That's what they say! I've suspected for several years that due to the SSRI's used by these alleged shooters they will take firearms from anyone using them now or in the past because these drugs make people do these "mass shootings".
I was unfortunately prescribed those medications when I was younger for another disorder.. it left me permanently disabled. The side effects can be permanent & long term effects are horrific
Excellent post. I heard you on Tin Foil Hat (again) a few days ago. You should be on Mount Crushmore. If I were still on social media, I'd tell them that. It gives me hope for humanity and civilization to hear you talk and read what you write. It's good to know others see what's really going on. Thank you for not being afraid to speak up.
Way too few see what is really going on, let alone are able to discern the history of all this. When the Pope ain't even Catholic you know we are in for a whole boatload of trouble.
Just after reading this and being in agreement with most of it, I came across yet another case of children being left in a hot car. This time it was twin toddlers, only discovered after a family member went to use the car and found them in the back seat. I don’t see similarities between bad parenting leading to criminal behavior of the child, and these cases of neglect. These children have committed no crime. They did nothing wrong. They have not harmed anyone. In this particular case no charges are being considered as the police say they don’t see signs of “willful negligence.” I guess using an oxymoron makes it okay. I bet parents who leave children in cars for hours wouldn’t leave their phone for that long.
As a parent, I find it impossible to believe that any parent could leave their child in the car without realizing it, Last. But I don't know how we police, and prosecute neglect. Too many parents neglect their kids. In this politicized climate, it's just too easy to use CPS and local law enforcement against parents who aren't vaccinated, home schoolers, MAGA voters, etc. I've interviewed some of these people, who had their children taken unfairly from them by the state, on my podcast. The solution isn't simple. Thanks.
I have to disagree with you on the fact (if true) that Colin Gray bought his son a high power firearm and allowed him access to it. All this after Colt had previously threatened to shoot up a school.
Perhaps he bought the gun to try to persuade Colt to be a man. Who knows?
I raised my kids in a rural setting and allowed them to target practice almost anytime that they wished.
SUPERVISED. I am a "Gun Nut" but allowing someone that unhinged to own a gun is, to me reprehensible. By the way, when does your new book ship? I pre ordered.
There is no sense critiquing the event because the bullshit dribbles way way down on this one. At this point, I would not be the least surprised if both father and son were in the employ of the "intelligence community". We truly live in Clown World.
"We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country."
That was an interesting point of view. My first thought is the father of Colt is just as guilty as his son since he KNEW the son was wacky and still gave me a loaded gun. I think he has guilt to bear in this instance. My thinking is the young inner city blacks who randomly have guns snf kill easily is: why aren't the parents keeping track of what is in their room and/or possession. Adults are said to be responsible and prosecuted as such. Where does their responsibility end? But in general, your writing today has really made me think and examine my ideas.
I appreciate that, Vicki. Either the law is going to become so involved that countless parents will be prosecuted for the actions of their kids, or they recognize that it's wrong to prosecute someone for the acts of another. Thanks!
As I said, you have really made me think about many things and yes, it is going to make more involvement which is what we don't need in this country. I have sent it to another friend who thinks deeply and I need to go back and read it several times. Brilliant article, DJ!
"Blacks" as you call them, don't fit the agenda of the AR-15 toting White racist. This is on the agenda. The White man, and woman, must be made an example of, emasculated and the brunt of a plethora of "psy-ops." "White males are on the menu."
I don't call "them" anything that the msm doesn't already. The kid was mental and I doubt racist was on his mind, he was just wacky and wanted to shoot anyone in the way. He was known to be a problem so the blame goes on so many, including the parents. This country is way messed up.
I never said anything about the kid being racist or anything to do with racism. I am pointing out the agenda. " The White man, and woman, must be made an example of, emasculated and the brunt of a plethora of "psy-ops." "White males are on the menu."....."This is on the agenda.."
I don't play race games because it is a psy-op. Additionally, "Black" has no standing in law. It is a legal descriptor. I have never seen a "black" person in my life. Nor a "White" person. When did you become "White?" When did Irish, Germans, French, English etc. become "White?" It used to be, ON THIS LAND, Frenchmen, Englishmen, and "I am Irish." Not White. White is a legal descriptor, not a race.
I do agree. Parents are to a certain degree responsible for the actions of their minors. While I would not go so far as to charge the father with murder, he could be charged with criminal negligence.
A lot of blame all around, Don. Our entire society is one huge failure. But why give a firearm to a child who you MUST know has issues? Bad judgement on the father's part. I believe that many parents don't really want to spend the time it takes to raise a child. They dump a lot of that responsibility on the joke of an education system. Bullying is a serious issue in schools and simply should not be allowed and addressed severely when it occurs. A lot of parents are too weak to fight back especially with all this tranny-sitioning that is now in our faces. Go along to get along. Parents are complicit in their children's outcome, or perhaps they have tried to seek outside help which also failed. A big facet of our culture is to deal with problems via Big Pharma. I don't understand how, especially during this period in our lives, parents are not aware of the dangers of dosing up our children.
No, I do not believe the father should go to prison. If that is the case, then those in government who demand that our young men and women go to these farcical wars then sent to prison for their acts of murder. Or the government demanding that we take injections that will kill us or main us for life. Its all the same, isn't it?
