even most of JR's guests do not believe in shedding. and jeff goes shopping once a week , albeit masked and gloved. I am playing last man on earth... a kind of uber anarchist. they , the jews, the gov't , 'them the people' made society untenable.
even most of JR's guests do not believe in shedding. and jeff goes shopping once a week , albeit masked and gloved. I am playing last man on earth... a kind of uber anarchist. they , the jews, the gov't , 'them the people' made society untenable.
I've been listening to Rense for 24 years, but now I only listen when Donald and Erica are guests. I feel like an idiot now, for defending Rense from being called controlled opposition in the past. In the last five years, I have caught him in lies about things he said and did in the past. Also, in the past, if the subject of Frank Zappa came up, he used to go on and on about how his brother Rip, was best buds with Zappa. However, once Dave McGowan's book came out featuring Zappa's origins...when his name comes up...not a word from Rense about his brother .
I also feel like an idiot for buying two expensive items peddled by Rense guests. That piece of junk sold by Patrick Flannigan (nuerophone-if memory serves) cost almost 500 bucks. To make it worse, I found out Flannigan in his former life had worked for the CIA in the mind-control department. Lastly, Rense's constant sighing...that sounds like a pissy schoolgirl... grates on my nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard. However, I am grateful to Rense for turning me on to Donald.
Btw, I wear gloves to the grocery store...but I will NEVER wear a mask. Swabbing one's nasal passeges with iodine solution, before and after shopping is way more effective. The harm caused by breathing one's own bacteria, is reason enough not to mask. I'm surprised Rense does not wear a spacesuit to the store.
I appreciate that you listen when I'm on, Kris. All I can do is speak to how Jeff treats me. He has been very supportive, always says way too kind things about my work. I don't agree with him on everything, but he always lets me say what I want. Thanks.
Wouldn't miss you on Monday nights... it's the highpoint of my week. You and Rense have great chemistry as host and guest. However, you and Tony together are the best. You guys would make a great comedy team. Anyone interested? www.americaunpluggedradio.com
Hi, Kris, I read McGowan's book, also and had a few brief email conversations with him and told him that he should make his Canyon series a book (I'm sure lots of other people did,too). I think it was me who convinced him that Mick Taylor wasn't just some fill in for Brian Jones. Really enjoyed his sense of humor.
As for those Canyon folks, I don't think all of those musicians were contrived. You really only needed to do that with a select few and the others will ape them. My biggest suspicions fell on the Doors, Zappa, and Captain Beefheart in his book, but my greatest reservations were on one that wasn't based there: the Grateful Dead.
Everyone claims they like the Dead, but when I was growing up, almost no one had any of their lp's. Kentucky senator grandson Owsley bought them the world's greatest equipment, paid for with his chemistry hobby, and probably backed by intelligence. This is a band that tried to turn in-your-face anti war demonstrators into laid back navel gazers, wishing only to be left alone. They had thieving managers like Rock Scully who stole from the Rolling Stones and hired people like the Hells Angels as crowd control at Altamont, after the Stones took their advice.
Their buddies, Kesey's Pranksters, are just as strange. Pranksters Ken Babbs and Ron Bevirt were ex military, and in Wolfe's book they reveal themselves at times. Another attempt to spread the gospel of acid, one bus trip at a time.
I'll end with Jim Morrison. If you've read many books on him, the guy's life was VERY strange. Pictures of him seem to show nine different people, particularly at different ages, some with such a vague gaze that he seems comatose. There is a place in Stephen Davis' book on him where it is claimed that his own father raped him. Now if you have ever seen the long video of Kay Griggs discussing her Colonel husband, she said that ANYONE ranked bird colonel (naval captain) or above is compromised. That is how they attain their ranks.
I can certainly picture some arm of intelligence finding out about this background of his father and using it as a way of keeping him in line. "We'll promote you higher if you let us "work with" your son." The books say he would disappear for long stretches, starting when he was in high school in DC. It's not too hard to imagine the guy was another Manchurian like Sirhan, only he was to be used in other ways. Can't tell you how many people I've known who read "No One Here Gets Out Alive" and thought how cool Morrison's drug and booze life was. I lost a close cousin to this. Plus how did author Sugerman ever hook up with Oliver North's secretary Fawn Hall?
Also check out some of those drawings that Jim and his buddy Fud Ford made when he lived in Alameda. They are beyond sick: boys grasping men's penises, self potrait of Jim being tortured, etc. Maybe it was real life?
