I left this country once. Looks like I will do it again. If God chooses to destroy America, like he did Sodom and Gomora, because of its unrighteousness, then I want out.

You try and try to wake your family and friends up to the dangers of living here and they refuse to see it. They become your enemy. America will burn to the ground. She is on fire. Escape seems to be the best option at this time.

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I moved down to Panama a couple of years ago. The civilization is still intact. The children go to school in nice uniforms, the men look like men, the women look like women. It's not perfect, but it's better than staying in the U.S. waiting for helter skelter or a nuclear war!

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"The children go to school in nice uniforms, the men look like men, the women look like women."

Then why did you come back? Running from trouble is not the answer. Not everybody can move, and if there is a nuclear war, no place is safe.

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"no place is safe until every place is safe..."

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You have me confused with Lickyouallover25cents I left the USA for a number of reasons. Mostly because I was being robbed over and over by your "government". I spent years trying to understand how and why.

I had friends that had left for the same reason. One of them invited me to come along. I didn't realize that he was manipulating me for selfish reasons. I made the mistake of trusting him and lost everything. I was forced to return.

Recently, after trusting family members, I have been forced to reconsider the idea of leaving again. I see that no matter where I go I will be surrounded by demons who love to rob me. Many of these demon possessed people are family members who believe themselves to be righteous. They are not! They worship this thing called "government", which in reality is a Jew-run Satanic religion that has blinded them to the truth. They believe me to be the bad guy because I don"t worship their god. I refuse to tithe to it any more than I have to. I see that taxes (tithes to their deity) are theft and force me to pay for evil things like wars.

I have a conscience, unlike most people who don't give a damn about right or wrong.

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Who said I came back? They have the internet here in Panama!

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"Who said I came back? They have the internet here in Panama!"

My comment was for Anticriminals.

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He/she didn't say they came back. Anticriminals did. God is just sitting back and letting us do whatever we desire and if it is blow the planet up...well maybe the aliens will intervene as they have before. Oh, you didn't know that? I wonder why...

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Can you have semi-automatic rifles and hand guns in Panama? If so I may be headed down there shortly 😂

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No, not without special government permits, and they are hard to get.

It's the same with almost all Latin American countries too. It's difficult and expensive to legally get and own any firearms or ammo there.

That's why their crime rates are so much higher than here too!

Only the criminals and cartels have guns there.

That was 2 of the main reasons I moved back here after living there for 8 years.

That's the reality that most people ignore or don't discuss.

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Jun 4
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"I'd rather be ruled by a Chinaman than a Jew."

Dr. Patrick Slattery

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I'd rather be ruled by NO ONE. PERIOD. LEAVE ME THE F**K alone and they won't get shot.

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Especially when we have the kinds of rulers we do, Courageous. Thanks.

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Spot on ! I would add that the CCP was begun and controlled by Jews. Btw, Israel sports the largest organ-trafficing machine in the world.

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Right on, Kris.

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jim stone said that too, or north korea. at least they would not want to micromanage your every thought and twist your culture every which way to hell'n'back . just stay out of the way of the program, like Nazi germany. (above comment subject to the remote possibility those states are also run by the jews, or whatever is running them). maybe the Western Revolutionary Spirit needed more convincing than just conformist populations, hence the Culture Wars (cue E Michael Jones culturewars.com)

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"And almost everyone is learning to speak Mandarin ?"

There is no basis in the statement.

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There might be. Do you realize the trade influence that China is gaining in South America?

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"There might be"

Not a chance.

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And you call yourself realist? Look into it.

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I often wonder how bad Sodom and Gomora must have been, Anticriminals. Were they openly trying to groom and "transition" children? Thanks.

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The problems are greater than this. The problem is with people seeing nothing wrong with government itself. They blindly follow this thing called government. The general public is demented (as in demonically controlled) and see nothing wrong with supporting an evil that calls itself government, an organized crime ring.

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I escaped the burning inferno 18 years ago and have never been happier.

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Jun 5
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America is not a good place to be now or in the future . There are not perfect places but I heard Cyprus is a good option.

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perhaps, and I have some sympathies for them, but with 95% (official stats at least) of Australians jabbed,half the children, I can safely say that a lot of very smart , well credentialled, self financed (by now) people did not ask

' is Covid killing more people than usual' . of course the media did not, and still does not, ask that, but still..... being a conspiracy theory nut job has, do far, saved my life. and not watching any MSM since 2008. then again, everyone is not dead yet. so there is that, for now.

