"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Mao Zedong.
The well researched article by DJ points out who has real political power; the people with the guns. This is why the Founders of the uSA put in the 2nd Amendment.
In Seattle, the first order given to the Japanese Americans in WWII was to surrender their weapons including Samurai swords.
"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Mao Zedong.
The well researched article by DJ points out who has real political power; the people with the guns. This is why the Founders of the uSA put in the 2nd Amendment.
In Seattle, the first order given to the Japanese Americans in WWII was to surrender their weapons including Samurai swords.
I think Our Lord was actually being Ironic, but most Christians don't seem to get that. God Created the Heavens and the Earth. That is what I told the EPA guy when he was complaining about my repairing flood damage along a stream.
Our lord told Pontius Pilate that all authority comes from God. All political authority only has power within a defined jurisdiction- be that territorial, moral, or phylogenic.
Modern political authority thinks it is God, and can create its own reality.
The EPA guy, besides telling me that trees grow in the middle of streams (which they do not- most trees will not put down roots in saturated soil) also said that their mandate allows them to regulate activity along all stream banks to save endangered species. I told him that copperheads are not an endangered species, and that I was removing the debris to discourage the copperheads so they would not eat his endangered turtles, lizards, and salamanders. I also noted how the debris was causing the creek to cut into the opposite bank, which would ultimately endanger the highway bridge. A guy from the army corps of engineers agreed with all my logic.
Bit the upshot of all this was they were obviously monitoring my activities with the Baltimore Blimp. I learned what clouds block the frequencies and worked subsequently only when they were in the sky.
White Wolf: The EPA guy was nuts to think that trees grow in the middle of streams. He crazy!
I've never heard of the Baltimore Blimp. Is it up there to count the daily criminals in the city? LOL. Baltimore is Crime City. I was watching the NFL game of the Seahawks at Baltimore and the TV showed a shot of a busy restaurant on the Baltimore waterfront. It must have been Hooters as that's the only business left there. I guess the thieves leave Hooters alone.
if you want to be dumber than dumb just go to college. That is what the EPA guy did.
In America there are three types of Masonic Rituals: Televised Sports, Hollywood, and Voting.
Yes, the Baltimore Blimp is for real. I am sure other cities have their blimps too, but I have seen lots of research on Baltimore's. They claim that on a good day with an unobstructed view it can watch the fleas on the dogs in Conshohoken.
"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Mao Zedong.
The well researched article by DJ points out who has real political power; the people with the guns. This is why the Founders of the uSA put in the 2nd Amendment.
In Seattle, the first order given to the Japanese Americans in WWII was to surrender their weapons including Samurai swords.
In the Jungle, Political Power is from the barrel of a gun.
In Christendom, Political Power is the Eternal law of God.
We have been in the jungle for quite some time.
White Wolf: I believe your point is what Christ was saying when he said, "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's..."
Christ doesn't believe in violence as a solution.
I think Our Lord was actually being Ironic, but most Christians don't seem to get that. God Created the Heavens and the Earth. That is what I told the EPA guy when he was complaining about my repairing flood damage along a stream.
Our lord told Pontius Pilate that all authority comes from God. All political authority only has power within a defined jurisdiction- be that territorial, moral, or phylogenic.
Modern political authority thinks it is God, and can create its own reality.
White Wolf: What was the EPA guy's reaction?
The EPA guy, besides telling me that trees grow in the middle of streams (which they do not- most trees will not put down roots in saturated soil) also said that their mandate allows them to regulate activity along all stream banks to save endangered species. I told him that copperheads are not an endangered species, and that I was removing the debris to discourage the copperheads so they would not eat his endangered turtles, lizards, and salamanders. I also noted how the debris was causing the creek to cut into the opposite bank, which would ultimately endanger the highway bridge. A guy from the army corps of engineers agreed with all my logic.
Bit the upshot of all this was they were obviously monitoring my activities with the Baltimore Blimp. I learned what clouds block the frequencies and worked subsequently only when they were in the sky.
The EPA eventually just faded away.
White Wolf: The EPA guy was nuts to think that trees grow in the middle of streams. He crazy!
I've never heard of the Baltimore Blimp. Is it up there to count the daily criminals in the city? LOL. Baltimore is Crime City. I was watching the NFL game of the Seahawks at Baltimore and the TV showed a shot of a busy restaurant on the Baltimore waterfront. It must have been Hooters as that's the only business left there. I guess the thieves leave Hooters alone.
if you want to be dumber than dumb just go to college. That is what the EPA guy did.
In America there are three types of Masonic Rituals: Televised Sports, Hollywood, and Voting.
Yes, the Baltimore Blimp is for real. I am sure other cities have their blimps too, but I have seen lots of research on Baltimore's. They claim that on a good day with an unobstructed view it can watch the fleas on the dogs in Conshohoken.