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Glad someone else commented on the absent role that guns played in the resistance to unlawful "COVID" lockdowns, "mandates" and toxic shots. Where were those guns when all these were taking place? Some may have been cowed into submission or brainwashed into compliance by the wall-to-wall propaganda, too.

(I still put "COVID" inside quotation marks because I don't believe any "pandemic" existed - just a fake one did based on misused, abused PCR method and deadly hospital protocols and saturation of media by a fake fear-mongering narrative that far too many succumbed to.)

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You're right about "COVID," An Observer. If you haven't done so, please read my "Masking the Truth: How COVID-19 Destroyed Civil Liberties and Shut Down the World," the most shadow banned book in the world. Thanks!

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Hi, Don. Just a side note about the pandemic and social conformity. We here in Switzerland are probably the only nation on Earth who have had a chance to vote directly on Covid issues. Yet, three - THREE - times we've voted to keep the Covid emergency measures in place till 2032 despite the fact that the emergency for which the measures were created has long ended. Next week we get the chance to vote on a law that will give the individual total power over their own body and ban another party from forcing medication on them. I truly hope that people vote for this, but also have a bad feeling.

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I'm sorry to hear that, Steghorn. But not surprised. The COVID psyop demonstrated that people are gullible and indoctrinated to obey authority all over the world. Thanks.

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Ooh, thank you for the recommendation! Available on Amazon? Or elsewhere?

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Amazon disappeared the Kindle version, and Barnes & Noble just took the book off its web site. The best place to get it is here: https://www.lulu.com/shop/donald-jeffries/masking-the-truth/paperback/product-grj5r5.html?page=1&pageSize=4 Thanks!

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Just placed an order for the book! :)

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Thank you!

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Thank you!

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Where were the guns? Where were all the rebels? I noticed very quickly that anyone who, before the pandemic, had a reputation as being a rebel completely bought into the BS. How many of those edgy, don't tread on me rock and rollers stood strong? Springsteen? Young? It's easy to be a rebel when it's chic and the cost of being one is low. It's easy to have tats and green hair and wear an edgy t-shirt. Much harder to actually stand up when the going gets REALLY tough!

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Yes! All those blustery 2nd Amendment supporters came up short when it really mattered. Does anyone from their ranks disagree with this statement?

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they are still doing 'cases' and PCR tests rather than 'has anyone noticed more people dying that usual'. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-05/canberra-hospitals-bring-back-masks-as-covid-increases/103933384

nonetheless covid and all variants are still a bioweapon. maybe it fizzled. baby steps for the gene rapers.


if there are more people dying, it is easy in auopsies to determine if jab spikes or covid virus and it's spikes.. the absence of the virus cores... https://rense.com/general97/autopsies.php

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