Oct 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

You are right on target, Don. I meet so very few people that want to even discuss and/or admit the topics you brought up in your article. When I discuss or even hint at the political freak show that is dancing over our graves, all I am told is "I don't discuss politics". So with that, I say, "Well when do you? This is happening because people have ignored it for so long, now here we are". Then the wall goes up over their faces. At least 98% of humans want to feel safe and warm in their little comfy bubbles, pretending that nothing will ever affect them. That the degradation of society is not really happening. I'd ask Scotty to beam me up, but he is fake too.

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They distract with everything at their disposal. Entertainment, sports, porn, sex changes and just about every form of perversion you can think of and then some. It is all done to sow divisiveness and hate. They keep you so wrapped up you don't lift your head to see them laughing. They are actually very frightened at the thought of people rationally discussing politics. After all, it might wake people up and incite them to get rid of this abomination we are calling western civilization.

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Oct 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

I feel the same way.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Donald Jeffries

I describe politics as the practice of getting what you want by manipulating other people and is always at their expense, to their detriment, which is an adaptation of this quote by Frederic Bastiat--“Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavours to live at the expense of everybody else.”

Most people consider "politics" as having to do with government, law, the State, but most never, ever think about the way that they practice it on a daily basis. For instance, Billy Joel's waitress in his hit song, Piano Man, made a habit and living from "...practicing politics as the businessmen (her customers) slowly get stoned."

Government is only the official recognition that politics is practiced everywhere, at all levels of society, by an overwhelming majority of people, both large and small, who endeavor to get what they want at the expense of everyone else, using every possible means at their disposal. Sometimes they get busted and learn, correcting their ways but, more often than not, they protest that their actions are really only for the benefit of those around them and the good of society. Like supporting the Military-Industrial Complex because it has a factory in their home state or loudly backing the genocidal catastrophes which the "most-favored" nation in the history of the world, Israel, practices on its weaker neighbors.

How do you correct this problem. Quite simple. Vote. Vote harder. Vote more often. Vote until the right people are put into office and all the scheming, conniving, rascally scoundrels are turned out into the street or thrown into a maximum-security prison. Yes, that ought to do it and so many are faithful to the concept, never realizing that voting is an attempt to force others to behave the way that you want them to. Getting what you want at someone else's expense, to their detriment. Politics.

For those who haven't already caught on, the paragraph immediately above is sarcastic. The only way to correct the practice of politics is to address the sin within yourself AND to take action to eliminate it from your own life. All of us are guilty. All of us have to change our course. As a succinct example of what I am advocating, I offer another paraphrase from an even greater man than Frederic Bastiat.

"Love your neighbors, don't kill them."

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Although I do not consider myself to be an accomplished plagiarist, Jesus is my favorite to quote, and Frederic Bastiat's "The Law" is right up there with Martin Luthur's "Treatise on Christian Liberty". Those who follow the least path of resistance will never be delivered by force of arms, but through much patience can the misanthropist be brought so understand for our short existence in these bodies does not compare to the wrath of God.

Loving those who hate themselves, and those around them is challenging, but not loving them with the Love of God is sinning against Both God and our neighbors.

Though our neighbors may be our enemies, and are not willing to surrender to God's will yet, I also understand those things which will not be shaken, now abideth Faith, Hope and Charity, but the greatest of these is Charity. As Jesus taught in John Chapter four, God is a spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. I also pray that spirit of truth overcomes this world, but my expectations are always of the Lord to guide me And Donald has a way of expressing those who think they can control this spirit, by their own machinations, that day of reckoning is coming.

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Thank you for your comment. I tend to agree more than disagree. All I want is this country, and the world to get back on track, to respect each other and have peace. I am tired of the hate and murder.

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I am with you on this, but disagree with one thing. The world has never been on track, has never respected anyone, and has never had peace since Adam and Eve ate the apple.

This may sound like semantics to some, however, I challenge anyone to identify one time in the history of the world that people and governments have ever done what you wish for.

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Thanks, Fran!

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"At least 98% of humans want to feel safe and warm in their little comfy bubbles, pretending that nothing will ever affect them."

