I usually agree with your ideas, you explain your points of view so well. As a recovering alcoholic I'm not so sure you understand AA or what it tries to teach recovering Alcoholics. Victimhood does not rear it's ugly head in the meetings I attend. We are taught to take responsibility for our bad actions past and present. We are taught to help others in and out of the meetings.

I am not sure about over weight people, sex addicts, gambling, or any other addicted person, as a recovering person I am sick of the victimhood that's been created in this country, generations of people that don't take responsibility for themselves or their families, why should they? Our Government wants everyone dependent on them. Decades of paying people to sit around and do nothing day after day, year after year, decade after decade. There is no pride in education, work by trade, or leadership.

I can tell you that getting sober and living a good life has been the hardest thing I've ever done and also the best thing I've ever done!

Take heart whether these addictions are a disease or not, you can recover and stop blaming everyone and everything for your problems! Wake up America before it's too late!!

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Robin, I am often guilty of painting with too broad a brush, despite my opposition to generalization. If AA worked for you, I think that's great. Anything that works for anyone is a good thing, in my view. If it helps you lead a better life, that's what's important. Thanks!

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Thanks Don! You are a kind and compassionate man, intelligent too. That's why I like your ideas. Common sense rules the day. I have to be honest and say I am not looking forward to 2024, the political bs, posturing, and down right lies that are seeping out of DC make me sick. I will continue to listen to your podcasts to try and muddle through the muck!

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On an unrelated topic, loved hearing you on William Ramsey. My 2 favorite podcasters. Great hearing you guys!

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William is great. Thanks, Robin!

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Winning out over an addiction is something to be proud of whatever it takes to get there.. I've been to AA meetings with friends and it seemed to me a very good organization. I was addicted to cigarettes (3 packs a day and I'm a 5' tall woman) and it took me 25 years to defeat that habit. In getting over an addiction, we can use all the help we can get.

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That is a great achievement

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My jury is out on Alcoholics Anonymous. It helps many, but it does seem to reinforce the idea that "alchoholism" is a disease and self-help is nigh impossible. At some places, AA borders on a cult.

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If you read the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous you will see that AA does not assume to have all the answers.

It is a "suggested" program. In fact, it encourages seeking outside help, because AA founders had the wisdom to know that although they could help people stop drinking, there are quite often underlying issues that need more focus.

The 12 Step Programs have wrought miracles in peoples lives. Millions of people.

No dues, no fees, no rules, no leaders.

Suggested steps.

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I agree with you, Robin. August 9th, 1984 is when I went to my first AA meeting. I haven't had a drink since, and I have never once claimed any victimhood excuse for any wrong I've done. That just isn't part of AA.

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Too many thoughts on todays rant to make comments on.

I willjust give you this; I saw a billboard that said

"Welcome to Texas,

Batshit crazy and armed to the teeth.

Ammo next 7 exits." Have a good one.

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Thanks, Jerry!

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Texas bumperstickers were great when I was there. One read "Hell yes I'm drunk. Did you think I'm a stunt driver?"

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Better buy that Ammo while you can. Hope they are still selling it at the "Hollering Woman" exit on I-10.

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About half way from Houston to San Antonio. I don't remember any kind of store there but if there is one they sure as heck sell ammo.

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These days they should be selling ammo at QuickTrip and 7-11.

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How refreshing to begin my Thankgiving day break time reading your substack. I hate it when I have to delay reading them till the weekend because I'm too busy trying to overcome the 95% loss in purchasing power of the dollar since the Federal Reserve's criminal creation in 1913. Which reminds me that JKF was a threat to not only the CIA, the mafia, LBJ, Allen Dulles, the oil industry (the oil depletion allowance), and the military (Vietnam), but also the Fed with his executive order 11110 which allowed the govt to bypass the Fed and create silver certificates based on the treasury's silver stock at the time as I understand it.

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Thanks, Michael!

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Yeah, just threatening to use real money is a crime these days.

