CIA director Colby testified before the Church Committee about a gun that can deliver shellfish poison silently.

This could be the "allergic reaction".

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I should have mentioned Colby's suitably conspiratorial death, Bard. In a canoeing "accident," while he was helping John DeCamp expose the Franklin child sex scandal. Thanks!

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I remember that.

He died of Obama's Cook syndrome.

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Tim Dillon interviewed a journalist who did great work on the Franklin Scandal years ago when he first started his show with Ray Kump. Classic episode, they covered some dark stuff back in the day. His dark humor sensibilities works so well with those stories.

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Might have been Nick Bryant, who I have interviewed, and has interviewed me as well. Someone told me Tim Dillon loved my book "Hidden History" and even talked about it on Joe Rogan's show, but I can't figure out how to contact him. Thanks, Jon!

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Jul 9Edited

Interesting. Yeah it was Nick Bryant. Tim interviewed a potential smiley face killer survivor, the 'what happened to Johnny?' guy etc etc. all pre-plandemic.

I'd love to see you on his show, I hope it happens. I give Tim a lot of credit for how real he keeps it. I think of him as the New York Norm Macdonald of our apocalyptic like times. One of the most reasonable prominent voices out there imo.

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I like him, too, Jon. Maybe someone who has his contact info will mention me. Thanks.

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Jul 10
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Jul 10
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You're talking about Alisha Owen, daisies. Just reprehensible how the system convicted HER of perjury when she accused all those powerful people of sexual improprieties. Thanks!

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I know nothing about that case not living in the US but Wiki has this - 'Her younger brother, under arrest for joy riding in a stolen car, was found dead in his jail cell shortly before her trial. It was ruled a suicide despite indications of a beating before he ostensibly hanged himself. ' Just like the other suicides I mentioned in the Oklahoma bombimg case before. I wonder what the suicide rate for prisoners in US jails is compared with the rest of the world's jails. A lot of work to find out and no funds for it.

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Yes, I remember that. One of several unnatural deaths associated with the Franklin scandal. Thanks, Otto!

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Jul 10
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Yeah, I should have said rape, daisies. Thanks.

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Sort of like the infamous "heart attack gun"? Fires a dart of poisoned ice, just has to pierce the skin.. the dart melts, the victim mysteriously dies of a heart attack.

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Yep. I'm sure they stopped doing that, Capt. Thanks.

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Pretty sure (based on airy speculation) that's what happened to John Magufuli of Tanzania and Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi, both of whom publicly and repeatedly ridiculed the Covid Scamdemic... 🤔

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I think that's very logical speculation, Capt. Thanks.

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Wasn’t that possibly what happened to Breitbart?

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Quite possibly. Just try proving it, see how far you get.

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The ice containing a poison would make it detectable in an autopsy.

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Notice how few autopsies were conducting during the "Covid" Fraudemic.

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Real-life autopsies take a lot longer than those done by Ducky on NCIS.

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If you want an autopsy done at television speed, you have to accept television speciousness. Medical examiners have to know a lot more about causes of death than your GP does.

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A few years back, I recall reading about a local woman who was a high-powered attorney, who died of sudden case of shellfish poison. She was working on a case against Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton for insider trading and the SEC-Securities Exchange Commission. She was only forty-five years old and in perfect health at the time of her death. Friends and family questioned the circumstances and found the cause of death hard to believe because the woman did not enjoy shellfish and NEVER ate any.

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"Root and twig, very odd" 🤔

-- Treebeard

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I confirm that Colby was murdered to silence him concerning The "Franklin Scandal."

(That is what my research leads me to believe.)

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Colby was an insider. You don't get to be anybody within the Agency unless you have not starred in a Jerry Epstein film.

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Jul 10
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I often wondered about George Carlin‘s sudden demise. He wasn’t holding back about third rail subjects, and he was healthy and fit.

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He looks a lot older than 71 in his last routines.

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Why are the JFK files still under wraps? Because the same ruthless, been kicked out of every country, pathological liars and cheaters still have 'merica by the gonads. Times are changing as the great awakening is happening, but it's going to take a while.

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Well, they certainly aren't being withheld because Oswald acted alone, Tall. Thanks.

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Jul 11
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Ed Haslem, the author of "Dr. Mary's Monkey," wrote the Preface to the book I wrote with William Law, "Pipe the Bimbo in Red: Dean Andrews, Jim Garrison, and the Conspiracy to Kill JFK." Thanks, Ty.