Yes parents need to be involved in their children's lives. If you love them, don't you do that? I coached little league baseball and soccer for years and it amazed me how so many parents thought I was a baby sitting service. I said stay and watch your kids play. And when I say practice ends at 5:30 pm, be here to pick them up, not at 6:30 pm. What do you want me to do, leave them at the ballpark by themselves? I thought well if you are not going to enforce any standards, it's no wonder your kids are getting into trouble. Some of them major trouble. Eeek!
It was like that in the schools as well. I found myself in the halls, teaching teenagers how to read when I volunteered. That helped wake me up to what an utter disaster education was, though. I finally started a reading group at my kitchen table for students and we started at the beginning so they could read well.
Thats very sad to hear, but predictable. Parents let their kids sit at those daycare centers too. The family comes first, not your job or the local tavern.
It's not even about the firearm. It's about the society. It's about mentally abusing children in every public school, twisting their minds, their genders and their lives. It is about SSRI drugs, inculcated perversion, punk ass little bullies and a system that literally feeds off of tragedy.
I just cannot fathom that father. It's like a kid getting a Harley Hog after wrecking his bicycle crashing down suicide hill after taking a dare. Utter madness.
The father really needed to address the bullying, IF the son told him about it. Some kids fear their fathers to death.
One of my older sisters told me about how her child, when at age 6, was refused a hot lunch at the school. He gave away his lunch money. So he called her crying so hard that she could barely understand him. She tore down to the school and busted into the principal's office and told him off. What kind of school refuses to feed a hungry child? Like it would break their bank? So after that incident, they changed the rules and allowed kids who didn't have the money to pay for lunch, to give it to them for free. My one sister is a lot like me, doesn't hold back. A little six year old boy, like what did they anticipate his intention was, to give his tray of food away, or throw it around the cafeteria? What an effed up society, but you already know that.
Let me see if I got this right. Your sister's darling angel gave away the lunch money. The school did not give away food. The child, who was maybe traumatized from having not gotten any lunch on top of perhaps being bullied into giving away his lunch money, called mommy. Momma bear stormed into the school and raised holy hell. Then the school changes the rules and now we have No Child Left Behind. I know I wouldn't be and educator these days without some kind of union. Layers on layers of rules and restrictions. No discipline. Fire breathing momma bears who crack the whip on the staff of the school while only offering to their own children a top of the lungs "SHUT UP!" from a sofa positioned directly in front of a TV. The father doesn't put the fear of God (if he knows anything about it) into anyone anymore because momma would kick his ass, sick the cops on him, divorce, take the kids, the house, and most of his paycheck. And if he defended himself in any way, he would end up in jail for a very long time. I don't know your sister's story, but it sounds like she overreacted. Did anyone try to find out why the child gave the lunch money away? Or are the children simply very good at manipulating mommy? Where was the father?
I do think you have a point. But Fran has a point too. Why the child gave his lunch money away is baffling. And of course SOMEBODY should have gotten to the bottom of it. (Maybe his money was actually stolen.) Meanwhile, it does seem over the top for a hungry child to be denied food. Okay, he does not have to eat like Prince Charles, but maybe a piece of toast and an orange juice, or a peanut butter sandwich? The problem, as I see it, is that everything is institutionalized, because, damn it, laws and legislation will solve everything. And, of course, none of us dare take any personal initiative, because we might be jailed for littering, or jaywalking, or loitering, or disturbing the peace, or disorderly conduct- which just about covers everything politically incorrect.
Of course, the solution is for mom and pops to homeschool, and raise their children in a Godly manner, and be responsible for their actions.
Nah, let's just shop on Amazon and watch a movie...
Let me be crystal clear. This only happened once. He was a six year old child. My sister is NOT one of those who takes advantage of the system. Who knows why he gave his lunch money away. Is that really important? Kids do stupid things. I did, didn't you? This child is a twin and she raised her children well. They are now grown men who have decent jobs.
Her husband was working when this happened and so was she, so had to run from her job to go to the school. If that was my son, I would have done the same thing. Paul is just being nasty. I regret even bringing up this incident as there is always someone who takes it too far.
I can be nasty, yes. It was nothing personal against you or your sister. Nearly forgotten stories from so long ago can illuminate the fact that very little is as simple as it seems and nearly every action can be compounding in its consequence. Maybe the event did turn a teachable moment for the young lad. I've been enjoying Donald Jefferies and company' writing and comments for a long time mostly from quietly in the background. Your comment evidently aroused something in me. I like reading your commentary within the framework of the dialogue as well Fran. Have a good day and keep writing.
Schools used to have a rule that if a child did not have lunch money for lunch, they would give him a milk and two rolls and that was back when the rolls were very large and quite delicious. I just cannot imagine allowing a child to go hungry like that.
The U.S. has more people incarcerated than the USSR had at the peak of their Gulag system and also more than Red China. Capitalism is the mother bitch that spawned communism. They are incestuous lovers, not adversaries. Chrese Evans is another Tranny. These freaks are ubiquitous. Charles Manson was a CIA creation and the alleged Manson murders was an Intel psy-op. Released photos of the crime scene show a bloody Sharon Tate lying on the floor grinning. Several months after her "death", "she" was photographed walking the streets of London, England. I put "she" in quotes because Tate was a Tranny too, along with all of the actor, Manson "girls". So much is contrived and fake in this satanic matrix it boggles the mind. Yet we soldier on, awaiting Ragnarok. Brilliant, thought provoking piece, Don, thank you much.