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" I had no idea there was that much batshit craziness out there"...truer words were never written. This is the reason I have become a recluse-by-choice. I just can't handle the insanity of the public square anymore. This week the imposter pope hosted 44 men pretending to be women, for lunch at the Vatican. This past weekend a library in Portland had to close to the public on Sunday, because of violent threats. A group of feminists were gathering there to promote women as real women, not fake women. The library said they could not risk the public getting hurt. When I opened my electric bill today, there was a pamphlet about saving energy, featuring a fat white woman, a black male, and presumably their two kids. I felt angered...not because I give a flying **** who anyone marries...but because I know this is all being orchestrated by the elites. They don't just want to destroy America...they are hell bent on taking down every last bit of Western Christian civilization...and it's been very successful.

There certainly have been many cases of women tossing children off of bridges in Oregon...beginning in 1961 when a lesbian threw her lover's children into the Crooked River Gorge. Off the top of my head, I can come up with two cases in the last 15 years...one at the coast in 2014, and one in Portland in 2009 in which two children were tossed into the Willamette River. It's not that rare.

Donald, you have been greatly blessed to have a stable and happy homelife, with a loving wife and children. THAT seems to be the thing that is very rare. Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you for your stubborn research and wonderful writing.

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I always appreciate your kind words, Kris, and your astute observations. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!

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You mean, Pope Frantic hosted 44 versions of Admiral Levine? Somehow that seems a fitting exclamation point to all the nonsense that occurred at the "Sin-od" this past October. At this point, Pope Frantic might as well take a wrecking ball to the Vatican. His Sheeple are heading to the orthodox and protestant sects in droves.

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We are also a fairly reclusive family and at this point, that suits us just fine. We have 20+ acres and a 150 year old house under contract now and cannot wait to get to work fixing the old gal up! It’s in a very rural area but has numerous metro areas within 45 minutes. Everyday when I go on TG, TS, Gettr and Substack, I am even more certain that we are making the right “move.”

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The Poop, as I call him, is one of the Devil's minions. Never liked the fake. Just look into his eyes. There is no soul. He represents everything the Catholic Church wasn't, at one point in time. The problem with this world today is that everything and everyone has to be labeled. Except being proud to be NORMAL. I expect one day to be stoned to death because of that. After the Zombie Apocalypse. That, Kris, is not too far into the future.

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Couldn’t possibly agree more! I was just pining away for life in the 90s. Those were such great times. Going out back then was so much fun; everyone looked around and checked everyone else out and there was none of this insanity of females feigning disgust when they strutted around scantily-clad and guys took notice. Back then we ladies took it as compliment. There was a wonderful “tension” between the TWO genders that was electric. Now everyone looks and acts like a lifeless, empty vessel. I would say that now mediocrity reigns supreme but heck, these losers aren’t even close to average by 1990s standards. The more repulsive someone’s appearance and behavior, the more they are heralded as some sort of modern day icon and role model. It really is the strangest and most maddening phenomenon. I personally believe most of it has been done to remove every single thing from men that they are inherently attracted to and interested in. “They’ve” destroyed most sports and now they want to ram obese swimsuit models and transgenders down the throats of unwilling red-blooded males. They’ll never truly change biology (or perhaps they will with the satanic tech plans they have in mind).

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Great points, Ellen. It looks like the 1990s was the last decent decade, the final gasp of America 1.0. Thanks!

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The more they neuter men, the less possibility there is that they'll have the wherewithal to fight back against the psychopaths at the top of this garbage pile they've created for us all.

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You are looking at a generation that spends 90% of its time watching absolute bilge on the boob tube (no longer a tube, but still for boobs) and tweeting every time the dog takes a dump.

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I can relive my youth anytime I want by going on YT and playing music from the 60s, 70s and 80s. When people danced, dressed nice, were proud of their gender, thin, exercised, bragged about eating healthy, and actually had fun. Looking back, most were living happy lives (or seemed to). Anytime I go out and about, all I see are fat, slobby, mean, crazy humans. Unless I go to small town America where those folks pretty much have kept it together. Believe me, they know. Makes me want to leave everything behind and become one of the forest people.

