Dear Donald, my opinion about war is that beside it's profitable for governments ,that's why they create them. I blame men,yes, I'm talking about masculine gender. Men like to go to war ," The Band of Brothers ". Since thousands of years ago,we see men going to war and loving it. Loving to kill other people so called " enemies ", feeling like " heroes", feeling they are the brave ones etcetc. We women don't like to go to war, we don't like death we are life creators. I'm sorry if men feel offended because my opinion,but it's the truth. There are some women who went and go to war,but very,very few. I wonder why men are so stupid to abandon everything, country,family,girlfriends ,and decide to go to fight and very probably get killed.

When you study history and see the same pattern from middle ages and much earlier,men going toward over and over again,pretending they are doing something useful.

I remember general Patton asked a war reporter why he was going to war,and the reporter answer was " I want to know why men kill each other's ",when he came back Patton asked him " did you found out why " and his answer was " yes,men kill just for the sake of killing ".

So I just wonder when men are going to open their minds and realize,that it's not a manly thing to go war, it's an extremely stupid thing. And from here I call men to say NO to war,and spend their life's enjoying Nature,family, sports or making love. The hippies were right " Make Love Not War ". I'm not talking of having sex I'm talking about really making love and also loving Life not death.

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Well, I can't argue with you, Kiran. I suspect our corrupt rulers have always taken advantage of male testosterone. But testosterone levels are plummeting. Maybe the only good that will come out of that will be a new lack of enthusiasm for war among those who must always do the fighting. Thanks!

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That’s why they have taken the war on life givers aka women, and their testament to a loving higher power, to war - against female impersonators and deniers. It’s a hate campaign disguised as protecting gender rights. The stupid and easily deceived will fall for the trickery. Against the proper and needed care of their offspring.

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Yes, they have done all they could to kill the maternal instinct and all the other traditional feminine qualities which men have fought and died to defend throughout history. Thanks, Laurie!

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I can argue...

What a bunch of nonsense. Women are inherently as vicious, mean and nasty as men, and just as easily manipulated.

Here's a list, off the top of my head, of women who have actively worked and are actively working AGAINST peace and liberty. Deep-staters all (and some even get a dual-citizenship bonus!)

Samantha Power

Hillary Clinton

Victoria Nuland

Susan Rice

Madeleine Albright​

Janet Reno

Loretta Lynch

Kathy Hochul

Gretchen Whitmer

Katie Hobbs

Angela Merkel

Jacinda Ardern

Christine Lagarde

Janet Yellen

Next OP will be telling us how women earn 77% of what men earn. Or maybe the one where we only have 11 million illegals in the USA. 2 weeks to stop the spread. Wear your mask. hahahaha Nothing like regurgitating obsolete "facts" to make a point.

Give us a break, willya?

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Wow. Please read my work. I have certainly never been accused of being soft on women. I've been a severe critic of toxic feminism. Kiran's point was to emphasize, I think, the traditional feminine qualities, which are admittedly in short supply today. Yes, all the female leaders love war as much as their male peers do. My point was to hypothetically agree that traditional females would be less likely to want to go to war. At this point, that is certainly a pipedream, given the state of men and women (and "transgenders") in America 2.0.

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Sorry, my response was to her, but I replied to you to keep the thread from splitting, my mistake.

I just re-read her comment, and I still don't agree with your interpretation, at all.

"I blame men, yes," and "We women don't like to go to war". Huh? Those are cut and dried statements and they're tripe, otherwise there is no need for "I'm sorry if men feel offended". Is there?

As an aside, most of the women on my list are childless. Does that matter? There's no proof that having children makes a difference in a war-mongering woman's attitude. Women give birth to boys, who raise them to then go to war to get killed. Women are just as culpable as men. If a woman wants to make a difference in attitudes, she had best start with her offspring, and then other women, and see how far she gets. Berating men as a whole, using worn out non-facts as basis for one's argument, gets us nowhere. But it makes the woman feel powerful in her weakness by "virtue" of being oppressed. It doesn't make any sense.