I would debate whether we exceed the Gulag Archipelago with our prison system, but it is definitely in the same class. And like Stalin, we now incarcerate people at the drop of a hat. Of course, it is all programming. Training the Goys to not protest, lest they lose their hovels and their raman noodles. E gads.
We exceed it hands down by far. As I've said before, for many years now, the three biggest growth industries in Soviet America are prisons (and jails), fast food burgers, and lottery tickets. That's what makes the U.S. the, "indispensable nation" I suppose. When the Goyim peacefully protested the outrageous "Stupid-19" lockdowns, they were clubbed, tear gassed, cuffed and taken to the Slam. The day is coming when they'll be gunned down in the streets for having such temerity. When the Yarms (Blacks) protested the George Floyd alleged killing, which was just another Military Intel psy-op hoax, by rioting, looting, destroying property, and assaulting people, the boys in blue who serve the Jew did nothing because these sub-humans were exercising their, "Constitutional Rights". (as if these mythical "Rights" exist for any subject/slave here). It is glaringly obvious that the only solution for Whitey to prevent total extermination is leaderless resistance, lone wolf, asymmetrical, guerrilla warfare. You don't negotiate with those who are trying to annihilate you, you send them into the black void with extreme prejudice.
I do agree with your last point. but my weapon of choice is the Most Holy Rosary. "Tis much better to convert your opponent than hang him- unless, of course, he is beating down the door.
I agree with you, that is an excellent weapon of choice, but it will only suffice with certain individuals. There are people (and I use that term loosely) walking this earth that possess no spirit or divine spark. Outwardly they may appear to be human but they are not. Like the lower beings they are, they only understand brute force and pain. These are the kind of socio/psychopaths that would cut an old lady's throat for five bucks in her purse. Any talk with them or prayer to reach them is a total waste of time. They must be dispatched with similar aplomb to eliminating a cockroach nest.
Yes, Our Lord did mention something about "not scattering pearls before swine", but at the same time it is written "The bruised reed he will not break, the smoldering wick he will not quench". None of us are absolutely committed to good or evil one way or the other until we have breathed our last. We must wait upon God's good time.
"If the vision delays, wait for it. It will surely come. It will not disappoint!"
I was shocked that the Crumbleys ended up being convicted. People don't realize that's the start of any over zealous prosecutor to start charging parents for a myriad of issues.
Most juries love to convict whoever is on trial. They have no concept of reasonable doubt, and few would ever think of questioning the prosecution of a parent in such a case. Thanks, Luc.
Soviet archives made available in the 90's after the USSR collapsed showed that the Rosenbergs were indeed spies. Whether they should have been executed for their treason is another question. During the trial, in order to protect other intelligence assets, The U.S. Gov't was not able to fully reveal all details about their guilt. Hence, the appearance of a sham trial.
I learned all this when Harvey Klehr (Jewish), Emory professor of politics and history, revealed this during the Q & A session after a documentary sympathetic to the Rosenbergs was shown during a Jewish Film festival some 20 years ago. The almost entirely Jewish audience seemed very surprised and upset with Klehr's revelation, as they assumed the Rosenbergs were innocent and railroaded due to being Jewish and communist linked, and the documentary had presented the same bias. It was a very interesting experience witnessing this!
Interesting but will we really ever know? Do spies get the chair or other now? No. The system in general is messed up in a big way. We have become unraveled in so many ways as a country.
According to Klehr, the details incriminating the Rosenbergs were thorough. More recently, Jonathan Pollard didn't get the chair for his treason for giving secrets to Israel, which raises many questions about our special relationship with Israel and those who control it. Pollard was eventually released free to Israel and given a hero's welcome by Netanyahoo.
The author Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn in his work, Gulag Archipelago, Volume 2, affirms that Jews created and administered the organized Soviet concentration camp system in which 66,000,000 Christians died. On page 79 of this book he names the administrators of this the greatest killing machine in the history of the world. They are Aron Solts, Yakov Rappoport, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Genrikh Yagoda, and Naftaly Frenkel. All six of these men are Jews. In 1970, Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Donald, you struck a chord with your, "They spent too much time and effort destroying the Black nuclear family for that." LBJ infamously bragged, "I'll have these ______s voting Democrat for 200 years." Welfare war on fathers. Free flow of drugs through an open border. The state owns children, not parents--try objecting at the next school board meeting and be visited by the Fascist Bureau of Intimidation.
Incidentally, Chrese Evans granddaughter of Stalin has no trigger discipline--and since she's (I assumed her gender) brandishing an AR-15, let's note that fourteen-year-old with such a weapon was stopped by a good guy with that style weapon--but did we see that from the Fairy Media? No, they'd have been castrated and cast out for presenting the full spectrum.
Reparations? What of the line of slaves Kamala's family had? Race war, just another Marxist line of attack on freedom. Yet nobody does sins-of-the-father like Stalin's clearcutting and Hitler's enhanced eugenics. Today's Iran-fueled campus idiots and Bill Gates the Bug Chef are just getting started.
Hate speech, hate crimes, as you note, just an extension of the Orwellian Two-Minutes Hate. While gun bans follow the incrementalism of the Third Reich disarming its deplorables.
Note the Covenant shooter was a trans trapped in the wrong body--in other words, a successful Marxist op against the family.
Kamala's father was a Marxist economics professor. Hence one more glorious Five Year Plan oughta do it. Meantime she'll use our money to "buy back" our arms, a sleight of hand using the lalalala-I-don't-recognize-your-Constitution.
