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In the final analysis, the Indians were bought off. I knew quite a few Indians. They get their subsidies and welfare. They spend it on sex and booze. Just go camp for a week in Chinle. Even the dogs know how to beg properly.

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The aunt of my best friend (now deceased) was the leader of their tribe for many years. She died last May at the age of 99... most likely from the clot shot, because she was in good shape, with no obvious health problems, and died unexpectedly. She was the quintessential "loafer around the fort"...always jetting off to the DC Swamp to hobnob with all the important people; getting photographed with all the Democratic presidents; on first name basis with almost everyone important in Oregon politics. I knew two of her kids fairly well, and conversations with her daughter usually started something like this: "I heard your mom on the radio again, this time it was the BBC".

I was highly interested in everything written about her after her death. I know how it always goes with well known folks...the "saint" treatment. That family fought more among themselves than any family I ever met. She was a difficult, demanding person. She was estranged from those of her ten children still living. Well, of course, she got the saint treatment...but all the bouquets were coming from her White political friends. Certainly no family members were asked for comments (maybe any comment couldn't be printed?). All the obituary said was: she gave birth to ten children. It didn't even mention if any had predeceased her...or any grandchildren. Didn't anyone else find this odd? It doesn't matter what ethnic group you come from, if you play by the rules of the PTB, you will be rewarded...but on a very short leash.

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You would think a person that had thirteen children and lived into her '90's would know better than to get the clot shot. At any rate, I would be curious if she had all those children from one husband, or several. At any rate, I can only guess that all the bad qualities of the Swamp are going to rub of on a person. If I had ever been photographed with a president... well, that is certainly not something to be proud of. At this point, I'm guessing that all the "important people" in DC are swindlers, pederasts, and worse.

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Her ten kids were all from her one husband.

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Well, that is good news. So I think what one has here is a myopic, narcissistic useful idiot who has been fooled by Sheepledom, but at least she was not a Satanist. Just utterly stupid. Lots of those out there, although, as this progresses, I don't see how people are going to be able to plead innocence. You have to have no moral bearings going forwatd.

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