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The 70’s down here in Oz were like the Wild West- but without the violence

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Speaking of Wild West, I like men in tighter jeans, showing off their nice small butts. Look at what we have today, "men" showing their underware with their baggy chaps around their ankles. How classy! Can't run too far when the coppers are chasing ya, now can you?

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I had a VA doc for a few years that I liked. He left, and opened a private practice - a hundred bucks a month, I think it's called a boutique something or other; no healthcare plans or medicare involved. As I have been trying to jettison myself from the hapless, bureaucratic VA for years, I went online and filled out his lengthy questionnaire patient profile. I got to the last page, where he informed us of his pronouns being "He/Him." This man is late 30's-early 40's. Are you shittin' me? A total pandering suck-up for young patients and their fool parents? I was disturbed by that BIG RED FLAG, but thought, "what the hell," everybody deserves a second Shit Test. So I called their office - yes, in June of this year - and asked if masks were required. She answered "Yes, it's policy." That sealed it for me. Ain't happenin'. Bummer.

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Thanks for sharing that, Martin.

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Seems like the nuts are invading the homeopathic realm too. I know that Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger" is just such a nut. Instead of pushing pharma, they push their "health pills". Just goes to show that they have traps and zaps prepared for those waking up. You really have to push to get ahead of the curve.

Congratulations on seeing right through another wallet herder.

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In the 50s, fat school kids were such an anomaly they were tormented endlessly. Now they are the norm. Incredibly, in this big, wide world, there are indigenous cultures, many of them on islands and in Africa, and virtually all of them non-white, wherein the men literally worship obese women and consider them the most sexually desirable of all females. The fatter a man's wife or lover, the higher his status in the eyes of his tribe. Those twisted, featherless bipeds are a different species altogether. Nothing to me is more repulsive than a fat, obese female and if compelled to have sex with one under pain of death at gunpoint, I'd say, pull the trigger. To quote George Carlin, "There are a lot of really, very fat motherfuckers out there!!" A literal blob pandemic. A blubbery contagion. I'm not a Bible thumper but Scripture tags homosexuality as, "The acts of a reprobate mind." In the mid 1990s I worked for a large social services agency at two homeless shelters. The state of Zoo Jersey decided to close down its mental institutions. My social service agency, in conjunction with some others, coordinated with the state to assign these head cases special teams to coach them into normalcy and functionality. Make them part of society. Needless to say the whole thing never got off the ground due to the usual incompetence and broken promises of both the social service administrators and the politicians. The result? It's conservatively estimated that over 20% of the people in jail are mentally ill, the consequence of closing the nut houses and letting the inmates on the streets. Any addiction stems from conscious choice, lack of willpower concomitant with complete disregard for the aftermath. There definitely is an occult synchronization between the JFK assassination, the world-wide, contrived explosion of the Beatles, and the corresponding 1960s, counterculture psy-op, courtesy of military Intel. This is great, Don, thank you, and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

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The '60's did not just happen. Everything was planned. That was when they declared total war on the family. And they won't even accept an unconditional surrender.

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LOL - I remember a saying back in the day. "Skinny and Fatty went to bed. Fatty rolled over and Skinny was dead". I don't like fat men and having skin contact with one is most repulsive. Immediately what comes to my mind of the living fat slobs is Michael Moore or Chris Christie. Yuck! I'd rather eat lead, like you. The nutjobs are running the nuthouse and the rest of the nuts are cracked.

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Hahahaha!!!!! More and more on TV (Talmudvision) they are showing fat women in commercials and different shows as something to be desired by the male populace. How many guys actually fall for it is a good litmus test of the electronic kosher box's hypnotic power of suggestion along with how softened the spines and brains of men have become. In the world's largest open air, lunatic asylum, the U.S., any perversion is possible if not probable. Quite literally, a fat person is a walking cesspool.

