The tyranny of his troops is the same in every war, not just his and what exactly was his control over the terrible things that footloose soldiers do in the field? Viet Nam was the same, rape, murder, assignations, Souvenirs’ taken like ears. No this was not just the nature of Lincolns war only; this is standard fare of any war and all w…
The tyranny of his troops is the same in every war, not just his and what exactly was his control over the terrible things that footloose soldiers do in the field? Viet Nam was the same, rape, murder, assignations, Souvenirs’ taken like ears. No this was not just the nature of Lincolns war only; this is standard fare of any war and all wars. Do you know who Major General Smedley Darlington Butler was? This is a rhetorical question because I am sure that you do not know! He was the most decorated soldier in the history of this country with three medals of honor. He was the Marine Corp commander just prior to and after the turn of the 20th century. He wrote a little book called war is a racket and if you have not read this book then you should! I bet you if you asked any young or old Marine who he was, they would have no idea. This is what the deep state does with truth tellers! He was also approached by wall street to perpetrate a coup against the Rosvelt government, but he whistle blew the scheme and guess what happened to the perpetrators? Nothing happened!
The tyranny of his troops is the same in every war, not just his and what exactly was his control over the terrible things that footloose soldiers do in the field? Viet Nam was the same, rape, murder, assignations, Souvenirs’ taken like ears. No this was not just the nature of Lincolns war only; this is standard fare of any war and all wars. Do you know who Major General Smedley Darlington Butler was? This is a rhetorical question because I am sure that you do not know! He was the most decorated soldier in the history of this country with three medals of honor. He was the Marine Corp commander just prior to and after the turn of the 20th century. He wrote a little book called war is a racket and if you have not read this book then you should! I bet you if you asked any young or old Marine who he was, they would have no idea. This is what the deep state does with truth tellers! He was also approached by wall street to perpetrate a coup against the Rosvelt government, but he whistle blew the scheme and guess what happened to the perpetrators? Nothing happened!