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Jun 4Edited
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WHAT? Israel is going down? How apropos!

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Jun 5
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Maybe Putin needs to issue a letter of Marque on Chairman Xiden and keep the rest of us out of it. Did you know that years ago a message was sent to a rebel in the US, that Putin would send Spetznaz to help us if we had an actual real insurrection against the control freaks? What mess. And you’re wrong. Israel is going down because that place is built totally on lies and deceit.

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Jun 5
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BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH typical vomit from a Jewish supremacist. Be proud and GFY.

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I'm no expert on this subject. but I believe you have the State of Israel confused with the people called Israel.

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Great article Don, I used to think the same about anarchists, I would hardly call myself one now , but believe that first, true anarchists do not follow anyone nor do they belong to a group or collective and second, their are a great many people who believe in natural anarchy as an inevitable outcome to unbridled state terrorism.

“Rely not on the State’s tricks and promises. Never rely on any act of deceit called ‘voting.’ Never rely on any politician, and never support any State enforcement of its rules and laws. Never fall for the lie that a piece of paper called a ‘constitution’ secretly drafted and implemented by the ruling class of con artists called government ,can give or protect natural human rights. Never believe any single individual who chooses the path of rule, regardless of their feigned intent to protect you. And never fall for the illusion that any government is necessary in order to bring about societal harmony, for all State intent has but one objective, and that is totalitarian rule over the earth and its inhabitants.” - Gary D Barnett

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Thanks, Eveohtse!

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Gary actually recommends me!! I'm so honored.

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Gary Barnett for Precedent!

I created a graphic which I intend to turn into a bumper sticker with this slogan on it. You can see it at my blog--https://poorrogersalmanac.com

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The bankers pull the strings since the founding through the War of 1812 and beyond. Lincoln and JFK threatened their control. Not down on Lincoln yet fighting the power of the Crown and London banks and his emergency measures.

Students rose up for Palestine, while bankers control colleges and tried to crush them.

Threats of nuclear war is part of the plan.

The Republic is currently defunct.

People are professional TV watchers as Orwell predicted.

Incremental progress must be the plan, while people are distracted.

As the internet and alt media exists there is hope.

They hadn't counted on that.

Also we have an aging population figuring it out.

A dying empire is a very dangerous thing.

It will require profiles in courage or a complete economic collapse.

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You're right- the bankers have always financed the conflicts, Bard. Thanks.

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Thank you, Bard, yours is the only informed comment so far! Even Don has it wrong as to the origins of what we are experiencing now. He apparently knows nothing about the real Lincoln and why he did what he did. The British lost the war, but it did not lose control of the financial structure. Lincoln was murdered by the British and Dutch empires because he was actually creating the original American system of Franklin and Hamilton that Don and most of the commenters do not know about. The Greenbacks were issued by a national bank that did not owe any other country and was for the advancement of American industrialization and for the blessings of the American people only. This was Hamiltons, Lincolns, Rosvelt, Kennedy and Larouches ideas and it would free us from the clutches of foreign banking ticks that suck the blood out of everyone. This currency that was issued by the Treasury in order to bypass the city of London who would not finance the war. Lincoln had studied economics extensively and he knew that we were not free of British control due to the gold standard. This is all verry complicated and takes a great deal of study to comprehend, and it seems that no one except yourself actually know this. Hamilton has been smeared and lied about since Burr murdered him. The British intelligence agents were planning with the confederate operatives in Montreal during the war and Booth was there many times and included in the plans. All of this is documented, but apparently unknown by most of the commenters who have some verry strange ideas. I believe you are one of those people who understand the complexity of the actual history. I wonder if you are familiar with Robert Ingraham's writing or Anton Chatkin? Matt Ehrett and the Canadien Patriot, Lyndon Larouche. I suggest reading the entire series of books by Ehrett, the clash of the two Americas as well as Ingraham's book, The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire, Its Origins, Evolution, And Antihuman Outlook. It was not a lone nut named Booth that murdered Lincoln! He was an agent of the British Empire, and the conspiracy went much deeper than is told in school. They tried to murder Rosvelt but killed the mayor instead! Then these same bankers tried to get Maj. General Smedley Darlington Butler to lead a coup against the government because of his policies. Again, it has taken me 76 years of living to get to the truth of history because they do not want the public to know what really happened. I was as brainwashed as everyone else, and this is of course the plan, and I will say it has been effective, not just in keeping the truth hidden, but confusing most everyone into thinking with their gut instead of their intellect. Thanks for your informed comments, Jack.