This whole Ukraine fiasco is being, to a very large degree, organized, financed and run by women. As long as women like Kiran can't or won't see it, and as long as TPTB are able to set men against women and women against men, no man or group of men will be able to change anything. Some of those men are rotting in solitary, right now, just for peacefully assembling. If you can't peacefully assemble, according to your legal right, then spare me the nonsense.

Maybe if we appeal to billionaire women, like Kim K, and Oprah, and Bezos' latest squeeze, and Beyonce', we can get something done? haha Have at it, women.

As you know Donald, we need a draft. That would stop this BS overnight. Instead, we don't vote on war, and most of it is contracted out, paid for by taxes we also have no say over, just like in the waning days of the Roman Empire.

The difference now is that women have much more power than they ever did back then...and yet...not a damn thing has changed. I guess women need even more power, to make up for the millennia of oppression. Once we cross that magic threshold, whatever it is, we'll have peace in our lifetime. In the meantime, history shows nothing will change because women get drunk on the power of being able to force others to do what they say, the same as any human. I see no difference between men or women in that regard, and the "if only women were in charge" fantasy is just that, a fantasy, and a grotesque one at that.

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Jack, Not only are jewish and black women overly represented in your highly accurate list, these "women" are nearly all as ugly as Adam Schiff's menacingly bulging eyes, when he is finally placed 33,000 leagues under the sea.

Christine Lagarde had a jewish father.

Hillary Clinton, paradoxically, was very sexy as a young Republican in her early teens, until her love affair with Alinsky intruded.

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It isn't "racist" to point out the disproportionate representation of Jews and Blacks, in media especially. Facts are facts. Thanks.

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Good point Kiran. While the poster below cherry picked the names of 14 power mad women, any one of us could easily come up with the names of hundreds if not thousands of evil, warmongering men. And while the actions and policies of the women he cites has surely led to the deaths of others, it is safe to say that it is almost always men who actually pull the trigger.

To Donald: Thanks for a fabulous essay on a subject so near and dear to many hearts. May we somehow prevail and Give Peace a Chance. ~~ j ~~

"If women ran things, there wouldn't be any war. Just really intense negotiations every 28 days."

~~ Robin Williams

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Thanks, J. Lee!

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Kiran, men have built EVERYTHING of value in this world as well, including the keyboard you type upon, and the packet switching network that makes Substack interactive.

My Father, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather, although misguided, went to war to defend us from the communists now firmly in control. They wanted their wives and children to live free lives, no matter how chimerical those wishes were.

While testosterone is a cruel master, without it you would live short, brutish lives, in dark cold caves, wondering how the hell to build HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning). We not only built all the comforts that you obliquely ignore in your misandrist post, we maintain them.

On a good note, the prosperity that men have brought you, at least in the weak West, is crumbling. We will see how well you live without us.

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I don't think Kiran was really bashing men. And to be fair, men had all the power for as far back as we can go in recorded history, so women didn't exactly have the opportunity to do all those bad and good things. I like to paraphrase Homer Simpson's great quote about beer, when he said it was "the cause of and the solution to all of life's problems." I think if you put "Whites" in place of "beer," that it fits pretty well. Thanks.

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Aye Donald! To wit though, men had all the power precisely because we do, have all the power. 97% of all historical innovation and invention still in current practice, was created by white men. 99.9999% by men, when adding in East Asians and Indo-Aryans.

Kiran's insecurity aside, it is precisely the strengths of women, that make them poor leaders. Lacking both munificence, and vision. They can watch all the Wonder Woman, "you go girlll" nonsense our Kosher Media feeds them, but women have evolved over the millennia to rule over one thing, children. As a benevolent, strong, white man, I find that beautiful, and worthy of respect, and protection.

Modernity, like Wakanda, always reverts to the mean!

