Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

"Holocaust" was copyrighted for the exclusive use of the YouKnowWho's, Donald. HOW DARE YOU attempt to claw it from their clutches. Six million is a holocaust, 25 million Russians/Cossacks or 50 million Chinese are forgotten statistics.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Dear Donald,first I want to please excuse me again because my poor English,because as you know , although I was living 17 years in North America,I came back to Spain 13 years ago,and I don't speak English with anybody here. So moving to the issue you talk about, yes this is a prison planet for those who believe in the system or follow their standards for whatever reason,and they are the mayority,so what can we expect,injustice and crimes in a lower or higher scale everywhere. The seed of the serpent is inside of many inhabitants of this planet. Someone said that if Yeheshua will come back to Earth now ,He still will be cruxified again,for talking about one scary thing for many, that's loving each other. What this tell me is that evil is pervading society and lures inside people's hearts and minds. People love violent action movies where everybody is shooting at each other. Also people love slavery in a masochist perverted way. So you are right, Truth and Freedom lovers as you,me and others,we are the worse type of " terrorists" for the system. But I believe we have Divine protection,call me naif but I'm convinced we have an armor of Light and angels who protect us. We were born to be wild,we can't be domesticated,and that feel so freaking good !!!! Let's keep the good job brother .May everyone in every world be happy.

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There are some deep, deep rabbit holes in this article. Let's start with Ferdinand Marcos. This mas was not whisked to a prison in Hawaii because he won an election. No, this man was whisked to a prison in Hawaii because he was stealing the CIA's Gold Reserves that the Japanese had deposited for them with its operation Golden Lily. You see, when they called it the "Pacific Theatre" that was completely accurate. Emperor Hirohito's Bad Guys bombed Pearl Harbor, which was filled with antiquated battleships and destroyers, sunk half of those, shot up some antiquated P-40 Warhawks for effect, (but did not bother to shoot down the expensive B-17's- they were apparently off limits), but did not do a follow up attack and bomb the infrastructure into oblivion, which would HAVE REALLY CRIPPLED a US response. And, of course, MacArthur slept while the Japanese began their Philippine Operation- that was all part of the plan, because the Japanese would "conquer" the Philippines so that they could deposit gold looted from all across the Pacific rim for the CIA which was scheduled to be created after the war, after the building up of a massive "OSS" "intelligence infrastructure". I could also discuss all the other Hoy Poloy that occurred in the Pacific Theatre, such as the Assassination of Admiral Isoruku Yamamoto and JFK's adventures on PT-109. Yes, it was all Pacific Theatre.

But let's move to the what is now playing"- Gaza Theatre. Because yes, those Dirty Hamas operatives had to hang glide across the border and rocket stations in Gaza used Israeli attack helicopters for target practice and, apparently, IDF soldiers shot up their own civilians while "saving" them from the Evil Hamas so that NetaYahoo now has an excuse to bomb and invade what is essentially an open air prison- the Gaza Strip. This is Dresden and Hamburg combined, the only difference is that "ground boots" will also take part in the atrocities.

Between what Gary Webb and Senator DeCamp wrote, if you have not realized that the last 50 years has been a process of turning the North American Continent- scratch that- the world- into an open air prison- you have not been paying attention. We do not live on a planet, but if we did, Infowars would be spot on.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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The bottom line is, if some have not realized it yet, governments are by far the worst invention of man.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

one heck of an intelligent man for a mere community college dropout!

and one downside if you call it that, of the recent cruise was noting the tattoos covering every inch of the passengers obese bodies, not so much the former but the later

used to be tattoos were somewhat a sign of rebellion --- not any more, it seems the naked skinned ones are the rebels?

but geez, this society definitively has a weight problem

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I forgot to add in comment below, when abortion was first made legal here, AIPAC took us to court for using the term holocaust of infanticide. It was thrown out, but it demonstrates the lengths these vicious lunatics will go to. Telling what words the goyim can and cannot use!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Absolutely agree with you Bruce,time is an illusion, we live in eternity in parallel dimensions,I know that because I have often premonitory dreams,so if I can see the future,it obviously exist already. I was an Spanish teacher for a while,no Latino Spanish but castillian Spanish, the real thing. To speak in another language is a mind opener because you need to learn to think in a different way , which is a wonderfull experience. Yeheshua is here with us, always was and always will be because we all are One,when we overcome the illusion of separation. In Lakesh.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Dictators can do what they like for all our Government dares. Until that is, they commit the unforgivable sin of not playing ball with Washington. Let me ask, since the inception of the Jewish State, how much money have they gotten from the US? I’d love to hear that figure

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As bad as it seems it could actually be worse. At least we get "yard time." At least until the next "emergency."