Every one of the narcissistic SoBs is so infantile that they expect someone to return them to the womb. It's pathetic. I tell people to grow the f*** up but no one understands and it'll always be that way.

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Mr. Jeffries, you are fast becoming my favorite "protester about everything" and this relevant and enlightening essay, no less.

Thank you sir, don't ever stop, much less slow down your exposes !

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I appreciate the kind words, Awaken. Thanks!

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Oct 16Liked by Donald Jeffries

Good article. Write it while you still can.

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Thanks, Peter!

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Oct 17Liked by Donald Jeffries


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Yes, many sheeple enjoy tightening the blindfold around their eyes whenever a hint of truth attempts to get into the empty space between their ears.

I tried educating friends on Facebook about cheap non-toxic ways to stay healthy during the covid response and got unfriended by around ten of them for my troubles; before this mass psychosis event I rarely lost any since I opened my account years ago. Never mind the posts and comments that got marked as spam or misinformation, even the ones from medical journals.

I’ve learned my lesson and now most of the time won’t post any truth unless I can mercilessly mock and ridicule “experts” and The Powers That Shouldn’t Be at the same time.

For the most part, I’m no longer interested in educating or helping sheeple especially covid True Believers since they’re probably a ticking time bomb with no interest in disarming it.

I keep wishing I could live in a walled community away from them with fellow misfits.

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Oct 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

For me it started when GHW Bush signed the Hate Crimes Law. Everybody of note told him not to do it and he did it anyway. I told everybody I knew that it was an attack on Free Speech. And I told my so-called Christian friends who felt sorry for the homosexuals cornholing each other and getting AIDS that they would someday use the Hate Crimes (read Thought Crimes) Law to come back and bury them.

Then we had Diversity Days in the office; dividing everybody against each other. There went my Irish jokes!

As good paying Manufacturing jobs left the country, I discovered what Diversity really meant: kowtow to foreigners and shit on Native Born Americans.

And then there was the mantra of "Character Doesn't Count" trumpeted ad nauseum by the Big Media starting with the idolization of Magic Johnson and through two terms of the pervert in chief from Arkansas. And now we have his harridan of a wife calling us names like deplorables and worse just because we complained about getting screwed by them and having to compete for crappy low paying jobs with all of the H1-Bs and now millions of illegals that her and ilk brought in.

So yes, I get it that people are pissed because their voice has been taken away from them. You have to keep trying but it can get exhausting.

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We must fight the very terms "hate crime" and "hate speech," Brian. You can't legislate a human emotion, and hate is a human emotion. Just totally Orwellian. Thanks!

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The U.S. has long been ruled by a Cryptocracy, an alien, evil, occupation, shadow government. These demonic, sub-humans are so deeply entrenched into all facets of the socio-economic, legal, political, financial and military/police systems that it will take nothing less than a major cataclysm or a full scale armed revolt with gargantuan bloodshed and carnage to dislodge them. As long as the majority of digitally addicted, featherless biped, subject/slaves have a roof over their heads, enough to eat, their techno toys, and TV (Talmud Vision), the latter will never happen. Most of them don't even have a clue having long lost their ability for critical thinking and spiritual discernment. Hopefully they'll make good fertilizer. With regard to Vince Foster, and his "suicide", he was found with two bullet holes in his head. That should make Ripley's believe it or not. To be able to shoot yourself in the head and then realize that hasn't done the job so you must do it again and are able to, is beyond incredible. Thank you, Don, for this tsunami of an article.

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Thanks, Hereticdrummer!

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You're welcome, Don, be well.

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"The U.S. has long been ruled by a Cryptocracy, an alien, evil, occupation, shadow government."

"Long?" Hell, it started out that way. Such arseholes even imposed "da konstitooshun" on the rest of us. In fact, it enabled what we're suffering under today.

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The U.S. has always been an oligarchy, a government of, by, and for the very rich, but at least in former eras the Freemasonic scumbags paid lip service to rights and protections for the rest of us subject/slaves. That has long gone by the wayside and now you can wipe your ass with the Bill of Rights. (Bill of Wipes).