Good points, Dee. Morrison's father was the admiral in charge of the fleet during the Gulf of Tonkin false flag, as I'm sure you know. I've never gotten the Grateful Dead, either. Don't have a single record of theirs (and I have a very extensive LP collection). Their original name was the Warlocks, which tells you some thing. They made a great film out of Kesey's "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," but it's hard for me to like anyone who was threatening to lace the public water supply with LSD. Thanks.
why I call him Jim ( My Daddy Started the Vietnam War) Morrison. 'people are strange, when you're alone'
and stranger when you are 'in the club. in the familie(s) way'.
' It's too late baby, it's just too late' ... but contemporaneously they go for the youth ' we are coming for your children' , not us revisionist types. ' I got you babe' . they got me, for the most part. though not ' all of me' as Cathy O'Brien said, ' the s╠╢o╠╢n╠╢g╠╢ soul remains the same'.
A very insightful comment. Kesey was from my neck of the woods, and I think he was a despicable person...a total CIA asset on the Hippy psy-op. I actually went to a Dead concert once, but I now believe they were a manufactured band for the Hippy psy-op. I once heard Bob Weir say in an interview that he had been invited to Bohemian Grove. A while back there was some obscure cowboy who was making the rounds with a story that Morrison was living as a buckaroo on an isolated ranch in the Oregon desert. The storyteller said he didn't even know who The Doors were until Morrison confided in him. That cowboy has now dropped out of sight, but I believe him. I did see a photo of the alleged "cowboy Morrison" and it looked how one would expect a much older Morrison would look. It's pretty clear Morrison faked his death.
I'm glad both you and Donald were able to correspond with McGowan. After I read his installments (before the book came out) I was planning on writing to him...but I waited too long. I wanted to tell him what I learned about David Crosby when I was living in Key West. A friend of mine set up a concert for Crosby at Sloppy Joes, and then he screwed her out of her share of the proceeds, and she had to pay for the rent on the concert venue. I met Crosby's sailing crew, and they absolutely hated him.
I have seen the Kay Griggs interview. Do you have a link for the drawings?
I too once saw the Dead in concert, because they were playing with Bob Dylan and Tom Petty. The Dead were the headliners. Over Dylan and Petty. We left before the Dead took the stage. The crowd was full of zombies in their Dead shirts. I suspect Kesey of being CIA, too, although I have no proof. That was always my main issue with the hippies- they seemed to want to slip acid into people's drinks, and would get angry if you said you'd had enough pot. Pushing a forced pro-drug narrative. Thanks, Kris!
I saw the Doors 3 times, loved their music, read a few books on them, including McGowan's on the Canyon scene. Have to say I was not overly impressed w/ McGowan, but realize he's venerated by many. The salient thing about the Admiral father that everyone seems to overlook is that altho he got promoted for going along w/ the Gulf of Tonkin fakery, later on when the USS Liberty incident took place, he was vocally unhappy about the cover-up which surely earned him enemies in the Tribe. The strange death in Paris might have been revenge.
I hear you (I never liked zappa but I was going to give him a go... now I won't , and I am done with that culture anyhow.
reminds me of the sayingof my mothers
Sometimes (Jeff) i think the wholeworld has gone mad,
except for me and thee
and I even have my doubts about thee.
in any case, I believe we must all meet our maker.
I dont do Owen Benjamin anymore, boycott jew ( and time). but he got me onto EMJ, who is on the way out for me, almost, that got me onto Rizoli and a couple more... and so it goes.
a fresh mask for 20 min would not hurt. and washing would destroy the 'magnetic' or static electric way they pick nano stuff up.
I prefer to go nowhere and eliminate the worry of it all. maybe twice a year indoors anywhere. literally. might be all scare mongering too and me the fool (have not seen my own mother in 3 years). BUT it is a bioweapon and the jews are behind it and there are excess deaths more than WWII.
if I see my mother on her deathbed (heaven forbid) , I will be in a spacesuit. no kidding.
first I've hear that iodine kills prions , which are one of the things the mrna produces amongst the 2/3 that are not covid spikes, which are bad enough.
Coincidentally, Kris, I dumped Rense almost exactly 24 years ago. Since then I have marveled at the number of otherwise sensible people who regard him as anything other than a brainwashed drone.
even most of JR's guests do not believe in shedding. and jeff goes shopping once a week , albeit masked and gloved. I am playing last man on earth... a kind of uber anarchist. they , the jews, the gov't , 'them the people' made society untenable.