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I find it more than interesting that despite all of the sabre rattling among the major powers, they lock arms and cooperate on terraforming the earth and destroying its life support systems with their evil climate engineering. They also cooperate on other issues dear to the monstrous hearts of the oligarchs such as the covid scamdemic hoax and eye scanning and bio-chip IDs for their respective herds. The Hidden Hand permeates everywhere. The only reason scumbags like Springsteen, Bono, and others of their ilk are propelled to the top of the entertainment matrix and endure as super rich celebrities year after year is that they parrot the System's nefarious agendas. One example among many; admission to their concerts was barred unless you can prove you were "vaccinated" (poisoned) for covid. (You couldn't pay me to see those assholes for any reason.) Gen. Smedley Butler, USMC, two time winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor, sagely said that to stop war: (1) Take the profit out of it. A five star general would earn as much as a buck private during a war. No person, private citizen or government employee at any level would be permitted to make any money supplying the needs of the military. Not a dollar. (2) Only those whose asses would be on the line, those who would do the killing and dying, decide if we go to war. How many of those swine in congress and the executive branch calling for Putin's head and the destruction of Russia do you think would be so vociferous in their exhortations if they had to fight the Russians themselves and it was their blood to be shed? Answer: Zero. What should always be remembered on Memorial Day is the payback coming to the deracinated ghouls who have repeatedly sent Americans to be slaughtered and maimed to fill their coffers under the charade of a sham jingoism. Most among these are members of a certain tribe whose motto is, "Never forgive, never forget." In this instance, I concur wholeheartedly. A very cogent article, Don, thanks.

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Astute post as usual, Hereticdrummer. You know I love Smedley Butler. Thanks! ,

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You're more than welcome, Don. When Smedley Butler retired from the Marine Corps, he was asked by the authorities in Philadelphia to be Commissioner of the police dept. Philadelphia's police had the reputation as being especially corrupt and criminal, even for a major American metropolitan police dept.. They wanted him to clean it up. Butler was a Quaker and straight as an arrow. He accepted but resigned after about two years or so saying the rot was so deep, eliminating it was impossible, even for an old warrior like him. He said it was more difficult than any battle he fought as a U.S. Marine. Just imagine Smedley attempting the same thing in any U.S. city today. He would throw in the towel after about a week.

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I tried to find out more about Butler's death, which came relatively early, but there are no details anywhere. Btw, even Huey Long's great-granddaughter, whom I have been communicating with since writing "Survival of the Richest," didn't know about the close relationship he shared with Butler. Huey named Smedley his Secretary of War in his prospective presidential candidate, which was published in his posthumous book "My First Days in the White House." Smedley said it was the greatest honor of his life. When they killed Huey, Smedley said he no longer had any interest in politics. Thanks.

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A great tragedy beyond measure. "The Kingfish" and "Old Gimlet Eye" would have altered the course of American history for the better immeasurably. Wikipedia says that Butler contracted a severe GI tract disease that was "probably" cancer when he died suddenly at the age of 58. I would not be at all surprised if he was "capped" by the Cryptocracy. These fine folk have a marked tendency to get rid of prominent people who they discern to be inconvenient.

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Yep. Butler would certainly have been someone they wanted to get rid of, Hereticdrummer. We know they killed Huey. Thanks!

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Thank you, Don. Be well.

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All wars are bankers wars. They create debt, and debt is slavery. There is no money in health and there is no money in peace. Popular anti-war people like John Lennon are eliminated before that narrative catches fire. Spreading democracy is murder for profit, but morons without a brain cell between them can only think in slogans like "Support Our Troops".

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Yep. Peace isn't profitable. Or popular with the public. Thanks.

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Excellent post...and don't forget Walt Disney, who stumped with Lucky Lindy against interventionism. Funny thing, his was the only studio commandeered by the government in WWII. He once said that Donald Duck in a tantrum described his feelings about being forced to make pro-war cartoons.

