Aye Donald! To wit though, men had all the power precisely because we do, have all the power. 97% of all historical innovation and invention still in current practice, was created by white men. 99.9999% by men, when adding in East Asians and Indo-Aryans.
Kiran's insecurity aside, it is precisely the strengths of women, that make them poor…
Aye Donald! To wit though, men had all the power precisely because we do, have all the power. 97% of all historical innovation and invention still in current practice, was created by white men. 99.9999% by men, when adding in East Asians and Indo-Aryans.
Kiran's insecurity aside, it is precisely the strengths of women, that make them poor leaders. Lacking both munificence, and vision. They can watch all the Wonder Woman, "you go girlll" nonsense our Kosher Media feeds them, but women have evolved over the millennia to rule over one thing, children. As a benevolent, strong, white man, I find that beautiful, and worthy of respect, and protection.
Modernity, like Wakanda, always reverts to the mean!
Aye Donald! To wit though, men had all the power precisely because we do, have all the power. 97% of all historical innovation and invention still in current practice, was created by white men. 99.9999% by men, when adding in East Asians and Indo-Aryans.
Kiran's insecurity aside, it is precisely the strengths of women, that make them poor leaders. Lacking both munificence, and vision. They can watch all the Wonder Woman, "you go girlll" nonsense our Kosher Media feeds them, but women have evolved over the millennia to rule over one thing, children. As a benevolent, strong, white man, I find that beautiful, and worthy of respect, and protection.
Modernity, like Wakanda, always reverts to the mean!