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What is happening now has absolutely no precedent in history. Evil disguises itself as good. Diabolical Narcissists are running everything, yet the sheeple continue to pretend these are the good guys.

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More humans on the planet, more evil, IMO. We know they are not the good guys, and honestly, I think most people do. But are so afraid to speak against them. Not me. I don't fool myself because you cannot fool God.

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A lot of dangerous people are not sociopaths on par with Bill Gates, Elon Musk or Klaus Schwab. They are just cold and indifferent to the suffering of those around them. They don't plot to hurt others or actively delight in destroying lives.

They just follow orders for the paycheck. It's not their fault if standard care doesn't help. They won't be held accountable by those they work for.

These people enable what is going on. It wouldn't work without their help.

Not sheeple so much as machines. Heartless, remorseless, indifferent. The same sort that broadcast their "empathy" on SM every day.

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The world has lost it's soul. This is what comes from it.

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As this evil becomes more exposed and obvious, people are more responsible. My mother always said that the year 2020 gave us 20/20 vision concerning the geopolitical reality. The Plandemic did clearly revealed the conspirational nature of the international world and transnational corporations. But at this time many people simply do not want to admit that they were fooled. Even a lot of good people were surprised at the breadth and depth of the conspiracy, and now they do not want to admit the obvious.

I am done with those who think some sort of political or even military solution is going to solve this crisis of humanity. We are in the midst of the Great Apostasy foretold by St Paul, and, as he also foretold, charity has grown cold.

People at this point simply do not want to reform their lives and embrace the Christian ideal, which includes chastity, honesty, humility, perserverence, and submission to Truth. They prefer rather all the trinkets and entertainments that the Satanic Pederasts have to offer, and they are going to pay dearly, in this life and in the next.

God is not mocked.

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Those same diabolical narcissists, sociopaths and psychopathic predators have always been here stalking and killing their prey, throughout human history.

The difference now is that those same predators have taken control of most governments, which makes them even more dangerous than ever before, as is more obvious now than ever before.

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The difference is that once upon a time there were a few good men, so they kept to the shadows rather than risking the wrath of justice. But now those good men are gone, and, like the slimy things that can only tolerate damp days, they come into the open.

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That's why God said his laws are not mans laws. Focus on me, not be in the ways of the world. It's evilness and I am very afraid it will get even worse, much worse. This is Lite Mode.

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It says allllllll of this in the Bible.

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Yes, especially in the 12th Chapter of Daniel and the 13th Chapter of the Apocalypse.

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I think a concentrated effort should be for speed in reading every word of the Bible right now. Getting the bells rang loud and clear for Jesus Christ is coming. For all to announce hurriedly "get your minds in order and clean out our souls. Repent before you can't".

Thanks for your interaction.

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Have you studied Our Lady of Fatima? She had much to say concerning the current state of the World.

In the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

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I only read the Bible. There are too many fakes out there. Ya know, the way of the world thing.

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Look up what happened at Fatima Portugal on Oct 13th, 1917. (Hint, it made all the papers.) Then think long and hard about it.

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