Walt's mistake was he never played hard ball with the Jews, even after they finagled him out of his first character, Oswald the rabbit. He took the path of placating them, and look where it got him. I think that is also the reason he joined the Masons...to make, he figured, the way forward easier. Being a decent midwestern guy, he just could not conceive of a group hell-bent on world domination. He managed to fight them off his entire life...but Roy Disney sold out after Walt's death. Now they besmirsch Walt's memory by calling him a pedophile, and Disney is a NWO horror show. That's what happens if you go-along-to-get-along. Some years back Rense posted a great piece entitled: Walt Disney's war against the Jews. It was still available online about a year ago...maybe it still is.

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Good points, Kris. Walt Disney is now regularly smeared as an anti-Semite. As you noted, the government commandeered his studio, and he made at least one overt propaganda cartoon, where Donald Duck was running around heil Hitlering a bunch of clocks with swastikas on them. Thanks!

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Thanks. Perhaps explains why Scrooge McDuck (a Zionist) berated Donald for spending his money instead of paying it as income tax to buy bombs and bullets.

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Hate to burst a bubble, Kris, but Walt Disney was just as woke as the next guy. His movies were humanist and communist to the core, from Snow White to the Apple Dumpling Gang. When Disney did touch on religion, it was tangential and superficial. Religion was for nice quiet old ladies on Sundays, but don't you dare bring religion into politics or day-to-day economics. No, you can't have Our Lord Jesus Christ, but you can have wizards and warlocks and witches with umbrellas and Gnomes and Flubber and creepy Yellow Submarines. Magic Kingdom? You ain't kiddin'.

In large part we can thank Disney (And Mother Georgine Washington and Sister Abby Lincoln- if you're Catholic) for American Exceptionalism. Disney canonized Danial Boone and Davy Crockett, turned the "Civil War" into a holy crusade, and was largely silent concerning the dark underbelly of Hellywood, which Don portrays so well in "On Borrowed Fame".

Meanwhile, evidence mounts that Disney himself was just another pederast of a feather with the mainline Hellywood crowd. And the current Disney "NWO Horror Show", as you put it, is the expected progeny of the legacy of Cinderella and our Fairy Godmothers.

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I am aware of this valid perspective on Disney, White Wolf. Some say there is a secret room at Disneyworld that seems to have sinister connotations. Thanks.

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Ah once again! Donald crafts the mirror of truth before our nation and the reflection is always staggering. I think it fitting to insert this line, taken from the end of the movie "Patton".

"a slave stood behind the conqueror, holding a golden crown and whispering into his ear a warning, that all glory, is fleeting"

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As always, you are too kind, my friend. Thanks!

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You know me. I don't make stuff up. I call it like I see it and I'm proud of you for calling it out the way you do!

Well done sir!

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The late author Jim Northrup put forth the idea for a rule about wars: No war should be allowed until the last veteran of the most recent war had died of old age. That might slow it down some, or it might even cause the love of war to subside.

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Yeah, that would work. There are still WWII survivors. Just imagine being at peace for almost eighty years. Thanks, Ed!

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To clarify, since all WWI soldiers are dead, WWII would be our oldest war with living veterans. So under your proposal, the Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, etc., would never have happened. Thanks.

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That was well said. Sad that these guys all got slaughtered for the international bankers. The Kazarian Jews call it a theater of war. They say they own the herd and they have to cull the herd once in a war. If you want to listen to a mind-boggling interview, go to Rumble and listen to Pastor James Wickstrom interview Abe Finkelstein, it pretty much lays out what the jews think of the Goy and how they control everything.

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"Died so we could be free",is the biggest propaganda lie invented.general Smedley Butler's epistle ought to be taught to counteract the govt lame war rhetoric.

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It should, but unfortunately probably less than 10% of Americans have ever even heard of Smedley Butler. Thanks.

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I should have offered a toast to General Smedley Butler when everyone was thanking

the veteran at our table yesterday for his service! It's kind of fun to see if anyone is paying attention.

I think it would be less than 1 out of a 100 know of him.

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Lol. You're probably right. Smedley Butler doesn't really fit in with Memorial Day. Thanks!

