Apr 9Liked by Donald Jeffries

2 pertinent paragrapghs...

Do you know what the difference is between the government currently stealing your grandparents’ and parents’ and your money through the Social Security program and the government stealing, in the future, your money from your 401(k) or other retirement program? The difference is that your grandparents didn’t have a 401(k) account to steal from. Consequently, government stole from the Social Security Trust Fund because, repeat after me, “That’s where the money was.” That’s why they made us pay into the Social Security fund, so they would have a big pile of money to steal. Soon they will steal from your “other” retirement accounts because, say it again, THAT’S WHERE THE MONEY IS! And that’s what government does.

You see, government stealing your money on payday (Social Security) differs not a whit morally from government stealing your money later, as in the sum of your current retirement accounts. So a government that HAS STOLEN FROM THE PEOPLE and IS STEALING FROM THE PEOPLE can be certainly counted on, in the future, TO STEAL FROM THE PEOPLE. But most people are naive- or inculcated by government schooling- so they refuse to believe that stealing by government is stealing. If you’re not too naive for that, be aware that your retirement money- all of your retirement money in any form- is in jeopardy of theft by government.

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Apr 9Liked by Donald Jeffries

Whaaaaat, Donald? You haven’t seen the dollar $ signs in those Chem trails? Hmm? Our taxes are probably even funding that total lunacy.

I remember looking at my pay stub years ago — and my husband’s. What we could have done with those dollars then, raising our kids. So now I get to collect the $’s we paid into the “fund”. Entitlement? Damn straight, we are all entitled to what we paid in, but only “if” we in fact did pay into it. And of course there is the RMD — conveniently set up so we get to pay tax on what we’ve already paid tax on.

The SoSec fund however as you know has been sabotaged in many ways, by the “generosity” of our politicians, and now probably paying first-class airfare for illegal immigrants.

Just sayin’!

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Instead of being sneaky about it, I wish they’d just name their price and send one of their goons around each month for their envelope. If they’re going to be a mafia and shake us down all the time, they could at least be honest about it.

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Apr 9Liked by Donald Jeffries

Dang! You've inspired me to make a few comments.

About Abe Lincoln, I believe that he was a crazed syphilitic. You know that he took those mercury pills for some reason. Both he and Mary Todd were known for going absolute Bat Shit Crazy.

The Tea tax, There is an alternate, very plausible story about what the "Tea Party" was really about.

Long story, but should you want to know, I'd be happy to share it.

Gordon Kahl was burned to death if I remember correctly.

Now about the state of my personal wealth, In the Reagan years I was solidly middle class.

By the time Clinton left office, I was lower middle class.

By the time Obama left office, I was upper / lower class.

By the time Trump left office I was solid lower class. My only income being SS.

P S, I too am a community college dropout.

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Apr 9Liked by Donald Jeffries

You speak the truth, but many of us already well know it, are are far, far deeper down the rabbit hole of truth discovery about our country, and well past sick and angry of this.

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Apr 10Liked by Donald Jeffries

There is so much to be outraged about. My complain is trivial, but I could happily punch a bureaucrat in the face. I take an IRA Distribution in Q4, and I don't know what it is until December. The communist at IRS and VA insist that I magically know in Q1 what my annual distribution will be, and thus want me to perfectly pay a quarter of the tax each quarter. Don't get me started on the how the tax folks define a quarter! (Q2 is 2 months and Q4 is 4 months.) So I get penalized for making a low Q1 payment for my Q4 distribution, plus interest! Patently unfair and outrageous. I always overpay, but somehow it's OK for them to take months to give me my refund, and without interest! It's all a pure money grab, no sensibility. Makes me wonder if communism would make it much simpler. (sarcasm)

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Apr 10Liked by Donald Jeffries

I stopped filing in 1979. I still get social security. If you want your eyes opened then you will have to read Title 26 US Internal Revenue Code until you understand it. Not that hard when you have the key to the code, but you will have to devote some time to it.

Seek the truth as the truth will set you free!

I put out a Word document, written years ago, that walks you through the code showing you the main points that an individual needs to know. I can email it to you free of charge if you are interested.

You can do a search for The Great IRS Hoax online and probably learn the same.

My document is only about 22 pages long, a half hour read, assuming the person reading can. Who knows these days. I admit that I get a little brash in the document.

For those that want the key to the code here it is: draw a circle, inside the circle write the word included, outside the circle write these words: automatically excluded. Understand that that which is not included is automatically excluded.

Also note that part 2 of the code, non-corporation, regarding individuals, is titled as The Public Salary Tax Act of 1939. It only applies to federal public servants salaries, not to the private sector. A "taxpayer" is defined as being someone who is subject to the code, not someone who pays taxes. Who is that? Federal public employees!