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I see that too, Hereticdrummer. I don't think it will work on very many, though. Men are far less susceptible to this kind of programming, thus why so much of it is directed at women (especially White women). Thanks!

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Excellent point, Don. There is something in the ancient, Vedic scriptures about the corruption of women leading to the downfall of man and his civilization and culture. As the female is more amenable to insidious propaganda, that is why the fairer sex is always targeted by the usual suspects. You're welcome, Don, and thanks again.

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I think we are wired to be attracted to slim sexy women. They exude health and vitality which helps in the mating ritual. We instinctively want a young healthy woman and they instinctively want a young healthy man as it is critical to human survival. Of course human survival is not what these evil perverts want. They want extermination.

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That is definitely what the ruling monsters want. They stay in the shadows but their administrator/agents (politicians & bureaucrats) are visible. Their bodyguards and police protectors notwithstanding, we must find a way to "cap" them all or we are toast. By the way, I am most assuredly wired to be attracted to slim (and shapely), sexy (and sensual) women. They also tend to exude femininity which is the prime, male attractant.

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I find it most disgusting to be constantly barraged with ads on YT of fat women trying to slink their bodies into girdles, if you will, to cover up their fat. Why bother when you can put the burger and fries down and grab a salad? If one is not ashamed of the blobbiness, then why try to hide it? Doesn't make sense to me. If they lost weight, they wouldn't need a desire for a comfortable triple X size bra! Why any normal man would lust after something like this escapes me, but they are out there. I think its called a fetish, at least it used to be. I once heard, "fun in every wrinkle". LOL

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Hahahaha!!! The ecstasy of submerging in folds of fat. I wonder if the Kama Sutra has anything about this? Highly unlikely.

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Thats a good question, but I'm not into Hinduism. Maybe if more people had real sex, then they wouldn't be so overweight. At this point, I think one episode would put their heart out of order. All that weight takes away any energy to get the job done. Certainly takes the fun out of it.

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It's funny, but the Arabs say that the best way to die is during the act of coitus. They call it, "The Sweet Death." And the French call orgasm, "The Little Death." In truth, I can think of countless worse ways to pierce the veil.

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Just so you know, some of us fat ppl have been harmed by injections all the way back in 2017. b4 I realized they wanted to depopulate me. Nothing in my body works right anymore. Including the ability to lose weight. Believe me, I know it's not attractive! But big pHARMa wants all its customers fat, sick and dependent on them. So here we are unfortunately. It doesn't help that food, water and air are being poisoned with many things including parasites. You haven't really lived until you've battled bioengineered parasites. After you have that experience, check back in and let me know your thoughts on fat people. 😉

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Carol Jean, I realize there is no way to effectively critique the unfortunate trend towards obesity in our society, without offending many good and decent people. I know how hard it is to lose weight. If it were easy, the obese would become as extinct as the Dodo bird. Most of us love to eat. I certainly do. It is one of, if not the most pleasurable things in life. But I think we're confronting a much more serious problem when something no one previously liked- being significantly overweight- is not only "accepted," but celebrated. You are right that Big Pharma products make it even more difficult to lose weight. Thanks for sharing your perspective.

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I have known many people harmed by injections, most of them, not fat. Further, all of us are subjected to the toxins in the food, water, and air with concomitant parasites. Again, the majority of us are not fat. With all respect to you personally, your argument doesn't hold water.

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Furthermore, what makes you the vaxxine injury expert? 🙄

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Nov 25, 2023
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Try living in my shoes for 6+ years you narcissistic turd! You know what opinions are like right? Like most men you love to objectify women. Gee what a novel concept. Go find a way to hopefully evolve from your neandethal beliefs! No further correspondence is desired. Good day!