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15 hrs agoLiked by Donald Jeffries

Or as I like to call it, the Bill of Goods used to sell the new constitution, which eventually created our open air prison ...


Best of luck friend,

~~ j ~~

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The U.S. legal racket is a class/caste system. If you are blue blood rich with concomitant connections, you will have all rights and protections honored as per the original intent of the framers of the Constitution. (for themselves and their posterity). If you are Joe and Mary Sixpack, you will be ground up like hamburger meat. No rich person has ever been executed for a felony crime in the U.S., and their crimes individually and collectively match and exceed in monstrosity anything ever done by an indigent person. That alone says it all right there. Thank you, J. Lee, much appreciated.

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Absolutely right, Hereticdrummer. It's a good thing that the wealthy and famous very occasionally go on trial. Otherwise, we would never even hear the phrase "innocent until proven guilty." Thanks!

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You're more than welcome, Don. I have in my possession Blacks Law Dictionary, 4th edition, Revised. It came out in 1968. It's worth about $300 I think. That was the last edition wherein the preface the judicial canon of ethics followed by the attorney canon of ethics was printed. The publishers must have prudently realized it was a waste of good paper and ink. "Thou shall be no respecter of persons". Really?! Don't make me laugh. Thanks again, Don.

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Oct 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

the POS coward GOP had to wait till the last minute to try to get hand counted ballots. should have started it a week after bidung was placed in power. they destroyed and killed Sen Mc Carthy right after the US got done fighting WWII to save the communists. of course he had to go after all that effort to keep communism alive.

the people are sheep and the rulers know especially after covid they can do anything to the public. the best sign I ever saw at a protest anywhere said....Why would they stop when all you do is take it?

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

The enemy of the state - is the enemy of the two party 'system' - it's not Righty Vs Lefty - it is the State Vs. You. Social Studies textbooks printed in '78 penned McCarthy as a hater on a witch hunt - I believe they even suggested He was a womanizer and died from Siphilis. "Why would they stop when all you do is take it?" reminds me of a Mencken quote - https://i.imgflip.com/14mqet.jpg

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",,,,,,when all you do is sit and whine and masterbate" ...?

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your wife comes over and gives me a hand

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Hey, nice to meet ya, Sportfan. Nice to see you 3 letter men showing your prowess

here in wonderland, reading and stuff...yaknow....I'm not shaking your hand.

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Oct 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

Once again Mr. Jeffries you outdid yourself.

We are dealing with a global huge dark shadow machine that works against the human essence. Close to what happened in Atlantis before it fell. Enough people escapes beforehand in various times to keep some of it alive for us to once again rediscover our divine humanness. Then the forces started working against that again.

Some people do not even realize that they are part of that dark plot but go along with it because of brainwashing and bribes and money and power. Others know very well, they have been bred into it from childhood.

I was not really into politics back when JFK was assassinated but my intuition told me that the government's explanation was false. As you know there were only a few who thought that way adn without internet it lay dormant for a while, it is just now resurfacing again.

After that it was just one incident after another all of which you mentioned. The majority still bought the government explanations, including even 911. How so many people bought this bull manure story they gave us is unbelievable. This was a very orchestrated, long thought out, intelligent operation - impossible to be committed by a handful of terrorists from the Middle East with box cutters. But say anything else and it is misinformation.

The medical tyranny is the worst because people do get sick from it or die. I remember at one time they tried hard to even outlaw vitamins and herbal uses, telling us that they were not proven and could be dangerous to our health. What fricking demons.

Looking at things it looks like the inhuman machine of the WEF, CIA, Zionists and others have almost fully taken over in Australia and Canada. Europe is 3/4 ers gone to them and we are sitting at about the half level. The election will mean little because neither half will accept the other half. Don't know what comes next but Humanness has to prevail here otherwise the globe will face the same fate as Atlantis.

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Thanks, Inge!

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"...and we are sitting at about the half level."

"Half?" Half my tushie!