It is war by deception! The tax code, when understood, proves that they are not your government.

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The withholding tax meant that your income isn't your money. The government gives you what's left. after it first takes as much as it wants.

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Apr 9Liked by Donald Jeffries


Income tax is illegal. Decided by the Supreme Court in late 19th Century.

Thanks for your donations.

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Apr 10Liked by Donald Jeffries

As someone who has prepared taxes for the past 15 years, I agree that the tax code has become a dysfunctional system. Note, married filing separately is the least advantageous way to file your return, and in fact, if you file separately while one spouse is collecting SS, you lose your base altogether. They've got it all figured out. The changes in the tax code, especially since Trump's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act really screwed people who work in sales, and employees who pay for their own expenses. Every year - sometimes in the middle of the season - Congress will make changes where now you have to go back and file amended returns for your clients. More work. Taxing SS is insane, but that's what the MFers wanted under Reagan. I DO see a lot of interesting issues in my tax clients. One of them is that there is a lot of inheritance and that is - for the most part - tax free. So many have received hundreds of thousands of dollars from relatives - some as distant as 3rd cousins they've never met - and this is truly found money. I need to get me one of those there third distant cousins. And right away! I also see a lot of misery and over the past 15 years, I've seen an increase in the number of children who are sick as hell - autism, allergies, asthma, Tourette's, emotional issues, skin conditions, seizures, and cancer out the wazoo. Most senior clients are on a regimen of dozens of pharma drugs and they are proud of it! Anyway, thanks for this post. It should be shared widely.

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"The power to tax is the power to destroy" - John Marshall. The 14th Amendment was never properly ratified but all courts take "Judicial Notice" that it was. When a court takes Judicial Notice of something, it is construed as established fact and no more may be said about it unless you want a Contempt of Court charge. Compensation for labor is not income. Income is gain. The remuneration one receives for working is not gain. You are giving your time, energy, and life for it, so the one cancels out or negates the other. Gain is making money off of money. If you have $1,000 and invest it obtaining a 10% increase or $1,100 after a year, that $100 you made on top of your grand is gain and thus lawfully taxable. This is real law, logic, and precedent. Naturally, that's why it is ignored. Prior to the enactment of the 16th Amendment for income taxes in 1913, the U.S. had all essential services up and running, the same ones the income tax proponents say we need taxes for. They are liars, idiots, or both. The income tax system was created to control, oppress, and impoverish the populace. The System can print (or make computer entries) for whatever money is needed to pay for any project or service. The whole thing is a monstrous, criminal scam. It is worth noting that the two most vicious adjuncts of the legal industry, wherein any semblance of both procedural and substantive due process rights are routinely trampled, are the Family Courts and the IRS. What is most sickening is when the lying, weasel politicians bray like jackasses in a pepper patch about "Tax Reform". There has never been a tax reform in the history of the U.S. whereby after the dust settled, the people wound up paying less taxes. It is always more, unless of course you are of the ruling class. Lest anyone thinks they really own their home after their mortgage is paid off, try cease paying the extortionate property taxes and you'll see who owns it real quick. The reality is, we are serfs on Big Brother's plantation of perversity and miscegenation. Very concise, biting, and timely piece, Don, thank you.

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Apr 9Liked by Donald Jeffries

After ALL the money the government steals, how can they be so broke? We're nothing more than bank accounts for these murderous thieves. I agree, they need a full audit by someone independent, but there is no one who wants to lose their life who'll take on that big job. Wisconsin doesn't tax Social Security, but I did my own forms this year and what a nightmare. Fill out this form to complete that form. And another form to explain an amount on the main tax form. Its a disaster to even try and figure out what to do from their lousy manuals. I've read thru what I needed to know and kept asking myself, what they hell are they trying to say? I completed my Federal form incorrectly last year, thanks to my own stupidity, but the Feds sure fixed that up. So this year, I got some advice from a friend. Its all one non-funny joke! Every time I think of taxes, I can see JoTato whispering that we all "need to pay our fair share". Really? Little sonny boy Hunter hasn't paid his, and he owes Millions! We have no say in too much, unless we want to end up in prison without being able to use a lawyer. That is, one who'll have the cajones to take on your case. A woman I work with said I should run for office. I told her my life would probably last one week. Good evaluation, Don. I never expect any less from you!

Wake up, Americans! This is WHY they want all these Illegal Invaders here. They have No Loyalty and will do as told. Too bad they are not wise to the fact that their heads will be next on the chopping block. If this country burns to the ground, well, maybe that is what needs to happen. Some things are not fixable. Whatever it takes to force the rats off the ship!

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Apr 9Liked by Donald Jeffries

There are two types of people in the world, those who produce more than they consume and save the rest, and those who don't produce anything, but live off those who do. We call that second group either predators or parasites. They produce nothing (like all government jobs, welfare recipients, and others who don't report income).