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Nov 25, 2023
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I speculate that cultures finding obese women attractive are cultures that endured continual episodes of starvation. Actually, under ancestral conditions, they'd be more zaftig then obese, and decidedly more attractive than their emaciated sisters. Being blessed by natural selection with superior fat storage, these pleasingly plump women would be more likely to bear healthy children even during periods of famine. Men who found these women attractive would be more likely to have children with them, and thus to perpetuate their own genes. Under modern conditions, with starvation (fingers crossed looking to the future) not being a factor, the superior fat storage becomes a liability: healthy-and-plump becomes unhealthy-and-obese. Meanwhile, the plump-is-attractive gene still persists among men whose ancestors wisely chose plump over skeletal.

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Wonderful points, Hereticdrummer. A huge portion of the Black guys I worked with as a little respected blue collar worker preferred "big women." The bigger the better. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, my friend!

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You put in quotes from the bible "Acts of a reprobate mind". Would you please cite any chapter/verses. I am reading the bible and trying to pay close attention to what scripture actually says about homosexuality.

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Leviticus 20:13 - "If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense." Simply put, "cap" the queers.

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Thank you! If you find/know of others, please pass along.

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You're welcome, and I will.

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A "blob pandemic." That's great.

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Thank you Don, I love your observations and writing style.

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Thanks, Scott!

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Agree. Always a pleasure to read.

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Drink a lot of beer everyday:... check.

PTSD.... check.

20 pounds overweight... check.

Fucked more women than I can remember ... check.

Burnt out from jobs... check.

Dysfunctional family... check.

Pissed off at JFK being murdered... check.

Hate government and the military... check.

Bad neighbors... check.

Nice climate where I live... check.

Good wife... check.

Good son... check.

Plenty of beer in the fridge... check.

Money in my pajama pockets... check.

Mowed the lawn... check.

Enjoy every day... check.

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LOL! I can identify with everything you stated except the good wife/good son part. Yea, and I haven't slept with women but had my share of men. It was that sexual revolution thing, remember? Got plenty of other kinds of alcoholic beverages in the fridge, but being older, the liver tells me to back off, or else. God Bless for being "normal", Timmy!

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Fran: Thanks for the great comment. It took me many a failed (some spectacular) try before I found a good wife. My son is still a work in progress but he's sober, has a steady job, and doing okay so far this past three months.

As for "beer", my liver reduces me to drinking Amstel Light with lots of ice in the glass. I think the alcohol level gets down to about 2.5%.

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I have had those spectacular dates as well, but they didn't turn into anything permanent. Obviously meant to be. Some fellas I have run into a few more years down the road and my thought was, What was I thinking? Funny how some recognize me, but I don't recognize them. Ships that sped by (and can keep going). lol Hope your son can stay on the straight and narrow. Life isn't easy anymore, too many bad distractions. As far as beer, I drink Corona Extra and not too many. If I don't have a glass of water with whatever beverage I may be sipping, I regret it. Having to lay on the bathroom floor isn't very comfortable.

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Fran: Thanks for the great comment. I best not describe my misadventures. Let's just say I had to move a lot.

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Understand. I've done things I'm not too proud of either. Back in my party days, the cops weren't so quick to arrest ladies. Call it Luck, but I knew it was best not to be too snarky, not all like people act today. Lack of a loving family took me down some dark paths and bad decisions. I'm grateful for what I have and it could always be better, but going the other way is not an option.

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Fran: I always used my Irish charm on the cops. That and some witty remarks about the situation did the trick. Lack of a loving family is a tough one. I have no answers there. At my age, I'm just grateful to wake up. Walking is a bonus.

Going the other way in never an option. I agree.

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I stopped mowing the lawn three weeks ago. I do pity the people in Flordia.

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White Wolf: We have to mow pretty much year round here in Sonoma County. If we don't, the neighbors sic the police on us.

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Sounds like your neighbors are way too close. Head for the hills.

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What's a neighbour? If they're close enough to be called neighbours they're too close!

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Preferably my neighbor goes to the same church I do and holds to the same things. At least he believes in God above. Anything else- the next county is too close.

