Excellent rant, Don. Spot on. I agree with every word.
The point of "taxes" (actually, armed robbery of the peasantry by our neo-feudal lords) is strictly subjugation of the masses. Impoverishment and humiliation are wonderful tools for keeping the proles in line. Yes, we are all in an abusive relationship with a psychopathic spouse and t…
Excellent rant, Don. Spot on. I agree with every word.
The point of "taxes" (actually, armed robbery of the peasantry by our neo-feudal lords) is strictly subjugation of the masses. Impoverishment and humiliation are wonderful tools for keeping the proles in line. Yes, we are all in an abusive relationship with a psychopathic spouse and there appears to be not opt out...
Having just completed 75 trips around the sun, this old boy is still slogging away as a "1099" employee since the Social Security payments that were taken from me over my lifetime will not begin to cover household needs... And, so it goes... Thankful to be able to physically and mentally still see patients productively...
Excellent rant, Don. Spot on. I agree with every word.
The point of "taxes" (actually, armed robbery of the peasantry by our neo-feudal lords) is strictly subjugation of the masses. Impoverishment and humiliation are wonderful tools for keeping the proles in line. Yes, we are all in an abusive relationship with a psychopathic spouse and there appears to be not opt out...
Having just completed 75 trips around the sun, this old boy is still slogging away as a "1099" employee since the Social Security payments that were taken from me over my lifetime will not begin to cover household needs... And, so it goes... Thankful to be able to physically and mentally still see patients productively...
Thanks, TnDoc!