I've been listening to Rense for 24 years, but now I only listen when Donald and Erica are guests. I feel like an idiot now, for defending Rense from being called controlled opposition in the past. In the last five years, I have caught him in lies about things he said and did in the past. Also, in the past, if the subject of Frank Zappa came up, he used to go on and on about how his brother Rip, was best buds with Zappa. However, once Dave McGowan's book came out featuring Zappa's origins...when his name comes up...not a word from Rense about his brother .
I also feel like an idiot for buying two expensive items peddled by Rense guests. That piece of junk sold by Patrick Flannigan (nuerophone-if memory serves) cost almost 500 bucks. To make it worse, I found out Flannigan in his former life had worked for the CIA in the mind-control department. Lastly, Rense's constant sighing...that sounds like a pissy schoolgirl... grates on my nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard. However, I am grateful to Rense for turning me on to Donald.
Btw, I wear gloves to the grocery store...but I will NEVER wear a mask. Swabbing one's nasal passeges with iodine solution, before and after shopping is way more effective. The harm caused by breathing one's own bacteria, is reason enough not to mask. I'm surprised Rense does not wear a spacesuit to the store.
I appreciate that you listen when I'm on, Kris. All I can do is speak to how Jeff treats me. He has been very supportive, always says way too kind things about my work. I don't agree with him on everything, but he always lets me say what I want. Thanks.
Wouldn't miss you on Monday nights... it's the highpoint of my week. You and Rense have great chemistry as host and guest. However, you and Tony together are the best. You guys would make a great comedy team. Anyone interested? www.americaunpluggedradio.com
Thanks, Kris!
Hi, Kris, I read McGowan's book, also and had a few brief email conversations with him and told him that he should make his Canyon series a book (I'm sure lots of other people did,too). I think it was me who convinced him that Mick Taylor wasn't just some fill in for Brian Jones. Really enjoyed his sense of humor.
As for those Canyon folks, I don't think all of those musicians were contrived. You really only needed to do that with a select few and the others will ape them. My biggest suspicions fell on the Doors, Zappa, and Captain Beefheart in his book, but my greatest reservations were on one that wasn't based there: the Grateful Dead.
Everyone claims they like the Dead, but when I was growing up, almost no one had any of their lp's. Kentucky senator grandson Owsley bought them the world's greatest equipment, paid for with his chemistry hobby, and probably backed by intelligence. This is a band that tried to turn in-your-face anti war demonstrators into laid back navel gazers, wishing only to be left alone. They had thieving managers like Rock Scully who stole from the Rolling Stones and hired people like the Hells Angels as crowd control at Altamont, after the Stones took their advice.
Their buddies, Kesey's Pranksters, are just as strange. Pranksters Ken Babbs and Ron Bevirt were ex military, and in Wolfe's book they reveal themselves at times. Another attempt to spread the gospel of acid, one bus trip at a time.
I'll end with Jim Morrison. If you've read many books on him, the guy's life was VERY strange. Pictures of him seem to show nine different people, particularly at different ages, some with such a vague gaze that he seems comatose. There is a place in Stephen Davis' book on him where it is claimed that his own father raped him. Now if you have ever seen the long video of Kay Griggs discussing her Colonel husband, she said that ANYONE ranked bird colonel (naval captain) or above is compromised. That is how they attain their ranks.
I can certainly picture some arm of intelligence finding out about this background of his father and using it as a way of keeping him in line. "We'll promote you higher if you let us "work with" your son." The books say he would disappear for long stretches, starting when he was in high school in DC. It's not too hard to imagine the guy was another Manchurian like Sirhan, only he was to be used in other ways. Can't tell you how many people I've known who read "No One Here Gets Out Alive" and thought how cool Morrison's drug and booze life was. I lost a close cousin to this. Plus how did author Sugerman ever hook up with Oliver North's secretary Fawn Hall?
Also check out some of those drawings that Jim and his buddy Fud Ford made when he lived in Alameda. They are beyond sick: boys grasping men's penises, self potrait of Jim being tortured, etc. Maybe it was real life?
