, it’s been a long time) to frequent such establishments. But not if you’re a deranged mother who takes her nine year old (or even younger) “trans” boy to a bar featuring male strippers pretending to be women. The jury is out on what the reaction would be if a mother took her little girl, who had no “gender dysphoria,” to a bar with biological male strippers. My guess is it would be frowned upon, because it isn’t necessary to “groom” a child to be heterosexual. At any rate, I’ve never heard of any such examples.
There are now “celebrities” like eleven year old Desmond, a little boy who has been permitted to dance like a stripper in gay bars by his certifiably insane mother, who called the tepid criticism of her- none of it coming anywhere from officialdom- “blatant homophobia.” This very confused child has an “international following.” Now picture an eleven year biological girl- with not a hint of “trans” about her, dancing like a stripper in non-gay bars. Do you think the reaction would be different? Video of adult gay males throwing bills at Desmond can be found. If adult heterosexual males were throwing bills at an eleven year old biological female, what would they be called? Wouldn’t they probably be arrested? But then again, no club would permit a little girl to come inside their establishment, let alone dance for the patrons.
The point should be obvious, but it seems to have been missed by most of those still sane enough to oppose the transgender madness. This is a satanic movement to reduce the population by making procreation far less likely. And they’re targeting primarily little boys, through the same kinds of unbalanced mothers that buy the rest of the “Woke” program. I could be wrong, but adult lesbians don’t seem quite as anxious about “grooming” little girls as gay males do. From my reading on the subject, the most common situation is a TikTok-style mother deciding that her little boy is actually a girl. The girls transitioning to boys seem to be largely young teens, who have absorbed the nonstop social engineering message, with or without insane moms.
I remember watching the show TMZ (don’t ask me why) circa 2010, and they had a story about Miley Cyrus, who was filmed on a beach in a bikini, just short of her eighteenth birthday. The ridiculous young talking heads on the program were careful to warn the audience, and each other, not to ogle Miley, as she was “still underage.” Call me a teleoiphile, but looking at a pretty seventeen year old in a bikini seems pretty normal. And you can bet that if that had been Desmond, or some other transgender girl, strutting his/her stuff on the beach, that the males ogling him/her would not have been called “perverts.” Or even teleoiphiles.
All of this stuff is intricately entwined. Pedophilia- even when it is hebephilia- is still largely condemned (and certainly illegal) if no transgenderism is attached to it. If transgenderism is attached to it, it won’t be called pedophilia, and won’t be considered wrong. At some point, it will probably be perfectly legal for an adult gay male to have an eight year old “girlfriend” who is actually a boy. Transgenderism is driven by the male homosexual community; again, I can’t really find examples of adult lesbians looking for an eight year old “boyfriend” who is really a girl. But the boy victims can’t claim that status even in this culture of victimization, any more than a paper boy raped by atheists could. Some victims are more equal than others.
So, it basically comes down to sexual contact between adults and children of the opposite sex, even those on the cusp of adulthood, largely being as forbidden as ever. The transgender movement hasn’t impacted that one bit. Is this because teenagers can get pregnant, or get an adult woman pregnant? Recall that Mary Kay Letourneau (a textbook example of a real pedophile, as well as a real mentally ill individual) was impregnated by her grade school Samoan lover. Transgenderism is, in essence, waging a war against heterosexuality. When conservatives say they are trying to “legitimize” pedophilia, they don’t understand that the agenda is to normalize homosexuality with children, dressed up in transgender costuming.
If a man gets too aggressive about pushing sex on his wife, he can be charged with rape. But if you’re a migrant, and rape a ten year old boy at a swimming pool, you can attribute your despicable act to a “sexual emergency.” This actually happened in Austria a few years ago. At least I think- they may have made it up, like they do so many other stories. But assuming it really happened, the Iraqi migrant actually had his conviction overturned by an Austrian court because “the court could not prove the child had said no.” That’s a very America 2.0-like decision. I wonder if those husbands convicted of raping their wives can use this excuse. Prior to the 1970s, the concept of marital rape was unthinkable everywhere. Perhaps they can just say they “identify” as migrants. Or transgenders. That should be a winning defense.
Because toxic feminism still holds sway in our society, managing an uneasy alliance with the transgenderism that makes it irrelevant, men can still get into trouble for asking women out on dates. Especially in workplaces, if the “wrong” guy asks the “wrong” female out for coffee, he can be charged with “harassment,” perhaps even “sexual harassment,” and at best find himself attending “sensitivity” classes. At worst, he can be fired. “Cancelled” for attempting to do something that males have done since time immemorial. Think about that; some “Woke” female co-worker can claim (and false claims have obviously been made) that a male peer was approaching her “inappropriately.” I don’t think I would have had any dates at all if this mindset had existed back in my far distant youth.
This also ties in to the whole “incel” phenomenon. Incels, or involuntarily celibate males (if there are involuntarily celibate females, they have remained in the shadows), are being increasingly blasted by the women who won’t have sex with them. Unhinged “Woke” actress Brie Larson openly labels her critics as “incels who hate strong women.” There is absolutely no sympathy or understanding for these poor souls, who are so intimidated by the average strident female that they have literally given up on them, and “gone their own way.” Considering our victimhood culture, they certainly seem like genuine victims. Nope, they are just “losers,” and are routinely painted as villains for their anger at the opposite sex that keeps rejecting them.