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Your neighbours suck !

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Stef: Trombone Barry lives next door to the south. He's infamous for playing his trombone at 3 AM. The zillionaires from Belevedere (Tiburon) own the house next door to the east. They rarely come up here but they did spend over $100k to tear out the "Old" pool (three years old) to put in a new pool because the old pool went North to South and the zillionaires wanted a pool that went East to West. That was a noisy summer of jackhammering and pumping in the cement etc. to make the new pool.

Oh, it goes on and on... neighbors calling the cops on us because the fence company was putting up our fence on President's Day (bullshit holiday).

The list goes on and on...

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"Without the JFK assassination, I might have never been radicalized. Might not have questioned everything. Might have obeyed better. "

Fat chance there, DJ, pardon the pun.

Being the ardent student of history you are, I suspect you would still have spent your precious days resenting and exposing the other many crimes of government before 1963. You would still have blown the whistle on arch criminals like the Springfield monster, creepy Woodrow, creepier Franklin, et al.

You cannot help it. It's in your DNA.

Of the many things I give thanks for today, top of the list are the rare freedom fighters like you.

Best wishes Brother. ~~ j ~~.

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That's very kind of you, J. Lee. Thanks!

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So very well written, Don. I think the assassination of John Kennedy was the death knell for the united states of america. A tragic family event writ large, the thing the family tries to bury and forget and never talk about it. But it never goes away and the family never heals. And neither will America.

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Thanks, Kyra!

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Good point Kyra, but I would suggest that mournful bell was rung in 1865:


Best of luck and Happy Thanksgiving ~~ j ~~

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Thanks for that link.

Back in the 60's as a child here in Australia my friend and I collected bubblegum cards of the American "civil war". I collected the Confederacy ones and he the Union. They were very bloodthirsty as I remember

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Bloodthirsty, cruel, evil. Check out this essay by Lew Rockwell, who reviews the book, "War Crimes Against Southern Civilians" by Walter Cisco: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/12/lew-rockwell/abraham-lincoln-war-criminal/

Hard to fathom that such a colossal Lincoln Lie was etched in stone on such a massive scale in South Dakota in what the Indians called the "Monument to Hypocrisy." Rushmore needs a make-over. ~~ j ~~

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Thanks for the link.

Yes I’m no fan of Lincoln but as an Aussie I have no skin in the game. He reminds me of Churchill- an evil murderous war monger held up as a hero by carefully doctoring history. I have 2 books on the South “South under Siege 1830-2000” by Frank Connor and. “Everything you were told about the Civil War is Wrong” by Seabrook.. To me the “Stars and Bars” represent resistance to oppression and not anything negative

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Thanks for the books, I'll give them a read. I'm sure it will only steel my resolve to get the evil one removed from Rushmore ;-)

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thanks for the link to the very interesting and well written article on lincoln!

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Thanks for the kind words Kyra. Check out this essay by Lew Rockwell, who reviews the book, "War Crimes Against Southern Civilians" by Walter Cisco: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/12/lew-rockwell/abraham-lincoln-war-criminal/

Hard to fathom that such a colossal Lincoln Lie was etched in stone on such a massive scale in South Dakota in what the Indians called the "Monument to Hypocrisy." Rushmore needs a make-over. ~~ j ~~

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will do for sure, thanks, J. interesting that trump and his acolytes are casting him now as a lincoln figure basing it all on lincoln lies. myths become dogmas and people don't question dogmas they just believe.

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The sheep are headed for the cliff, for sure ... the trick is to stay out of their way!

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The establishment of the Federal Reserve sealed your fate. Lincoln's war didn't help either.

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I fucking love that title.

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Thanks, Brother!

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I also want to wish everyone a very Happy Black Friday, before that's removed from our list of approved terminology. Its time for me to "put one in the oven".