Washington the father of the country? No no no no no--We will use joy to unburden ourselves from parents, morality, religion, separation of powers.
For all the rage against patriarchy it seems the head of the table has become a gender-fluid state which cannot be questioned by disinformation-driven dissidents.
LBJ was expert at destroying Black Families. He transformed many a German, italian, and irish ghetto into a welfare hellhole, and reduced the inner cities to rubble. I will never forget taking the Elevated Train over South Philly in 1978. It was like flying real low over bombed-out Berlin just after the war,
There is one image seared into my mind. A woman sitting in an incredibly dirty room at a cluttered table over a debris strewn floor while dingy curtains fluttered in the breeze while she smoked away. A scene of total despair.
Nah, South Philly in 1978 put Wigan Pier to shame. I don't think I would have driven down the streets- not that you could, stripped vehicles sitting on cement blocks were everywhere -by night or day. Since then everything has been bulldozed and covered by Main Drag USA- Walmart, Sam's Club, Target and Costco. All the usual suspects.
Read somewhere that Mom had called the guidance counselor a 1/2 hour before the shooting and told the school what her son planned. Will that person be charged with obstruction?
Hey what about the Uvalde teacher that propped the door open which allowed the shooter access to the school? I am sure that was against policy!
Exactly, Luc. I recounted the most incredible school shooting of all in "Bullyocracy." A kindergarten student, who'd already been expelled several times before, and was visited by Social Services, who somehow found nothing amiss over the fact he was living in his uncle's crack house, wound up shooting and killing a little girl. After he'd openly brandished the weapon in class. The clueless teacher was never even named in articles, let alone held accountable for her incredible negligence. Neither was the crackhead uncle, who left the handgun out in the home. Thanks.
The latest school shooting did not even make my radar. And I know the mantra by now. People will be shocked by the tragedy. The mainstream media will run the politicized narrative. The alternative media will blow the narrative to shreds by uncovering the facts. The FBI or some police agency will have already investigated or otherwise have been involved with the "shooter" before the actual incident, and then all will be sucked down the memory hole as the news cycle relentless plods forward.
As for the Sins of the Fathers, there is a lot of that to go around. Come Judgment Day, my generation will be blamed for a lot. The legions of latchkey kids, for starters. We drank beer and watched football while the soccer moms and the communists burned everything to the ground. (So long as the smoke did not get in out eyes we were unconcerned.)
I have been shouting into the wilderness for 50 years. They said it could not happen here. They said we were not 'Dem Evil Nazis. They said Birth Control does not matter. They said Not Rocking the Boat was a virtue. They said we must not make waves. They said we must be Warm Fuzzies and not Cold Pricklies.
It's already burned to the ground. The flames are dying out. Why try and put the fire out now?
(PS I thoroughly enjoyed Lee Gaulman on I Protest. I hope he comes around again. Like me, he has been in the belly of the beast and watched the proverbial sausage being made. I hope he shares some of his war stories. It might help me to figure out where some of the bodies are.)
We need a new faction.
"Gays with Guns"
Manson was protected by Deep State.
He and his family were MKultra victims.
A good book is Chaos, Charles Manson and the CIA.
Shooter will be tested for hard drugs and alcohol but not SSRI drugs from Pharma, not the parents.
Ask your doctor if shooting up your school is right for you.
Plenty of data linking SSRIs to mass shootings. That should be the parents alibi.
I like that, Bard- "Ask your doctor if shooting up your school is right for you." Thanks!
SSRIs are in almost all the school shooters
Indeed they are, JP. Thanks!
That's what they say! I've suspected for several years that due to the SSRI's used by these alleged shooters they will take firearms from anyone using them now or in the past because these drugs make people do these "mass shootings".
As well as estrogen overloads.
I was unfortunately prescribed those medications when I was younger for another disorder.. it left me permanently disabled. The side effects can be permanent & long term effects are horrific
I'm sorry to hear that, JP. So many victims of this systemic corruption. Thanks for sharing.
All peas, pods, seeds, and beans are mini-uteruses, chock full of plant estrogens.
Or the other hormone therapies they are prescribing to gender confused kids …
Vegan diets are full enough of estrogens to confuse any pubescent boy's ego.
They should obtain Dr. Peter Breggin as an expert witness as he has testified on behalf of others and written extensively on the SSRI issue.
Mommy has a long record of drug arrests and addiction.
I like the twist in this one where pops buys junior an AR-57 for Christmas, probably from a sugestion by Tulsi Gabbard, or Occasional Cortex.
Mk ultra
It wasn't an AR-57 or any other assault-styled rifle.
Excellent post. I heard you on Tin Foil Hat (again) a few days ago. You should be on Mount Crushmore. If I were still on social media, I'd tell them that. It gives me hope for humanity and civilization to hear you talk and read what you write. It's good to know others see what's really going on. Thank you for not being afraid to speak up.
That's so nice to hear, Michelle- I really appreciate it. Thanks!
Is that Sam Tripoli's podcast?
Yes. Thanks.
Btw, I'm going to pester my fav Canadian podcaster Richard Syrett to have you back on his Strange Planet show again DJ! 😍
How did I miss this!? I love Sam... Even is he IS a flat earther 🤣
Aha! Just uploaded to Spotify on Friday. I would have seen it Monday morning. Great! Can't wait to hear this one 🩷
who and what? I don't listen to podcasts, are you on this one or ? Info how to hear, please.
