Rhonda Massie was definitely "Capped", no doubt about it. Organized crime syndicates and camarillas, of which the U.S. government is the largest, most evil, and most powerful, very often will take out a special loved one of a targeted individual instead of the target himself. They know this will cause the target endless suffering, a spec…
Rhonda Massie was definitely "Capped", no doubt about it. Organized crime syndicates and camarillas, of which the U.S. government is the largest, most evil, and most powerful, very often will take out a special loved one of a targeted individual instead of the target himself. They know this will cause the target endless suffering, a special kind of torture. Also, it sends a warning shot. What sadistic and demonic scum they are. The Intel agencies of the Cryptocracy have no need of taxpayer money. Their masters are the money creators, who magically conjure funds from nothing for whatever they need and want. It is probably the biggest scam in recorded history. The nefarious system of taxation was formulated to impoverish, intimidate, and enslave the masses. Back in the 1980s, a prominent Jew in Israel (I think it was the Prime Minister) publicly boasted that the Jews literally own 80% of the U.S. Congress. Like you own a dog, cat, or horse. I would wager my right arm on a chopping block that today it is 99% if not 100%. The Soviet States of Israel. Change the stars on the flag to six pointed ones. Don, thank you for a very riveting article.
You're welcome, Don. As an addendum, also back in the 1980s, many parliamentarians and high level politicians in the European countries mockingly referred to the U.S. Congress as, "Knesset West." Oy veh, right on the mark. However that is like the pot calling the kettle black, as the Tribe had and has a stranglehold on them as well. Maybe not quite as severely as in the, "Land of Milk and Honey" here, but their claws are deeply embedded in Pater Europa too. Thanks again.
Rhonda Massie was definitely "Capped", no doubt about it. Organized crime syndicates and camarillas, of which the U.S. government is the largest, most evil, and most powerful, very often will take out a special loved one of a targeted individual instead of the target himself. They know this will cause the target endless suffering, a special kind of torture. Also, it sends a warning shot. What sadistic and demonic scum they are. The Intel agencies of the Cryptocracy have no need of taxpayer money. Their masters are the money creators, who magically conjure funds from nothing for whatever they need and want. It is probably the biggest scam in recorded history. The nefarious system of taxation was formulated to impoverish, intimidate, and enslave the masses. Back in the 1980s, a prominent Jew in Israel (I think it was the Prime Minister) publicly boasted that the Jews literally own 80% of the U.S. Congress. Like you own a dog, cat, or horse. I would wager my right arm on a chopping block that today it is 99% if not 100%. The Soviet States of Israel. Change the stars on the flag to six pointed ones. Don, thank you for a very riveting article.
Thanks, Hereticdrummer!
You're welcome, Don. As an addendum, also back in the 1980s, many parliamentarians and high level politicians in the European countries mockingly referred to the U.S. Congress as, "Knesset West." Oy veh, right on the mark. However that is like the pot calling the kettle black, as the Tribe had and has a stranglehold on them as well. Maybe not quite as severely as in the, "Land of Milk and Honey" here, but their claws are deeply embedded in Pater Europa too. Thanks again.