The recent school shooting in Georgia was a strange one. We are told that the alleged shooter, Colt Gray, came from a family of deplorable MAGA supporters. And yet, we are also told that he was bullied constantly for being gay, and was in fact in the process of “transforming” into a kinder and gentler gender of his choice.
Not surprisingly, the state controlled media is largely ignoring the fact that the shooter was a transgender. As always, the inanimate object is the real culprit, and we’ve heard the predictable demands that “something be done” about guns. Colt Gray supposedly made threats to shoot up Apalachee High School less than a year ago, and police “investigated” in their customary inimitable style. Despite this, Colin Gray, Colt’s father, bought him an AR-style rifle for Christmas. This has become the real point of contention, and is drawing more coverage than the shooting itself. How could any parent be so irresponsible? He’s a child- he has no business owning a gun! Well, Colin Gray has now been charged with second degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, and cruelty to children. He could face 180 years in prison.
Earlier this year, our horrific injustice system set yet another unfortunate precedent, when the mother and father of Michigan school shooter Ethan Crumbley were both sentenced to 10-15 years in prison. Lynn and James Crumbley committed no crime themselves. They were instead punished very harshly for the actions of their son. As in the Gray case, the parents were said to be “gun nuts,” and lambasted for granting their son “unfettered access” to them. I had a real problem with the Crumbleys being prosecuted. I have a real problem with Colin Gray being prosecuted. First of all, it’s wrong for any one else to be punished for the crimes of another, even the closest of family members. Secondly, there is obviously a very subjective process going on here. Plenty of minors commit violent crimes.
This is, in fact, yet another form of lawfare. In both cases, the parents were portrayed as “right-wing extremists,” and proud gun owners. In the Gray case, it could be far more logically argued that the whole transgender lunacy was responsible. Colt Gray was obviously confused, perhaps injected with hormones, which caused him to lash out at the continuous bullying he experienced. But as I showed in my book Bullyocracy, our society never wants to examine the influence bullying has had on virtually all the school shooters, any more then they want to note how all of them were on psychotropic drugs. That isn’t allowed, because it would cast the sanctified LGBTQ+ agenda in a negative light. Imagining suggesting that the doctor who was assisting him in “transitioning” be prosecuted. Or the TikTok teacher who first asked him if he wanted to change his “pronouns.”
Again, my extensive research into bullying cases revealed how difficult it is to get students who literally bully other kids to death even suspended from school, let alone prosecuted. Obviously, it would be laughable to suggest that the parent of a child who torments a classmate to such an extent that they take their own life, should ever be held accountable in any way whatsoever. I know there are some really bad parents, but very few want their children to harm others, let alone kill them, or cause them to commit suicide. Maybe we should have laws against subpar parenting. Should they be punished if their children get bad grades? How about those “snowflakes” we hear so much about, living in their parents’ basement? Should the parents be punished for that? Or should the adult children be punished for failure to leave the nest? Perhaps punish both parents and children. We can always build more prisons.
I’m quite confident that the number of minors that commit acts of violence, and have parents who are Trump supporters, is a tiny fraction of, say all those Black youths who murder others, that come from wildly dysfunctional homes led by single mothers. Why haven’t any of those single mothers ever been prosecuted for the reprehensible crimes of her offspring? I think it can be easily demonstrated that a mother working full time, with very little education, and often a drug abuser herself, is an even worse parent that Colin Gray or the Crumbleys were. We know why such a mother would never be prosecuted, even if it could be shown she was smoking crack while pregnant, or had offered drugs to the child. Black parents, especially single mothers, are never going to be demonized in our crumbling country. They spent too much time and effort destroying the Black nuclear family for that. No, let’s focus on White “gun nuts.”
There is a famous precedent for convicting an individual for the crimes of others. Charles Manson wasn’t even at the scene of the Tate or LaBianca murders. In the public mind, this figure with the crazed, stereotypical hippie look murdered Sharon Tate and the others himself. The names of Susan Atkins and Tex Watson should be in the pantheon of savage mass killers, not Manson. They’re the ones who kept stabbing the victims repeatedly. I know, if Miles Mathis is reading this, the entire thing was fake- no one died. I don’t discount anything, but assuming someone really killed the Tates and the LaBiancas, it wasn’t Charles Manson. Something is very wrong about blaming an alleged Svengali, by claiming he “controlled” the actual criminals. It’s a wonder that more murderers don’t use this defense. Just find some guy that looks the part, like Manson, and claim, “He made me do it!”
The Bible reminds us: “Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents.” I think the same can be said for being sentenced to prison. It is this kind of mentality that has most Black people expecting financial reparations. For things that happened long before they were born. And alleged actions perpetrated by those long dead, by a very small percentage of wealthy plantation owners. Is prosecuting parents for things their children did any more or less ridiculous than that? I was a fat kid. Actually obese. I was called names. Can I get reparations for that? I’m a sensitive guy. If those kids’ parents are still alive, they should pay, too. After all, they raised their children to be insensitive to others. Why not let “marginalized” unpopular kids sue those who don’t invite them to parties. And their parents. It’s all part of the same school of thought.
Why don’t the parents of rapists get prosecuted? After all, what responsible parent raises a rapist? You didn’t teach them respect for women! And you probably love guns, too, don’t you? How about robbers? Did you teach your child to steal? Didn’t you demand that he respect the property of others? The juvenile detention centers are full of children whom I guess were raised by inadequate parents. None of them are ever prosecuted for anything their misguided children did. How about fathers who abandon their children? You know, like 80 percent of the Black community. Why aren’t they held responsible for not being there? Not providing a male role model for their impressionable youngster? Can’t the link between single mothers and bad behavior on the part of their children be easily demonstrated? No, just garnish his paycheck instead, even if he can’t afford it.