You will need the Spotify App. Available for free in the iTunes or Google Play stores
Way too few see what is really going on, let alone are able to discern the history of all this. When the Pope ain't even Catholic you know we are in for a whole boatload of trouble.
You are a master at reducing things to their basic absurdity. Well done!
Thanks, Larry!
"(R)educing things to their basic absurdity" is always effective at avoiding finding out what really happened.
Just after reading this and being in agreement with most of it, I came across yet another case of children being left in a hot car. This time it was twin toddlers, only discovered after a family member went to use the car and found them in the back seat. I don’t see similarities between bad parenting leading to criminal behavior of the child, and these cases of neglect. These children have committed no crime. They did nothing wrong. They have not harmed anyone. In this particular case no charges are being considered as the police say they don’t see signs of “willful negligence.” I guess using an oxymoron makes it okay. I bet parents who leave children in cars for hours wouldn’t leave their phone for that long.
As a parent, I find it impossible to believe that any parent could leave their child in the car without realizing it, Last. But I don't know how we police, and prosecute neglect. Too many parents neglect their kids. In this politicized climate, it's just too easy to use CPS and local law enforcement against parents who aren't vaccinated, home schoolers, MAGA voters, etc. I've interviewed some of these people, who had their children taken unfairly from them by the state, on my podcast. The solution isn't simple. Thanks.
I have to disagree with you on the fact (if true) that Colin Gray bought his son a high power firearm and allowed him access to it. All this after Colt had previously threatened to shoot up a school.
Perhaps he bought the gun to try to persuade Colt to be a man. Who knows?
I raised my kids in a rural setting and allowed them to target practice almost anytime that they wished.
SUPERVISED. I am a "Gun Nut" but allowing someone that unhinged to own a gun is, to me reprehensible. By the way, when does your new book ship? I pre ordered.
It is temporarily out of stock on Amazon, Jerry. I have no control over it, but I'm sure they'll be ordering more copies. Thanks!
Try "Thrift Books". That's where I got mine.
I got mine from Thrift Books this past week.
Don that is great news, Memory Hole is out of stock! People are liking it? Way to go, ordering my copies now.
This post gave me a lot to think about. I have been thinking arresting the parents is a good idea, I am re thinking that now.
Everything in our culture has been politicized; designed that way to keep us all separated and fighting each other. Congrats on your book!!
I received my copy today from Amazon. Looking forward to digging into it!
Congratulations on them being out of stock!! Hope it does very well for you!
How can a book be out of stock that was pre-ordered? I thought this was the computer age.
You can get a copy through Thrift Books. That’s what I did when Amazon was out of copies.
There is no sense critiquing the event because the bullshit dribbles way way down on this one. At this point, I would not be the least surprised if both father and son were in the employ of the "intelligence community". We truly live in Clown World.
Yes, contrived names like Colt and Crooks. I'm almost surprised Colt's full name isnt Colt S. Wesson.
ikr. Colt and Crooks. i think we're supposed to know we know they know we know this is all a joke.
"We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country."
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
liked (my like function does not work). whether Solzhenitsyn actually wrote that has been questioned, still, it's a perfect depiction!
Sounds good to me.
like both Crooks parents were fat shrinks.
That was an interesting point of view. My first thought is the father of Colt is just as guilty as his son since he KNEW the son was wacky and still gave me a loaded gun. I think he has guilt to bear in this instance. My thinking is the young inner city blacks who randomly have guns snf kill easily is: why aren't the parents keeping track of what is in their room and/or possession. Adults are said to be responsible and prosecuted as such. Where does their responsibility end? But in general, your writing today has really made me think and examine my ideas.
I appreciate that, Vicki. Either the law is going to become so involved that countless parents will be prosecuted for the actions of their kids, or they recognize that it's wrong to prosecute someone for the acts of another. Thanks!
As I said, you have really made me think about many things and yes, it is going to make more involvement which is what we don't need in this country. I have sent it to another friend who thinks deeply and I need to go back and read it several times. Brilliant article, DJ!
"Blacks" as you call them, don't fit the agenda of the AR-15 toting White racist. This is on the agenda. The White man, and woman, must be made an example of, emasculated and the brunt of a plethora of "psy-ops." "White males are on the menu."
I don't call "them" anything that the msm doesn't already. The kid was mental and I doubt racist was on his mind, he was just wacky and wanted to shoot anyone in the way. He was known to be a problem so the blame goes on so many, including the parents. This country is way messed up.
I never said anything about the kid being racist or anything to do with racism. I am pointing out the agenda. " The White man, and woman, must be made an example of, emasculated and the brunt of a plethora of "psy-ops." "White males are on the menu."....."This is on the agenda.."
I don't play race games because it is a psy-op. Additionally, "Black" has no standing in law. It is a legal descriptor. I have never seen a "black" person in my life. Nor a "White" person. When did you become "White?" When did Irish, Germans, French, English etc. become "White?" It used to be, ON THIS LAND, Frenchmen, Englishmen, and "I am Irish." Not White. White is a legal descriptor, not a race.
I do agree. Parents are to a certain degree responsible for the actions of their minors. While I would not go so far as to charge the father with murder, he could be charged with criminal negligence.