Just look at who supported the Bolsheviks, the USSR and the rise of Red China and you'll understand that we've (the USA) been 100% all in for more than a century.

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

Thanks Don, so many rabbit holes, so many to choose from, so little time. Of course ,JFK and 9-11 are the grand daddy of Orwellian tales, but one of my favorite stories is the Oklahoma City Bombing/Timothy McVeigh and the Chandry Levy affair. circa 1995.

It seems Chandra Levy was a young graduate student working at the Federal Bureau of Prisons while she was dating California Congressman Gary Condit.

Chandra had pulled Timothy McVeigh's prison file and found some interesting items. Chandra had also heard some interesting tid-bits via pillow-talk from Congressman Condit, and she made it known that she was going to go public. (not a good idea)

A few weeks later, Chandra went jogging in a Washington, D.C. park, where they found her body. (Throat cut from ear-to-ear). I know, this doesn't prove a thing about Timothy McVeigh or OKC . But it does prove that jogging is bad for your health. (sar off)

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That's very interesting, Liber8or. I had never heard of a connection between Levy and Oklahoma City. Her death was certainly strange, and remains "unsolved." Thanks!

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Oct 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

Thanks for keeping her memory alive.

It just sort of reminds me of Tracy Twyman.

She wrote a number of books and was a producer and guest on the Clyde Lewis show.

After she got involved in the investigation of certain dark topics they discovered her body hanging in her garage, leaving behind her small child. Ruled "suicide".

Well, I guess the detective in charge didn't want to be the next 'suicide' victim, so he went along with the suicide report. A tragic loss and disgusting that people are so low. Demonic stuff.

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I never knew that, Scott. I was just on Clyde Lewis's show again recently. Thanks for sharing.

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And if I may add, I believe women are so statistically unlikely to commit suicide by hanging that even the few examples that exist may be murder.

Another, similar problem exists with the phenomenon dubbed "erotic asphyxiation." I accept that I may not be kinky enough to understand the appeal. But I think deaths caused by it are conveniently embarrassing, where possible victims of strangulation are posthumously thought of as dangerous perverts.

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I remember hearing her as a guest, and later hearing about her murder.

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From what I remember, she even tried to go to the FBI to report the threats and

circumstances, but they did absolutely nothing.

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Oct 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

A great essay...truly...and I will spread it everywhere I can, Donald. Can't buy or read your book at the moment....I'm in [3rd world] Belize....I'm 82 this month...poor, living on social security THAT I DAMNED SURE PAID FOR, yes I did...and I may never return, But I still have many friends. As you know, I DO think that, of the choices presented to us for President, Trump is the obvious choice. So maybe we differ there. The real power and the crucial ROT in our system , however, lies in the Congress, as you've heard me opine about before...Maybe your readers would like to see my old, short [12 min] video on how we the people can, and should, & must.....totally seize control over the all-powerful [unglamerous] Congress. It would be easy for we the people to do. All good things would flow from that move.

The presidency is actually a diversion from what we must change,,,,to survive.

12 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS3SyB37uM0

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I appreciate that, Denny. I certainly understand your financial situation. Request that your library system add it to its collection. Thanks!

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Oct 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

An excellent roundup as always, Donald! And that's all not even to mention Covid insanity, lockdown fever, and the murderous jab that is causing cancer at a never-before-seen rate and intensity. An acquaintance of mine just learned she had metastatic stage 4 melanoma, with no prior issues... 0 to lethal cancer in a few months. Pray for her and all the other afflicted by the death shots! Also those being denied aid in North Carolina by our vaunted government!

Personally, I knew it was over by the end of 2020 when there still wasn't a rising up of the people: they just grinned and bared it. It would've only taken 10-20% of the population to categorically refuse the covid measures to defeat the entire initiative. But they didn't rise to the occasion, and now those same people act shocked at what's happened since; even local governments chastising residents for asking questions about the "legal" migrants across the US. They don't know that they surrendered already, and voting won't fix it

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I appreciate that, Servetus. Thanks!

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Nauseating and transparent reiteration.. straw man argumentation .. appeals to dubious ( ridiculous) authority is par for the course.