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Hey Don, we again find ourselves in agreement. I too watch these "fat acceptance" trolls, and they are trolls. There is one who thinks that the very architecture of every hotel should be radically changed to support her girth: wider halls (means smaller rooms--could she fit in the rooms, then); bigger elevators and bathrooms (how can we accommodate those things after the halls are widened)'; fewer airplane seats so they can be wider (thus, once again, having "normal" sized bodies pay more for the obesity of a few); bigger bathrooms in airplanes; bigger chairs in restaurants, etc.

We have talked about this on our podcast SheeLilly: we don't care what people look like, but don't piss on our heads and tell us it's raining: OBESITY is one of the leading causes of death and disability--it's not healthy at every size. Happy Turkey Day!

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I know I must be doing something right if you're agreeing with me, Cindy. I don't want people to mistake what I'm saying for meanness. I HATE making fun of people. My book "Bullyocracy" is all about that. But we shouldn't celebrate something like this. Despite what they say, all of those "fat activists" clearly would prefer to be in shape. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

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Think of all the money that could be saved if they got off their fat asses and went for a regular walk. No heart problems, no blood pressure problems, no diabetes.... Hell they could put Pfizer out of business in no time flat.

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I was "big" in school too. Mostly very tall and therefore "other." I'll never forget elementary school when we had to weigh ourselves in front of everyone. Dear God. And the popular girl in class that said I chewed like a big, fat horse. Good times. So I basically stopped eating for 20 years. But the swing towards madness now doesn't fix any of that. Probably belittles it. I'd probably still be called names, but the 300 pound girl would be Prom Queen. We replaced being kind and decent towards others to worshipping insanity. Weakness and cruelty are now "diseases" with fandom and book deals.

I'm not a joiner either except in wishing you and everyone here a Happy Thanksgiving! Maybe the ship can be righted, but if not, we can all go down knowing we're not alone. Peace. :)

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I can relate, Cindy. We do see the same nasty spirt, the bullying if you will, in the "fat activists" towards the non-fat. Power corrupts. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

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Today I am joining a local chapter of AA for their Thanksgiving meal. I know several young men (sober now) who bring this gathering to their community. I am struck by the presence of strong & competent men there. The older men help the younger men. Families show up. Diversity is real, not conjured. Drunks fill every strata of life.

I live in an oppressive & failing progressive city. During covid the churches totally rolled for the government. My (former!)church masked for over a year. They didn't give up the pre-packed mini communion in a plastic single-use container until this spring. The sick & elderly got emails. Per the instructions of Jesus.

My branch library was shut for a year. Being very small, it was considered too dangerous. It mostly served the elderly & a local non-driving populaton. My former co-worker there informs me most have never come back.

I will end by saying this. My church & library stories are just a couple of examples of our ravaged communities. Things are really broken. During the past three years, I saw the SOBER drunks & druggies keep on keeping on. They showed up for their people. In my neighborhood they showed up for the neighborhood. Today I am thankful for AA.

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Again, I am often guilty of painting with too broad a brush. If people get something good out of AA, or any other organization, then I think that's great. Whatever helps to make life better is always a good thing. Happy Thanksgiving, Retired Librarian.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you Mr. Jeffries. I am grateful for your work!🤗

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I too, live just outside a progressive ultra-blue city spiraling into implosion. Someone I know went to Europe in September, and they were bombarded with questions about when they would be able to "escape" this city...the reputation has become such a joke. My little local library became so obsessed with the plandemic (only accepting returns for two hours in the morning so all items could be sterilized) I thought I would never return. It took me three years. I've been back three times since June. Two days ago it was a ghost town in there, and the librarians were still wearing masks. One of the main goals of the plandemic was to destroy community...and it worked.

Pre-package communion in plastic? That shocks me! It is a mockery of the Body of Christ.

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Kris. Thanks for adding your library story. The cleaning hysteria was deep! Everyone went so crazy.

I was told many churches bought the plastic communion packs, but haven't looked into it. It's all quite sad really. Thanks for your comment, & thanks to DJ for having us here.

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