A lot of blame all around, Don. Our entire society is one huge failure. But why give a firearm to a child who you MUST know has issues? Bad judgement on the father's part. I believe that many parents don't really want to spend the time it takes to raise a child. They dump a lot of that responsibility on the joke of an education system. Bullying is a serious issue in schools and simply should not be allowed and addressed severely when it occurs. A lot of parents are too weak to fight back especially with all this tranny-sitioning that is now in our faces. Go along to get along. Parents are complicit in their children's outcome, or perhaps they have tried to seek outside help which also failed. A big facet of our culture is to deal with problems via Big Pharma. I don't understand how, especially during this period in our lives, parents are not aware of the dangers of dosing up our children.
No, I do not believe the father should go to prison. If that is the case, then those in government who demand that our young men and women go to these farcical wars then sent to prison for their acts of murder. Or the government demanding that we take injections that will kill us or main us for life. Its all the same, isn't it?
Good points, Fran. Thanks.
Yes parents need to be involved in their children's lives. If you love them, don't you do that? I coached little league baseball and soccer for years and it amazed me how so many parents thought I was a baby sitting service. I said stay and watch your kids play. And when I say practice ends at 5:30 pm, be here to pick them up, not at 6:30 pm. What do you want me to do, leave them at the ballpark by themselves? I thought well if you are not going to enforce any standards, it's no wonder your kids are getting into trouble. Some of them major trouble. Eeek!
It was like that in the schools as well. I found myself in the halls, teaching teenagers how to read when I volunteered. That helped wake me up to what an utter disaster education was, though. I finally started a reading group at my kitchen table for students and we started at the beginning so they could read well.
Thats very sad to hear, but predictable. Parents let their kids sit at those daycare centers too. The family comes first, not your job or the local tavern.
It's not even about the firearm. It's about the society. It's about mentally abusing children in every public school, twisting their minds, their genders and their lives. It is about SSRI drugs, inculcated perversion, punk ass little bullies and a system that literally feeds off of tragedy.
I just cannot fathom that father. It's like a kid getting a Harley Hog after wrecking his bicycle crashing down suicide hill after taking a dare. Utter madness.
The father really needed to address the bullying, IF the son told him about it. Some kids fear their fathers to death.
One of my older sisters told me about how her child, when at age 6, was refused a hot lunch at the school. He gave away his lunch money. So he called her crying so hard that she could barely understand him. She tore down to the school and busted into the principal's office and told him off. What kind of school refuses to feed a hungry child? Like it would break their bank? So after that incident, they changed the rules and allowed kids who didn't have the money to pay for lunch, to give it to them for free. My one sister is a lot like me, doesn't hold back. A little six year old boy, like what did they anticipate his intention was, to give his tray of food away, or throw it around the cafeteria? What an effed up society, but you already know that.
Let me see if I got this right. Your sister's darling angel gave away the lunch money. The school did not give away food. The child, who was maybe traumatized from having not gotten any lunch on top of perhaps being bullied into giving away his lunch money, called mommy. Momma bear stormed into the school and raised holy hell. Then the school changes the rules and now we have No Child Left Behind. I know I wouldn't be and educator these days without some kind of union. Layers on layers of rules and restrictions. No discipline. Fire breathing momma bears who crack the whip on the staff of the school while only offering to their own children a top of the lungs "SHUT UP!" from a sofa positioned directly in front of a TV. The father doesn't put the fear of God (if he knows anything about it) into anyone anymore because momma would kick his ass, sick the cops on him, divorce, take the kids, the house, and most of his paycheck. And if he defended himself in any way, he would end up in jail for a very long time. I don't know your sister's story, but it sounds like she overreacted. Did anyone try to find out why the child gave the lunch money away? Or are the children simply very good at manipulating mommy? Where was the father?
I do think you have a point. But Fran has a point too. Why the child gave his lunch money away is baffling. And of course SOMEBODY should have gotten to the bottom of it. (Maybe his money was actually stolen.) Meanwhile, it does seem over the top for a hungry child to be denied food. Okay, he does not have to eat like Prince Charles, but maybe a piece of toast and an orange juice, or a peanut butter sandwich? The problem, as I see it, is that everything is institutionalized, because, damn it, laws and legislation will solve everything. And, of course, none of us dare take any personal initiative, because we might be jailed for littering, or jaywalking, or loitering, or disturbing the peace, or disorderly conduct- which just about covers everything politically incorrect.
Of course, the solution is for mom and pops to homeschool, and raise their children in a Godly manner, and be responsible for their actions.
Nah, let's just shop on Amazon and watch a movie...
Let me be crystal clear. This only happened once. He was a six year old child. My sister is NOT one of those who takes advantage of the system. Who knows why he gave his lunch money away. Is that really important? Kids do stupid things. I did, didn't you? This child is a twin and she raised her children well. They are now grown men who have decent jobs.
Her husband was working when this happened and so was she, so had to run from her job to go to the school. If that was my son, I would have done the same thing. Paul is just being nasty. I regret even bringing up this incident as there is always someone who takes it too far.
I can be nasty, yes. It was nothing personal against you or your sister. Nearly forgotten stories from so long ago can illuminate the fact that very little is as simple as it seems and nearly every action can be compounding in its consequence. Maybe the event did turn a teachable moment for the young lad. I've been enjoying Donald Jefferies and company' writing and comments for a long time mostly from quietly in the background. Your comment evidently aroused something in me. I like reading your commentary within the framework of the dialogue as well Fran. Have a good day and keep writing.
Schools used to have a rule that if a child did not have lunch money for lunch, they would give him a milk and two rolls and that was back when the rolls were very large and quite delicious. I just cannot imagine allowing a child to go hungry like that.