Don't get me wrong. All taxation is theft because everything the government does is immoral, illegal, illegitimate, and unconstitutional. Everything. There are only 18 enumerated powers in Article I, Section 8 of the long ago defunct Constitution. But 99% of what happens in D.C. is outside Article I, Section 8 even if you say it exists.

Regardless, we have makers and takers (producers/predators and parasites). Contrary to popular belief, nobody owes you anything. So the entire government, which used to be less than 18% of the GDP (all fraudulent because of the way it is calculated, just like the CPI and the unemployment) is now well over 40% of the fake GDP because every single job could be and should be eliminated because they are all unconstitutional.

We do not live in a representative republic. We live under what I call "Participatory Fascism". It is a combination of communism, socialism, corporatism, and fascism (along with any other -isms you might have. It's as Totalitarian as you can have. The markets are not free and fair. Neither are you. It's a total clusterbungle. Banksters, thugs, oligarchs, kleptocrats, and the ruling elite run this criminal cabal. It is not a government. It is organized crime.

I could go on forever. We need to fix the money and when we do we fix the world. Fake fiat counterfeited US$ printed out of thin air goes mostly to the banksters, corporatists, military, intelligence organizations and Wall Street thugs. They all produce nothing and have 90% of the wealth of the country. This is really really messed up when you explain it how it really is. All this illegal, immoral, and unconstitutional activity produces nothing but empire building, warmongering, extorting, killing, maiming, lying, cheating, and stealing worldwide. It enslaves the world to the fake fiat US$ and exports (or used to) most of the inflation because of Bretton Woods.

It is all failing. We haven't won a war since WWII and Russia won that. We were on the winning side. Otherwise we have lost every single conflict we initiated with our aggression / regime changes.

That all said. There is a solution. There is only one solution. Fix the money. Fix the world. To do that we need to opt out of this authoritarian mobster rule. Bitcoin is the solution. It brings Peace, Truth, Freedom, Hope, and Abundance for all where fake fiat money brings wars, lies, slavery, poverty, and inequality. People can scoff. But Bitcoin is already winning. It will eventually consume all the $900 Trillion in worldwide debt, all the wealth, and all the fake fiat money. It has already consumed over a Trillion dollars and is the 8th largest monetary asset in the world. In a year or two it will consume Apple, Microsoft, NVIDIA, and Saudi Aramco and have only Gold at $14.5 Trillion ahead of it, which it will consume in a few years. It gets stronger the more it consumes.

You probably don't understand it because 99.9% of the world doesn't. Check out Bitcoin Twitter (X). Learn it. Study it. Love it. Bitcoin is something to look forward to in the near future as it destroys nation states and their fake Ponzi money. #BitcoinFixesTheWorld

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Apr 10Liked by Donald Jeffries

Just for the record, the "Stamp Act" was not a tax on stamps. Rather it was a stamp on paper products. Any paper products that did not have the stamp were illegal. It's something like stipulating that you can only buy lumber for Lowes, even if Hope Despot has a cheaper price.

Meanwhile, taxing social security is beyond the beyond. When I used to get my paychecks, the income tax (local, state, and Federal- I had the fun privilege of living in a place where all three layers got their cut) was on the whole whopping gross income. AND THEN the "Social Security" was deducted- so Granny would not starve, I was told. So that "Social Security" was already taxed. (I don't really see how that is "income" seeing as I already worked for that dough. But hey, what are words in a society where you can identify as a cat? I am just an antiquated Medieval chauvinist swine, I suppose.)

Of course, I never expect to see a nickel of my "social security" (I lost my card and cannot remember my number.)

I just plan to garden until the chemtrails kill everything. And by the looks at the grass and garlic this year, that might be sooner than later.

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Apr 10Liked by Donald Jeffries

Excellent rant, Don. Spot on. I agree with every word.

The point of "taxes" (actually, armed robbery of the peasantry by our neo-feudal lords) is strictly subjugation of the masses. Impoverishment and humiliation are wonderful tools for keeping the proles in line. Yes, we are all in an abusive relationship with a psychopathic spouse and there appears to be not opt out...

Having just completed 75 trips around the sun, this old boy is still slogging away as a "1099" employee since the Social Security payments that were taken from me over my lifetime will not begin to cover household needs... And, so it goes... Thankful to be able to physically and mentally still see patients productively...

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Apr 10Liked by Donald Jeffries

PS: Social Security and Medicare are Welfare Payments. FICA taxes go straight into the General Fund and are spent immediately by the government.

My wife and I had to write checks to DC and Sacramento this year. We are retired and live off of meager SS payments and some investment income. It's pathetic. And don't get me going on the property taxes. We get NOTHING for those.

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