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Because the entire Warren Commission was in on a CONSPIRACY to assassinate JFK. This group has living persons alive today that still need protection, you know, the mob thing. These United States of America are under siege for over one hundred years, owned by the Banking Class and their conspiracy to rule. The Revolution is not complete until as President Jackson would have said, "You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out."

Follow the money. Incriminating evidence, circumstantial in part it may be, but overwhelming in volume shows involvement of the Unions, Banks, CIA, FBI, the Mob and political enemies of all sorts are represented by every member on the Warren Commission.

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All the corrupt Warren Commission members are dead, Ken. The counsels did virtually all of the "work" on the Commission, so they deserve most of the blame. The only one left, to my knowledge, is 93 year old Howard Willens, who as an assistant counsel was not as directly involved in the coverup as David Belin, Arlen Spector, Wesley Liebeler, etc. Otherwise, I agree with you. Thanks!

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This is an important post. I find it strange that more questions haven't been asked about her death. I have no idea, I don't know the Massies, but when I heard of her death I suspected that she had taken the jabs. Just because her husband spoke out against the mandates & etc, that doesn't necessarily mean she didn't take them, and the pressure to take them, let's remember, was beyond intense in 2021-2022. In my own circles almost no one resisted the pressure, for almost everyone I knew it was simply unthinkable that one would refuse them. But again, I do not know. And of course you are right to point out, that over the years, many people have been assassinated in various ways, oftentimes made to look like / presented as something else, e.g., a heart attack or an accident.

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I seriously doubt that she would have taken the jabs, Transcriber B. She seemed to be a loving supporter of her husband's commendable but undeniably eccentric effort to live totally off the grid. I think they were in lockstep with each other. Thanks.

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Well, maybe one day Massie may open up about it.

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the whole tenor of Don's article is that Massie will never open up about it, not after what happened to his wife after he revealed the workings of AIPAC.

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Yes, I understood that. To say it again, I don't incline towards Don's view on this, I have a different hypothesis, but I don't know that he's wrong. I just don't know.

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liked. (my like function itself does not work).

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“He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”

― George Orwell, "Nineteen Eighty-Four"

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Don’t kid yourself for one minute, CIA hitman DO exist. They’ll take an Army Ranger sniper, temporarily’sheep dip’ him into the CIA, and send him out on a mission somewhere/anywhere in the world to assassinate anyone and everyone they perceive to be a threat to ‘National Security’. You’re naive if you think otherwise.

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Thomas Massie twice attempted to end the Federal government Department of Education. His HR899 to end the US department of education at midnight December 31 2023 never gained the support that it needed (still needs IMO) .It would have been a GOD send strike against woke. He probably has many dangerous enemies in the swamp.

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I'm sure he has more enemies than he can name, Just. Thanks.

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Why would ending Department of Education bring an end to WOKE? I would like to see an academic article on this because it is a policy question that those of us who don't understand what WOKE means really need to know. Thanks.

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@ellencorley . The US dept of Education is used to push the agenda started by John Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie to destroy critical reasoning by forcing a 1 size fits all mandatory education(indoctrination) program on all Americans. See 'Deschooling America' by Ivan Illavich ,George Carlin at this link, https://youtu.be/ILQepXUhJ98? si=NLXx2G_fwX0JU8L0 .Woke IMO includes ESG environment,societal, governance agendas, DIE diversity, Inclusion, equality agendas as well as Gender confusion syndrome. Decentralizing Education is an important step to having an electorate that is capable of understanding just how screwed up the DC corruption has made America.

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This is a very important piece, and one that could fill a thousand page book.

You should read some "American Pravda by Ron Unz"


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I'll check it out, Myriad. Thanks!

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Your life will never be the same, I assure you!

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I sent the same link to DJ - not knowing you had already done so - looks like we're on the same page - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=American+Pravda&updated-max=2024-05-28T10:30:00-07:00&max-results=20&start=0&by-date=false&m=1 - and my home base is www.crushlimbraw.com - we need more allies!

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Very nice!


I’ll check out your site.

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Not sure how complicated it is to migrate your content to substack but consider it

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Yeah, if you like limited hangout stuff, by all means read some unz.

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Got any suggestions?

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Yes, here's a security suggestion: don't let the unz review site have your actual email address.

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Jul 9Edited

A profile in courage indeed. Then there was Danny Casolaro found dead in a hotel bathtub in 1991, allegedly a suicide, after telling everyone that he was investigating the NWO and if he died it would mean he was murdered. When folks started dropping like flies from the Jonestone Jab, a plethora of websites popped up to explain away their deaths. Google manipulates these to the top of search results. Anyone now, not just the famous, gets this treatment if their sudden death starts to trend. The articles are so poorly written and nebulous, it must be AI. I think that is what you found explaining away Rhona Massie's death.

