Don’t kid yourself for one minute, CIA hitman DO exist. They’ll take an Army Ranger sniper, temporarily’sheep dip’ him into the CIA, and send him out on a mission somewhere/anywhere in the world to assassinate anyone and everyone they perceive to be a threat to ‘National Security’. You’re naive if you think otherwise.
Don’t kid yourself for one minute, CIA hitman DO exist. They’ll take an Army Ranger sniper, temporarily’sheep dip’ him into the CIA, and send him out on a mission somewhere/anywhere in the world to assassinate anyone and everyone they perceive to be a threat to ‘National Security’. You’re naive if you think otherwise.
Don’t kid yourself for one minute, CIA hitman DO exist. They’ll take an Army Ranger sniper, temporarily’sheep dip’ him into the CIA, and send him out on a mission somewhere/anywhere in the world to assassinate anyone and everyone they perceive to be a threat to ‘National Security’. You’re naive if you think otherwise.