Good points, Dee. Morrison's father was the admiral in charge of the fleet during the Gulf of Tonkin false flag, as I'm sure you know. I've never gotten the Grateful Dead, either. Don't have a single record of theirs (and I have a very extensive LP collection). Their original name was the Warlocks, which tells you some thing. They made a great film out of Kesey's "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," but it's hard for me to like anyone who was threatening to lace the public water supply with LSD. Thanks.
why I call him Jim ( My Daddy Started the Vietnam War) Morrison. 'people are strange, when you're alone'
and stranger when you are 'in the club. in the familie(s) way'.
' It's too late baby, it's just too late' ... but contemporaneously they go for the youth ' we are coming for your children' , not us revisionist types. ' I got you babe' . they got me, for the most part. though not ' all of me' as Cathy O'Brien said, ' the s╠╢o╠╢n╠╢g╠╢ soul remains the same'.
A very insightful comment. Kesey was from my neck of the woods, and I think he was a despicable person...a total CIA asset on the Hippy psy-op. I actually went to a Dead concert once, but I now believe they were a manufactured band for the Hippy psy-op. I once heard Bob Weir say in an interview that he had been invited to Bohemian Grove. A while back there was some obscure cowboy who was making the rounds with a story that Morrison was living as a buckaroo on an isolated ranch in the Oregon desert. The storyteller said he didn't even know who The Doors were until Morrison confided in him. That cowboy has now dropped out of sight, but I believe him. I did see a photo of the alleged "cowboy Morrison" and it looked how one would expect a much older Morrison would look. It's pretty clear Morrison faked his death.
I'm glad both you and Donald were able to correspond with McGowan. After I read his installments (before the book came out) I was planning on writing to him...but I waited too long. I wanted to tell him what I learned about David Crosby when I was living in Key West. A friend of mine set up a concert for Crosby at Sloppy Joes, and then he screwed her out of her share of the proceeds, and she had to pay for the rent on the concert venue. I met Crosby's sailing crew, and they absolutely hated him.
I have seen the Kay Griggs interview. Do you have a link for the drawings?
I too once saw the Dead in concert, because they were playing with Bob Dylan and Tom Petty. The Dead were the headliners. Over Dylan and Petty. We left before the Dead took the stage. The crowd was full of zombies in their Dead shirts. I suspect Kesey of being CIA, too, although I have no proof. That was always my main issue with the hippies- they seemed to want to slip acid into people's drinks, and would get angry if you said you'd had enough pot. Pushing a forced pro-drug narrative. Thanks, Kris!
I saw the Doors 3 times, loved their music, read a few books on them, including McGowan's on the Canyon scene. Have to say I was not overly impressed w/ McGowan, but realize he's venerated by many. The salient thing about the Admiral father that everyone seems to overlook is that altho he got promoted for going along w/ the Gulf of Tonkin fakery, later on when the USS Liberty incident took place, he was vocally unhappy about the cover-up which surely earned him enemies in the Tribe. The strange death in Paris might have been revenge.
Found this on Fud Ford. http://archives.waiting-forthe-sun.net/Pages/Players/Personal/north_beach_days.html
Looks like Lisciandro, a film-making friend of Morrison has a couple more books worth checking out.
I had not heard that about Morrison and the Liberty, Billy. Thanks.
very recent Griggs, shame about the wind in the mike.
what a lady.
I hear you (I never liked zappa but I was going to give him a go... now I won't , and I am done with that culture anyhow.
reminds me of the sayingof my mothers
Sometimes (Jeff) i think the wholeworld has gone mad,
except for me and thee
and I even have my doubts about thee.
in any case, I believe we must all meet our maker.
I dont do Owen Benjamin anymore, boycott jew ( and time). but he got me onto EMJ, who is on the way out for me, almost, that got me onto Rizoli and a couple more... and so it goes.
a fresh mask for 20 min would not hurt. and washing would destroy the 'magnetic' or static electric way they pick nano stuff up.
I prefer to go nowhere and eliminate the worry of it all. maybe twice a year indoors anywhere. literally. might be all scare mongering too and me the fool (have not seen my own mother in 3 years). BUT it is a bioweapon and the jews are behind it and there are excess deaths more than WWII.
if I see my mother on her deathbed (heaven forbid) , I will be in a spacesuit. no kidding.
first I've hear that iodine kills prions , which are one of the things the mrna produces amongst the 2/3 that are not covid spikes, which are bad enough.
Coincidentally, Kris, I dumped Rense almost exactly 24 years ago. Since then I have marveled at the number of otherwise sensible people who regard him as anything other than a brainwashed drone.