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Jack, I used to look at Lincoln the way you do. Then I started reading first-hand sources on the tyranny of his troops, waging their "total war" on civilians. I've written a lot about the Lincoln assassination. He was killed by an inside job, orchestrated by his insane Secretary of War Edwin Stanton. Lincoln had been been a tool of the railroads his entire legal career, and always backed the bankers. What made him suddenly decide to issue Greenbacks is a mystery. I go over many of the things you talk about here in "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963," and will explore this in even more depth in my upcoming "American Memory Hole." Lincoln was the first imperial president, and began the creation of the expansive central government. He locked up thousands of dissidents without charges (he had suspended the writ of habeas corpus), and shut down hundreds of newspapers. He set most of the awful precedents that would be followed by Wilson, and FDR, and LBJ, and Dubya, all the way up to the present time. The British conspiracy theory in the Lincoln assassination has been popularized by the Larouche people. I agree with them on many things, but they have an obsession with England being the center of all power. Please read my books, and I think you will get a different perspective. They are fully sourced. I have no theories. Thanks.

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Eye opening.

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The tyranny of his troops is the same in every war, not just his and what exactly was his control over the terrible things that footloose soldiers do in the field? Viet Nam was the same, rape, murder, assignations, Souvenirs’ taken like ears. No this was not just the nature of Lincolns war only; this is standard fare of any war and all wars. Do you know who Major General Smedley Darlington Butler was? This is a rhetorical question because I am sure that you do not know! He was the most decorated soldier in the history of this country with three medals of honor. He was the Marine Corp commander just prior to and after the turn of the 20th century. He wrote a little book called war is a racket and if you have not read this book then you should! I bet you if you asked any young or old Marine who he was, they would have no idea. This is what the deep state does with truth tellers! He was also approached by wall street to perpetrate a coup against the Rosvelt government, but he whistle blew the scheme and guess what happened to the perpetrators? Nothing happened!

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Well Stanton was in Montréal several times at the same hotel as Booth and the Confederate secret service as well as the British secret service. Yes, there were players in his own administration who were British sympathizers, but the planning was pure British, so no Stanton was not the orchestrator, he was part of the plot. Lincoln could not get loans from any European source and had to print his own currency as we should always have done. His actions in the brutality were warranted due to the stakes involved. Lincoln knew the British were behind the south! Did you know that the Zar sent Russian war ships to both coasts to keep the English and French from sending invading armies to aid the south? I suggest reading the four volume serries by Matt Ehret, the clash of the two Americas and be enlightened as to the real history behind the war and not the revisionist version. Things are never what they seem to be especially when written by the victors. You have much to learn as did I, Jack.

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all Rhodes lead to London (City)... then again I have not read your books.

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Thanks Jack

And I was a history teacher.

Abandoned all former ideas.

I believe Lincoln formed the Secret Service the day he was shot. Guess it was needed to whack Presidents, like JFK.

JFK based the dollar on the silver in the Treasury and issued Silver Certificates with and executive order. A copy appears in F. William Engdahls Gods of Money. This book blew me away, like the things that I am reading by Matt Ehret.

History books don't talk about all of the Freemasons including Washington. The banks are never addressed, they own the publishers.

With that and Covid we are going through a great awakening as the Empire collapses around the TV watchers, who have yet to abandon everything by Rockefeller Medicine. Gone back to the shamanic protocols before the Federal Reserve.


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Lysander Spooner was correct. Either the U.S. Constitution authorizes the criminal tyranny that is destroying us or it does nothing to prevent it. Whatever the case, it should be consigned to the dung heap as it's as useless as a nun's genitalia. You could probably fit all of the real rulers of the world in a good sized house. However, our overwhelming numerical advantage is meaningless as well over 90 % of the earth's inhabitants willingly go along with whatever psy-op the Controllers foist on them regardless of its mendacity, abuse, and exploitation. Leaderless resistance, lone wolf, guerrilla , asymmetrical warfare can defeat these scumfucks if determined and relentless enough. Just ask the Vietcong and the Mujaheddin of Afghanistan how they ultimately fared against the armed might of the U.S. The resisters must be willing to die in the process of taking the Hidden Hand's administrators out. Remember always that those that serve these monsters in an enforcement or protective capacity are purely mercenary. They're doing it for a paycheck and a pension and most definitely do not want to be killed or maimed. Cap enough of these soulless bastards and bitches and the power structure of the Ruling Class will fold like a house of cards. Highly provocative piece here, Don, thank you.