All MSM , and sad to say many "alternative media" journalista perpetuate a narrative they have pathologically contracted . Ick

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Oct 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

It's a grift. It pays. Pays well. The job of being a professional r or d team chearleader, wether as a member of the old establishment or the fake alternative media, it's a lucrative gig. You have to trade your soul for the money, but for the Godless, that's an easy choice.

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Oct 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

I feel your pain, Don.

I gave up trying to talk about anything serious after the whole 9/11 debacle, which was so apparently something other than the ridiculous official narrative. All it does it generate a defensively hostile reaction, and quite possibly strain or break a friendship. Even three of the members of the commission that drafted the report came out afterwards and said it was a whitewash. And there are so many similar historical and current examples of the same thing. As a nation, our march to ruin is far advanced, so take the next booster and die happy and righteous. Each to their own, I guess. Pointing out the obvious to the willfully oblivious is just an exercise in frustration, ands that’s being generous. About the only thing more discouraging than all the cons run on the American public is the large majority that consistently buys into the bullshit. It’s not hard to see why “democracy” is having such a hard time these days. At the hoary old age of 77, I’m not going to waste my remaining time trying to convince these voluntary fools to wake up. To paraphrase an old bit of wisdom, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him think”.

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Good points, Izzy. Thanks!

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Oct 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

On a number of occasions, Ron Paul used to lament about how liberty was such a hard sell to most Americans. Similarly, it appears that real truth, or the persuit thereof, falls into the same category. Brainwashing and laziness have taken the starch out of the majority of Americans in relation to the mass manipulation we are inundated with. Fellow DJ followers need to encourage friends/family to read the Hidden History trilogy.

Thanks Don

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Oct 18Liked by Donald Jeffries

Ah Yes, Brainwashing. My nephew got his teaching degree and wants to teach history.

I said, "What kind of history?"

HE said, "Ethnic studies".

I said, "Why would you want to teach that?"

He said, "Because the Founding Fathers were racists."

I said, "You really believe that?"

He said, "Yeah".

I said, "Well okay."

Then I sent him Donald Jeffries' book, "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963".

A few weeks later he calls me up and says, "Hey Uncle Brian. This is a pretty wild book! I never knew this. I am going to learn some more. Thanks!

So...you never know.

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Wow. Now that's the kind of thing every author loves to hear, Brian. Thanks!

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That is encouraging.

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Thanks, Robert!

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Oct 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

As citizens of a country, we are usually held to a much higher standard than anyone who is playing the role of government authority. We are always doing something wrong whereas hacks in government can never do wrong.

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Oct 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

Excellent article!

They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 


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Oct 17·edited Oct 17Liked by Donald Jeffries

For some reason Substack is not letting me post on my own, so I will try and post by replying to the latest comment. Btw, there seems to be so many problems with Substack; not allowing likes, not allowing comments by hiding the post button, disappearing comments; it makes one wonder if Substack is being hacked.

Donald, I'm sorry after all your years of hard work writing and researching your books, that you are finally tasting writer's success when everything is falling apart, and censorship has become brutal. You must have considerable more charm than me, because wherever I ended up in my younger days, eventually I would become very unpopular for pointing out the lies and hypocrisy that was all around. I finally figured out, that most folks hate and fear the truth more than anything else. The truth makes people uncomfortable, so most chose the safety and comfort of lying to themselves. This is especially true of authority figures, who know how the game is played.

Things are going to get very bad, very soon. Those interested in survival, would do well to throw any normies remaining in their lives, over the side of the lifeboat. At best, their stupidity will get you killed...at worst they will report you to the Gestapo and cheer as you are hauled away. The WILLFULLY ignorant never change.

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I appreciate that, Kris, and an sorry you're experiencing issues with Substack. I've heard from others about minor problems, so let's hope these are just glitches with Substack's system, and that they continue to provide a free speech platform. Thanks!

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I concur that you are a gem, Don, and hope that you get rich and famous, then we can party at your house!

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You may also want to visit https://omniwar.ca/

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Thanks, TheyLied!

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