Newbie researchers just formed and emerging from the Scamdemic chaos, are in a state of confusion. On the sites I visit I constantly read the very real, almost hopeless cry: why, why why? They know these things are taking place...but they simply don't have the years of research under their belts to understand the big picture. If you have those years, then at some point in your research, a picture began to solidify out of the chaos. I didn't begin my conspiracy research nearly 34 years ago with any preconceived notion that the Jews were behind the global elite NWO...but this is where I ended up after going down every rabbit hole. Back then it was a lot of hard work, with no internet to help out. Now anyone can find videos of orthodox rabbis very clearly stating that their plan is to obliterate Western Civilization, obliterate Amalek (White Folks) from the face of the earth, and then bring heaven down to earth in a Jewish Kingdom that rules over all (that is, what remains of the goyim who they will use as slaves) Listen to the words yourself. The video are still out there...but not easy to find. My prayers go out to Thomas Maddie and his family

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Casolaro- another one I could have mentioned. Kris, there are so many of them it would be impossible to cover them all here. But I've covered all I know in my books. Thanks!

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Jul 11
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Most of the unnatural deaths are covered in "Hidden History" and "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963." More will be in the upcoming "American Memory Hole." Thanks, Ty.

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Danny Casalaro was the real deal in a world of deep fake shills. I do think he was deep down the Pederasty Rabbit Hole, and had the videos of George Bush. They just simply could not have allowed exposures. What's-His-Name who was investigating the Franklin Scandal and died in the plane crash was the real deal too. The CIA director whom DeCamp was associated with died in his canoeing accident to toss us off the trail. DeCamp is one of them, and everybody in the CIA is one of them. Every once in a while, they kill off one of their own to throw researchers and speculators off the trail. It often works spectacularly.

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Great post, Kris.

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The exact cause(s) of death often remain a mystery. The death certificate is often mislabeled or the cause of death misdiagnosed. There are sometimes agendas that try to hide the causes. In many cases, no autopsies were performed and therefore the method of death remains basically a guess. I don't trust any of it.

Though, there is nothing wrong with death remaining private even for the more well known among us. The curious, the vultures and the invaders have no respect for another's privacy.

If the state was somehow responsible for this death, there will be no repercussions. The state is immune to questioning, accountability, responsibility and culpability. Those are the demons that currently rule this nation of slaves.

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You make a good point, Crixcyon. The family deservers privacy, but Massie must expect that his supporters would be suspicious about this. I hope he addresses it at some point. As you note, there would be no repercussions in any case. Thanks.

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Don, I truly doubt it there would not be repercussions. I believe he's been quieted. He has more family to think about, as well as himself.

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These doctors are as stupid as the day is long. My dying Father got a clean bill of health from a physician the DAY BEFORE he died. The SAME DOCTOR filled out the death certificate. My father died of "Wasting Syndrome". THEY JUST MAKE IT UP AS THEY GO ALONG, and the sheeple, thinking these docs are demigods, swallow whatever they say.

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Great and chilling article. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Rhonda Massie wasn't just a "high school sweetheart", she held a degree in Mechanical Engineering from MIT and was a founding partner in a highly successful company. No slouch.

While I had heard the highlights of the Carlson interview, I went back and listened to the whole interview which is heartbreaking in retrospect. There is also a great documentary from five years ago about his farm and the building of his house, raising animals, children and more. https://youtu.be/18_yXt1s2yc?si=uVH4izpeEhKK6m-7

I wonder if he will return. The tangible threat to his children and grandchildren now must be terrifying to a thoroughly honourable man.

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I appreciate the kind words, Kate. I should have noted Rhonda's impressive educational background as well. Obviously, they were kindred spirits. Thanks!

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Thank you Donald - for me too, that was an inspiring interview,, so sad that other human beings could rip away half of another's life , without compunction.

May their karma eat them soon!!!

thank you for this, God bless and protect Thomas Massie and his family

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Thanks, snclair.