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Spooner was great, Hereticdrummer. Thanks, my friend!

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You'll love this, Don. From ABC, Channel 7 network, news, NY City, several days ago. Wildwood, NJ is a renowned NJ shore town. In its heyday it was beautiful but like everything else its gone to Hell in a hand-basket. On Memorial Day, which officially kicks off the Jersey Shore season drawing huge crowds, the mayor of Wildwood declared a state of emergency, ordered the boardwalk shut down, and the Wildwood police requested and received additional cops from adjacent towns to subdue the crisis. The reason? According to the newscasters, it was, "groups of unruly children." Are you fucking kidding me?! There can be only one real explanation. These groups of "unruly children" were in fact organized gangs of non-Whites from urban ghettos who were violently assaulting and robbing the vacationers there. The lying newscasters, at the behest of their communist overlords, consistently obfuscate and cover up the war on Whites by the Untermenschen to negate any White backlash or resistance. The communist modus operandi has always been to give criminal thugs and predators free reign to terrorize and intimidate the citizenry, and the communists, the strike force of the Ruling Class, billionaire oligarchs, have long since seized the reigns of state power in the U.S. Such a major falsification and propaganda coup as consummated in this sordid tale would have made Papa Joe Stalin of the USSR green with envy. Thanks again, Don, and be well.

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Wildwood, NJ was the place my parents took the children for summer vacation every year, Hereticdrummer. Of course, this was a long time ago, before I was born. By the time I came along so late in life, they had pretty much stopped vacationing lol. By using codewords like this, or "youth" to cloak the reality, we are again not acknowledging the problem, let alone trying to address it. Ghetto culture is a huge problem which impacts us all. And it's not "racist" to say it. Thanks.

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The only way to address the problem is to eliminate with extreme prejudice those who are unleashing these sub-humans on us, those that are covering it up, and those perpetrating these crimes of violence and genocide. Monsters and demons only understand pain and superior force. No petitioning, pleading, whining or voting is going to do anything. To the enemy that is contemptible weakness. The National Socialists didn't implore the communists to cease ripping Germany asunder, they pulverized them. This is war without mercy. If we don't treat it as such with appropriate reactions, we can all bend over and kiss our asses goodbye. You're welcome, Don, and thanks again.

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Afghanistan is not called "The Graveyard of Empires" for nothing.

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Most definitely. Those Pashtun boys don't play. They are among the toughest fighters on the planet. The Russians will affirm that as well. In the 1800s the British boasted the finest army infantry anywhere and in Afghanistan they got their asses handed to them.

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And again in the 21st century.

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Well said.

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Thank you, Nancy Lynn. Best Regards.

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Jun 4Edited

I guess I must have been a "young Donald Jefferies type" because I was always protesting those MAD inspired check-points. No matter the issue, I always spoke up, because to remain silent was to be complicit. Donald, you are expecting the impossible to think that the majority of the sheep would speak up. To speak up, they would have to question their entire lifestyle, and that would be way too uncomfortable for the mob.

For 30 years I wrestled with the question of: am I wasting my time, trying to wake people up? What settled it for me was the scamdemic. That is when I took my retirement. After all those years, I had so little influenced my environment, that only two people refused the Jonestown jab due to my former preaching. I'm not complaining, two is better than zero.

I heard you say on Rense that all those years of your information sharing at family gatherings made no difference to your family members when the scamdemic came along. What more proof do you need? My oldest friendship goes back 56 years. For 28 years prior to the scamdemic, we talked about the NWO and the coming End Times. In early 2020 we agreed it was all total BS...yet she STILL took the death vax...because her brother asked her to do so. Now, her health is failing fast, and I'm sure she will die soon. That sealed it for me. I now believe it was already decided in advance who was going to make it through all this...alive, and spiritually unblemished. For some folks, turning their most important life decisions over to others to make for them, seems to be in their DNA. Btw, her ex husband did not get vaxed. They were still living together because of the extreme lack of housing in my area. One morning my friend and her vaxed daughter found him dead on the sofa. He was pronounced dead, and then cremated with no investigation. Shedding is real. He was a very healthy guy. We have now reached the stage, where it is every person for themselves. Newbies who figured it out during the scamdemic, are high on hopium. They don't have the benefit of years of observation...but you do, Donald.

Someone in the comments section of Zerohedge used your Washington Generals/Republican comparison. Everyone and their dog used to claim they started the Paul-is-dead rumor. I haven't heard anyone claiming ownership of your Washington Generals/Republican meme...yet...but it will probably happen at some point. It seems to be a common human trait to steal ideas.