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And that is a shame. Americans are so programmed and uneducated.

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I suppose Memorial Day is a good a time as any to focus on wars and the war dead. But war is just the flame we see. What lies beneath rarely gets talked about. We’ve all been lied to about virtually everything. We do exist in a matrix and unless you can escape from it you die believing all the lies.

I rarely tell people I meet that I was in the military and if they do know or find out and thank me for my service, I usually say something like, “no need to thank me, I didn’t do it for you.” Or if they are below a certain age I tell them they weren’t even born when I “served.” Now that the military is woke and people’s feelings matter more than the mission, I’m doubtful we could even win a war. And if the entire military were transgender, I wouldn’t care that they lost. Just like all the other military/patriotic holidays that perpetuate the myth that all veterans, dead or alive, fought to keep us free, Memorial Day should remind us that those dead soldiers died in vain.

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I appreciate the inside perspective, Michael. Yes, that should be the takeaway- that all those young boys died in vain. We have been lied to about everything. Thanks.

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It's pretty apparent that there's no shortage of psychopaths, with each and every generation, that weasel their way into power, and never have to face a bullet.

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Good to see you here, SBT!

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Thanks for the history lesson...as usual, your unique point of view gives me much to think about (or re-think)

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Thanks, FLSherri!

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War is a very profitable way to solve problems that we are deceived into believing exist by the same people who created them to plump up their MICIMATT complex profits.

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Don, I believe we have some cosmic connection here, likely amongst many of the other followers as well.... On my way driving out of town this past Friday afternoon, I had the same thoughts as in yesterday's article running thru my head -- just how do we get behind a holiday glorifying what I've now come to realize was rather senseless slaughter?

And our family has some military background, at least on my wife's side --- my better half was in the Navy in the late 80's, her father was Army in Vietnam, her nephew was Army in Iraq, and two of our daughters severed, one Navy, one briefly in the Army (had injury early on in training which lead to medical discharge). Learned early on in life, although not in detail, of how my father supposedly fled to Windsor, Canada to escape the Vietnam draft (my side of the family is all from Michigan). Had some trepidation on this route my father took for many years -- as we know the social programming to 'get behind' war efforts runs deep, but of course no longer.

Thankfully, my father's life definitely played out more fruitful, becoming a successful small business owner that contributed far more to society than anything that could have played out in SE Asia; and while my wife's father made it back from Vietnam, I am sure it contributed to issues he had later in life, especially the terrible ending due to scleroderma that some attributed to agent orange exposure -- was a rather horrific way to go, to say the least.

Enough about me....

Bravo for your efforts to bring this madness to the forefront of our community.

Maybe one day it comes to an end .... but unfortunately seems way off in the distance.

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I appreciate you sharing your personal experiences, jwslaw. You bring up a point I left out; starting with Vietnam, we've seen how so many soldiers were mentally, physically, and emotionally impacted by the likes of Agent Orange, and left suffering from what has been termed PTSD. I was planning to flee to Canada if the Vietnam War had continued, but fortunately for me, it ended during my senior year in high school. Thanks!

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Thanks Don, i witnessed the mental affects as well when my wife's nephew returned from service in Iraq where he was part of the real deal.... his transport vehicle was hit by one of those explosive devices and i think he was the only survivor. He also fought in the battle of Falujah.

He was medically discharged for back issues I believe, so he had a fair amount of money when he got back to the states and bought this fast turbo charged Mazda. Unsurprisingly, he was heavily drinking and would race that car around at very high speeds. Somehow, he did not kill himself doing so, but did crash. He's doing better now, but still drinks too much.

If i was of draft age during Vietnam and knew 20% of what I now know, then I woulda been headed for that border as well.

Thanks again for your hard work

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Donal Jeffries (DJ): Great article. Thanks for mentioning Smedley Butler and JFK's speech at American University. Great speech and it did get him killed. I read the US Navy reports of JFK's heroism in WWII when his boat PT-109 was cut in half by a Japanese destroyer. The man was a hero. Unbelievably brave especially compared to the puss-ass senile old man in the White House.