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Rhonda Massie was definitely "Capped", no doubt about it. Organized crime syndicates and camarillas, of which the U.S. government is the largest, most evil, and most powerful, very often will take out a special loved one of a targeted individual instead of the target himself. They know this will cause the target endless suffering, a special kind of torture. Also, it sends a warning shot. What sadistic and demonic scum they are. The Intel agencies of the Cryptocracy have no need of taxpayer money. Their masters are the money creators, who magically conjure funds from nothing for whatever they need and want. It is probably the biggest scam in recorded history. The nefarious system of taxation was formulated to impoverish, intimidate, and enslave the masses. Back in the 1980s, a prominent Jew in Israel (I think it was the Prime Minister) publicly boasted that the Jews literally own 80% of the U.S. Congress. Like you own a dog, cat, or horse. I would wager my right arm on a chopping block that today it is 99% if not 100%. The Soviet States of Israel. Change the stars on the flag to six pointed ones. Don, thank you for a very riveting article.

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Thanks, Hereticdrummer!

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You're welcome, Don. As an addendum, also back in the 1980s, many parliamentarians and high level politicians in the European countries mockingly referred to the U.S. Congress as, "Knesset West." Oy veh, right on the mark. However that is like the pot calling the kettle black, as the Tribe had and has a stranglehold on them as well. Maybe not quite as severely as in the, "Land of Milk and Honey" here, but their claws are deeply embedded in Pater Europa too. Thanks again.

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Don, this is a fantastic piece. I share your view that probably Mr Massie will become quieter. I fear he has been taught a horrible horrible lesson. After the interview he tweeted something like 'I'll probably be "in hot water" for the interview'. Thank you for writing this. There are people on twitter who suggested foul play, politely, and were sincere Massie followers, and were shocked when Mr Massie blocked them. It's tragic. And there should be no doubt who the rulers are.

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I didn't know Massie blocked anyone who suggested that, Kyra. Wonder if it was him or his staff. Thanks!

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yes, it confused people that they got blocked because they think that once someone comes out as brave they will stay brave and keep 'taking on' the System. i have to look at his twitter and see if he's posting anything now. i wonder if Massie was naive about AIPAC, what it is capable of, and the dangers surrounding speaking openly about it. if so, he may not be naive now. what a cool guy he is, talented in so many ways. thanks Don.

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Very true! Mike Gill is one of the rare few who not only has kept talking, but keeps getting louder and louder. He hasn't seen his family in a long time and I don't think he's established a new permanent residence, either.

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liked. i will look up Mike Gill at once. thanks dr kay

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awesome....thnx for great piece and great reminder(s)...

Nothing in Politics(Government) happens by accident.....

how bout AIDS and AZT Foe Dr Peter Duisberg...my friend was his ace grad student at Berkeley...He was noted virologist and discovered retroviruses...He stuck his neck out and pointed out the COVID and CV Vax were PREVIOUSLY EXPERIMENTED ON US BY BIGPHARMA and THEIR AIDS ATZ Fraud....Duesberg was given $Mil upfront by McMillan..and my friend got him publicity and TV Spots like Donahue..alas into it HE GOT THE "LECTURE" from the BigFoundations/BigPharm that also bankrolled he and his department at Berkeley....and promptly changed his story and fired my friend and then got him expelled from Berkeley...foul and evil....my friend tried to fight it on his own and was sued by McMillan for fraud and plaigarism when he selfpublished the book that HE HAD WRITTEN FOR THE DOCTOR...$5M..he hid out for 2 years....?? long story... but like AIPAC and BigPharm and BigFoundations if they have you in their gunsights....get ready and prepare..... tx again

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Wow. Thanks for sharing that, Chris.

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Wow. What a never-ending battle between good and evil we live. I can't stop studying it. Is your friends' self-published book on said topic still on the market anywhere?

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I just heard about Rhonda Massie's sudden death a couple days ago, and am surprised that I'm not seeing anything about it in the alt media. I also watched the Tucker/Massie interview and was extremely impressed with the man. What a damn shame! I can't help but recall that judge who was set to hear a case involving Jeffrey Epstein and Chase Bank. 'They' sent an assassin disguised as a FedEx driver who shot her husband and son, killing the son. But that's how a criminal mob does business. They are vicious, cruel and merciless.

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Yep, they play for keeps, Annette. Thanks.

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Right again Donald. The method has always been “Do as we say or your family dies.” Works every time.

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Seems to be, Gwaihir. Thanks.

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Recently I have come to the conclusion that what you have just stated is the reason for most politicians being compromised.

I do not think it is money and power that necessarily motivates, or at least beyond a certain point.

I think once you have been compromised just a little, should you decide to go straight, it becomes like the mafia. You just cannot leave. And the consequences if you do are harm to your family.

How many of us could defy that?

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