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I'm sure you were a Don Jeffries' type, Kris. We would probably have hit it off if we'd met back in the day. I admit to being akin to a heroin addict in terms of my continuing interest in the wasteland of politics. I pretty much stopped trying to wake up family and real-life friends a while ago. It was futile and frustrating. That's interesting about the Washington Generals- someone told me they've heard both Matt Gaetz and Steve Bannon use that analogy. Maybe some of their aides read my Substack. Thanks!

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even most of JR's guests do not believe in shedding. and jeff goes shopping once a week , albeit masked and gloved. I am playing last man on earth... a kind of uber anarchist. they , the jews, the gov't , 'them the people' made society untenable.

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Jun 4Edited

I've been listening to Rense for 24 years, but now I only listen when Donald and Erica are guests. I feel like an idiot now, for defending Rense from being called controlled opposition in the past. In the last five years, I have caught him in lies about things he said and did in the past. Also, in the past, if the subject of Frank Zappa came up, he used to go on and on about how his brother Rip, was best buds with Zappa. However, once Dave McGowan's book came out featuring Zappa's origins...when his name comes up...not a word from Rense about his brother .

I also feel like an idiot for buying two expensive items peddled by Rense guests. That piece of junk sold by Patrick Flannigan (nuerophone-if memory serves) cost almost 500 bucks. To make it worse, I found out Flannigan in his former life had worked for the CIA in the mind-control department. Lastly, Rense's constant sighing...that sounds like a pissy schoolgirl... grates on my nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard. However, I am grateful to Rense for turning me on to Donald.

Btw, I wear gloves to the grocery store...but I will NEVER wear a mask. Swabbing one's nasal passeges with iodine solution, before and after shopping is way more effective. The harm caused by breathing one's own bacteria, is reason enough not to mask. I'm surprised Rense does not wear a spacesuit to the store.

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I appreciate that you listen when I'm on, Kris. All I can do is speak to how Jeff treats me. He has been very supportive, always says way too kind things about my work. I don't agree with him on everything, but he always lets me say what I want. Thanks.

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Wouldn't miss you on Monday nights... it's the highpoint of my week. You and Rense have great chemistry as host and guest. However, you and Tony together are the best. You guys would make a great comedy team. Anyone interested? www.americaunpluggedradio.com

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Thanks, Kris!

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Hi, Kris, I read McGowan's book, also and had a few brief email conversations with him and told him that he should make his Canyon series a book (I'm sure lots of other people did,too). I think it was me who convinced him that Mick Taylor wasn't just some fill in for Brian Jones. Really enjoyed his sense of humor.

As for those Canyon folks, I don't think all of those musicians were contrived. You really only needed to do that with a select few and the others will ape them. My biggest suspicions fell on the Doors, Zappa, and Captain Beefheart in his book, but my greatest reservations were on one that wasn't based there: the Grateful Dead.

Everyone claims they like the Dead, but when I was growing up, almost no one had any of their lp's. Kentucky senator grandson Owsley bought them the world's greatest equipment, paid for with his chemistry hobby, and probably backed by intelligence. This is a band that tried to turn in-your-face anti war demonstrators into laid back navel gazers, wishing only to be left alone. They had thieving managers like Rock Scully who stole from the Rolling Stones and hired people like the Hells Angels as crowd control at Altamont, after the Stones took their advice.

Their buddies, Kesey's Pranksters, are just as strange. Pranksters Ken Babbs and Ron Bevirt were ex military, and in Wolfe's book they reveal themselves at times. Another attempt to spread the gospel of acid, one bus trip at a time.

I'll end with Jim Morrison. If you've read many books on him, the guy's life was VERY strange. Pictures of him seem to show nine different people, particularly at different ages, some with such a vague gaze that he seems comatose. There is a place in Stephen Davis' book on him where it is claimed that his own father raped him. Now if you have ever seen the long video of Kay Griggs discussing her Colonel husband, she said that ANYONE ranked bird colonel (naval captain) or above is compromised. That is how they attain their ranks.

I can certainly picture some arm of intelligence finding out about this background of his father and using it as a way of keeping him in line. "We'll promote you higher if you let us "work with" your son." The books say he would disappear for long stretches, starting when he was in high school in DC. It's not too hard to imagine the guy was another Manchurian like Sirhan, only he was to be used in other ways. Can't tell you how many people I've known who read "No One Here Gets Out Alive" and thought how cool Morrison's drug and booze life was. I lost a close cousin to this. Plus how did author Sugerman ever hook up with Oliver North's secretary Fawn Hall?

