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You'll love this, Don. From ABC, Channel 7 network, news, NY City, several days ago. Wildwood, NJ is a renowned NJ shore town. In its heyday it was beautiful but like everything else its gone to Hell in a hand-basket. On Memorial Day, which officially kicks off the Jersey Shore season drawing huge crowds, the mayor of Wildwood declared a state of emergency, ordered the boardwalk shut down, and the Wildwood police requested and received additional cops from adjacent towns to subdue the crisis. The reason? According to the newscasters, it was, "groups of unruly children." Are you fucking kidding me?! There can be only one real explanation. These groups of "unruly children" were in fact organized gangs of non-Whites from urban ghettos who were violently assaulting and robbing the vacationers there. The lying newscasters, at the behest of their communist overlords, consistently obfuscate and cover up the war on Whites by the Untermenschen to negate any White backlash or resistance. The communist modus operandi has always been to give criminal thugs and predators free reign to terrorize and intimidate the citizenry, and the communists, the strike force of the Ruling Class, billionaire oligarchs, have long since seized the reigns of state power in the U.S. Such a major falsification and propaganda coup as consummated in this sordid tale would have made Papa Joe Stalin of the USSR green with envy. Thanks again, Don, and be well.

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Wildwood, NJ was the place my parents took the children for summer vacation every year, Hereticdrummer. Of course, this was a long time ago, before I was born. By the time I came along so late in life, they had pretty much stopped vacationing lol. By using codewords like this, or "youth" to cloak the reality, we are again not acknowledging the problem, let alone trying to address it. Ghetto culture is a huge problem which impacts us all. And it's not "racist" to say it. Thanks.

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The only way to address the problem is to eliminate with extreme prejudice those who are unleashing these sub-humans on us, those that are covering it up, and those perpetrating these crimes of violence and genocide. Monsters and demons only understand pain and superior force. No petitioning, pleading, whining or voting is going to do anything. To the enemy that is contemptible weakness. The National Socialists didn't implore the communists to cease ripping Germany asunder, they pulverized them. This is war without mercy. If we don't treat it as such with appropriate reactions, we can all bend over and kiss our asses goodbye. You're welcome, Don, and thanks again.

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