My wife and I catered at Bohemian Grove many times. What an odd group they are. The owl is the mascot of Bohemian Grove. It is on the dishware and the open air taxis that drive people to their camps under the giant redwoods. Back in the day Robert F Kennedy attended BG and Clint Eastwood would show his movies on the screen at the outdoor theater.

If you look on a one dollar bill in the upper RH corner next to the "1" you will see the Bohemian Grove owl.

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Wow. Very interesting to hear that, Timmy. Kind of surprised to hear that RFK was there. Yes, JFK was a genuine war hero. Thanks!

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DJ: I heard the RFK story from one of the caretakers of Bohemian Grove. He said that RFK was told not to talk to the staff including the valet drivers in the parking lot. RFK gave a little talk to the drivers and tipped them well. Don't know why RFK was there. Probably something to do with his upcoming run for President.

Women have to leave Bohemian Grove before sunset (our catering staff was exempt). Nixon attended BG and called them all "a bunch of faggots". That's not true. There are many camps in BG and most of them are heterosexual. Paintings of naked women abound.

Above one bar in a camp was a painting of an old man in tuxedo and tails fucking a young woman on the keys of a piano. It was a high quality painting.

My favorite painting was of a beautiful naked young woman standing in the trees by a lake under the moonlight. She had a happy look on her face. This painting was right next to the entrance to our kitchen. At one wedding in this building (The Grill), the bride's mother insisted on the removal of the painting. Very sad.

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Thanks for sharing that, Timmy. Very interesting!

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DJ: The Grill was a log building. They were all log buildings at the Bohemian Grove. What made the Grill unique was the bar. It wrapped around the base of a huge 10' across redwood tree. I worked as the bartender many times. It was like camping under a giant redwood with electricity and a cooler of booze. I always wondered how the rain was kept out of a building with a huge redwood in it.

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It's great hearing from someone who was actually there, Timmy. Do they really piss on the redwood trees? Were there gay porn stars shipped in? Did you ever see the Cremation of Care ceremony or other occult rituals? Thanks!

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DJ: I never saw anyone piss on the redwood trees. There are plenty of restrooms around. I never saw any porn stars there. The Cremation of Care Ceremony I have never seen, but we did do a catering there by the river and saw the state and owl behind it. Mostly it was a wedding or two. A few times it was a musical performance at a camp. Many of the camps are for artists. One time it was a businessmen's camp. They were boring. Another camp, the one with the guy in tails fucking the young girl on the piano keys painting, was full of booze. The caretaker was a fat white drunken dyspeptic bigot who called the former black model we worked with a nigger. She left the job and stayed in the van until it was over. She never would work at the BG again.

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But didn't they ban even female employees at the Grove for decades? I thought it was an exclusively male thing. Thanks.

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Bernard Maybeck was a famous Arts & Crafts architect in California. He's in Wikipedia. Maybeck designed a two story log building in the Bohemian Grove. (This is what I was told by caretakers there at BG.) They showed my wife and I where the building was. On a catering job my wife and I walked over to the building and went up the outside stairs to the second floor and peeked in the windows. It was like looking into a museum. The decor was right out of 1938 in an old Film Noir movie. The story was that Churchill met FDR in this room and they ordered Manhattans to drink. They then discussed the Atomic Bomb Project and named it the Manhattan Project after their drinks. The story is probably bullshit as I can find no record of Winston Churchill coming to BG or NoCal, but it's a good story and that building gave us the creeps.

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Very interesting, Timmy. Thanks for sharing!

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Caterers were exempt from the "no female employees" rule. Don't know why. Probably because all caterers use women. The caretakers at the BG were all male.

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Thank you for these eloquent words of truth on this day of relentless propaganda concerning the "glory" of war.

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Thanks, Louka!

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The war profiteers, much as with the war promoters, are predominately jewish. The most expelled group in human history.