Also check out some of those drawings that Jim and his buddy Fud Ford made when he lived in Alameda. They are beyond sick: boys grasping men's penises, self potrait of Jim being tortured, etc. Maybe it was real life?

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Good points, Dee. Morrison's father was the admiral in charge of the fleet during the Gulf of Tonkin false flag, as I'm sure you know. I've never gotten the Grateful Dead, either. Don't have a single record of theirs (and I have a very extensive LP collection). Their original name was the Warlocks, which tells you some thing. They made a great film out of Kesey's "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," but it's hard for me to like anyone who was threatening to lace the public water supply with LSD. Thanks.

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why I call him Jim ( My Daddy Started the Vietnam War) Morrison. 'people are strange, when you're alone'

and stranger when you are 'in the club. in the familie(s) way'.

' It's too late baby, it's just too late' ... but contemporaneously they go for the youth ' we are coming for your children' , not us revisionist types. ' I got you babe' . they got me, for the most part. though not ' all of me' as Cathy O'Brien said, ' the s̶o̶n̶g̶ soul remains the same'.

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Jun 5Edited

A very insightful comment. Kesey was from my neck of the woods, and I think he was a despicable person...a total CIA asset on the Hippy psy-op. I actually went to a Dead concert once, but I now believe they were a manufactured band for the Hippy psy-op. I once heard Bob Weir say in an interview that he had been invited to Bohemian Grove. A while back there was some obscure cowboy who was making the rounds with a story that Morrison was living as a buckaroo on an isolated ranch in the Oregon desert. The storyteller said he didn't even know who The Doors were until Morrison confided in him. That cowboy has now dropped out of sight, but I believe him. I did see a photo of the alleged "cowboy Morrison" and it looked how one would expect a much older Morrison would look. It's pretty clear Morrison faked his death.

I'm glad both you and Donald were able to correspond with McGowan. After I read his installments (before the book came out) I was planning on writing to him...but I waited too long. I wanted to tell him what I learned about David Crosby when I was living in Key West. A friend of mine set up a concert for Crosby at Sloppy Joes, and then he screwed her out of her share of the proceeds, and she had to pay for the rent on the concert venue. I met Crosby's sailing crew, and they absolutely hated him.

I have seen the Kay Griggs interview. Do you have a link for the drawings?

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I too once saw the Dead in concert, because they were playing with Bob Dylan and Tom Petty. The Dead were the headliners. Over Dylan and Petty. We left before the Dead took the stage. The crowd was full of zombies in their Dead shirts. I suspect Kesey of being CIA, too, although I have no proof. That was always my main issue with the hippies- they seemed to want to slip acid into people's drinks, and would get angry if you said you'd had enough pot. Pushing a forced pro-drug narrative. Thanks, Kris!

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I saw the Doors 3 times, loved their music, read a few books on them, including McGowan's on the Canyon scene. Have to say I was not overly impressed w/ McGowan, but realize he's venerated by many. The salient thing about the Admiral father that everyone seems to overlook is that altho he got promoted for going along w/ the Gulf of Tonkin fakery, later on when the USS Liberty incident took place, he was vocally unhappy about the cover-up which surely earned him enemies in the Tribe. The strange death in Paris might have been revenge.

Found this on Fud Ford. http://archives.waiting-forthe-sun.net/Pages/Players/Personal/north_beach_days.html

Looks like Lisciandro, a film-making friend of Morrison has a couple more books worth checking out.

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I had not heard that about Morrison and the Liberty, Billy. Thanks.

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very recent Griggs, shame about the wind in the mike.


what a lady.

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I hear you (I never liked zappa but I was going to give him a go... now I won't , and I am done with that culture anyhow.

reminds me of the sayingof my mothers

Sometimes (Jeff) i think the wholeworld has gone mad,

except for me and thee

and I even have my doubts about thee.

in any case, I believe we must all meet our maker.

I dont do Owen Benjamin anymore, boycott jew ( and time). but he got me onto EMJ, who is on the way out for me, almost, that got me onto Rizoli and a couple more... and so it goes.

a fresh mask for 20 min would not hurt. and washing would destroy the 'magnetic' or static electric way they pick nano stuff up.