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I tell my college aged kids .......... It's ALL Bullshit .... even the stuff you agree with ...............

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I remember like yesterday when I first learned about the Japanese internment camps. At age 15, I was with my dad in the car listening to talk radio, and the subject came up. I was gobsmacked...almost in a state of shock. What shocked me so much is that I could reach age 15, and had never heard of of this before. Of course, this was long before I realized true history was hidden. It took another five years for me to learn about the German and Italian camps.

Indian Reservations are supposed to be self governing and independent... supposedly they dont have to abide by "our" laws. Right now they have a golden opportunity to escape the US madness ..by just not going along with it. Unfortunately, the same thing happens on Indian reservations that happens in our world. They get an ambitious small group at the leadership level, who are there forever. These are the small group who have been indoctrinated in higher education. The ones who should ACTUALLY be in the leadership positions are those who have never had anything to do with outside America.

We had a case here where a decades-successful Indian resort had to close because it was so badly mismanaged, and large sums of money went missing. All the Indians were asking: How could this happen, and why did we keep voting those leaders back in power, year after year? Of all groups in the US, Indians (Native Americans) had one of the largest uptakes of the Jonestown jabs. Considering their history of genocide by American leadership, this makes no sense at all. They are as sold-out by their leaders as we are. I once heard one Indian call these leaders: "Loafers around the fort"... only concerned with what they can get from larger America society, instead of rejecting the entire rotten thing. Imho, they should be looking at the Amish as role models. I hope during the fast approaching colypse of the Untied States, clear thinking will prevail on the reservations, and they will declare ACTUAL independence, and close their borders.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Brilliant, brilliant, and brilliant!!! A perfect perspective encapsulating so many major injustices; a perfect indictment of decades of vile humans in power. We as a species had so much potential for good; what a pity.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Excellent, Don. Sadly accurate.

To monitor the Amerikan Polizei Stadt in all of its gory:


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Only one word is needed to describe the human condition: Slavery: The differences between a slave and a prisoner are just cosmetic. Everyone, with the rarest of exceptions, is plugged into this dystopian, cyber-hive of degeneracy, exploitation, and oppression. At best we can laugh at them. I think of that excellent cartoon, "The Last Great Act of Defiance" wherein an eagle is swooping down, talons bared, upon a small rodent like creature which is standing facing it, scant seconds away from oblivion, and giving the raptor the middle finger, arm held high. There are so many laws, you break a bunch just by getting out of bed in the morning. I think there are over 4 million of them in the U.S. How many do you think could pass constitutional muster? I'd say less than one percent. That is De-mock-racy for you. The U.S. has long been actually communist. The benchmark of communism is to let violent predators run wild to intimidate and control the masses while dealing extremely harshly with any dissidents. That is exactly the situation here. Actually, Mob leaders are more honorable than the government swine. They may be killers but when they give their word on something it is a lock, unlike the mendacious political scum. The so-called "Nazi" death camps were internment and work camps. Why would they have hospitals and recreational facilities in them if their purpose was to starch all of the inmates? Now I don't doubt that many Jews died because of them. The entrance to all of the camps had large signs hanging overhead that read, "Work Will Make You Free". When the Jews saw the word "work", they clutched their chests and dropped dead on the spot. Work is anathema to the Tribe, as parasites they live off the work of the Goyim. Gates Schwab, Fauci etc. ad nauseum, all of the gofers for the Hidden Hand that is rapidly destroying us and this world, should not be incarcerated. They should be impaled on pikes while still breathing and left to rot. Then rats can finish their remains, if they can do it without puking. My salutations for a powerful and excellent piece, Don.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

So many hypocritical inconsistencies and outright deceptions coming from American leadership! You have to wonder why we follow these criminal leaders. Turns out we don't. They just do what they want, and we are mostly powerless to stop them. As I like to say, "There is very little we can do... ... so we should get started doing very little!" Even small efforts at resistance and opposition can have an effect. What starts an avalanche? Just a few snowflakes shift a little, causing others to move, and before you know it, the whole mountain side is roaring down with unstoppable force! How I long to see a human avalanche bury the sociopaths running our criminal government! May the Force be with us.

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"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Mao Zedong.

The well researched article by DJ points out who has real political power; the people with the guns. This is why the Founders of the uSA put in the 2nd Amendment.

In Seattle, the first order given to the Japanese Americans in WWII was to surrender their weapons including Samurai swords.

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