On Miles Mathis. I've talked about this before, but years ago, he wrote about me and the late, great Dave McGowan. He insinuated that neither of us was real. Called us "ghosts." Said we were controlled opposition. I tried to get Mathis on my "I Protest" show. He blew me off like he was a legendary Oscar winner, declaring that he "doesn't do interviews."
Miles Mathis just might be. It is becoming harder and harder to identify the shills- many of them really know how to act.
Interesting Joel ... you probably know more about it than I do. Where might I find this information? ~~ j ~~
I had a short email interaction with Mathis several years ago, which gave me the impression that he is controlled opposition.
On Miles Mathis. I've talked about this before, but years ago, he wrote about me and the late, great Dave McGowan. He insinuated that neither of us was real. Called us "ghosts." Said we were controlled opposition. I tried to get Mathis on my "I Protest" show. He blew me off like he was a legendary Oscar winner, declaring that he "doesn't do interviews."