I prefer to go nowhere and eliminate the worry of it all. maybe twice a year indoors anywhere. literally. might be all scare mongering too and me the fool (have not seen my own mother in 3 years). BUT it is a bioweapon and the jews are behind it and there are excess deaths more than WWII.

if I see my mother on her deathbed (heaven forbid) , I will be in a spacesuit. no kidding.

first I've hear that iodine kills prions , which are one of the things the mrna produces amongst the 2/3 that are not covid spikes, which are bad enough.

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Coincidentally, Kris, I dumped Rense almost exactly 24 years ago. Since then I have marveled at the number of otherwise sensible people who regard him as anything other than a brainwashed drone.

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I will start supporting the troops when every one of them are in the lower 48, not in one of the 750 overseas bases. Ready to aim at anyone trying to cross the border.

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If those of intelligence and integrity ever gain control of this country...never ever, ever let those rapacious megalomaniac assholes gain power or have any authority.

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Excellent Donald! Every one, and I mean everyone, should read this and then stand in front of the mirror.

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Thanks, James!

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Absolutely the very best article ever. Outstanding!!!!

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Thanks, Norman!

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This is excellent.

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Thanks, Mike!

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I agree with all you said.

But the solution is to destroy the Deep State and all who aid and abet them.


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I agree, Realist. But it must be the kind of revolution I describe. They have the power of the Military Industrial Complex behind them. Thanks.

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"But it must be the kind of revolution I describe. They have the power of the Military Industrial Complex behind them."

It must be a revolution that works.

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Glad someone else commented on the absent role that guns played in the resistance to unlawful "COVID" lockdowns, "mandates" and toxic shots. Where were those guns when all these were taking place? Some may have been cowed into submission or brainwashed into compliance by the wall-to-wall propaganda, too.

(I still put "COVID" inside quotation marks because I don't believe any "pandemic" existed - just a fake one did based on misused, abused PCR method and deadly hospital protocols and saturation of media by a fake fear-mongering narrative that far too many succumbed to.)

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You're right about "COVID," An Observer. If you haven't done so, please read my "Masking the Truth: How COVID-19 Destroyed Civil Liberties and Shut Down the World," the most shadow banned book in the world. Thanks!

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Hi, Don. Just a side note about the pandemic and social conformity. We here in Switzerland are probably the only nation on Earth who have had a chance to vote directly on Covid issues. Yet, three - THREE - times we've voted to keep the Covid emergency measures in place till 2032 despite the fact that the emergency for which the measures were created has long ended. Next week we get the chance to vote on a law that will give the individual total power over their own body and ban another party from forcing medication on them. I truly hope that people vote for this, but also have a bad feeling.

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I'm sorry to hear that, Steghorn. But not surprised. The COVID psyop demonstrated that people are gullible and indoctrinated to obey authority all over the world. Thanks.

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Ooh, thank you for the recommendation! Available on Amazon? Or elsewhere?

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Amazon disappeared the Kindle version, and Barnes & Noble just took the book off its web site. The best place to get it is here: https://www.lulu.com/shop/donald-jeffries/masking-the-truth/paperback/product-grj5r5.html?page=1&pageSize=4 Thanks!

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Just placed an order for the book! :)

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Thank you!

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Thank you!

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Where were the guns? Where were all the rebels? I noticed very quickly that anyone who, before the pandemic, had a reputation as being a rebel completely bought into the BS. How many of those edgy, don't tread on me rock and rollers stood strong? Springsteen? Young? It's easy to be a rebel when it's chic and the cost of being one is low. It's easy to have tats and green hair and wear an edgy t-shirt. Much harder to actually stand up when the going gets REALLY tough!

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Yes! All those blustery 2nd Amendment supporters came up short when it really mattered. Does anyone from their ranks disagree with this statement?

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they are still doing 'cases' and PCR tests rather than 'has anyone noticed more people dying that usual'. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-05/canberra-hospitals-bring-back-masks-as-covid-increases/103933384

nonetheless covid and all variants are still a bioweapon. maybe it fizzled. baby steps for the gene rapers.


if there are more people dying, it is easy in auopsies to determine if jab spikes or covid virus and it's spikes.. the absence of the virus cores... https://rense.com/general97/autopsies.php

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Don’t tell me about “the Jews,” or Freemasons, or whatever, secretly waging this continuous war against the People. Whoever is really in charge, presumably without supernatural powers, is managing to subdue a population that dwarfs them.


(((They))) have written countless books and articles bragging about (((their))) conquests in division. Something I am sure you are aware of.

