Mar 10, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Buffalo-horned guy is NOT in prison. They don’t jail agent provocateurs. As he was clearly chosen to play the “crazed” leader of the “insurrection,” thereby enabling the mainstream to paint anyone who questions the validity of the election as equally loony (by association), any “story” about him is a lie. He’s clearly NOT in prison because, to repeat, they don’t jail actors. Otherwise, the actors wouldn’t sign up. The media TELLS you these “insurrectionists” are in jail to scare you and any other potential protestors.

And Sicknick, we know, wasn’t killed during the fake event. But we’re to believe he died the next day? Huh?! Like saying Covid was a psyop (yes, it was), with the draconian responses all designed to get you to take the killer jabs (indeed). But, ya know, the virus is still real. lol

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

"Tucker Carlson produced the most incredible mainstream journalism I have ever seen" - I totally agree. Also, "What every real investigative journalist should be asking is; what are the odds of four officers associated with that even committing suicide? But those questions aren’t allowed." I can think of only one reason the 4 would commit suicide and that is that THEY DIDN'T; instead they were likely 'suicided' because they wouldn't go along with the hoax. If some FBI thug put a gun to my head and said 'shoot yourself or we'll kill your children - or go along with the hoax", I'd be the 5th guy.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

What an excellent article! Thank you.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Funny, I'm listening to Max Blumenthal on Jimmy Dore talking about this very story right now. I guess it is a big story, won't chalk this one up to synchronicity. We had similar political prisoners (and still do) in Canada over the trucker convoy.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Anyone who is "allowed" on national media is not to be trusted, FULL STOP.

1. They are either actively promoting a false narrative (propaganda) or,

2. They are using a blend of truth and lies (gate keeping), or

3. They are unknowingly being used to provide a particular narrative that they truly believe. (peer pressure)

All three are not to be trusted. Given the fact that they are ALLOWED to report or discuss on these controlled platforms is all we need to know.

Don, you of all people should know. You were an authoritative source (expert) and you were too close to the truth so you were removed from the approved list of commenters at the last minute.

To put it another way, if you were a director of a movie, would you even remotely allow your actors to go far off script? Of course not. Why do we think that those handful of controlling interests would do any different? We emphatically know it's scripted from the top. We repeatedly see the evidence over and over again, yet somehow we want to believe that this time its different.

This is unbelievably sophisticated psychological warfare. Total mind control operations. And it doesn't take a vast army of operatives, even though it was reported the Air Force alone has 50k active intel agents operating on the web. It only takes a few at the top to shape the narrative, the middle to follow along for financial or social pressures, and the rest just parrot the lines and themes because that's what we do.

It works across all spectrums and divisions. We all have this capacity to "believe our lying eyes". Almost no one can even prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that anything has happened on a national scale. For example the train wreck in ohio? were you there? So we are required to put trust in something someone else said or video they made. And let's face it, we can fake audio and video that is indistinguishable from reality. Multiply this across our information overloaded lives and it gets scary. Now we can barely even take the time to think about one story critically much less the bombardment of info that rains over us.

Most people are going to fall into category 3. They're the most sincere, they're passionate, they come across to others in their target audience as trustworthy. They really do believe what they're saying. But it's really easy to use these people to further the agenda of division, misdirection, and distraction. And it trickles down stream. We believe them, we start parroting the message, others believe us, so on.

So what's to be done? Ignore it. It's mostly irrelevant anyway. I could care less about Jan 6th because it's theater and it has no bearing on my life whatsoever. Civil protests are stupid and those that participate are just being duped into wasting their energy and being used as props. The last real protest in the US was Occupy Wall street and we saw how that ended. All around the world these poor sheep let off some steam and think they've done something, but it never accomplishes anything at all. No policy or politician has ever changed because retards hold signs.