We’ve obviously set the standard here; it’s school shootings, and school shootings alone, which incriminate the parents of the shooter. No other crime need apply. That ties in nicely with the anti-gun agenda, and the campaign to quash all our civil liberties. We need to protect the children! Unless the mother wants her little boy to be a little girl. Then it’s cool to inject them with puberty blockers and subject them to surgical mutilation. It’s a “pride” thing, you wouldn’t understand. Did anyone suggest Jeffrey Dahmer’s parents, or the parents of any other serial killer, be prosecuted? I mean, how many of us raise a serial killer? Doesn’t parenting play a role there? But no, parenting is only associated with school shootings. Does anybody know who John Wayne Gacy’s parents were? Did they give him a gun for Christmas? And he dressed as a clown. Should the clown industry be held responsible somehow?
Some descendants of historical villains do pretty well. As I revealed in American Memory Hole, Lev Bronstein (Leon Trotsky)’s great-granddaughter Nora Volkow, is currently the head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a division of NIH. She makes all those cool lists of “most powerful women.” That’s a nice capitalist position for someone whose great-grandfather was a revolutionary communist leader who wound up with an ice pick in his head. And then we have the lovely Chrese Evans (pictured below), a small antique store owner in Portland, Oregon. She just happens to be the granddaughter of “Uncle Joe” Stalin, our WWII ally who we are told killed some sixty million people. I don’t think it would be mathematically possible for all the American slave owners together to have killed a fraction of that many slaves. And yet we know who is and who isn’t getting any reparations.
Also in my new book American Memory Hole, I describe how unfairly Marguerite Oswald- the mother of the patsy in the JFK assassination, was treated by everyone. Already an elderly woman in November, 1963, she was fired from her job, and unable to attain employment elsewhere. She was painted as a “money grubber” for charging for interviews, and selling knick-knacks, just in order to survive. I wonder if anything like that happened to the parents of other notorious real and/or alleged criminals. I doubt that the parents of Thomas Crooks, who supposedly shot at Donald Trump, will be prosecuted. His parents, and in fact the entire case, have already been forgotten. This seems very inconsistent and arbitrary. If they ever find out who the real Boston Strangler was, for instance (they framed Albert DeSalvo for the crimes), can the families of the victims demand the government give them reparations?
A shocking number of parents have left their babies and toddlers unattended in cars in recent years. Some have died because of this inexcusable neglect. As far as I can tell, only some of them were prosecuted. Now, I’m not sure any of them should be prosecuted, as I think it can be assumed that few if any of them actually intended to harm their children. It does expose the fact that some parents are just incomprehensibly incompetent. So what does society do in such tragic situations? If their child died because of their failure to act responsibly, they are already being punished beyond anything the law can do. Do we edumacate them? Bring in Social Services, and hope they don’t grab and traffic any remaining children? True liberty means risks, and on occasion terrible things will happen. A few drivers will be too reckless with leading green lights. But we all shouldn’t be punished because of that.
So, the way it works is this; as a parent, you are not responsible for any rapes, murders, or other violent crimes of your offspring. Only school shootings. And even then, that’s just if you can be tied to right-wing beliefs and gun ownership. If you raise a transgender school shooter, his/her/them’s “manifesto” will not be released. Transgenderism itself will not be critically examined, like guns are. The story will get the same kind of coverage the Bernie Sanders supporter who shot Steve Scalise got. If you are a child, you are not responsible for any of the crimes of your parents, or distant ancestors. Except for slavery. It doesn’t matter if your ancestors never owned slaves (as was the case for some 95 percent of the White population in America at the time), or even if your ancestors didn’t emigrate to this country until after slavery had ended. You still must pay. After all, you enjoy that enviable “White Privilege.”
Things would just be a lot simpler if everyone was held accountable for their own actions. And a lot fairer if we didn’t politicize the law. A murder victim is just as dead, whether they’re a victim of a school shooting, or a casualty of the continuous deadly culture in so many Black communities. The notion that a crime is somehow worse because of the political beliefs of the perpetrator, or the ethnicity of either the killer or the victim, is not based on reason. And it creates Orwellian concepts like “Hate Crime,” which is an extension of “Hate Speech.” Both are, in reality, Thought Crimes. Murder is murder. Period. All crimes should be uniformly addressed, without politics being involved. And obviously, no parent anywhere should be prosecuted for things their children did. If we could depend on Child Protective Services not channeling children into even worse situations, then they might serve a purpose here.
There are already too many people in our overcrowded prisons. We’ve imprisoned more people than anyone ever has in world history. There are too many laws, creating too many dubious “criminals.” The corrupt system is not above framing totally innocent people. Between the militarized police forces which start the process, the ambitious prosecutors who are looking for “victories,” not justice, the imbecilic juries which seemingly reach the wrong verdict most of the time, and the lordly judge presiding over the proceedings with arrogant gavel in hand, the odds are heavily stacked against the average citizen. The last thing we need to be doing is prosecuting parents, in a politically correct manner, over crimes they have no responsibility for. The sins of the fathers shouldn’t be visited upon their children. Or vice versa.
We need a new faction.
"Gays with Guns"
Manson was protected by Deep State.
He and his family were MKultra victims.
A good book is Chaos, Charles Manson and the CIA.
Shooter will be tested for hard drugs and alcohol but not SSRI drugs from Pharma, not the parents.
Ask your doctor if shooting up your school is right for you.
Plenty of data linking SSRIs to mass shootings. That should be the parents alibi.
Excellent post. I heard you on Tin Foil Hat (again) a few days ago. You should be on Mount Crushmore. If I were still on social media, I'd tell them that. It gives me hope for humanity and civilization to hear you talk and read what you write. It's good to know others see what's really going on. Thank you for not being afraid to speak up.