The U.S. has more people incarcerated than the USSR had at the peak of their Gulag system and also more than Red China. Capitalism is the mother bitch that spawned communism. They are incestuous lovers, not adversaries. Chrese Evans is another Tranny. These freaks are ubiquitous. Charles Manson was a CIA creation and the alleged Manson murders was an Intel psy-op. Released photos of the crime scene show a bloody Sharon Tate lying on the floor grinning. Several months after her "death", "she" was photographed walking the streets of London, England. I put "she" in quotes because Tate was a Tranny too, along with all of the actor, Manson "girls". So much is contrived and fake in this satanic matrix it boggles the mind. Yet we soldier on, awaiting Ragnarok. Brilliant, thought provoking piece, Don, thank you much.
Thanks, Hereticdrummer!
You're welcome, Don, thanks again and keep launching those missiles of truth.
I would debate whether we exceed the Gulag Archipelago with our prison system, but it is definitely in the same class. And like Stalin, we now incarcerate people at the drop of a hat. Of course, it is all programming. Training the Goys to not protest, lest they lose their hovels and their raman noodles. E gads.
We exceed it hands down by far. As I've said before, for many years now, the three biggest growth industries in Soviet America are prisons (and jails), fast food burgers, and lottery tickets. That's what makes the U.S. the, "indispensable nation" I suppose. When the Goyim peacefully protested the outrageous "Stupid-19" lockdowns, they were clubbed, tear gassed, cuffed and taken to the Slam. The day is coming when they'll be gunned down in the streets for having such temerity. When the Yarms (Blacks) protested the George Floyd alleged killing, which was just another Military Intel psy-op hoax, by rioting, looting, destroying property, and assaulting people, the boys in blue who serve the Jew did nothing because these sub-humans were exercising their, "Constitutional Rights". (as if these mythical "Rights" exist for any subject/slave here). It is glaringly obvious that the only solution for Whitey to prevent total extermination is leaderless resistance, lone wolf, asymmetrical, guerrilla warfare. You don't negotiate with those who are trying to annihilate you, you send them into the black void with extreme prejudice.
I do agree with your last point. but my weapon of choice is the Most Holy Rosary. "Tis much better to convert your opponent than hang him- unless, of course, he is beating down the door.
I agree with you, that is an excellent weapon of choice, but it will only suffice with certain individuals. There are people (and I use that term loosely) walking this earth that possess no spirit or divine spark. Outwardly they may appear to be human but they are not. Like the lower beings they are, they only understand brute force and pain. These are the kind of socio/psychopaths that would cut an old lady's throat for five bucks in her purse. Any talk with them or prayer to reach them is a total waste of time. They must be dispatched with similar aplomb to eliminating a cockroach nest.
Yes, Our Lord did mention something about "not scattering pearls before swine", but at the same time it is written "The bruised reed he will not break, the smoldering wick he will not quench". None of us are absolutely committed to good or evil one way or the other until we have breathed our last. We must wait upon God's good time.
"If the vision delays, wait for it. It will surely come. It will not disappoint!"
It's definitely a slippery slope, charging the parents. Not surprising though, the way this planet is going.
Awesome article DJ, thank you for your amazing writing style and common sense thoughts! 🙏🏻💖
Thanks, Toxicanadian!
I was shocked that the Crumbleys ended up being convicted. People don't realize that's the start of any over zealous prosecutor to start charging parents for a myriad of issues.
Most juries love to convict whoever is on trial. They have no concept of reasonable doubt, and few would ever think of questioning the prosecution of a parent in such a case. Thanks, Luc.
I am still troubled by the Rosenbergs.
Not me. They were guilty. They were spying.
It's pretty much been proven by now that they were guilty...but were they really executed? Maybe it was all a psy-op?
Soviet archives made available in the 90's after the USSR collapsed showed that the Rosenbergs were indeed spies. Whether they should have been executed for their treason is another question. During the trial, in order to protect other intelligence assets, The U.S. Gov't was not able to fully reveal all details about their guilt. Hence, the appearance of a sham trial.
I learned all this when Harvey Klehr (Jewish), Emory professor of politics and history, revealed this during the Q & A session after a documentary sympathetic to the Rosenbergs was shown during a Jewish Film festival some 20 years ago. The almost entirely Jewish audience seemed very surprised and upset with Klehr's revelation, as they assumed the Rosenbergs were innocent and railroaded due to being Jewish and communist linked, and the documentary had presented the same bias. It was a very interesting experience witnessing this!
I bet it was...I would have loved to have been there. My library had that doc, so I watched it.
Interesting but will we really ever know? Do spies get the chair or other now? No. The system in general is messed up in a big way. We have become unraveled in so many ways as a country.
According to Klehr, the details incriminating the Rosenbergs were thorough. More recently, Jonathan Pollard didn't get the chair for his treason for giving secrets to Israel, which raises many questions about our special relationship with Israel and those who control it. Pollard was eventually released free to Israel and given a hero's welcome by Netanyahoo.
Dear Donald
I will publish tomorrow.
The author Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn in his work, Gulag Archipelago, Volume 2, affirms that Jews created and administered the organized Soviet concentration camp system in which 66,000,000 Christians died. On page 79 of this book he names the administrators of this the greatest killing machine in the history of the world. They are Aron Solts, Yakov Rappoport, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Genrikh Yagoda, and Naftaly Frenkel. All six of these men are Jews. In 1970, Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Thanks, Mark!