Put another way, the most anti-white group on the planet, gets to make filthy shekels while the dirty Goyim (Amalek) kill themselves.

All of this, as the ass end of the white Gaussian Curve sings song on Sunday to "their greatest ally," who built their "judeo"- Christian worldview. Not even enough blood pressure left to cauterize the wound.

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I hear what you're saying, Anti Communist. I don't generalize about any group, and have commented many times on "the Jews." But it would be instructive to have someone attempt to clarify what a "Jew" is now. There are millions of partially Jewish people in America alone, including most of my cousins. Clearly, elite Jews don't think of themselves as White, which is frankly ridiculous. But many of those who think I don't talk about Jews enough also don't think they're White. So if they're not White, what are they? Is Judaism a religion, or a race? It appears as it society categorizes Jews both ways. Thanks.

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I think "ethnicity" is the apt term here. Unlike "race," which is vaguely defined almost entirely by external biological characteristics (e.g., skin color), "ethnicity" defines a group by its shared CULTURAL attributes (beliefs, customs, social behaviors, etc.) and "shared history." Jews (aka "Phoenicians," "Khazarians"), for example, are clearly "white," but they have little in common with traditional "white" Europeans (incl. Americans and Australians), whose cultural/historical roots are Christian (which latter term defines a culture as much as a religion -- i.e., "Christian culture").

From Wikipedia (and sorry to cite Wikipedia, but they're OK for more general stuff, i.e., non-current events):

"An ethnicity or ethnic group is a grouping of people who identify with each other on the basis of perceived shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups. Those attributes can include common sets of traditions, ancestry, language, history, society, nation, religion, or social treatment within their residing area. The term 'ethnicity' is often used interchangeably with the term 'nation,' particularly in cases of ethnic nationalism."

On this last score, think Jews vs. Palestinians, both essentially "white."

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Good points, Rob. Thanks!

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Michigan.rob said it well. No matter what the weak co-valent bonds that tie together jews, be it religiosity, ethnicity, culture, heritage, those with the power and motive to destroy the white race are vastly over-represented by the group "jews."

We would be very foolish to ignore the clear and abundant hatred of "Goyim" or "Amalek" expressed in The Talmud, or the thousands of prominent rabbis calling for our extinction.

Ron DeSantis was just in Israel, signing a very anti 1st Amendment House Bill (269) that makes it a felony to criticize jews publicly, even if true. Could you imagine the uproar if he signed a similar bill in Peking, protecting Chinese people from all criticism? The Boomertards, Drumpftards and Christards would lose their "i conserve nothing" shit.

This is an anti-white, jew occupied Nation. Most of The West now is.

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I have heard the stories about the awful things written about the "Goyim" that appear in the Talmud. I've never read it. I hope they're not true or vastly exaggerated. DeSantis signing that bill, especially doing so in Israel, is about as bad as it gets. The question that needs to be addressed, whenever one talks about "the Jews," is just how did they obtain their wildly disproportionate amount of power, in media, entertainment, and government? How do they continue to be so disproportionately represented in the corridors of power? It isn't "anti-Semitic" to ask that question. Thanks.

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Central Banking is a good gig! And yes, we abrogated this role to them, and the consequences have been horrific. On a good note, given the current white attrition rate (and expected orders of magnitude increase), you and I are likely to expire before our race. Not much before though! :-)

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White attrition rate is not an exaggerated way to put it. White people meet every criteria for endangered protection. Why aren't we on the endangered species list? Thanks.

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Why aren't we instead, in a gorgeous role reversal, putting the usurper races on the defensive? I have scrupulously avoided fluorides for over 50 years, and maintain my vestigial white warrior instincts. We are simply too nice Donald, and have been chemically and psychologically programmed to contort our spines in unnatural ways. This white man, is fully ready to die, in a paroxysm of white anger.

Hail victory. This is the time for those of us 4 z-scores above the IQ norms, to find a weapon more atavistic than intellect.

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