Is there anything sadder than the whole MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) movement? One sex so frustrated that they are abandoning the most basic human instinct? What exactly are incels supposed to do? Happily endure constant rejection and insults? Become involuntarily gay? Maybe they’ll eventually hook up with the more feminine looking trans women. Or the increasingly realistic sex robots, which many women are already objecting to. Btw, I wonder if there is a such a thing as a transgender incel? Or even a gay incel? Incels, like transgenderism, ensure fewer human births. Which is exactly what our eugenicist leaders want.
What our corrupt and crumbling society is saying, with its inconsistent messaging and actions, is that a male asking a female co-worker out socially can result in the male losing his job. And someone-male or female- can also be fired for using “improper” pronouns for a transgender co-worker. So can a teacher, for a transgender student. But teachers aren’t fired, as I detailed thoroughly in my book Bullyocracy, for relentlessly bullying students. It’s an “education” thing, you wouldn’t understand. And little boys, at least (not sure about little girls), are now considered sexual creatures, if they “identify” as girls. Maybe they’ll change the law of consent to nonexistent for “transgender” youth.
So in America 2.0, you’re free to interact with any transgender child. Throw twenty dollar bills at them stripping in clubs where they’re supposed to be too young to attend. But still charge minors with “child porn” if teenagers “sext” naked pictures of themselves to other teens. Minors are supposed to be victims, but somehow not in those cases. I doubt if any trans youth would be charged with “child porn,” if they “sexted” pictures of whatever it is they have going on in their formerly private areas. Transgenderism contradicts all laws regarding the age of consent. How can a young child decide which gender they really are, but not consent to sex, or even to viewing naked pictures of other minors? They can change their sex, but not have sex?
In my book Survival of the Richest, I described several instances of celebrities- especially rock stars- openly having relationships with underage girls. That’s always been acceptable in our culture. The rich and famous can do things that result in lengthy prison sentences for the common riffraff. Pete Townsend of the Who was caught with a bunch of child porn on his computer. His excuse was he was performing “research” on the subject. Kind of a “sexual emergency” in and of itself, I guess. Anyway, it worked. Pee Wee Herman’s child porn was accepted as part of his “art collection.” Just like the obscene pictures hanging on the walls of Tony Podesta’s mansion. It bears repeating; the rich are different from you and me.
During the height of pre-transgender depravity, in the late 1970s, the always responsible Cher was regularly escorting then eight year old Drew Barrymore to Studio 54. Just like a trans child now, Drew was welcomed with open arms at the wildly popular nightspot, unlike mere mortal children. Drew was smoking regularly, and doing cocaine. Not to mention getting drunk at Studio 54. I think it would have been a miracle if she’d somehow managed to avoid having regular sex there, too. But Cher and Drew were “besties,” and that’s what “besties” do. It hardly surprised anyone when Cher’s troubled daughter Chastity became one of the first high-profile transgenders. He is now known as Chaz. Who saw that coming?
This is a sensitive subject. Children should not be used for sexual purposes. Not even if you’re a famous celebrity, or if they are a confused child with a mother who is a lunatic. I don’t mean to make light of it, or suggest that adult males should be propositioning teenage girls. But I think I’ve highlighted all the double standards, and wild inconsistencies, that inevitably resulted from the shotgun marriage of feminism and transgenderism. It shouldn’t be criminal to put your arm around a child, or engage them in light conversation. There must be some adults out there that are still attracted to and interested in children without wanting to seduce them.
In the meantime, just don’t whistle Thank Heaven for Little Girls in public. Not sure about You’re Sixteen, but probably best be safe. Definitely don’t wolf whistle at any female, and be careful about paying compliments. Unlike rational people, toxic females are “offended” by praise. Maybe transgenders feel differently. Certainly don’t look at the attractive teenagers. Unless they’re transgender, and you’re gay. Don’t “misgender” anyone, or stare too long at a photo of a former girl posing with her nutty mother and criminal doctor, showing off the Frankenstein scars on her chest. It’s a transgender world, and boys will be girls. Formerly healthy behavior is abnormal. Sheer insanity is not only celebrated, but the bedrock of America 2.0 society.
Most recently, I have been volunteering at the front desk of a county nature park center and could not help but notice the number of young (twenty or thirty-something) White men with Asian or non-English speaking brown wives/girlfriends, along with their infants and/or toddlers in tow. I imagine the men of today who want families, find kinder, gentler women coming here from other countries. Like the tamping down of procreation through the mind-numbing pervasive perversion in US culture, this outcome, still does well, since ridding the land of Caucasians is a top priority.
I'm sorry to have to point this out but 17 has never been below the age of consent in the United Kingdom. So that's not what the Beatles are alluding to. Our age of consent has pretty much always been 16 - I think since the Middle Ages, when it was around 10 or 12. And, in general, Europe's age of consent has been that age or below - if they have an age of consent at all. (France, for instance, doesn't, though a case can be brought by the parents or guardian if the relationsip is "exploitative".)
I'm afraid it's just the Americans who are this prudish. And the idea of waiting until 21 would rightly be seen as positively repressive by almost any other culture. (And not being allowed to drink until that age, equally infantilising.) So please don't accuse our Liverpool lads of giving a knowing wink to underage sex. That's not what they were doing.