Donald, you struck a chord with your, "They spent too much time and effort destroying the Black nuclear family for that." LBJ infamously bragged, "I'll have these ______s voting Democrat for 200 years." Welfare war on fathers. Free flow of drugs through an open border. The state owns children, not parents--try objecting at the next school board meeting and be visited by the Fascist Bureau of Intimidation.
Incidentally, Chrese Evans granddaughter of Stalin has no trigger discipline--and since she's (I assumed her gender) brandishing an AR-15, let's note that fourteen-year-old with such a weapon was stopped by a good guy with that style weapon--but did we see that from the Fairy Media? No, they'd have been castrated and cast out for presenting the full spectrum.
Reparations? What of the line of slaves Kamala's family had? Race war, just another Marxist line of attack on freedom. Yet nobody does sins-of-the-father like Stalin's clearcutting and Hitler's enhanced eugenics. Today's Iran-fueled campus idiots and Bill Gates the Bug Chef are just getting started.
Hate speech, hate crimes, as you note, just an extension of the Orwellian Two-Minutes Hate. While gun bans follow the incrementalism of the Third Reich disarming its deplorables.
Note the Covenant shooter was a trans trapped in the wrong body--in other words, a successful Marxist op against the family.
Kamala's father was a Marxist economics professor. Hence one more glorious Five Year Plan oughta do it. Meantime she'll use our money to "buy back" our arms, a sleight of hand using the lalalala-I-don't-recognize-your-Constitution.
Washington the father of the country? No no no no no--We will use joy to unburden ourselves from parents, morality, religion, separation of powers.
For all the rage against patriarchy it seems the head of the table has become a gender-fluid state which cannot be questioned by disinformation-driven dissidents.
Nice summary, Phil. Thanks!
LBJ was expert at destroying Black Families. He transformed many a German, italian, and irish ghetto into a welfare hellhole, and reduced the inner cities to rubble. I will never forget taking the Elevated Train over South Philly in 1978. It was like flying real low over bombed-out Berlin just after the war,
There is one image seared into my mind. A woman sitting in an incredibly dirty room at a cluttered table over a debris strewn floor while dingy curtains fluttered in the breeze while she smoked away. A scene of total despair.
Sounds just like a paragraph from : The Road to Wigan Pier.
Nah, South Philly in 1978 put Wigan Pier to shame. I don't think I would have driven down the streets- not that you could, stripped vehicles sitting on cement blocks were everywhere -by night or day. Since then everything has been bulldozed and covered by Main Drag USA- Walmart, Sam's Club, Target and Costco. All the usual suspects.
Read somewhere that Mom had called the guidance counselor a 1/2 hour before the shooting and told the school what her son planned. Will that person be charged with obstruction?
Hey what about the Uvalde teacher that propped the door open which allowed the shooter access to the school? I am sure that was against policy!
Exactly, Luc. I recounted the most incredible school shooting of all in "Bullyocracy." A kindergarten student, who'd already been expelled several times before, and was visited by Social Services, who somehow found nothing amiss over the fact he was living in his uncle's crack house, wound up shooting and killing a little girl. After he'd openly brandished the weapon in class. The clueless teacher was never even named in articles, let alone held accountable for her incredible negligence. Neither was the crackhead uncle, who left the handgun out in the home. Thanks.
I’ll have to get that book next. Thank you, although that is a horrifying tale.
"After he'd openly brandished the weapon in class."
must have been show and fell day at that Kindergarten
(side note, movie about , kindof, Martin Bryant of Port Arthur fame , and, yes I get to mention . not bad, like The Joker recent movie, a character study in how evil comes about. and yet, no explanation of how he could shoot as accurately as no more than 6 people in the world, thus saith the former Australian commander in Vietnam. but the gun shop back room... just like The Matrix . Nitram 2021 , and no explanation why he did not lose his hearing shooting dozens of people in a closed room without ear protection ). his mother was not blamed as such, but harrassed by the media.
initially claimed he was not on PA at the time (probably correct after all ).
Thanks to all of you for ordering my book!
Brilliant connecting-of-the-dots. Thank you, as always.
Thanks, Leara!
The latest school shooting did not even make my radar. And I know the mantra by now. People will be shocked by the tragedy. The mainstream media will run the politicized narrative. The alternative media will blow the narrative to shreds by uncovering the facts. The FBI or some police agency will have already investigated or otherwise have been involved with the "shooter" before the actual incident, and then all will be sucked down the memory hole as the news cycle relentless plods forward.
As for the Sins of the Fathers, there is a lot of that to go around. Come Judgment Day, my generation will be blamed for a lot. The legions of latchkey kids, for starters. We drank beer and watched football while the soccer moms and the communists burned everything to the ground. (So long as the smoke did not get in out eyes we were unconcerned.)
I have been shouting into the wilderness for 50 years. They said it could not happen here. They said we were not 'Dem Evil Nazis. They said Birth Control does not matter. They said Not Rocking the Boat was a virtue. They said we must not make waves. They said we must be Warm Fuzzies and not Cold Pricklies.
It's already burned to the ground. The flames are dying out. Why try and put the fire out now?
(PS I thoroughly enjoyed Lee Gaulman on I Protest. I hope he comes around again. Like me, he has been in the belly of the beast and watched the proverbial sausage being made. I hope he shares some of his war stories. It might help me to figure out where some of the bodies are.)
Astute analysis as usual, WW. Thanks!
That show with Lee was one of the best ever.