Most of us are too lazy, too addicted to the drama, to our points of view, and too chickenshit to actually protest where it counts. By disobeying petty tyrants, by refusing to participate, by withdrawing your support and your money. If we stopped paying attention they would lose it. Why do you think Tucker is such a grounding rod at the moment? Because no one is paying attention to the rest of them. That's not an accident. No one watches regular cable news besides a few wack jobs. If we stopped voting altogether in national elections it would reveal the Emperor has no Clothes. We should direct our energies into getting into power where we actually have some pull, like your school boards, your county commissions, your sheriffs dept's. Local radio stations and small time newspapers. Places where Soros, the ADL, the FBI and all the other Jewish power centers don't have complete dominance. You notice that those groups have in fact already begun targeting those areas. The rest are locked up. They purposely get everyone worked up and divided on issues that none of have a hope to change. Even dog catcher's races might be too much for us soon enough, so get more local. How about where you work? Tell your bosses to pound sand when they "require" masks or "diversity training" Get your fellows to see the ridiculousness of calling Peter Pamela because he's had a mental breakdown. Tell them they're likely to die if they get another jab. If they push back, at least you know who to avoid. Work in small groups. Discourage talk of national importance or the story of the day and bring it back to things that matter in your town and in your lives. If it's too much and can't be avoided, sow the seeds of doubt. It's not hard once you practice. Mockery is powerful. Showing the emperor has no clothes is contagious. The benefit of pinpoint focus is that your enemies are just as likely to be focused on those big picture distractions as well. So you make an end run around them like they've been doing to us forever. Here's something encouraging. If we can spread this message to ONE person and teach them to do the same the power of exponential comes into play. Now that's powerful.

So Tune Out, Turn Off, and Re-focus.

End of Rant

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Doesn't matter if they debunk the whole thing, there's no rule of law any more anyway. There were so many spooks in that place, anybody running around in there was just being set up. The DOJ, FBI, IRS

all the alphabet agencies are just the modern day Pretorian Guard protecting the Caeser's from all the


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Don, this is redundant, like Carlson's great "revelation" of CIA complicity in the killing of the King of Camelot. (Yawn). I knew there was government/Insider involvement in that when it happened and I was in Junior High School. Like I knew the first time the hybrid, tranny, Channel 7 newscaster Liz Cho started screeching about a Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China back in Feb. 2020 it was a contrived hoax. Like I knew 9/11 was Mossad/CIA/Organized Crime, planned and orchestrated the day the towers came down. And like I knew that anyone who actually believed that was a real insurrection on Jan. 6th instead of contrived theater, (the consequences for the participants notwithstanding) with concomitant belief in the sincerity of that pathetic and dangerous clown/actor, Trump, is hopelessly retarded. On and on, ad infinitum. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together should be able to immediately see through the horse manure that is constantly thrown at us in this Talmudic, Freemasonic, fun-house of mendacity and perversion known as America. Unfortunately, the vast majority of denizens in the land of the fee and the home of the slave most definitely do not have two brain cells to rub together. I quoted him before and it bears repeating. The late, great Eustace Mullins said, never trust anyone who is allowed to appear on television. He didn't elaborate as to why but the reason is as obvious as the nose on your face. Television is completely owned and controlled by our racial enemies. You know, that nefarious, Turkic/Mongol tribe that wants nothing more than for Caucasians to be wiped from the face of the earth. There is as much of a chance of an honest, integrous champion of white people given TV access as there is of a reincarnation of Adolph Hitler being ordained Grand Rabbi of orthodox Jewry in Jerusalem.

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"The focus should be on what was reported, not who reported it." I'll take any win they're willing to give us even if it's their attempt to trap us down the road. Then we can just blow up the road. Those playing both sides will be weeded out eventually, but I don't like them in the fox hole with me.

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Absolutely one of your best articles yet. I've never agreed more. Outstanding!!! Maybe the policemen died of covid? Tucker and Fox are great. It's a serious serious shame how blind and dumb the sheeple are.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

🗣️"As George Orwell wrote in 1984, “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” This is what our leaders are doing. And it’s never been more obvious than in the case of the January 6 footage." 🎯

Wonderful piece. I always appreciate your perspective and bravery for sharing it.

Sharyl Attkisson's journalism, unwavering determination to shine the light on the darkness, truth seeking & sharing- like yours, is a rarirty. 💎 Thank you.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

It's ludicrous to claim there was 44,000 hours of videos for a 4 hour event.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Donald, this is a terrific piece, very insightful and classic journalism at its finest.

That's refreshing, something one cannot find in the NYT or WAPO, etc., et. al., and inter alia too, unfortunately.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Good post Donald. US citizens with their eyes open, know that we have as many or more enemies living in the US as anywhere else in the world. Per the ole saying. The enemy lives within the camp. And from henceforth in this mind. Whatever evil or causality that happens to one or more US citizens in the US or abroad, and is blamed on another country or citizens thereof. The first people I will be looking at are the US citizen traitors and domestic terrorists, including the unhinged rent-a-mobs.

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The man makes magic with a scalpel made from words and paragraphs! Excellent work sir!

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I couldn't identify the cop shown to be Sicknick. He was too far away and covered by a helmet. I'm afraid that footage doesn't make the case.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Found you via the link you posted on Naomi's letter.

Good stuff.

I posted this on my blog: https://goldtradercommentsaugust2010.blogspot.com/

Share it

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