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I understand, Abuse. But neither they, nor any other prospective elite, have super powers. There is no reason why millions obey the nonsensical orders and support the disastrous policies of their masters, whoever they are. I don't believe that those who misrule us are especially brilliant. They just have power. And most of us are incredibly stupid. Thanks.

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Stupid for sure.

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I think there is a reason and it is a slow, methodical process derived by very smart people to purposefully destroy white culture in America by using almost every conceivable divide and conquer method imaginable. Arguing if the Protocols are real or whatever, one must acknowledge their prescience. Whomever wrote those (and I contend they are jewish in origin) knew what was culminating today.

The people directly ruling us are but shabbos goy pawns, agreed, not very bright (in most instances), but are tainted by whatever stink (((they))) have on them. But the ones who control them?

As for Americans, yep. Dumb as rocks. Think of every method (((they))) use to make that happen. Food, Science, Society, etc, etc.

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Thanks Don for keeping us awake to the tyranny. Fear is the mind killer. Jesus told us numerous times "fear not" all throughout the Bible. Knowledge of the Bible is the basis for the American form of government. Our founders knew their Bibles. But despite the Reformation, we're still not clear on understanding of the Bible. Satan still has a strong influence on the numerous church denominations, and we can't seem to get it together. There are many forms of religion that deny the power thereof.

We are supposed to worship in spirit AND truth. Thus, we miss out on many blessings and encouragements of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments." Yet most churches still don't even keep the one of the Ten Commandments (the 4th) He wrote, that begins with the word, Remember. https://www.amazingfacts.org/media-library/study-guide/e/4983/t/written-in-stone-

People choose a church for the wrong reasons: they were raised and have always gone there, they like the pastor, the music, the ornate, gorgeous sanctuary, the social programs, etc.

Here is an excellent sermon on how to choose a church:

The Most Sought After Secret in the Bible - Pastor Brian McMahon, (who was raised a Catholic.)


We are called to obey God rather than men by the Apostle Peter. And we must, rather than submit to tyranny of the state. But even if we do, America may be history. Yet, we should do what we can to defend it until Jesus returns. To understand Bible prophecy about end times, see:

Daniel and Revelation https://www.amazingfacts.org/bible-study/free-gift/o/daniel?s=afpweb

The USA in Bible Prophecy https://www.amazingfacts.org/media-library/study-guide/e/4998/t/the-usa-in-bible-prophecy

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Thanks, Mark!

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Generally agree with everything you said, except for the emphasis on the majority having to wake up. The majority has NEVER woken up in the whole of human history. That's why they're the majority. However, that doesn't actually matter because it's always been a small, committed minority of people who have effected change. I'd also say that although the enemies of freedom have always been strong, We The People have won plenty of victories too. Take the "pandemic". Even as a deeply cynical person, I found the levels of conformity shown by even supposedly intelligent people to be truly scary. However, the fact remains that WE, the 30% of people who refused to knuckle under, defeated the psychopaths behind this. I remember at the time many on our side saying that the digital passes were here to stay, that there would be mass famine because of the (deliberately) destroyed supply chains, and a whole mass of other things. None of these happened. We beat it and the truth about the vaxxes is appearing in even mainstream publications like the UK Daily Telegraph. There are going to be some horrible battles ahead that we have to win. But don't waste energy trying to convert the majority of people whom we rightly call sheep. As long as there is a dedicated minority willing to fight, then there is hope.

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You're right, Steghorn. Only a small percentage of the colonists wanted to go to war for independence. However, that included the One Percent of their day. Numbers would be crucial today, because we would have virtually no one on our side who had a large public platform, fame, or great wealth. Thanks.

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Very true, Donald. It's a different ball game today

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but maybe 5-10% supported the 'troops', and surely the silent majority did not dob them in. Convict code and all that / Australian version.

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According to Blacks law dictionary, resisting unlawful arrest, your own or anyone else's, is everyone's duty, which even includes killing the police if necessary.. As far as I'm concerned that makes every resisting arrest law invalid.

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If you watch the plethora of cops gone wild videos out there, it really is amazing that more of them haven't been killed during those situations they needlessly escalated. Thanks, Edgar.

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They're not the brightest either.

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You are welcome. I see it as my duty to inform people. The odd snippet enhancing a good article can be very powerful. I don't write on my own because I don't have much time, and I don't want to be Rittered, as I plan to leave the US, and probably never come back. Misess/Rockwell/ Rothbard are my load star. You are very important to the human race. Keep up the good work, and thank you for all you do!

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That's very kind of you to say, Edgar. Thanks!

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